The Tale Never Ends

Vol 6 Chapter 23: Huangtuling Fox

The villager was shocked when he heard the words of Mr. Nanfang. Others did not know that as a villager in Baishan Village, he lived at the foot of this ladder for half his life.

"There are treasures on Ladder Hill, nine cylinders and eighteen pots! Not on the front **** and on the back slope." The villagers immediately remembered this sentence. The southerners said that Huzi was the key to the back of the ladder. "Back slope" The villagers were overjoyed when they thought of the baby, but they still said distressedly on their faces: "Look, now this hull is gone, and I haven't earned your money, you, go back." That southerner.

It was still not bright the next day, the villager picked up the hoop and took advantage of the darkness to touch the back hill of Ladder Hill to find treasure!

While turning to the back hill of Ladder Hill, the sky was bright. Of course, this so-called back mountain is the northern foot of the mountain. You should know that Ladder Mountain is a stone mountain. Unlike the Huangtuling Mountains, the mountains are full of trees. This ladder mountain is a serious stone mountain!

The villager carrying the huzi, patted west of Shandong Pestle and Pestle behind the mountain, but where to find it. He didn't even know the key to what Huzi was exactly, where to find it. So he held the huzi on the stone of the mountain behind the ladder for a whole day. When the sky was dark, he basically deflated. He rested on the edge of a stone stone and rested. Put it in a hole in the crack of the stone. When I put it in at that time, I just thought that the size of this hog was similar to that of the stone cave. It looked very new, but I didn't think about it in my heart. However, when he just sat down and wanted to take out his kettle for a sip of water, he listened to the shaking of the mountain behind him, like an earthquake!

Where did the villagers see this situation, hurriedly got up and ran out two steps, then turned back to look at the mountain wall. Only then did I see that the mountain wall was like a huge stone door, and opened a gap with a "click"!

The villager was scared by the scene and did n’t dare to move for a long time. However, seeing that there was nothing in the crack of the mountain gate, he stood up in fear and looked towards the gap. The cave was dark and there were no lights. The villagers were already scared by this time, and it was already good to run away without being scared. But when I remembered the legend of the ladder mountain with treasure, he also courageously raised his foot and stepped into the dark mountain gap.

Perhaps you will say that this is also a story, otherwise no one will go in there, no matter who it is. But in fact, interest is always the driving force that drives people, not to mention the story, that is, in reality, no one does not know that drug trafficking is a brain sale, but the drug dealers are not the same and not extinct. Even if you know that it is a bottomless hole, but there are always people who will join it for their benefit. This may be the inferiority of people.

Talk back to this villager. The villager walked in the cave for some unknown time, and finally found a small thatched hut in it. An oil lamp was lit in the thatched house, which seemed extremely dim, while an old lady was sitting in the house, spinning.

The villagers approached and said, "Old lady, I heard that you have treasure in this mountain. I came to find treasure." The old lady looked up at him, and the spinning work in her hand kept saying, "I am one Old lady, how can there be any treasure! Come back soon, there are jackals, tigers, and leopards, and they will be taken by jackals, tigers, and leopards later! "Although this villager is a farmer, he is not a fool. , This old lady is very human. So, the villagers grinded their heads, and asked the old lady to give him some treasure. The old lady was helpless, so she said, "I don't have anything for you in my little thatched hut. There are two tanks in the back room. Look at it and grab it, then leave!"

Cylinder? The villagers were puzzled, but when they thought about it, they thought of the legend of "nine cylinders and eighteen pots." When they agreed, they moved to the back room of the thatched house. Only then did I see that the back room was a warehouse-like room, not big. Two large cylinders were placed in the rear room, and the lid on the cylinder was opened. He saw the two cylinders, one of which was filled with millet, and the other was filled with beans. At this time, the villagers smiled bitterly in their hearts. They said that they thought they were a fairy. It turned out that this was the one in the tank! As a result, the villagers inadvertently grabbed a handful of grains and a handful of beans, and walked out of the hut without even greeting.

Don't want to, just walked out of the door of the thatched hut, I heard a roar of tigers! Turning his head to look, a colorful tiger came out in the darkness, and his eyes were full of fierce light, and he rushed towards him! The villager was frightened at the time and ran out on the way.

However, it was dark in the cave, and there was a tiger chasing behind him, and he had no time to distinguish the road in a hurry. I didn't know how many laps I made in the cave. However, in the end he ran out of the cave and rushed out of the previous gap.

Is strange, he just rushed to the gap, the colorful tiger behind him no longer chased, but wandered in the dark, as if he would fall into the tiger's mouth if he took a step back. Of course the villager didn't even hesitate and rushed out of the gap. The moment he broke out of the gap, the whole back mountain shook again, and the gap between the mountain walls "clicked" and closed.

Look up and see that the sky is already bright. This time the villagers remembered to look down at their hands, knowing that because of the fear of escape, the grains and beans held in their hands were all sprinkled, leaving only three beans and two grains of corn sticking to their hands. Then I discovered that the beans are not ordinary beans, but Jincancan's golden beans! And the millet is not an ordinary grain, but a grain called Jimingu. It is said that the millet is sown at night, and the chickens will germinate tomorrow morning, and the ears will be able to form ears at noon, so it is called Jimingu. Legend has it that this chicken minggu was planted by Yan Emperor Shennong.

Of course, this is just a story. This is an uncontrollable story that I thought of when I saw the mysterious environment of the old gluttons. But think about it, the cave in the story should not be much different from this mysterious realm.

Back to the secret realm of Huangtuling. I was sitting in a courtyard with freshly brewed tea on the table, the old gluttons sat on the other side, and three middle-aged men and women with dangling eyes stood in front of me. To say that the person standing in front of the eyes, er, it should be said that it is Sanxian. Although these three are shown in human form, I can still see at a glance that they are still different from people. Without thinking about it, you can understand that these three should be the spokesperson of the Huangtuling Fox tribe.

The old gluttons drank the tea channel in the tea bowl at this time: "Sister Yan Yan came here today for the sake of your fox tribe. The three of you will speak." I nodded and agreed. At this time, one of the three fox immortals stepped forward and said: "Uh, please please the little uncle." I nodded and smiled: "You are welcome, this matter is difficult to get rid of with my father, before leaving. My father also told me to personally solve this matter. "Speaking of my dad, the fox fairy headed down also lowered the bowed body a few points, and then said:" Yes. A few days ago, those foreigners The Huang family fought against my fox family in Huangtuling. Fortunately, the little grandfather cat spirit helped to repel the foreign Huang family. Only recently, the foreign Huang family moved out of the background and vowed to grab my fox family training place. The cultivation sites of all ethnic groups in Huangtuling are determined by the mountain **** masters. These Huang clan people have made a lot of rhetoric and do not take mountain **** masters into their eyes. Thanks to the arrival of the little grandpa today, I can be relieved! "

Said here, that the head of the fox fairy dodged a bit, as if there were words, but he did not dare to say it. I frowned: "Did you still have nothing to say?" The fox immortal was asked in a daze for a moment, and then he said with embarrassment: "Uh, the little grandfather is aware of the little things, and the little dare not hide. In fact, we are this morning I learned that since the time when the little uncle entered Zunhua, the gang of people from the Huang family have received news and asked them to go backstage! "

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