The Tale Never Ends

Vol 10 Chapter 3: 104 buildings

More than ten o'clock in the evening, the four of us walked out of the bar, holding each other. At this time, Chong Xi was already drunk like a cerebral thrombosis. Lin Feng was slightly stronger than him, and at least he could stand and walk. I drank two more glasses, and it was also a dizzy walk to draw a circle. Not to mention Lu Shengnan, if I hadn't stood up straight with my neck collar.

Among the four people, I am definitely the leader in terms of alcohol consumption. Don't look at these people drinking beer casually, but this cocktail is really unaccustomed to drinking, and all of them are on the top. Lin Feng said with a big tongue: "Wait, the lotus (me) is going to open the book (car) to go!" I grabbed him and said: "Your tongue is too short. Don't drive, play, float. We still Think, more, live a few days! "Lin Feng put the car key back into his pocket and squatted on the side of the road.

Chong Xi hiccupped and said, "It looks good today! Look at this big sun!" I gave him a footstep: "You, stupid! That's a street lamp!" Chong Xi continued to hiccup, since Tell yourself, "I count! One for one, two for two"

Lu Shengnan hangs on me at this time, just like Tuo mud. Suddenly, she turned and snapped her face with smoke and alcohol on my ears: "Wai Yan! I regret it!" As soon as she spoke, the smell of wine hiccups spewed out, almost Suffocated me. I pushed her face slightly to the side and asked, "What do you regret?" Unexpectedly, this Lu Shengnan even said a little sadly in the full alcohol: "I regretted not confessing to you when I graduated. Ah! Hiccup! If I started early, you would n’t be kidnapped by that little bandit! "

I pushed Lu Shengnan, who was burping, to the side and said: "Don't, don't talk about it! Who believes!" Unexpectedly, Lu Shengnan even pushed his nose on the face, strangling my neck with anger and authenticity : "I said, that's true!" I also drank too much and said, "Yes, wait for the next call!"

Since the four of us have drunk too much at this time, the language is not a sentence.

Later I didn't know how I got to the Nanhu villa area. All in all, the four of us fluttered and arrived without knowing it. The house was already well-arranged at this time, and things like tea were naturally not lacking.

I have been wondering about the fact that Dad does n’t drink tea at all, but Dad always has all kinds of precious tea. And those self-made teas such as Shengyang tea are also made by Dad, which can be included in the endless top ten unsolved mysteries.

I took out a cup of tea from the tea cabinet, and no matter what kind of tea, I just brewed a pot of sober.

However, just as the water in the kettle for boiling hot water boiled, a strong rush of gas burst out of the 104 buildings not far away! My wine suddenly woke up three points! Hurry up and look out of the window. From my position, you can see the three-story windows of Huang Li's 104 villas! At a glance, a figure on the third floor of the window looked at me with strong anger and was obviously found me!

However, alcohol worked again after I got up quickly, and a dizzy feeling hit my heart. With a thump, I fell to the ground. After coming out of the bar and blowing a cool breeze, the whole head seemed to be in pain like a blast. I tried to support myself to stand up again, and looked at the window on the third floor of the villa opposite. At that time, the figure had disappeared, and the only thing I remembered was those sullen eyes.

After all, Lin Feng is a martial arts man. Even drunk, he is also a martial arts master. I was struck by a series of reactions just now, and I struggled to get up. I glanced at Lin Feng and nodded to each other with alcohol. Lin Feng grabbed the heavy eve and pointed at the 104 villas across the road with his chin, signaling me to work.

I also nodded and took the lead in stepping out. Lu Shengnan was already unconscious at this time, and I didn't take this cannon fodder anymore. Together with Lin Feng, he walked across the road on the eve of the same unprepared personnel. Although it was close to the vernal equinox and the temperature was warming up, no one still felt cool at night. Coupled with the scene at this time and the anger in the building opposite, this cool breeze made me feel so unwilling.

Walked to the front of the 104 villas, and the courtyard door was open, which greeted us. We stepped forward to ring the doorbell and found that it did not ring at all. Lin Feng raised his hand and knocked on the door without hesitation. The wooden door panel made a dull "dong" sound. The sound stopped in my drunken ear as if the door of the abyss was knocked, making me wrinkle. Frowned.

Knocked twice, but nothing happened in the house. Lin Feng was a little impatient, and raised his hand to increase the intensity. "Dong Dongdong" knocked three times.

This time, about half a minute later, a series of slight steps came from the door, walking slowly. Lin Feng was even more unkind because of his drunkenness, and opened his mouth and shouted to the people inside: "Open the door, hurry up! Don't grind! Grind the grudging old lady like Kang!"

"Click", the door was pulled open. The figure of a man emerged from the darkness inside the door, black shirt, black pants and black shoes, shaved head of a capable soldier. At the same time, I also discovered the unusualness of this villa. Although there were people in it, it was indeed dark and without lights. This made me wary, and at this moment, the man in black saluted a military salute towards Lin Feng: "The old platoon is good."

Lin Feng looked up at the man and asked with a hiccup. "Hiccup, are you a soldier?" He smiled and said: "My name is Cao Xuedong. I was an old platoon leader and you joined the army after you retired. Volunteer. Retired in the first two years. "

Then I looked up and carefully looked at this person who claimed to be called Cao Xuedong. After a while, I realized that this person was the instructor at the time of the military training at the university. I began to play drums secretly in my heart. It would not be strange to say that Huang Li has changed, but even this Cao instructor has now become Huang Li's temperament, which is absolutely abnormal!

Now Cao Xuedong is exactly the same as Huang Li that he saw during the day. Although there is a smile on his face, his eyes are full of indifference. That look is really indescribable, just like a plastic model, even if he is laughing, you can't feel the human touch at all. It feels like the person in front of him is not the same species as him, there is always a feeling of isolation for thousands of miles. So I didn't recognize him the first time I saw him.

I sneered and said, "Teacher Cao, I haven't seen you for a long time! Hiccups!" Cao Xuedong turned to look at me: "Student Yan Yan, I haven't seen you for a long time." Smile. He said, he extended his hand to me and wanted to shake my hand. I reached out and shook his hand, but something unexpected happened to me again!

Just like when Huang Li shook hands with me, just the moment my hand touched his hand, that strange feeling came to my mind again! A lot of hallucinations were generated in my mind again, flashing again like a movie!

A person with a cold face stands opposite, wearing a weird dress and closing his eyes. The next second, the man's eyes suddenly opened to startle me! The eyes in this man's eyes actually have two pupils in each eye side by side! The look made people feel weird and shudder! Fleeting.

In the next screen, I swiftly shuttled through the air, and a golden light not far away came quickly towards me! Just before that golden light hit me, the eyes were full of light!

"Student Yan Yan, what's wrong with you?" Cao Xuedong's voice sounded, and at the same time only Cao Xuedong's hand was quickly drawn from my hand. The moment he pulled his hand back, I also woke up from the illusion again. Cao Xuedong was looking at me with a smile at this time, but I saw a trace of panic in his eyes, and also saw the hand that I held was hidden behind him pretending to be inadvertently.

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