The Third Reich

Chapter 1293: Easy ambush

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Because there is no arena for battle on the sea, the navy has to hold weapons and fight on land. However, their fighting will has always been quite strong enough to make anyone proud of them, and now they are even more so. To perform a difficult task.

Gustayev took the machine gun and walked in the forefront. At the same time, he was also tasked with identifying the way.

Stepping deep and shallowly on the field, Gustaev finally saw the hazy village.

Yes, that's it! Gustaev made a gesture to the people behind him, and they moved on.

The small village is getting closer and closer, and Gustaev has some expectations in his heart. According to intelligence, this place should be the high-level command of the Romanian army, and I hope that he will not be empty.

Finally, the village is right in front of you, and a straight road is right under your feet. In the whole village, there is no doubt that there is no doubt that there is the headquarters of people walking.

His feet wanted to continue to step over, but suddenly found something wrong.

If this is the location of the opponent's high-level command, why is there not even a sentry at the entrance of the village?

impossible! Is the Romanian army so negligent?

Regardless, since you're all here, you must fight in, and count as many people as you can kill.

The quiet moonlight shone on the ground and stretched their shadows very long. It was obvious that they wanted to touch the village all the way, and it was best to walk around the corner to avoid exposure.

They walked into the village one by one, their bodies pressed against the wall, and lined up in a line.

Gustaev, who led the team in front, was quite vigilant. Every time he walked outside a wall, he had to listen carefully and see if there was no problem before moving his feet.

They absolutely didn't know at this time. On the roof of the courtyard opposite them, a famous Romanian soldier was already waiting there. Their pitch-black muzzle pointed at the root of the wall here. These Soviet soldiers, Are exposed to their vision.

Iliye was extremely excited. Hans just returned and took them here to set up an ambush. He thought he was waiting for nothing, but he picked up a big bargain. After this battle, he will definitely be promoted to the next level because of his achievements. of!

As for Hans, he was equally excited. The other party was exposed to his own eyes. What are you waiting for?

"Hit!" Hans shouted loudly, and then the MP40 in his hand protruded.

"Da da da..." 6.8 mm bullets poured out towards the opposite side. The Soviets knew it was not good when the gunfire sounded.

On the opposite roof, tongues of fire burst out. They were exposed under the wall, and they had nowhere to hide. Their bodies were rolling back and forth in the bullet shooting, screaming, and their fingers hadn't pulled the trigger. Has fallen down.

As soon as the gunfire sounded, Gustaev knew that he was hit. At this moment, he didn't care about his companions behind him. He turned over and entered the courtyard by the side, and the bullets followed his ankle.

Fortunately, none of the bullets hit him!

He leaned against the earth wall, picked up his turntable machine gun, and started a counterattack.

"Da da da!" The turntable on the turntable machine gun was turning quickly, and one by one 7.62 mm bullets flew toward the opposite roof. Suddenly several Romanian soldiers were shot and fell off.

"Idiot, where's our tank?" Hans shouted.

Almost at the same time, the Romanian light tank hidden on the other side of the road was dispatched. It rumbling towards the location of Gustayev's hiding place, then increased the throttle and hit it!

It can't fire. After all, there are Romanian officers nearby, for fear of accidental injury, but just this impact is enough to bury the opponent!

Sure enough, with its impact, the low wall immediately collapsed. Then, the light tank continued to run at full power and wanted to continue to crush the past, but with a few slower and slower gasps, The tank stopped unexpectedly, the light of the car lights became dim, and it actually turned off.

This kind of small tank is really too weak. Hans feels uncomfortable. If it is his own mouse tank, not to mention such a wall, even if it is a building, you dare to hit it, and it can collapse. it!

And now, just a wall of soil has turned it off, weak.

"Go, go down and clean the battlefield." Hans shouted.

In World War II, there was a peculiar phenomenon that Germany and the Soviet Union hardly cleaned the battlefield.

Because the ammunition on both sides is not universal.

The German Mauser 98K rifle uses 7.92*57mm rifle ammunition, while the Soviet Mosinagan rifle uses 7.62*54mm bullets. The two are different.

At the same time, Germany has a sufficient supply of munitions, not enough to pick up the opponent's rifle, and both sides often engage in tricks, such as burying booby mines under the corpse to prevent the opponent from cleaning the battlefield.

As a result, it formed an unwritten tradition of not cleaning the of course now is different. Here is the headquarters of the headquarters. Are these Soviet soldiers dead? Even if one is let go, it will cause a lot of trouble.

Hans wanted to see the results of this battle. Under the leadership of Hans, the Romanian infantry platoon followed down from the roof and ran forward, his rifle with a shiny bayonet.

"Puff!" The bayonet plunged into a corpse. The Romanian soldiers were unrelenting and had to make sure that everyone was completely dead.

And Hans, is more concerned about the one who was smashed under the dirt wall, is he dead?

The wind was blowing at Hans' feet and he walked fast. Just when he approached the earth wall, he saw a dark figure running by in the alley ahead.

"Chasing, don't let him go!" Hans shouted loudly.

"Don't shoot casually, there is our medical team's resident." Platoon Commander Iliya shouted.

The dark shadow was running towards the inside of the village, and it was actually the path Hans had walked! When Hans heard about the medical team, he became even more anxious. Aunt Mia was there too, so Aunt Mia could not be hurt at all!

"Da da da!" Compared to the Romanian soldiers, Gustaev had no scruples. When he saw the tank coming, he did not retreat but moved forward, bypassing the dirt wall, ran a few steps forward, and hid in the tank. In the shadow of, if he had time to take out the grenade, the tank would definitely be killed by him.

But now, as he ran, his machine gun spit out flames, swept down the two sentries standing at the door, and then ran in stride.

Although he is left alone, he is not afraid, but it is more advantageous to him, because there are enemies all around, so he can just open fire!

There is a guard at the door, is it the Romanian senior commander inside?

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