The Third Reich

Chapter 1332: Efficient operation

Aleksandr Mironenko is flying a two-winged Yi-15 fighter jet, escorting his own Il-4 bomber.

In order to attack the enemy’s aircraft carrier formation, in addition to bombers, there must be escorted fighter jets, otherwise the losses will be considerable. Originally, the naval aviation had some monoplanes similar to the Iraq -16, but unfortunately they were all in the Germans. Was destroyed in waves of bombing.

Now, more than twenty Il-4s and five Yi-15s are all the rest of the aviation of the Black Sea Fleet. They are flying toward the German fleet with a fearless spirit. Everyone knows that it is difficult to come back. But they are fearless.

It's a pity that they were discovered by German patrol fighter jets just when they were far away from the enemy's fleet!

The two FW190s rushed up fiercely. After spotting the German fighters, the escorted Iraqi-15 fighters immediately greeted them.

Although some flying veterans like biplanes and think that monoplanes are not safe, the development of aviation technology has confirmed that monoplanes are completely correct. The current biplanes are out of date and are fighting with German fighters. , There is almost no chance of winning, but they have no choice and must face it!

Alexander pushed all the throttle, the front ASh-62 nine-cylinder star air-cooled engine exploded 700 horsepower, pushing the fighter to accelerate.

Although they are all Yi-15, different batches are different, and the Soviet Union is constantly improving. For example, the current batch is the latest Iraq-153, which has made great progress.

It is a pity that due to its congenital deficiencies, there is no chance for it to be ahead of the German fighters.

Of course Ankruz also saw the Soviet fighters who came to fight, but he was not interested in fighting with these fighters. Biplanes could not fly at a maximum speed of 500 kilometers per hour. How could he compare with himself? ?

Facing the Soviet fighters who came to fight, Ancruz and Christie did not pay attention to them at all. Pulling the control lever, the two FW190 aircraft began to climb rapidly, and the front engine exploded with a surging thrust of 1,800 horsepower, pulling the fighter upward. Fei, the opposite is only envious.

Yes, the advantage of the biplane is at best the ability to hover horizontally. If you chase the opponent and fly horizontally, you will be stunned, and maybe you will be ambushed by the opponent.

However, the climb of the biplane is extremely weak. The resistance of the biplane is high, and their aircraft engines are too poor. Now this ratio is immediately revealed.

The Soviet pilots could only look up and watch the German fighters climb, and soon they had to look up. The German fighters had already flown over their heads!

"Protect our bomber!" Alexander yelled, and he shook his engine wing, motioning for other planes to follow him.

Yes, their airplanes are not equipped with radios, but fortunately they are used to such communication.

Just when they were about to turn around and return home, the two FW190s had already made a dashing turn in the sky, and then dived down towards the bomber group!

The layout of the Il-4 bomber is very similar to that of the Sb-2. The pilot is on the lower front, the pilot is on the upper, and there is a rear turret at the back, with a machine gunner sitting.

At this moment, the machine gunners behind were quite nervous. They almost looked up at the German fighter jet that jumped out of the sky.

Their angle is quite tricky, just outside their own firepower!

Although there is a rear-firing machine gun, the angle is limited. For example, it cannot cover the rear hemisphere perfectly, and even more impossible directly above it. Should the shooter squat inside?

Now, the German fighter jets are diving down almost ninety degrees from an angle beyond their reach.

The overload caused by the dive made An Cruz's body a little fluttering. He gently pushed the joystick to enclose the movable ring of his sight on a bomber. In his field of vision, the target became bigger and bigger. Great, then he pulled the trigger.

"Tom tom tom." From the shaft gun of the propeller in front of the FW190, a tongue of flame emerged, and three 20mm shells accurately hit the fuselage of the bomber.

The first one hit the middle of the fuselage, and the wooden fuselage instantly exploded a large hole, exposing the steel pipe skeleton. Then, the second one exploded and the skeleton was torn apart. In the fire , The hit of the third shell made it into two stages, burning and falling down.


For fighters, the shaft gun is the easiest to hit. The 20mm shaft gun is actually not the largest, but it has ample ammunition and is used to fight bombers, which is powerful enough.

For ground attack, a 40mm Bofors cannon is needed.

An Cruz made an accurate hit, but his friend Christie had a slight deviation. At the last moment, the opponent made an emergency steering, and the bullet was empty.

The two FW190s dived down from the air, passed through each other's fleet, and pulled up from below. At this time, the Iraqi-15 fighters found the opportunity. They hurriedly fired a shuttle of machine gun bullets at the German fighters, but watched. When the opponent climbed up again without loss, they could only stare below.

The action of these two FW190s is quite simple, that is, climb up, dive down to attack, and then climb again. When diving down for the second time, Christie hit an Il-4.

The Soviet bomber group finally ceased to maintain a dense formation. They immediately dispersed, hoping to reduce the possibility of being attacked. It is much safer to separate than to gather together.

At this time on the Hitler aircraft carrier in the rear, the carrier aircraft is also taking off quickly.

Just after receiving the news of the discovery of the Soviet bomber group, the Hitler aircraft carrier, while recovering the carrier aircraft, also began to take off the carrier aircraft on the bow deck.

When the throttle was pushed to the maximum, the engine's supercharger screamed like a whistle. The two FW190s left the takeoff line and rushed to the battlefield airspace. In the parking area behind, the two new FW190s were quickly towed. Arrived at the stand.

The landing of the aircraft continued, and the takeoff was not affected at all. In just five minutes, six FW190s left the aircraft carrier. These spare carrier-based aircraft were used at critical times.

After the HS129 fleet landed, the FW190 carrier-based aircraft also began to land. Compared with those HS129 that were all pulled into the hangar, the FW190 carrier-based aircraft did not enter the hangar. After landing, they pulled to the bow area and refueled. , Hang the bomb and you can take off again.

The German maritime formations are the most efficient fighter aircraft! It is impossible for a mere two dozen Soviet bombers to pose a threat to ourselves.

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