The first thousand two hundred and ninety-two chapters: Liao Junjun’s decision

The matter, Lu Li already knew about it seven or eight.

He believed in Wei Zhuo’s ability.

True is true, false is false.

The malicious spread of rumors by those on the Internet is simply untenable.

Once the truth is exposed, these rumors will only be slapped in the face.


Lu Li was not in a hurry to let Wei Zhuo reveal the truth that he found out, he was waiting.


He is testing.

The matter of Hei Luli began to ferment last night, and until today, it has reached the point where everyone knows.


Lu Li did not speak, nor did Liao Junjun.

This made Lu Li wonder if Liao Junjun… did he choose to be silent on purpose.

If this is the case,


Even if Liao Junjun is his brother.

Lu Li would choose to pronounce his death sentence!

Sitting at home, Liao Junjun looked at the rumors about him, Long Xi and Lu Li on the Internet.

Liao Junjun was silent.

If it was usual, when Lu Li was hacked, he would definitely be the first to stand up and support Lu Li.

But now,

When this matter was hooked with Long Xi, he hesitated.

Liao Junjun was very confused.

“what should I do?”

“Brother Lu needs me to clarify, but… why is my heart a little unwilling.”

“Sister Xi, maybe I…I still can’t forget you.”

Thinking of this,

Liao Junjun made a decision!

A trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

Starting at 10 o’clock last night, rumors about Lu Li being a third party and robbing Liao Junjun’s women went viral on the Internet.

Its popularity far surpasses the second most searched list.

In the middle,

Liao Junjun’s fans clamored the most.

As soon as they heard that Lu Li had robbed Liao Junjun’s woman, they immediately started fighting for Liao Junjun.

“Lu Li, how can you do such a thing? Liao Junjun supports you every time you get hacked.”

“Our family army saw you as the eldest brother. But you did something that made him so chilling.”

“The matter has been fermenting for twelve hours, but Liao Junjun didn’t say anything. This shows that this incident really made him sad.”

“My poor Liao Junjun! I will certainly be fair for you.”

Even many passers-by, they saw Liao Junjun’s fans so fiercely.

They couldn’t help but hesitate.

“Could it be that Lu Li really did something like this?”

“No, based on what I know about Lu Li, he shouldn’t be such a talent.”

“Knowing people, knowing faces, don’t know the heart. Lu Li is Liao Junjun’s boss after all. If he fell in love with Liao Junjun’s woman, he might still be able to do such a thing.”


These words were opposed by Lu Li fans.

“Please don’t comment on my Ergouzi at will. What kind of person is he? Are you still questioning?”

“Every time he is hacked, he will not stand up. This time he is silent because he doesn’t want to pay attention to these things.”

“On the contrary, you are fans of Liao Junjun. You are deliberately creating public opinion. What do you intend to do.”

“Rather than scolding our Ergouzi here, it’s better to ask your family Liao Junjun what he really is.”

Ever since,

Two fans, Liao Junjun and Lu Li, directly tore up on the Internet.

Seeing this scene, Lu Li couldn’t help sighing.

“Can’t wait any longer. If things are allowed to go on, it will have extremely bad effects.”

Thinking of this,

Lu Li notified Wei Zhuo,

“Wei Zhuo, you…”

However, at this moment, Lu Li saw the statement made by Liao Junjun on the Internet a minute ago.

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