The Third Reich

Chapter 1452: Aleutian Islands

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The United States has already deciphered the telegram code for radio communications in the island country. Only a few high-level people know this. After all, this is too important.

After deciphering the code, you can know the movements of the island country, but this does not mean that you can know everything.

For example, after close investigations, they knew that the island country would carry out a sneak attack on their own island, but they didn't know where it was. In the island country's radio communications, they were all called code names.

Nimitz and others have fallen into hard thinking, for the island country, where do they want to attack the United States? Obviously, it's either Midway Island or the Aleutian Islands.

According to their guess, Nimitz thought of a way to leak out the lack of fresh water in the Aleutian Islands through an unclassified channel, hoping to arrange for merchant ships to supplement the Aleutian Islands as soon as possible.

As a result, on the same day, in the radio communications of the island country, the lack of fresh water was reported, and it was hoped that the offensive troops would bring enough fresh water.

In this way, the goal is finally determined, that is, the Aleutian Islands!

This is a masterpiece of nature. Looking at the map, in the north of the Pacific Ocean, in the southwest of Alaska, there is a semicircular band of islands, intermittently extending from east to west, almost reaching the Kamchatka Peninsula in Asia. It is more than 2700 kilometers long.

With the Anadyr Bay at the northern end of the Bering Sea as the center point, and the distance from this center point to the Aleutian Islands as the radius, the Aleutian Islands are almost all distributed on this circle.

If the Bering Sea is compared to a river, then the Aleutian Islands are like a long series of "stepping stones" curved out of the water. Starting from the Alaska Peninsula, stepping on these "stones" can "walk" to the "river". Opposite shore.

This is the Aleutian Islands, which traverses the North Pacific in the form of a quarter moon, and is a strategic location for the United States in the northern Pacific.

From Europe to the Americas, no matter whether it is sailing or aviation, it will not travel through the loop, which is relatively long, but first to the north to the high latitude area and then to the south, which can greatly save the voyage.

In other words, the Aleutian Islands are on the shortest route between the island country and the Far East to North America and Northern Europe, and the closest place between the United States and Russia.

If the island nation captures here, the island nation’s bombers can easily fly to the west coast of the United States to bomb, and the island nation’s fleet can also set off from here and radiate to the west coast of the United States. This is quite unfavorable for the United States.

And one of the other factors is that it would seriously threaten the water channel for the transportation of supplies from the US to the Soviet Union.

There is no alliance between the island country and Germany, but the relationship between the two parties is close. Back then, the island people bombed Pearl Harbor with a large number of German bombers.

The appearance of German submarines in the Arctic must have something to do with island nations. German factors make the Aleutian Islands even more of a target for island nations.

In general, the Aleutian Islands are composed of five groups of islands: Fox, Andreyanov, Four Mountains, Lat and Neil. There are 159 large and small islands with a total area of ​​about 18,000 square kilometers.

Among the islands, there are only three excellent ports. Among them, the former Dutch port on the east coast of the Alaska peninsula is of strategic value in the military and has always been a US naval and air force base. At the northwestern tip of the Aleutian Islands is Attu Island, the final island in the American realm and the closest island adjacent to the Soviet Union. The island has many harbors, and the situation is difficult, and it is a natural ship anchorage.

From a geographical point of view, Attu Island must be the first island to be captured by the islanders. It is close to the Soviet Union, but the Soviet Union has no powerful navy and air force to deploy here. The United States is beyond reach, caught off guard, and easily occupied by the islanders. .

After that, the islanders will continue to expand eastward, gradually encroaching on the entire Aleutian Islands, and even fight eastward to Alaska!

"Nimitz, your analysis is correct." Roosevelt nodded, "So, what are you going to do next?"

"Concentrate all our main forces, including the three aircraft carriers, to fight a decisive battle with the island navy in the Aleutian Islands and kill the island navy in one fell swoop!" Nimitz said.

The three attack aircraft carriers are already the largest that the United States can dispatch.

During the Battle of Pearl Harbor, the United States lost two aircraft carriers. During the Battle of the Coral Sea, the York City sank, and the Saratoga was dying. It is still in the shipyard and is said to have completed repairs.

Nimitz’s plan included this aircraft carrier.

The other two, one is the Hornet and the other is the Vespa, both of which are the latest entry into service.

The construction of aircraft carriers takes time and cannot be done overnight. Now the United States has put all its power into national defense. A large number of warships have begun to be built. On the berth, at least eight aircraft carriers are under construction, not including a large number of aircraft carriers. Escort aircraft carrier.

However, none of them have been built. Now these three ships are the limit of the Pacific Fleet, and they are all the assets of the United States. Nimitz wants to get them all out. This is a gambler's desperate move.

If you win, you can severely damage the island nation’s fleet and curb the island nation’s expansion in the Pacific. After all, the island nation’s industrial capabilities are even weaker, and their warships have a long construction period, and they simply cannot withstand the consumption of war.

This is good, but once it loses, the United States will be forced to the west coast by the island nations, and the U.S. Navy will no longer be able to operate in the Pacific.

This absolutely requires courage!

Nimitz is a man of courage, and Roosevelt is also a man of courage. After receiving Nimitz’s report, Roosevelt just pondered for a while and immediately decided: "Nimitz, do what you want. !"

The United States needs victory and a bold navy. Through victory on the Pacific battlefield, the nation can be inspired!

At the same time, they will not necessarily fail. Although there are not many aircraft carriers, they can mobilize the air force. There are many airports on the Aleutian Islands where fighters can take off and land. With the support of land fighters, their odds of victory are much greater.

They didn't know, they miscalculated, thought about the heavy losses, and thought about defeating the island fleet, but they never thought that the battle they planned never happened, they were fooled!

With Roosevelt’s affirmation, under Nimitz’s leadership, the US Pacific Fleet began to act again.

Just as the meeting was about to end, the Secretary of State submitted one last question: "The President, those Nissi, are constantly submitting enlistment reports. They want to join the army and fight ahead."

Nissi is a Japanese descent in the United States. When the war broke out between the United States and the island countries, these immigrants were very poor and became the target of the American people. The United States moved them to the West Coast of the United States for centralized supervision.

Now the Nissi will show their loyalty!

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