The 1259 chapters Buffett in the cultural world

The rules are like this. Zhao Tianrui has a total of three pairs, all of which were written by Zhao Yangci himself.

However, over the years, none of the three pairs can be matched.

Most people can’t even solve the first pair.

Zhao Tianrui wrote the upper couplets of these three pairs on a large blackboard.

He said, “These three pairs were found in ancient books when my grandfather was young and indulged in ancient books.”

“Today, no one can match all three pairs.”

“Therefore, the person who can match the first pair can be regarded as a great scholar of literature.”

“If you have two pairs, you can get to know my grandfather.”

“If you can match three pairs, then…this villa #6, you can just take it away.”

“Moreover, you can still meet my grandfather.”


The rich people in the audience were shocked!

They were directly shocked by Zhao Tianrui’s words.

Meet with Zhao Yangci?

Who is Zhao Yangci?

Why Zhao Kangyu was able to establish Tianyu Real Estate and it is so famous in China.

That’s because he has a father named Zhao Yangci.

Zhao Yangci is a master of Chinese studies, and his popularity in the cultural circle is no less than that of Lu Li in the entertainment circle.

Even if it was Sun Hean, when he saw Zhao Yangci, he would call Master Zhao.

It is conceivable that Zhao Yangci is highly respected by many people.

In the business world, how many rich people want to have dinner with Buffett.

However, how many people know that in the business world, how many rich people want to discuss some literary knowledge with Zhao Yangci.

Why did Lao Ma put forward the idea of ​​Tang Seng’s team? That’s because… when he was young, he talked about Journey to the West with Zhao Yangci.

Therefore, to have the opportunity to meet Zhao Yangci, this is for many rich people present.

This temptation is much higher than this No. 6 villa.

All of a sudden, many of the rich and powerful people who originally watched the theater began to take it seriously.

Some people started to call, “Hey, do we have any high-achieving students who graduated from the Department of Literature of Yan University, and bring them all.”

“Anyone in our company who likes ancient Chinese or is interested in couplets, call them all.”

“Hurry up and act, I want our company’s most elite talents to come to Tianyu Real Estate…”

For a time, many rich people present panicked.

And those employees were jealous, when Zhao Tianrui wrote these three pairs.

They have already begun to contemplate.

The upper couplet of this first pair is “lonely, cold window and empty widow.”

This “lonely cold window and empty widow” seems to describe the scene of a widow alone guarding an empty bed.

When the Shanghai League came out, everyone was shocked.

“This Shanghai couplet has hidden mystery!”,

“Yes, it seems very simple at first glance, but everyone pays attention to it, the radicals of this sentence are the same.”

“Yes! Every word is acupoint treasure cover, and the whole sentence describes a sad atmosphere.”

“This…how can this be right!”

It can be said that this first pair made many confident people immediately hit the eggplant like frost.

Many people sighed helplessly,

“Hey, this pair, I can’t be right.”

Lu Li looked at the first Shanghai League pair, and he was stunned.

Lu Li murmured, “Lonely, cold window and empty widow?”

“This… how did this sentence appear here?”

Lu Li had seen this Shanghai couplet because he saw it in the top ten couplets that the system provided him.

But… shouldn’t this sentence appear in the parallel world where the system is?

How could… how could it appear here!

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