The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 423 Old Dream

Daozu is Cthulhu Chapter 423 Old Dream

Zhang Yanzhi rested his head on Qiongqi's warm hair and fell asleep, breathing softly like a kitten. Li Fan raised his head and looked at Xu Yue, covering her with the deep purple moonlight with his wings.

He wanted to find a village to put Sarilang down, but after flying for a whole day, he saw seven or eight tribal camps, but he didn't see a single living person.

Some were eaten up by monsters, some were slaughtered by horse bandits, and some entire villages and people froze to death and starved to death. According to Zhang Yanzhi, this is a common scene in Beiliu.

The northern part of Kan country was originally poor, and there were not that many people who could live on the grassland. Even if there were no feudal troops to plow the grassy valleys, and they would not go south to plunder in a group, they would never survive the winter. And this winter has been particularly difficult.

Years ago, in order to deal with the vassal armies in various towns in Hebei, the Great Chanyu mobilized the army of the Nine Banners and the Seventy-two Divisions, which had exhausted its reserves for the winter. However, in the end, due to some well-known reasons, Shuofang was defeated and the Great Chanyu With his death, the Xianbei Royal Court's hegemony finally came to nothing.

With the death of the Great Chan, the grassland once again lost its common leader, and no one could unify this chaotic and barbaric world.

Those demon gods and demon kings lost their restraints and started to cause chaos. They ransacked the herdsmen of various tribes unscrupulously and captured the herdsmen's cattle and horses to satisfy their hunger. They wreaked havoc on the entire ice sheet. The seventy-two tribes of Hokuriku were the first to bear the brunt and suffered a brutal blow from this demon rebellion. Just now Already seen it.

At least half a dozen of the Khan chiefs of the Nine Banners and Seventy-two Tribes died, and those who survived fell into civil strife over the title of slave sister-in-law of the Grassland Tribe, and transformed into beings more cruel and terrifying than monsters. After all, monsters usually only kill people to fill their stomachs or practice their martial arts. The Khans may have killed people just because they were drunk and wanted to have fun.

What's even more terrible is that even the divine religion that rules Beiting behind the scenes has fallen into division.

Among the three major sects, once a decision is made by the highest level in a system like the Divine Religion, there is rarely any internal strife. But once there is a line dispute among decision-makers, the divisions tend to become more extreme.

When the Great Chanyu was here, he was not only the khan of the kings, but also the former king of Dharma, and he was also a strong man who understood the Tao. To the north of Yinshan Mountain, he is the strongest, has the highest realm, and has the most outstanding achievements. The members of the divine sect were naturally convinced of him and devoted themselves to death.

However, after the death of the great Chan Yu, the newly elected Dharma King and the Northern Law Enforcement Master had serious strategic differences regarding the corresponding strategies for controlling the Seventy-two Departments of the Nine Banners.

After all, if the war is defeated, resources will be very limited. Whichever tribe you support as a new chanyu will survive. There is no absolute strength to convince others, and even the divine religion cannot reach a consensus so easily.

In terms of results, the Beiting Divine Sect has now been divided into two. The king of the east is managing the remaining forces of the Xianbei tribe, migrating to the southeast of Genzhou, and serving the heavenly soldiers Jiedu envoy Gao Xing. The Hulu tribes who were unwilling to submit to the vassal army, under the protection of the Lord Law Enforcement, avoided the siege of demons from all sides, migrated long distances to the west along the foothills of Yinshan Mountain, bypassed Duizhou, and went to Tianshan Mountain to seek refuge with the King of Light.

Zhang Yanzhi followed the Master of Law Enforcement and moved westward. The tribes along the way either joined or were wiped out. Their cattle and sheep were plundered and turned into slaves. In short, all the living people were gone. And now that Zhang Yanzhi has been 'sacrificially sacrificed' by the Lord Law Enforcement Master, he naturally cannot go back to be her grass-headed saint. It is also impossible to go all the way across the Yin Mountains to beg for help from the Heavenly Soldiers. If she wanted to survive, she probably had to go south until she could see people in the country of Dui.

Yes, if you go further south, you will reach Duiguo, one of the twelve kingdoms in the world.

Duiguo is known as the capital of the Five Liangs, the capital of Hexi, the strategic center of the world, and the guardian of the country.

In fact, broadly speaking, from Xisu Weitun to the west, the vast area now occupied by the divine religion, known as Kunlun and Tianshan, was previously considered the jurisdiction of Duizhou.

Compared to the Hulu in the north, the Spirit Tribe in the East China Sea, and the demon tribe and mountain ghost in the south, the Inhumans in the Western Region are not only weaker and easier to fight, but also have a large population and wealth to plunder, and they don’t even have natural conditions such as the poisonous miasma in the sea, ice, dense forests, etc. Obstacles make it easier to conquer, so General Zhengxi and General Anxi of Ancient Immortal Palace are often the easiest to gain military merit.

Therefore, the warlords of the Su Wei Army at that time liked to preside over the Western Expedition, slaughtering cities and destroying countries at every turn, and expanding and colonizing borders. In the Protectorate and Guards Stations developed in the Western Regions, there were often generals with the broadest responsibilities and the most powerful troops. They had always been the leaders of the Immortal Army. They were the first choice to succeed the three princes in the imperial court. They were awarded the title of general due to their merits and became immortals in the world. The situation of military leaders is even more common.

However, because of this, the Western Army, as the most powerful force in the Eight Domain Army, was also entrusted with important tasks by Immortal Palace. First, he was transferred back from the Western Regions to crusade against Xuanmen, but he suffered a devastating blow in the battle to suppress Xuannu. Later, he was responsible for suppressing the rising religious sect, but was annihilated for the second time by the god's master. The little money he finally had was later taken by the general to fight against Da Sima's Northern Expeditionary Army, and was later used up in the process of suppressing the uprising of the Luo Feng Army of the Black Lotus Sect. The Suwei Immortal Army faction was thus drained of blood, and was gradually suppressed by the Immortal Clan in the political struggle.

It can be said that the inheritance of the ancient Western Army has become extinct, or that it has been integrated into the Divine Cult Guardian Army in the form of the 'Hegemony Kung Fu'. In Duizhou now, there are only the four major protective palaces in Hexi. Although the Immortal Palace has accumulated heavy troops to defend against the divine religion, it pitifully accepts the leadership of the Xuanmen, and even survives under the despotic power of the religious leaders, guarding the Western Regions. The main route to the Central Plains became the front line to block and defend the divine religion.

The former Xisu Guards, the Eighth Feudal Army, the Old Western Army, and other wind, fire, thunder, and plague fighting units, as well as the remnants of the Northern Expedition, and the remnants of various special forces from past dynasties. Anyway, as long as they lose power, they will be destroyed by the Immortal Palace. To add fuel and jealousy to this frontier area, they were sent into exile, blocking the main road leading directly into the hinterland of the Central Plains.

In the last war, the Divine Sect also invaded from the border gate of Duizhou. They penetrated Duizhou in one go and deployed a ten-point formation, and almost reached Sanyuan Wangjing. It's a pity that the leader of the divine sect led a team and Emei Cangyunding, but they still couldn't get through, and they were chased and defeated thousands of miles away. Although now it seems that they have the element of tempting Xuanmen to pursue, the face of the divine sect is not good-looking.

Of course, the worst thing is probably the Western Army. The Xuanmen Immortal can pass by casually, but the miscellaneous soldiers under the Shijue Formation probably won't survive. Maybe they won't be able to find anyone in Duiguo. …

While he was bathing in the moonlight of Xu Yue and thinking wildly, Zhang Yanzhi suddenly stood up and walked towards the forest with his eyes closed.

What are you doing, trying to hold back your urine?

Li Fan didn't react for a while, but after waiting for a while, he found that she was walking farther and farther away, and he felt something was wrong.

This girl seems to be sleepwalking?

It's sleepwalking, but not entirely. Zhang Yanzhi was still sleeping. He seemed to have heard some call and was pulled by some strange wind, floating and swimming like a marionette into the forest.

Um? Could it be that he was hit by the Yuanshen Dharma? Is it someone from the cult who came to rescue the saint? Or did the sergeant have any additional instructions?

Li Fan didn't need to alert the other party with his spiritual consciousness. He still lay down and pretended to sleep. He only called the bleeding infant demon doll and secretly sneaked into Zhang Yanzhi's divine court to follow him, but he wanted to see what the divine sect wanted to do.

After following for several miles, Zhang Yanzhi drifted into a mass grave. However, in her divine court, there were many dreams, showing a fantasyland like a peach forest and a sea of ​​colorful flowers.

Zhang Yanzhi was still in a dream, so naturally she couldn't resist the illusion. The blood baby didn't try to disturb her, but just hid away and watched with his big eyes like bright yellow lanterns.

Zhang Yanzhi discovered a winery deep in the peach forest.

Zhang Yanzhi walked through the mass graves and walked into a solitary grave that looked like a mountain.

There are two rows of eight peach trees in the village, surrounding the planting area of ​​the village. The birds are singing, the flowers are fragrant, and the blue sky and white clouds are like a paradise.

The eight dragon-binding ropes in the tomb were surrounded by iron chains, and the barbs were filled with disemboweled corpses, making it seem like a hell on earth.

Zhang Yanzhi walked through the peach forest and saw a six-tank mead in front of the village. It was covered with flower petals and surrounded by bees and butterflies. Its sweet smell was intoxicating.

There are six bronze blood cauldrons deep in the tomb. There are green and white human heads pickled in the cauldron. The corpses are covered with flies and insects, and the bloody and rotten stench hits your face.

In the inner hall of the winery lived a handsome and graceful owner of the winery, and beside him sat a fairy with extraordinary beauty in fairy clothes. They were drinking and chatting together.

The owner of the tomb is a giant corpse-like thing, with its hands and feet chained up by iron chains. From the surrounding sealing spells, it can be seen that the people in the tomb were originally suppressed. It is probably because the sealing place was in disrepair for a long time, and the top of the tomb collapsed and was covered by the virtual moon. After taking the photo, now his body has grown to four to five feet. He is sitting in the tomb with his legs crossed. He has a green face and fangs, and a bloody mouth. He looks like a human but not human. He is holding a half-eaten monk in his arms. There are still some bones on the ground that have not been sucked clean. , he picked a head casually, put it in the palm of his hand and performed the ritual.

The fairy smiled, relaxed her exquisite arms, and presented him with a cup of fairy brew.

The giant evil corpse stretched out its sharp claws covered with flesh and blood and grabbed Zhang Yanzhi's head.

However, Zhang Yanzhi did not go to pick up the fairy wine, but walked away with his hands behind his back.

The giant evil corpse touched nothing, and was confused for a moment as he watched Zhang Yanzhi walk around his leg bones and walk behind him.

Are you calling me again? Zhang Yanzhi walked to the winery house and looked up at the picture scroll on the wall.

Behind the corpse of the giant evil spirit were the objects buried with him in the tomb, as well as the remains that had been eaten by it over the years. Many magic weapons were scattered among them, and a scroll could be seen unfolding among them.

The painting showed a swordsman in red. The swordsman held a jar of wine in his left hand and a sword in his right hand. He turned his head and looked at the wild geese in the sky, but his true appearance could not be seen.

Zhang Yanzhi stretched out his hand and touched the painting, Who are you...

The giant evil corpse stared at the girl next to him, with saliva and blood flowing from his mouth. Half of the monks in his arms no longer smelled good. He wanted to eat something fresh, so he turned over and sat up and grabbed the girl's head.

The moment the owner of the village was about to touch Zhang Yanzhi with his outstretched hand, a blood-red baby emerged from behind the girl and swallowed his hand in one gulp.

The giant evil corpse suddenly became alert and turned its head to stare at its paws.

It's gone, its hands are gone, as if they were torn apart by something.

Suddenly, Meng Sha Zhi realized something. He turned his head and saw a tiger with two wings on its back, lying on top of him, breaking his knees, biting open his thigh bones, and sucking the marrow from the big bones.

Is it a dream?

The owner of the village shook his head, then lowered his head and saw the bloody baby taking out his heart, liver and lungs and stuffing them into his mouth.

Ha, haha, it’s a dream, it’s a dream...

The giant evil corpse opened its eyes, only to see a bloody mouth, biting head-on.

Zhang Yanzhi rubbed his eyes, sat up and found that it was already dawn.

Li Fan squatted by the campfire to roast sparrows and handed a bunch to her.

Sarilang, you don't sleep well. Are you dreaming?

Thank you... Zhang Yanzhi took the sparrow string and frowned, I seem to have had a good dream, but I can't remember the details...

Li Fan chewed the brittle bones one by one, and asked with a confused mouth, By the way, aren't you a sacred saint? I heard that a saint can achieve enlightenment when she awakens. When will you awaken?

Awakening? I can't do it. If I could wake up, they would feed me to you. Zhang Yanzhi turned the sparrow around with a lonely look on his face.

Don't be discouraged. How bold the people are and how productive the land is. Keep up the good work and work hard. Maybe you will wake up and seek revenge from the sergeant? Li Fan instigated from the side.

Zhang Yanzhi seemed to be playing with a sparrow without much appetite, You don't understand. Although there are many candidates for saints, only the first one in each generation has cultivated to the realm of Yuanying, and passed the test, and obtained the inheritance of the saints among the main altars. Only a person can be called a true saint of the divine religion.

Once the true saint is born, the divine sect will not waste resources cultivating other candidates. It will usually kill other candidate saints on a large scale, especially those of us who are in the golden elixir realm and have obtained key memory fragments, so as to help the true saint quickly Awakening.

I was also the first northern saint to awaken to the realm of golden elixir! He is considered the No. 1 seed after all! I didn’t expect to kill even me! Alas, it seems that the true saint of this generation has been born, so I will definitely die, sooner or later...

Li Fan stared at Zhang Yanzhi and swallowed, How powerful is the awakened saint...?

Zhang Yanzhi handed the sparrow in his hand to Li Fan, That must be very powerful. I heard that Xuantian Sword Demon, the top master of the Demon Sect, sneaked into the Divine Cult Headquarters to steal, and when he was found out, he became so angry that he killed people. That's it. He was defeated by the saint who had just reached the realm of gods at that time.

Li Fan couldn't help but rolled his eyes, Hey, hey, hey! Even if you are a saint, please don't brag so outrageously, okay! I've also read books like the Secret Record of the Sword Sect Head, okay! Xuantian Sword Did Zu at least achieve enlightenment at that time? Wouldn’t he be able to defeat a person who is in the state of becoming a god??”

Zhang Yanzhi spread his hands and said, I'm not awake yet. How do I know it was my adoptive father who said it?

It is said that the saint's cultivation methods are very different from the cultivation methods of the three major sects today. When she reaches the realm of transformation into gods, her Tao power is endless. She can preside over the main altar alone, which is unbelievably strong. !

Later, the sword demon also realized that he could not fight alone, so he fled back and gathered a group of demon sect masters to besiege her. Finally, he fought in the Ten Jue Formation for a hundred years before exhausting the saint's spirit and defeating her.

Therefore, with such magical skills, practicing other skills is just a detour for the candidate saint, UU Reading Therefore, we just need to try to recall the methods of practice in previous lives.

Li Fan was a little creepy for a moment, and couldn't help but ask softly, Yanzhi, you... have you ever heard of the exercises practiced by the true... no, what is the specific name of the exercises practiced by the true saints? Could it be the exercises of the saints... ?”

I don't know. Our candidate saints use the secret soul method to reshape the saint's soul. The more memories, the more perfect the soul, and the higher the realm. But what memories can be awakened depends on luck. I I have never dreamed of any cultivation method.

snort! Every time, I only dream of a faceless man, and I don’t know who he is. I was the first northern saint to awaken to the golden elixir and was blinded in vain! I always dream about that guy! He actually let others cultivate to the true saint first! Ah! But I was killed by this guy! snort!

Zhang Yanzhi sulked with his mouth bulging, grabbed the sand and threw it into the bonfire, as if he wanted to throw it on the head of the man in red in the scroll.

Okay, let’s forget about these enemies for now. They’re serious. Maybe the saint is also practicing True Yang Gong...

Li Fan narrowed his eyes and ate the sparrow in one gulp. He calmed down and thought about it.

No matter what skill it is, the saint must collect all her memories before she can awaken, right? Then as long as you hide these candidate saints in the golden elixir realm, the real saint will not be able to awaken, right? As long as she awakens before she awakens, right? If you kill the true saint, you have to start over, right?

Zhang Yanzhi glanced sideways at Li Fan, That's the truth. The Demon Sect and the Demon Palace have always done this. But I heard that the Central Plains is in chaos now, and demon catastrophes are everywhere. They themselves can't protect themselves. Probably no one cares about the Holy Spirit. Is it about women’s awakening?”

Depend on! I care! But yes, it was agreed that the Yuntai Peak Allied Forces would march westward, and now something as bad as Emei has happened, it might be ruined!

The only option is for him to make a trip in person...

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