Chapter 978 Ranked fifth in global box office history

“Wandering Planet” hit 2 billion U.S. dollars, ranking fifth in global box office history.

Ranked first is “Women’s Federation 4: The Final Battle”, which has a gross box office of 2.75 billion U.S. dollars.

In second place is “Afanta”, which has a global box office of 2.610 billion U.S. dollars.

In third place is “Titanic”, with a total box office of 2.47 billion US dollars.

In fourth place is “Star Wars”, with a total box office of 2.28 billion US dollars.

And “Wandering Planet” ranked fifth, with a total box office of 2.30 billion US dollars.


“Wandering Planet” is China’s first film to enter the top ten global box office history.

Except for “Wandering Planet”, the other nine movies are all foreign blockbusters.

Hollywood blockbusters accounted for half of the country.

In other words,

Although “Wandering Planet” made the top five in box office history, but… China movies have really risen.

There is still a long way to go.


The achievements of “Wandering Planet” are enough to make Chinese filmmakers proud for some time.


The first movie to squeeze into the fifth largest box office in the world.

China’s first hard science fiction!

Isn’t this worthy of everyone’s pride?


There have been many hot reviews about “Wandering Planet” on the Internet.

“”Wandering Planet” broke into the top five in the global box office, and Lu Li gave us a satisfactory answer.”

“”Wandering Planet” is the only China science fiction movie that deserves its name.”

“This movie is also the only sci-fi movie I have entered the cinema with the second and third brushes.”

“Whether it is the plot, the special effects or the arrangement of the actors.”

“It’s all so impeccable!”

“Now, “Wandering Planet” has successfully rushed to the top five in global box office history, and the number one position in China’s film history.”

“The Wandering Planet is the pride of our filmmakers and the glory of our Chinese people!”

“Thank you Lu Li and all the crew of “The Wandering Planet”!”

“Hopefully, “Future Entertainment” will still be able to create even better works in the future.”

“Look forward to Lu Li’s next work!”

This hot comment was quickly forwarded and liked by netizens.

They all commented under this hot review,

“Lu Li is awesome!”

“Director Lu, I love you!”

“Lu Ergouzi, I want to give you a monkey!”


For those discussions on the Internet, those praises.

Lu Li did not reply, and Future Entertainment did not reply.

as if,

Lu Li didn’t care about this reputation at all.

But at this moment,

Lu Li posted a blog.

The content of this Weibo is…

A link.

This is a link called “An River Bridge”.

Singer: Li Hao

Lyricist: Lu Li

Composer: Lu Li


This is Li Hao who spent half a month in the recording studio and finally recorded it. His first song-“Anhe Bridge”!

Once the song was released for a few hours, no one cared about it.

after all,

Li Hao’s popularity in the music scene is too low.

After the release of his song, there was no splash.


Lu Li knew about this.

He directly comforted Li Hao, who looked lost.

“It’s okay, I’ll help you publicize it.”

Two minutes after Lu Li’s blog post, the data of “Anheqiao” skyrocketed.

In just three minutes,

“An River Bridge” has been listened to as high as 500,000.

five minutes,

The listening volume exceeded one million.

ten minutes,

The listening volume exceeded three million.

One hour after the blog post, the number of listeners for “Anheqiao” exceeded 10 million!

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