The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 601 Demon Ancestor

Now that the mission was completed, the company no longer wasted cannon fodder and immediately arranged for various support groups to retreat.

Since the team at the scene was basically killed, and the drone was destroyed by blood and water, the signal was lost. The whereabouts of the Five Poison Sword Fairy Chen Sha have not been visually confirmed and are currently unknown.

However, the scouts who stayed in the dark also observed that the bloody water flowed up against the river, directly melting all the fish and shrimp scraps in the river, completely destroying the monster ecology around the flood, washing away most of the top of Fashuang Mountain, and destroying the top of Fashuang Mountain. Shanzhen guarded the gate of the dojo and built the boss's doghouse with furs and herbs, but it was all washed away. Finally, he accumulated a pool of blood in the mountains and stopped moving, nor came out to chase the retreating demons. Probably because Chen Sha still had a breath. , you can save it.

The high-intensity battle in Fashuang Mountain was over in just one company introduction video, but the 'hosta' here in Tianyu Mountain was actually still holding on.

I don’t know how many times this guy has transformed now, and his body has shrunk to the size of a monkey. He probably found out that the mission was over and wanted to transform into a human to escape, but the flesh on his face and body has been filled with poison. The toxins cannot be neutralized quickly, and pink and green sores begin to appear. The whole person looked like a ghost or a ghost, and he was running around on the mountain with his head in his arms.

Zheng Zetian was about to help this non-thing to die, but both systems reminded him that there were many Xuanmen masters hiding in the clouds, trying to figure out where this monster came from. So he rolled his eyes and had a plan in mind.

He immediately left the shelter, and while Yangzuo walked to the dormitory without knowing it, he arranged for the 'Hostana' to cooperate with his performance, and ran over to give him heads to kill.

Now Zheng Zetian is a level 23 company employee and the leader of Mozhushan's business team. How can a cloned temporary worker of 'Yu Han' disobey him, so he has to pretend to be crazy and lustful, humiliating himself to cooperate with him in acting, and he is still a very stupid boy or girl. A scene like bumping into someone at a corner. Then a thunder struck from the opposite side...

The thunder of the Nine Heavens Ying Yuan universalized the Heavenly Lord Taiyi and struck the Heavenly Divine Thunder——!



Seeing that the people and the plank road were blown away, all the Xuanmen monks in the sky were greatly surprised. They all came out to check. They asked, This devil just disturbed the mountain and survived all kinds of disasters. How could it be that he could explode into flying objects with just one move of thunder? Hui, is it so easy to punish? Some thoughtful people directly escaped into the water to search, to prevent the devil from pretending to die and escaping.

Zheng Zetian also talked too much with Xuanmen, and only recorded a confession with the mage of the Discipline Academy. He used the waste 'hosta' to make another bamboo talisman, and then went back to his dormitory to practice.

At the same time, a huge fish head suddenly appeared at the bottom of the Tianyu Mountain Water Pond, in the dark and deep water bottom!

good! The Lord of Mozhu Shanshui Mansion! The Great Lord Kun!

After fifty years of eating, Kun is now more than ten feet long and has a slightly Kun-like appearance.

It's a pity that according to Kun's standards, it is still a child. It can only express but cannot speak.

Kun opened his mouth, and a bloody man with one eye and one arm wrapped in red clothes came out of Kun's mouth.

Yes, it is Li Fan and Asha!

Now using Kun's teleportation mechanism, Li Fan can hide Kun at the bottom of the river, evade the company's eyes and ears, and travel secretly to Tianyu Mountain, Leize, Fashuang Mountain and other places.

He now threw his Blood God Son clone in Fashuang Mountain and kept it under surveillance by the company's scout satellites just to hide his whereabouts. In fact, he had secretly rescued Asha and came back to teach her skills.

Of course, Asha did take a big risk this time, but there is no one in the Sword Immortal Tribulation who doesn’t take risks, so it doesn’t matter.

Li Fan touched Kun to show that you had gained weight again, so he turned into blood clothes and wrapped them around Asha, who was almost in human form. He escaped invisible and quietly sneaked into the Xingtian Sword Tomb on the top of Tianyu Peak. Li Fan directly put this The disciple who had followed her the longest was placed in front of the stone tablet, and she was asked to look at the sword marks on the tablet with her only remaining eye and understand the sword's meaning.

How about it? Can you gain some enlightenment?

Asha looked at it for a while, but still closed her eyes in frustration.

Li Fan is not surprised. Teacher Xuantian's teaching materials are a bit difficult. It's no joke that Beichen Sword Sect can be passed down to the Mie Sect. But it doesn’t matter!

Don't be discouraged, Asha, I already have a solution. Dangdangdang, look at what this is!

Li Fan's voice was still brisk, and he obviously really had a way. He grabbed it from his sleeve and pulled out a lobster that was as fleshy as if it had been shelled. There is also a black bead on the lobster's head, which looks like a 'lobster eye'.

Chen Sha, ...

Chen Sha coughed up blood and said she couldn't guess.

Li Fan explained, This is a trial version of the parasitic system. It is a magic fetus born from a beast mother. The one I prepared for you is not only an intelligent assistant, but also a plug-in for implanting biological bones. In other words, this magic eye , is a detector used to enhance spiritual perception and can detect strings in the seventh dimension.

This equipment can greatly improve your spiritual consciousness. You are limited by the genetic lock and cannot understand the true inheritance of swordsmanship. But after installing this system, I think you will be able to realize that you were 'invisible' and 'invisible' before. It's too evil to kill the sword.

Although it is a little bit dangerous in theory, don't worry, I have obtained permission and found a second-rate guy to do the experiment. He is jumping around and is very energetic.

Seeing that Chen Sha looked confused, she didn't know whether she didn't understand or agreed. Li Fan didn't hesitate, he swung his hand and split her in half with a sword strike from the midline. Then the lobster eye system was installed into the split skull, the nerves were quickly connected, and the surgery was completed directly on her.

After performing surgery on her brain and installing lobster eyes, one of Chen Sha's eyes was still a human eye, while the other eye socket was filled with a black ball. Although his whole body was sutured, he was staring blankly at the kendo stone tablet, not knowing which cranial nerve was damaged.

However, Li Fan was not discouraged. Zheng Zetian also fainted for several days and gave the system some time to recover.

Li Fan! How is Asha!

Xuan Tian on the other end of the system was anxious to death.

The operation is completed and he is not dead yet.

Hey kid! Why are you so anxious to pretend this to her? Let's wait until you understand!

Oh, I'm just a clone. I just do what I'm told. Besides, I won't have any adverse reactions if I'm not...

Can Asha compete with that madman! Huh, that guy, be careful and guard against him! Don't be plotted by others!

Li Fan could only show his hands, Xuan Tian, ​​he has been reincarnated. We are all comrades on the same front, and I think he is really safe in his work. In just a few days, give me all the company's underwear. I brought it over, you are very capable.

Hmph, you are so cowardly now that you even dare to provoke that lunatic. When he gets sick, don't say I didn't warn you!

Huh? So what will happen if you go crazy?

Huh, let's put it this way, there is a reason why the Luo Jiao can be called the Demon Sect. These things in the past life have long since passed, and I won't talk to you about it. I just want to remind you again.

That madman was the demon ancestor who rose up in the most cruel era in the Central Plains. So many people around him followed him, not because of how kind and upright he was. You really think that a lunatic can change his mind and become a new person? Haha, I think it's very mysterious.

Li Fan in blood clothes couldn't do anything after hearing this. After all, he was just a clone. He was just here to help Asha perform emergency surgery and stabilize her condition. So the blood clothes were directly wrapped around Asha's body, turning it into a blood cocoon, helping Chen Sha fall into the dream and be reborn as a butterfly in the cocoon.

The next day, Zheng Zetian walked out of the dormitory.

He took the time to watch the company's promotional video all night, but the gold-inlaid jade communicator actually ran out of power...

Well, you can't count too much on things for civilian use. Although he can slowly recover after being exposed to the sun for a long time, just waiting is not Zheng Zetian's style. Fortunately, he already knew that there were many company bases near Tianyu Mountain, as well as warehouses that provided funds and equipment. Finding a place to charge should not be a problem.

So he got on his horse and went to the boat market by the lake for a walk.

But I saw that all the pawn shops and medical clinics were no longer open. I don’t know if it was due to the failure of last night’s operation, or if they were transferred to hunt down Chen Sha. There was no other way, so Zheng Zetian had no choice but to try his luck on the flower boat.

Of course, for most of the day, the store had just opened, so it was not possible to get down to business as soon as dawn. During the day, these flower boats are used in restaurants, playing music, playing, singing, and performing songs and dances. Most of them are practiced by young people. Only in the evening do the leading oirans come out to greet distinguished guests.

After all, Zheng Zetian was a reincarnated person, and he was very skilled. When he came up, he first told the doorman that he would not be short of money, and that you should go and feed my sheep. Then he ordered a table of Lingzhai vegetarian dishes, put his gold and jade pendant on the table, and started eating his morning tea.

Sure enough, after waiting for a while, the beautiful shopkeeper with the title of temporary worker of the company on her head, a middle-aged lady who still retains her charm, twisted her waist to strike up a conversation and asked the guest if she was satisfied with her meal.

He didn't need to say any more instructions. The moment the shopkeeper walked over, the jade pendant on his waist had already begun to charge the gold inlaid jade.

It was awkward to have people sit and wait for charging, so Zheng Zetian asked the shopkeeper to sit down and asked,

I'm a disciple of Mozhushan. There was a lot of noise last night. Did the shopkeeper hear anything?

When I came to the peak to inspect the work, the shopkeeper naturally knew everything.

I heard that several big things happened on the mountain. It was said that demons from the Nangong Clan attacked the mountain and assassinated many of the guards and Xuanmen students.

In order to retaliate, Mozhushan also mobilized soldiers overnight to besiege Yushan. I heard that the Sixth Division of Yushan and the Eighth Division of Moshan came out together this time. Do you think they can capture the 100th floor underground this time?

Zheng Zetian was stunned, One hundred floors?? Can one hundred floors be dug underground?

The shopkeeper explained, My Taoist friends don't know. The Yushan Cave is a strange paradise. It is said to be a bottomless devil's cave. I don't know what ancient ruins it is. You can't escape deep into the earth. You can only explore down the tunnel. , and the strange thing is that the terrain in the cave will change at any time, making it difficult to get out of the mountain if you are not careful.

Many years ago, the Nangong Clan had regarded this place as a forbidden area for the family, a hideout for soldiers and demons. They had arranged countless traps, secret passages and pits, and killed all the craftsmen. Now the remnants of the demons are huddled in the mountains, and repeated attempts to clear them out of Mozhu Mountain have failed.

It is said that in the past, the people could go down to more than eighty floors at most. This time, they probably vowed not to return until they broke through the devil's cave.

Oh, Nangong Demon Cave... is it the royal tomb... When Nangong Wuhan rebelled, the weapons, armor, gold and silver treasures were all hidden there. Of course, he would not be told about the map of his secret warehouse.

Zheng Zetian thought for a while, took Jin Xiangyu in his hand and interrogated the system.

Sure enough, they still have no right to inquire.

It seems that the company has hidden something under that devil's cave.

Speaking of which, wasn't Song Dayou's battle clothes damaged when he was ambushed by Nangong Demon during his crusade against Yushan?

Did he find something from some company?

Zheng Zetian feels that this possibility is relatively high. After all, Song Dayou did not expect that he would be assassinated, and the company also deployed a real-person level of generosity to deal with Chen Sha. It is very likely that Song Dayou was unconscious. Breaking into some company's secret base.

And I was afraid that the eight devils were ambushing me at that time. It was not an ambush, but they were guarding something key...

Zheng Zetian rolled his eyes, calculating in his mind.

This kind of cave heaven and paradise is the most important thing about immortal destiny. Some people may be deep in the immortal mountain and cannot find immortal destiny no matter what. Some people may be walking on the road and live immortals will fly down from the sky to accept you as their disciples.

Zheng Zetian estimated that, taking advantage of the relationship between him and Song Dayou as a master and apprentice, and the authority of the company's employees, it might be possible for him to find the clues that Song Dayou found in the Yushan Demon Cave.

It's just that Yushan is the company's home base, and Mozhushan can't be defeated by several divisions. If you go there rashly, you may not be able to succeed...

Fellow Taoist, do you have anything else to ask?

Zheng Zetian came back to his senses and asked casually, Oh, how is the Central Plains doing now?

The shopkeeper shook his head repeatedly.

Alas, it's not like that. Except for a few big mountains that have closed their doors, the small and medium-sized sects in Duizhou and Kunzhou have been basically wiped out by the divine religion. UU Reading At present, many sects in Qianzhou have joined forces with the same spirit. , still resisting resolutely.

Now that the power of the divine religion is becoming more and more powerful, it no longer accepts members of the cultivator clan to join the cult directly. All monks in the Yuanying realm of the cultivator family must enter the blood jar and fight as blood slaves for a hundred years. Handed over to the legitimate son of the family to be used as a hostage and blood puppet.

The Xuanmen side is also ruthless. Anyone who is found to have defected will be killed and the whole family will be exterminated. I heard that some sects, due to the quarrel between their main sect and the outer sect, took the opportunity to claim that the other party had joined the divine religion, and then started to attack each other, killing the whole sect to death.

Alas, we are still fighting among ourselves at this time...

Zheng Zetian was not surprised, Xuanmen was like this. The contradiction between the old men who have been together for hundreds of thousands of years must be greater than that of some demonic sect attacking the mountain.

But here we go.

Zheng Zetian pretended not to care, took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, and asked,

I heard that even the remnants of the Luo Sect have appeared now?

The shopkeeper is indeed someone who can work for the company. He is really skilled in business, so he nodded on the spot.

Yes, there are always people in Genzhou rebelling under the banner of the reincarnated demon god. Now the Gao family is not at peace either. Various refugees are revolting, the demon sect is causing chaos, and there is chaos. Not to mention the Luo sect, there are people who call themselves Luo Zu. He’s reincarnated.”

Zheng Zetian smiled,

The reincarnation of Luo Zu, I'm afraid no one in this world will remember this madman long ago, and he doesn't need someone with a famous name.

The shopkeeper sighed,

But this person who calls himself Luo Zu is indeed a madman. I heard that they not only destroyed Kongsang Mountain, but also cut open the heads of Kongsang Mountain's disciples and ate them all. I don't know where the monsters came from.

Zheng Zetian had no expression on his face and had to put down his tea bowl.

Phew, these days, some people actually remember him...

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