Chapter 973: Singer, Unknown

The new season of “Singer” in 2021 arrived as scheduled. As soon as it opened, it became popular all over the Internet because of the seven singers.


Several issues of “Singer” have passed.


Among the starting singers, only Liao Junjun, Mei Mei, Hua Tianyu, Mi Xuan, and Wang Huan have persisted until now.

Na Ying and Zhang Liang were eliminated in these issues.

And the replenishment kicks the singer to join in.

The current lineup is five starting singers, one replacement singer, and one successful singer.

This group of replacement singers is a group named Guogai Brothers.


It was the pot cover brother who sang “Old Boy” on “Masked Singer” and was torn down by Lu Li.

The members are still Xiao Yang and Wang Li.

But this time, they brought their original works onto the stage.


On the scene of “Singer”, they sang a song called “Dear”.

This is a folk song, and as soon as they sang this song, it received widespread attention.

Of course,

Controversy also followed.

“I’m afraid this song is also plagiarized, right?”

“Although this song is great, I must find out the original version of this song.”

“I was very touched by what I sang, but I was very upset when I thought of the Guogai brothers using Lu Li’s songs as their own.”

“Hey, let’s take a look again. I am not optimistic about the pot cover brothers at the moment.”

Another kicker is named Zhu Kanglong.


It’s the singer who made his debut as an internet celebrity master.

He has repeatedly sang Lu Li’s songs, and because of the good cover, he was praised by Lu Li.

After that, the popularity became higher and higher, and he was promoted by netizens to become a kicker in a certain issue of “Singer”.

Surprisingly, Zhu Kanglong did not choose to sing songs by Lu Li or other singers during the first episode.

He chose to sing an original written by himself, and the response was good in the end.

Successfully won the fourth place, and successfully kicked the stadium.

Among the starting singers, Liao Junjun’s performance is the most surprising.

“Singer” has been halfway through, but Liao Junjun sang his own new song every time.

“Ten Years”, “Tornado” and several songs he composed himself.

Each song has been liked by a large audience.

And “Ten Years” even won the first place in that game under the interpretation of Liao Junjun.

Liao Junjun’s voice is not as good as Hua Tianyu, who is a super strong voice among male voices.

Liao Junjun is a baritone.

In terms of vocal, Liao Junjun is inferior to Hua Tianyu.


The audience,

He is the only singer who brings new songs every time!


Among the seven singers, there are two foreign singers, Mei Mei and Mi Xuan.

Meimei is the king of the world, she was able to participate in “Singer” is completely unexpected to everyone.

And her grades are also very good, in each of the top three.

Mi Xuan, a rookie singer, is very explosive.

His “Brave Heart” directly refreshed the audience’s understanding of him.

Because of the seven outstanding performances, this season’s “Singer” was rated as a fairy fight.

Not to the final,

No one knows who is the real champion.

As usual at this time, this singer will generally belong to the hall-level singer Wang Huan.

However, now Mei Mei, Liao Junjun, Hua Tianyu, Mi Xuan’s performance is no worse than Wang Huan.

Whether Wang Huan can take the King of Singing, all this is unknown.


This is also one of the reasons why “Singer” can get high ratings this season.


They are full of unknowns.

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