Chapter 824: Premiere, your name

When something is tied to national honor, this matter becomes extremely important.

On the Internet, netizens believe that the movie “Your Name” is no longer a matter of ‘future animation’.

The success of this movie is closely related to the maturity of China’s animation movies!

“Your Name” will represent China’s animation industry and prove it to the world for the first time.

China Animation, can it go abroad and face the world?

You know, in the history of the domestic box office, “Nezha: The Reincarnation of the Devil” won a total of 4.8 billion box office, ranking first in the box office history of animation.

The second place is “Animal Crazy City”, which has a box office of 1.5 billion in China, ranking second.

However, in the whole world, the box office of the movie “Animal Crazy City” is as high as one billion dollars!

In short, it is more than seven billion soft girls.

Compared with the global box office of “Animal Crazy City”, “Nezha: Reincarnation Devil Boy” is still slightly inferior.

Moreover, the true ability of a movie must be tested by the whole world.

When everyone in the world thinks this movie is good and is willing to contribute to the box office of this movie, then…

This movie is really good!

And this time, “Your Name” is an opportunity to test whether China’s animation is mature or not!

There are many movies released on May 1, among which the highly anticipated is the suspense film “Manslaughter” produced by the director Chen Cheng.

And the animation film “Your Name” produced by ‘Future Animation’, a subsidiary of Future Entertainment.

And at the end of last year’s Hollywood fire, the anime movie “Frozen 2”, which won a billion dollars.

Of course, in addition to these three movies, there are dozens of movies released on May 1st.

No way, this day is a holiday!

There are more young people who will go to the movies.

Compared with the movie “Manslaughter”, “Future Animation” is most worried about this movie “Ice Adventure 2”.

Because, when “Frozen Adventure 1” was released, “Frozen Adventure 1” won more than 500 million box office.

Although the box office is not high, for a few years ago, this is undoubtedly a popular animation film in China.

With its excellent picture quality, it has attracted a large number of fans.

Of course, these fans are relatively young.

However, there is no way to stop it, and the second part of “Frozen Adventure 2” has become a big hit before it is released.

Today, before May 1st arrives, “Frozen Adventure 2” has received nearly 10 million pre-sales at the box office.

The pre-sale box office of “Your Name” also rose from 50 million to 100 million.

However, the overseas pre-sale box office of “Frozen 2” is as high as 100 million US dollars.

Folded down,

It’s 700 million soft girls!

Therefore, in the pre-sale box office competition, “Your Name” is much lower than “Ice and Snow 2”.

As for the movie “Manslaughter”, although the pre-sale box office is only one million, but…

This “Manslaughter” has invested the most in publicity.

If nothing else, there will not be a small number of viewers watching the movie “Manslaughter” when it is released that day.

Finally, in a tense and exciting atmosphere.

The day of May 1 finally came…

This day is a national holiday,

Ordinary people, some choose to travel, some choose to have dinner with friends, and some choose to go shopping with friends.

Of course, there is still a movie in the cinema.

And this time, Bei Yubing came to the cinema again as promised.

However, this time, she has several friends by her side.

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