The Third Reich

Chapter 1304: Turkey

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Up to now, Germany's main enemy is the Soviet Union. Before the Soviet Union was defeated, Germany had no need to divide its energy.

Therefore, although Germany seems to be competing with the Americans in the Atlantic, in fact, there is no real fight at all. On the European land, there are also some problems that Germany has not had time to deal with.

For example, the gunpowder barrels of the Balkans during the First World War. Germany has not intervened. For example, in Africa, although there is some freedom, France continues to expand there, and Germany does not take care of it. For example, Turkey, a country that spans Asia and Europe, controls this. The most important countries in the Black Sea Strait are now not dealt with by Germany.

Turkey's geographical location is very important. It borders the Black Sea to the north, the Mediterranean Sea to the south, Syria and Iraq to the southeast, the Aegean Sea to the west, Greece and Bulgaria to the east, and Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Iran to the east.

It can be said that Turkey's geographical location and geopolitical strategic significance are extremely important, and it is a crossroad connecting Europe and Asia.

In history, there used to be the most powerful Ottoman Empire here. After the defeat of World War I, Turkey established a republic until now.

The Turks are contradictory, they now declare neutrality, in fact, they also have their own small abacus.

The Black Sea is basically the inner sea of ​​the Soviet Union, but the mouth of the sea is controlled by Turkey. Therefore, Turkey has almost always been a thorn in the eyes of the Soviets. The Soviets want to capture Turkey's Black Sea Strait and Transcaucasus all the time.

Therefore, from this point of view, Turkey has always been guarding against the Soviets. After all, since the establishment of the Soviet Union, it has almost inherited the Russian style and continued to expand abroad. When it was the Ottoman Empire, Turkey had been constantly expanding. To deal with this kind of external expansion of Lao Maozi.

Therefore, Turkey has no favor with the Soviet Union, even if it has signed a friendship treaty with the Soviet Union.

At the same time, Turkey does not have much trust in Germany.

It is not easy for Turkey. Since the Kemal revolution, they have experienced countless hardships and pains in establishing a modern country on the ruins of the Ottoman Empire. Therefore, they do not trust any power politics, and at the same time, they have the nationality of the eastern Mediterranean. That kind of ability: good at long-term bargaining, good at finding some reasonable excuses to avoid taking inappropriate actions, and good at eloquently persuading the opponents to think about their own self-conceived interests, so as to transfer disputes that cause strong pressure on them.

This is a very cunning nation, rebellious and unbelieving, and can do anything for the sake of profit. It is best to just use your mouth to get the benefit.

But Germany has brought greater pressure to them, of course because of Italy.

Italy and Germany are allies, and Italy’s hand has reached Greece. As a country bordering Greece, Turkey is also in danger of being invaded by Italy. In the Eastern Caucasus, Germany’s hand has reached Iraq and can reach the Caucasus at any time. go with.

Turkey is afraid of Germany, especially now that Germany has become the most terrifying existence on this continent. Turkey still maintains their traditional "virtue", which is neutrality and non-intervention.

At the same time, when the Second World War just broke out, the Turks also smashed Germany.

Turkey has a vast territory and is naturally rich in minerals. The most coveted one is chrome ore.

With a little understanding, you will know how important this thing is.

For example, ferrochrome alloys can be used as steel additives to produce a variety of high-strength, corrosion-resistant, wear-resistant, high-temperature, and oxidation-resistant special steels, such as stainless steel, acid-resistant steel, heat-resistant steel, ball bearing steel, spring steel, tool steel, etc. .

The metal chromium is mainly used to smelt special alloys with cobalt, nickel, tungsten and other elements. These special steels and special alloys are indispensable materials for the production of guns, missiles, rockets, and naval vessels in aviation, aerospace, automobiles, shipbuilding, and the defense industry.

In refractory materials, chromite is used to make chrome bricks, chrome magnesia bricks and other special refractory materials.

Before the war, Germany had conducted extensive trade cooperation with Turkey. Germany imported chromium and other iron ore necessary for the arms industry from Turkey, as well as other Turkish raw materials such as leather, goat hair, cotton, oil and tobacco. The main customers of Germany, Germany, in exchange for supplying Turkey with the required light industry and heavy industry products.

However, after the outbreak of the European War, the Turks’ inferiority began. After Britain and France gave Turkey sufficient benefits, Turkey transferred most of the original trade with Germany to the side of Britain and France, making Britain and France jointly monopolize Turkey. The remaining chromium for export.

Fortunately, Germany has long been prepared to stock a large amount of ore in advance. At the same time, it can also increase imports of chrome ore from Finland and other countries. Germany does not have much response to this despicable behavior of the Turks.

Because Germany still has a lot to do, it hasn't spared any effort to take care of Turkey for the time being. Now, if Germany wants to exert greater influence on Ukraine, it should start from the Black Sea.

At the same time, if the German navy can appear in the Black Sea, it will be easier to hit the Crimean Peninsula and the Sevastopol Fortress. The naval guns can go up and bomb!

Therefore, the Turkish barrier must be passed.

In the past, the Turks relied on Britain and France, and the British and French were gone. Now, the Turks rely on the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union has been beaten by its own side and suffered heavy losses. At this time, the Turks should also be able to see. Is it coming out of the general trend of the world? They should be good at seeing the wind.

This will not delay the German battle on land. Up to now, the Navy has not had much chance to shine. Apart from a joint maritime inspection near the Arctic Circle, there is no other mission. I am holding back. Vigor.

In this case, simply use powerful force to tell the Turks that direct mail obedience to Germany is the prerequisite for Turkey's existence!

"Order our Mediterranean fleet to sail to the Black Sea Strait and conduct an exercise outside the Black Sea Strait." Cyric said: "At the same time, let the ambassador to Turkey formally notify Turkey that it is time to deepen our relationship with us!"

At present, Germany has an attack aircraft carrier, two **** aircraft carriers, several battleships, and ships of the French fleet in the Mediterranean, as well as air support from the Middle East and North Africa at any time.

Let them conduct an exercise, enough to scare the Turks to pee their pants!

"We need absolute navigation rights in the Black Sea Strait. If the Turks do not agree, then our exercise will become a landing operation, completely using force to control there." Cyric said: "If the Turks agree, they too Can get more benefits."

When you don’t want to use real war to solve the problem, exercise demonstrations are a pretty good way. Especially for a country with rogue characteristics like Turkey, you need a carrot and a great hand.

During this period of time, the navy, which had been impatient for a long time, finally had room to play. When the order was passed to the navy headquarters, soon a huge fleet was assembled.

The navy was surprised to find that the second ship of its Hindenburg class, Stuttgart, happened to be sailing in the Mediterranean. This time the protagonist who deterred the Turks was this warship!

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