The Third Reich

Chapter 1449: The Soviet Union also has a big killer

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Failure on the battlefield, but to find it back on the parade? This is definitely what a layman said. For veterans who are well versed in politics, the military parade is of course the best time to reflect morale. When they kick forward and walk through the red square, they will step on the whole world and shake. When their voices spread loudly over the red square, they will also resound over the world.

To boost morale, a military parade is the best way.

However, what kind of troops can the Soviets now come to the parade? How much unnecessary fuel will be consumed? The people below were muttering in their hearts, but no one spoke.

Only Stalin was talking: "Yes, we are going to hold a military parade recently, Zhukov, you are solely responsible for this matter."

Zhukov returned to the center of power and immediately gained the absolute trust of Stalin. This honor was enough for many people to look jealous, and Zhukov's arrival brought more than just such a few suggestions.

Zhukov still has good news.

"Comrade Stalin, I was on the road and received a report written by rocket scientists headed by our Comrade Korolev. I read it repeatedly and thought it was a good plan." Zhukov opened his briefcase. He took out a report and handed it to Stalin.

When Stalin received the report, his eyes became straight.

The report on the principle of special bombs can destroy a city in an instant.

Stalin hurriedly browsed, and kept nodding: "This is indeed good news, but it must be kept secret, Zhukov, how did you get it?"

Zhukov was in charge of the reserve forces, not in charge of equipment, but this report fell into Zhukov's hands, which made Stalin a little strange.

Zhukov sighed: "They can't submit it through normal channels. I passed by and contacted them that day. Later, I entrusted me to submit this report."

This report, of course, was when the oil field was bombed. After witnessing the explosion of the German special bomb, Korolev and others suddenly realized that the principle of this kind of bomb was like this!

When they rushed to the prison by car, they smoothed the principle and made a report. However, they faced a problem and couldn't make the report.

They were led by Beria, but after the oil field was bombed, Beria became busy immediately and could not find his shadow at all. Even if they handed in the report, they would be blocked and thrown aside. I know, there are reports like a mountain in Beria now.

As a result, Zhukov, who was in charge of reorganizing the reserve, passed by. They all knew Zhukov's name and immediately entrusted Zhukov to transfer it.

When Zhukov got the report, he immediately knew how serious the situation was.

The weapons that the Germans used to destroy the entire city in an instant have always been a mystery. No one knows what happened. Some experts even speculated that it was a nuclear weapon, but there was no radioactive nuclear pollution. Now, I have witnessed this with my own eyes The explosion of this kind of bomb was finally understood by a group of clever minds.

The principle has been developed, as long as you find a suitable arsenal and try to produce it, once this weapon is made by the Soviets, they can throw the same bomb on the Germans' heads!

Germans, are you afraid?

Throw it over Berlin and destroy that evil city!

Since the secrecy work has been done well, no one knows that the German base camp has been secretly transferred to Wolf's Den. Most people think that Cyric is still working in Berlin.

In front of Stalin's eyes, hope emerged: "Give it to the Tula Arsenal, and let them follow this design principle and immediately start imitation!"

No wonder the Germans dare not use this weapon in large quantities, because they were afraid of leaking secrets, but now they already know it!

Next, if such a weapon appears in the Soviet Union, will it irritate Germany and let the Germans let go and blow up all Soviet cities? This thought popped up in Stalin's mind, and then he was suppressed.

Regardless of him, if he has weapons, he is reluctant to use them. That is stupid. The Soviets are absolutely not stingy in using these weapons!



The telegram from Moscow, the order they had been waiting for, now finally arrived, but no one got excited with this order.

When the encirclement was not closed before, our side wanted to retreat. The former Bujuoni had already smelled a dangerous breath, but Stalin just disagreed.

Even if Admiral Kilbonos took the risk to give his own order, he was actually revoked by his superiors. Now, finally agreed?

What's the use of retreating now? The Germans are beginning to divide the army surrounding them, and the Kiev city is about to be conquered by the Now finally let the retreat?

All the people present were pale, and no one spoke. For a long time, Khrushchev spoke first.

"General Kilbonos, your command ability is quite outstanding. I think you can definitely lead our entire army to complete this great task of breaking through." Khrushchev said.

Everyone knows that the first half of Khrushchev's remarks is not of much use, but the second half is useful. Sure enough, Khrushchev went on to say: "So, please, as the commander-in-chief, direct the troops to retreat."

After finishing talking, Khrushchev looked forward at Timusin and said: "Marshal Timousin and I need to leave Kiev early. We will organize peripheral troops in Kharkov to support our front army. Break through."

After speaking, Khrushchev glanced at Brother Timusin. Sure enough, Brother Timusin did not object, and he showed a sense of relief.

Let yourself say this kind of shame! Khrushchev is also angry with Brother Timosin, why don't you take the initiative to say?

In the past, Khrushchev left his troops and escaped, but now it is no longer possible. Under strict military regulations, there is no order to retreat. That would be shot. Pavlov is an example.

Now that Stalin's order has finally been issued, he agrees to break through and retreat, so there is nothing wrong with the commanders on his side to leave first.

"I have no opinion." Admiral Kilbonos said: "I will be with the army."

These ghosts who are afraid of death will escape first. Admiral Kilbonos has already prepared in his heart. He will not go. He will be with his troops. He will use his actions to prove his loyalty to the Soviets.

"Well, then we will leave by plane tonight," Khrushchev said.

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