The Third Reich

Chapter 1299: Coaxial secondary gun

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At this time, the turret of the mouse tank turned a hundred and twenty degrees, and the flying 122 mm shell hit the side of the turret of the mouse tank just right.

At this time, the included angle was also 120 degrees. This terrible armor-piercing bullet came into close contact with the nickel alloy armor, and then, swish, bounced away.

Yes, there was a ricochet.

This 122mm tank gun was originally improved from the cannon. After being equipped with tanks, most of them are grenades. The proportion of armor-piercing shells is quite small. Since the navy has naval guns of the same caliber, the navy has instead stocked a large number of them. 122mm armor-piercing ammunition, so now, these Stalin tanks have sufficient armor-piercing ammunition.

How deep can the 122mm armor-piercing bullet penetrate? At the current level of the Soviet Union, it would not exceed one hundred and fifty millimeters. When converted into German armor steel, that would be about 130 millimeters.

The side armor of the mouse tank is more than one hundred and fifty millimeters thick, so even if it is hit from the front, there is no problem. As for now, it was just a mere splash, and it did not cause any damage to the rat tank.

The turret continued to rotate, and finally, the muzzle was facing the rear, that is, right in front at this time, on the Stalin tanks that were moving over!

A well-trained German tanker can prepare for shooting in less than ten seconds!

After turning around, Hans quickly aimed at the differentiation board of his sighting device, and it took almost three seconds to complete his preparations for shooting.

"Fire!" With the shout, Hans stepped on the trigger under his feet, and the 128mm armor-piercing projectile flew out of the turret whistling.

"Loading!" Before the gun smoke inside the turret cleared, the loader began to move the shells, ready to load the next shell.

Hans is still observing his target, and Kurt has already started to observe the surroundings to see the whereabouts of the four tanks, the time left for him is too short! The 128mm armor-piercing projectile hit the turret of the Stalin tank. This tortoise-like inclined armor can bounce the opponent's projectiles to the maximum, but it is also the favorite of blunt-headed armor-piercing projectiles.

The 128mm shell, without any advanced type, is the most common blunt-headed armor-piercing shell. When it hits the turret, under the huge kinetic energy, the entire turret shook violently, and even the car body was hardened. After being hit, it retreated several tens of centimeters, and the track slipped on the ground, and two gullies appeared.

Caliber and power are definitely not simply proportional. The performance of a 128mm armor-piercing projectile is at least five times that of a 50mm blunt armor-piercing projectile.

Now, just under the violent impact, the Stalin tank was already unbearable, and then the blunt-headed armor-piercing projectile started to drill inward quickly on the cast turret.

In front of it, a big hole appeared, and in an instant, it penetrated the main armor of the Stalin tank and got inside.

"Boom!" Under the impact of the 128 mm armor-piercing projectile and the ensuing heat flow of countless broken armor, the ammunition inside the tank immediately exploded terribly.

At the seat ring of the turret, a hot air flow radiated out, pushing the turret up half a meter high, and then fell down.

There can be no survivors in this Stalin tank. All tankers have died, including Yuri.

The sacrifice of Yuri's crew was to buy time for the other tankers. The other Stalin tanks, with full power, moved quickly toward the mouse tank.

At the same time, the turret of the mouse tank also began to turn to his right, Kurt's voice was very low: "Fifteen degrees to the right, 500 meters away, fire!"

"Boom!" With the sound of shooting, gunpowder filled the interior of the turret, and the smoke machine was whizzing out the fired gas. Hans looked at his target.

Did you miss the target?

At the moment when the fire was fired here, the other tanker suddenly stopped the tank. Therefore, there was an accident in a precise shooting, and Hans unexpectedly missed!

In combat, the true hit rate is quite low. (East China Hero has been making hits all the time, and many people have already complained about it.)

In the current battle, a miss will bring terrible trouble, because there are many enemies!

"Boom!" At this time, the Stalin tank at the forefront was only three hundred meters away from the mouse tank. It stopped briefly, and then violently opened fire towards this side.

The 122mm shell, with a terrible whistle of death, crossed a beautiful arc and flew onto the mouse tank here.

Although the accuracy of Soviet tanks is not high, and Soviet tankers are aiming quickly, and there is not much time for precise aiming, but the target of the mouse tank is too large, and it has no possibility of missed the target.

In the next second, the 122mm armor-piercing projectile hit the mouse tank's armor again. This time, it hit the position of the car body.

The cannonball burrowed vigorously, and in front of it, the excellent nickel alloy was desperately blocking it, and soon a deep pit was formed in the armor. The edges of the pit were melted iron chutes.

The shell finally stopped, it did not penetrate!

The violent crashing sound spread to the inside of the tank. Several tankers didn’t have the slightest fear at For Hans, he didn’t wait for the loader to reload. He just turned the turret quickly. After turning around, I turned the **** on the front operation panel, and then stepped on the trigger again.

"Boom!" The mouse tank fired again, but this time the movement was much smaller.

The 128mm tank gun has not been loaded yet, and Hans fired this time, operating the secondary gun next to this thick and large tank gun!

Yes, for the mouse tank, the huge turret is full of space. If only a 128mm gun is installed, it will be a waste. At the same time, when dealing with some small targets, the 128mm shell is too wasteful.

However, he couldn't make a monster with multiple turrets, and Führer Cyric didn't like it.

Therefore, they simply installed a 75mm KwK44L/36.5 coaxial secondary gun on the right side of the 128mm gun.

The so-called coaxial means that the axis is the same, and they are installed side by side. On tanks, coaxial machine guns are quite common. The turret rotates and the machine gun rotates to destroy the enemy in front at any time. At the same time, there is another coaxial machine gun. Usefulness is ranging.

Before the laser rangefinder was born, measuring the enemy’s distance mainly relied on optics. Knowing the width of the opponent’s tank in advance and calculating it carefully in your sights was too troublesome. Later, a coaxial machine gun was developed. After aiming, fire a shot with the machine gun and observe the impact point. If the machine gun hits, it proves that the aiming is correct, and then fire the gun.

The current coaxial secondary gun is an upgraded version of the coaxial machine gun. Its ballistic characteristics are exactly the same as those of the 128mm tank gun. Now, the 128mm gun is not hit because the opponent brakes suddenly, so he uses the coaxial Second gun, after fine-tuning a close position, fire again!

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