The Tale Never Ends

Vol 9 Chapter 2: realm

Looking at Qin Le's expression, I patted her on the shoulder and said: "Don't panic, buddy is an out-and-out person, not a goblin." It ’s not a problem. Since I have my elder sister, it ’s very easy for us to come out of this forest. Here is her place. This kind of trivial matter is definitely not a problem. " Sister also smiled and nodded, which is considered the default.

Then I asked what happened just now.

Originally came from when I released the little fox caught by the wolf spirit. The little fox turned and reported my whereabouts to the elder sister. The elder sister heard that there was a young man who walked with a gourd and appeared in the red pine forest. The first thing he thought of was his dad. So he ran out with a group of babes, originally thinking of welcoming his dad. But when I rushed out, I realized that the man was not my dad, but me.

At first, the elder sister did not associate the young man with his brother who was bedwetting because the elder sister did not have such a clear concept of time in the deep mountains and old forests. In her eyes, twenty years is just a flick of a finger, so it is hard to imagine that I will grow up in twenty years. This is also the difference in thinking between monsters and people. If you are a monster, you haven't grown much in twenty years. So the thinking angle of the elder sister is also the same. I never thought that the man holding the gourd was his own brother.

Elder sister's choice is to surround us for observation. On the other hand, I sent a little fox to ask about me in the circle of the spirit world. Finally, I learned that I was indeed the father's son who used Linghu, and I even heard about Xiaobaihua. She was also very surprised when she was sure that I was her brother. There was a sudden sourness in her heart. After all, her famous daughter was regarded as a grandma, uncle, uncle, unloved, and her father and mother had not seen her for 20 years. Looking at my pro son again, not only did I get the true biography, but I also spread my magical skills. How can this make my cheap sister not jealous?

After getting accurate information, I was her brother, and she was determined to test me. Then let the foxes narrow the encirclement, deliberately let me find out. But I did not expect that my elm head was totally ignorant, and finally found himself surrounded by photos.

I was surrounded and rushed out into the darkness in the photo. The elder sister was so angry and funny. Seeing that Qin Le, who was thrown by the campfire, turned up bad water like me. So the elder sister appeared in the original form, and originally wanted to test the depth of this woman, because the elder sister at this time regarded Qin Le as a small white flower. But who thought, Qin Le, the dead house girl, saw that the original form of the old sister, the white fox, was turned upside down, and rushing up was like holding the old lady up. Where did the elder sister endure such blasphemy, kicked Qin Le away. At the same time, the screams from the kicked Qin Le also attracted me back, and then fought.

My heart was funny, so I asked my elder sister: "I said, elder sister, you haven't been out of the mountain for so many years? Didn't you visit our parents?" The elder sister shook his head and said, "I have been practicing in the mountains all these years, and I have no time go away."

It turned out that the old lady was still the little devil in the mountains. Because there is only a hundred years of Daoxing, it is not enough for the mother and father. It's just that my father and mother opened up to my elder sister's net and didn't kill it, but instead accepted it as a righteous girl. The elder sister said that the mother told her at the time that the elder sister was like a mother before seeing her father, and she saw her shadow from her, so she couldn't bear to kill her.

Although the elder sister at that time did not understand what the mother said, but people spared their lives, they naturally obeyed.

But fortunately, my elder sister knew how to be grateful, and after being swept away by her dad to revise the road, she concentrated on hiding in the mountains and practicing. When the elder sister said this, she raised her hand and stroked the earrings on her ears, saying: "Your father and mother accepted my way, accepted me as a righteous daughter, and passed me the sword sword and this earring. "My elder sister pulled out a white book from under the pillow on the bed and handed it to me. I opened it and it turned out to be the" Old Sea Cheats "with few words. I gave it back to my elder sister after just glancing at it: "Well, it's exactly the same, I also have one. If I guess correctly, my dad should have drawn a book for you to practice on the spot, right?" Nodded with a smile.

I thought of a question, so I asked, "Sister, what's going on with your sword?" The old lady smiled and turned her palm, and the ice sword appeared in her hand. The elder sister handed me the sword and said, "This sword was made by my sister!" I took the ice sword and started to cool it, which was completely made of ice, just like the big uncle's big sword. It's just that this ice sword is glowing with metal, and it's strange.

While playing with the ice sword, I asked: "Sister, this sword is mass-produced?" The sister was surprised by me, and asked, "Mass-production? What is that?" I shook my head with a wry smile. : "Just ask, is this ice sword a handful or a lot?" The old lady looked at me like a fool: "Of course it is!" Then the old lady seemed to understand what I meant, "poof" He laughed out loud and said, "Silly boy, don't you even understand this?" I said to myself, I understand Mao?

Just listening to the elder sister said with a little pride: "Actually, when I was playing with you just now, all the swords you saw were not the body of the sword, but the sword gasification." I blinked inexplicably. In the blink of an eye, I have seen my dad use the sword to gasify, but I never thought that the sword could be gasified without the sword itself.

The elder sister once again saw through my mind, and took out a tireless gesture of "destroying" people and said: "According to my sister's experience, I divided the practice of the sword sword into several realms. The first realm is' there is "There is no sword in the sword's heart" "Before the elder sister continued to say, I said:" The second kind is "there is a sword in the hand and a sword in the heart"? "The elder sister did not hear my ridicule at all, but Nodded approvingly, indicating that I guessed right.

I looked at my elder sister with a black line in my head, I hope she explained. The elder sister patted my head very cooperatively and said, "This first state means learning the sword tricks passed in the swordsmanship. You can use the sword strokes freely while fighting with others, but you cannot understand the magic swords of the Famen. The riser. "

I didn't speak, looked at her with my ears, and motioned her to continue.

The elder sister continued to explain: "The second kind of realm is just like you. You can successfully understand the methods and use the swordsmanship. But you can only achieve the most preliminary swordsmanship." I squinted her and said: " What is your state? "

The elder sister smiled inexplicably: "The third kind. 'There is a sword in the heart, but no sword'!" Then I explained myself without waiting for my question: "Sister, I can already achieve sword gasification, even if I don't rely on it The sword itself, you can use the realm of the sword without holding the sword in your hand. "

I quickly asked: "So what did you mean when I said that sword and man are one?" The elder sister smiled again and said, "The reason why you can't do this is because you haven't done it. To be able to use sword gasification without relying on the sword itself, the first thing to do is to make the sword a part of itself. This is the so-called human sword unity. In other words, you are now taking the first step. It ’s just one step. It ’s just that I did n’t expect that the Divine Weapon Blade is so powerful. Just by combining human swords, your strength is comparable to mine. If you are too weak, you will be up and down like me! ”

I squinted at the elder sister's complacent look, and I was disdainful. The heart says that you have worked hard for twenty years, this is the realm, but I have practiced for a year!

The elder sister seemed to see my thoughts again and patted my head: "Don't be proud, even if your talent is high, you have to be down-to-earth. Otherwise, you have to die like this every time before you can grow, No one else will be merciful like your sister and me. "Then, the elder sister pouted her lips like 80,000.

I smiled and squeezed her ears and asked, "Ah, old lady, aren't you fully developed, why can't you get your ears and tail back? Why haven't the legs changed yet?"

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