Chapter 933: The entertainment industry is turbulent, revealing minions

Such a scene appeared all over the country.

Tier 1 cities, Tier 2 cities, Tier 3 cities.

In dozens of cities, you can see the “Future Cinema” brand.


Everyone clicks on the app to search the theater, and they can also see from these apps..

A new theater called “Future Cinema” is newly launched.


Still belong to the state of no scoring.


This really shows that the “Future Cinema” has opened, and hundreds of theaters have opened at the same time.

This incident quickly attracted the attention of the entertainment industry.

Chairman Huajin knew about this, he took a deep breath, and…for a long time sighed speechlessly.

Dai Xiaojun knew about this for the first time.

Her sleepiness disappeared and she stood upright from the bed, her face becoming very ugly.

She didn’t expect it at all,

Lu Li…

He unexpectedly carried everyone behind his back and secretly did such an earth-shattering event.

“This incident will cause turmoil in the domestic entertainment industry.”

“Lu Li, he still showed his minions after all.”

“This little tiger has finally grown into a tiger!”

“Ma Xiaoteng, this time…we are afraid we will lose.”

This incident quickly spread in the entertainment circle, and many of the bigwigs behind the scenes were shocked when they learned of it.


Lu Li’s behavior has already posed a serious threat to them.

In just one and a half years, Lu Li actually established a mature theater.


All major domestic theaters had to make concessions to Lu Li.

In terms of cinema,

Will no longer be their obstacle to Lu Li.

Lu Lifang no longer has to rely on other theaters, he is fully capable of showing movies on his own theaters.


After Lu Li’s theater line is online, those who do theater line will reduce the profit of making money.

Lu Li…

Also have a share.

What surprised everyone the most was that this incident… there was no sound at all.

Just do it silently.

this means,

Lu Li was really calm.

He can, while building the theater line, while putting the already built theater line into use.

This is a routine commonly used by every cinema liner.

after all,

By doing so, construction costs can be greatly reduced, and costs can be recovered as soon as possible.

Instead of leaving these well-built cinemas abandoned here, let it pay the rent.


Lu Li didn’t!

He would rather bear the loss of time by himself, and never let any theater go into use in advance.

in order,

Just not let other entertainment companies notice.

It can be said,

At this point, Lu Li’s courage is truly extraordinary.

this moment,

In the eyes of everyone, Lu Li is by no means a simple person.

He is extraordinary!

At a young age, he has such courage and brains.

Lu Li…

There must be an expert behind him.

Is it Chen Yangming?

When the day comes, the competition for multiple films has just begun.


According to the original arrangement rate.

The most ranked film is “A Day Before”, which directly occupies 20% of the filming rate.

The movie “Super Woman” followed closely behind, with an 18% rate of filming.

The filming rate of “Ace Agent 2” is 16%.

The filming rate of “Wandering Planet” is 16%, which is the same as “Ace Agent 2”.

The film scheduling rate of “The Concubine Yuji” is only 14%, which is the lowest among the five movies.

As for the remaining filming rate, it is occupied by more than a dozen movies previously released.


At the moment’Future Cinema’ appeared, the filming rate changed…

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