The sun is high

Chapter 464 Felix’s Wonderful Journey

In the past few days, Felix's concerns about spies and traitors within the Dawn Society have been gradually verified.

Messages and alerts from many different directions indicate that a considerable amount of intelligence has indeed been leaked within the Dawn Society. This information involves all aspects of the Dawn Society's activities, from personnel mobilization in frontline areas to arrangements for some logistical supply lines. And then to some of Dawn Society’s long-term strategies on the home front...

Fortunately, so far, this intelligence has not caused too direct and obvious losses, and some of the more sensitive and dangerous personnel have not been exposed. However, this is not enough to make the core members of Dawn Society feel Relief, everyone knows that if this matter is not handled properly, then these terrible hidden dangers will eventually turn into fatal wounds, causing Dawn Society to lose every drop of blood.

Faced with such a predicament, as the eyes and sharp blade of the Dawn Society, the Sword of Dawn organization began to shrink inward at an extremely fast speed. Except for people like Wei Lin who really could not withdraw from the enemy's hinterland in a short period of time, a large number of Dawn Society members Members within the Sword suspended the work they were performing and began to return to the rear or undergo review on the spot.

Felix believes that before officially starting to investigate the Dawn Society, the Sword of the Dawn must first ensure its purity.

Fortunately, the review went very smoothly. Including Felix, who was holding a cane, the reviewers were not able to find any hidden dangers of rebellion within the Sword of the Dawn. However, some omissions and wrong methods during the work process were successfully eliminated. Found it out and corrected it promptly.

This result made Felix feel a little relieved, but it also made him more anxious.

Under the current circumstances, to completely verify the purity within the organization, relying solely on human review is obviously not enough, so Felix had to add an additional step to these heart-testing tasks.

A step that only he can complete.

Although Felix is ​​fundamentally an "ordinary person" without magical knowledge or spell-casting abilities, his tenacious connection with the cane and the power within it gives him extremely special and powerful authority.

When this "middle-aged man" with a slim body and a slightly gloomy temperament walks through various places with a cane, an indescribable invisible aura will sweep past like a heavy rain.

In the past, Felix's youthful appearance always made people involuntarily get close to him, and even joke with him from time to time, but now, even close comrades in the past can't help but keep in touch with Felix. Some distance.

This situation made Felix slightly sad.

But fortunately, there is a special group of people who still maintain a close relationship with Felix, and that is the Refugee Agency established by the Dawn Society.

Different from other departments under Dawn Society, the UN Refugee Agency is a new department established based on the refugees and volunteers of St. Steele. Among the personnel responsible for the work of this department, there are a large number of northern residents who have fled from the hinterland of St. Steele. , in the past, some of them were clerks, some were secretaries in the military department, and many were ordinary people living in the villages and towns of St. Steele.

Felix originally thought that the UNHCR was the department most likely to be infiltrated by the Black Sun Society, but when he personally completed the review of the entire UNHCR work with a cane, he was surprised to find that these people were completely pure. It exceeded his expectations, especially those young people who entrusted their younger brothers and sisters to the Dawn Society, and they burst out with unprecedented enthusiasm during their work.

They always welcomed Felix's arrival, and the children were even more than happy to follow him around.

Children used to call Felix "brother" or "sir", but now they all call him "teacher".


After letting out an inaudible sigh, Felix placed the document in his hand on the table.

This document comes from Korlo City in the Kingdom of St. Steele. It was sent by Wei Lin personally. After going through multiple strongholds and informants, it was successfully delivered here. In the document, Felix clearly saw Wei Lin. The amazing achievements achieved by others in Korlo City - these brave intelligence collectors are using all methods to collect the confidential information flowing through Korlo City and successfully pass them out.

Not only that, some scholars whose past files have been erased by Merlin Lehe have even passed the preliminary review of the Black Sun Society. Under the protection of a series of new secret rituals and magic, they will try to reverse the Black Sun Society. permeation of.

Overall, the trend is very favorable for Dawn Society, but behind this trend, there is inevitably a chilling coldness and haze.

This feeling of uneasiness cannot be eliminated through the closeness and trust of children.

Felix's eyes stayed on the cane next to him for two seconds, and then drifted to the document again. In the translated document, he once again saw "Shog Ens" "Special" is a familiar name.

Since Shuge disappeared out of thin air, Felix would inevitably feel emptiness, loss and regret every time he saw this name. Although he did not know enough about extraordinary powers such as magic, he had learned through the scholars and mage advisors in the Dawn Society , but he has clearly understood the danger and difficulty of the situation Xiuge is facing.

Felix, however, was not sad.

As a person who walked out of the hell of Salem City with Shuge, he knew very well what kind of power and enthusiasm was contained in that body that looked like an ordinary young man. Although that kind of enthusiasm It will always be hidden under rigorous logic and cautious behavioral style, but it is precisely because of this that there must be careful calculation and consideration behind every seemingly risky move Shuge makes.

Even if doing so might lead to danger or death.

Felix may be one of the very few people who always maintains a high degree of trust in Shuge within the Dawn Society, even more so than Meyer.

And now, in the document in front of Felix, Weilin once again mentioned Sugar Ernst, but this time, what she gave was no longer an obscure vision or omen of unknown origin, but It is an extremely clear "linking process".

"He is trying to contact us... but this connection is obviously not stable. Maybe it is because of the complex magic environment, or because of other factors that we are not aware of yet, but I can be sure that at a certain moment before, The link was actually established, it was a completely different connection than it had been in the past, and I could see the clear remnants of the will behind it that he was working hard to achieve this goal.”

"In the next period of time, I will work hard to pay attention to this aspect, and please pay more attention to the rear... He is a stubborn and flexible person. If he encounters repeated failures on my side, he may Look for other ways and paths, and among them, those who have been closely related to him or have traces of him need to pay special attention!"

Although these words have become rational and prosaic after being reorganized and translated, Felix is ​​still able to capture the excitement of Vereen when she wrote them.

"There is a close connection..."

Felix repeated these sentences silently in his mouth, and then reached out and picked up the metal cane on the side - it was wiped very clean, but that legendary night still left indelible traces on it.

He put his fingers on those marks and stroked them gently, and invisible and powerful power immediately flowed out from the inside of the cane. They were like running water, flowing towards him along Felix's fingers. After running through a cycle in his body, he returned to the cane with a stable frequency.

Felix was used to this feeling. He knew that the power in the cane was telling him that the situation nearby was very good and there were no betrayers related to the Black Sun Society.

"Just relying on you is definitely not enough..."

He held the cane and shook his head helplessly: "One Felix and one cane are never enough. We need more ways and methods... Victory is still far away."

After saying this, Felix was ready to devote himself to work again. However, before he could put down his cane, the magic power transmitted from the cane suddenly became fierce. The magic power that was originally flowing steadily became stronger. For a moment, it seemed that it had become a tributary that merged with the main trunk of the river. The violent impact penetrated Felix's thin body in an instant and struck hard on his mind.


The violent buzzing made Felix feel painful. He instinctively waved his hand, trying to throw away the metal cane that tortured him. However, at this moment, the magic turned into a terrible adhesive, making the cold The metal stuck tightly to his palm.

Stinging pain and dizziness followed one after another, and the invisible magic turned into a huge hammer, hitting Felix's spiritual world again and again, as if to smash his will into pieces, and in this process, he was infinitely approaching coma. , psychedelic colors and lines gradually appeared in Felix's mind.

First he saw the bright sky.

In the sky, the bright sun that Felix was very familiar with was hanging. It was so real that Felix could even feel the warmth it conveyed. Wrapped in that temperature, Felix began to feel the sun bit by bit. He relaxed a little, but at the next moment, a heavy black haze spread from the depths of the vast canvas, and silt-like filth spread wantonly in the painting, soon tainting everything that was bright.

Before Felix could react, he felt the biting cold wind again. On the northern-style streets, under the gaze of various buildings, teams gathered in the wide square. After stopping for a while, these blurry faces that he couldn't see clearly walked away into the distance in the cold wind.

He was in a trance again, but what emerged was a world that was completely unfamiliar to Felix. He looked at the strange and violently roaring machines in confusion. Before he could figure out their functions, he saw a huge crack suddenly appear in the middle. Then disgusting and horrific colors spurted out like a fountain...

Then, there will be chaos, disaster, death...

All this made Felix feel extremely familiar, but everything mixed in it felt strange to him...

He didn't know how long it took, but the filthiness in the painting finally took over. He saw that in that heavy world, there were some last faint light spots gathered together. After the last violent flash, all these light spots were gone. Annihilation, leaving an undetectable afterglow at the place where they finally gathered.

Just like that, darkness completely filled Felix's mind. He could no longer feel his limbs, couldn't confirm his breathing, and couldn't even touch the boundaries of his thoughts...

Helplessness and panic gathered into a bottomless quagmire, and sticky palms came out of it, dragging Felix down bit by bit.

However, these palms still failed to achieve their wishes.

A dazzling light appeared. It was first an undetectable light spot, and then it turned into several cracks from the light spot, and then it turned into large light spots. The light spots soon connected into one, Felix The separated perception quickly returned, and those light spots finally converged into a concrete scene that could be touched.

The sound of the ocean tide rang in Felix's ears.

His feet were a little weak, but he finally managed to stand firm.

The sound of the tide rang in his ears, waves of sea breeze blew in, and the vast and boundless deck appeared in front of his eyes.

"This is... a ship? How could there be such a big ship?"

Little Felix turned around cautiously, glanced around, and slowly moved two steps. Then he saw the edge of the deck and the endless deep ocean beyond the deck.

"How come there is such a big ship? Where am I?"

After fully controlling his body and senses, questions quickly filled Felix's brain. He instinctively glanced at the metal cane still held in his hand, knowing that his strange "journey" must have something to do with it. Close association.

While I was thinking about it, a large number of buildings suddenly "rose" on both sides of this wide deck. In just a few breaths, this extremely wide deck turned into a street in the city, and At the end of the street, a figure sitting at a table appeared.

After the previous changes, Felix was not immersed in surprise again. He quickly adjusted and walked steadily along this new street towards the end.

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