The Third Reich

Chapter 1469: The secret of submarine

There is no secret that can be kept forever.

When Germany dispatched nuclear submarines to ambush the transport fleet in the Arctic waters, the Americans slyly withdrew and allowed the Soviet crew to transport. The Soviet fleet found that this type of submarine was quite difficult in the process of escorting. To deal with it, the other party has almost no sound, even if it uses the latest underwater listening equipment in the United States, it is difficult to find.

In many cases, the opponent is sailing at low and silent speeds underwater, and will only speed up during the attack and subsequent retreat. At this time, something surprising came out. The other party's underwater navigation is definitely not what an ordinary diesel battery-powered submarine can achieve, and it actually ran into the sea below the North Pole to hide.

However, surface ships will not dare to chase when there is a lot of ice floes.

There is no need to surface for ventilation, what a terrible situation this would be! Tracking a submarine often drives the submarine to nowhere and runs out of battery, and finally ventured out of the water and was killed.

Stalin frowned: "What do you mean?"

For Stalin, it was impossible for Stalin to know every aspect of weapon knowledge in such detail.

"Our technicians speculate that the Germans may have mastered the technology of nuclear power, which is almost a way to have unlimited endurance. In the future, the German submarine may never appear on the surface, and neither will we. Find them."

Beria's explanation has already made people clearly see the terrible situation.

We cannot catch the German submarine, but the German submarine can run out to make trouble at any time. In this case, the danger of the Arctic route will be greatly increased, and we now urgently need a blood transfusion from the United States.

The Germans' advanced technology has greatly exceeded everyone's expectations. Now, in the face of submarines that have never emerged from the water, how should the Soviets respond?

Why is there always bad news?

Stalin frowned and said: "It was announced that these ships were sunk due to the storm. At the same time, more warships will be sent for protection."

The sailors should not be scared. Although most of the sailors are fully aware of the sacrifice to the Soviets, there must be a small amount of ghosts in it. If you know that the German submarine is out of sight, you might not dare to sail.

This is just to hide the ears and steal the bells, after all, the group of sailors is too small, and the news may have spread long ago.

"If we want to avoid being hit, and we want our goods to be transported better, it seems that we can't just rely on sea transportation." Zhukov spoke aside.

Sea transportation is the most effective and lowest cost method. Direct transportation from the sea to the port in the western part of the Soviet Union can be carried to the nearest battlefield.

However, the Germans obviously also know this truth. The German submarine just wants to cut off its own route.

It is dangerous to expect all supplies on this route.

"I suggest that we open up a new Far East channel, and the goods transported by the United States should be unloaded at our Far East ports, and then transported to the Western Route via our railway."

If you want to avoid being ambushed on the Arctic route, it is safest to go on land. This plan has actually been considered by Stalin, but the cost is too high.

This will greatly increase the burden on the railways in the Far East. You must know that now only the transfer of troops from the Far East has already occupied all the transportation channels. Where is the excess capacity to transport this huge material?

But now, it is obvious that it is better to open this channel as soon as possible.

Stalin nodded: "Well, in this case, we will open up this special line and organize personnel to ensure the smooth flow of railway transportation in the Far East. If necessary, we will build another railway."

Stalin finished speaking and looked at Beria, who immediately nodded: "I will try my best to complete this task."

Beria accepted the task. For the prisoners, a more difficult period is coming. They must continue to work until they die!

When Moscow began to plan the military parade, Cyric's most trusted subordinate, Reinhardt, had already arrived in Kiev.

After learning about the military parade in Kiev, Manstein was most excited. The Central Army went south and completed the most outstanding Kiev siege in history. After that, in order to attack Moscow, a large number of Central Army troops began Continue the rapid assault to the northeast, preparing for the battle of Moscow.

And Manstein’s southern army stayed temporarily. They will not participate in the Moscow battle. They need to head east, take Kharkov, completely occupy Ukraine, and at the same time head south to take the Crimea Peninsula.

Therefore, for them, delays for a few days are not a big deal. The most important thing in these few days is to do a good job in the security of Kiev and prepare for the military parade of the great head of state in Kiev.

In particular, the head of state ordered the complete expulsion of the people of Kiev. This order satisfied Manstein the most.

As a Junker soldier, Manstein was originally arrogant in his heart. At the same time, he also believed that civilians were innocent. In the process of conquering Europe, his army abide by the honor of soldiers and did not harass any civilians.

After they occupied the city, the citizens in the city also kept their peace, waiting for the German ruler.

However, in the Soviet Union, this situation has completely changed.

After occupying the city, there will be many small groups of opponents. Some of them have weapons in their hands. They will run over from time to time and shoot at the headquarters or the railway station. Some have no weapons. The stone was thrown at the German soldiers.

Because it is inconvenient for soldiers to act on civilians, there is no way to deal with those who throw stones and spit. This has troubled Manstein for a long time.

After taking Kiev, this situation became even more citizens, obviously not welcoming the occupying forces, it is better to say during the day, and often run out at night to make trouble.

And now, the order of the head of Cyric has finally arrived, expelling all the citizens!

Those who violate the order will be arrested as conspirators, and if they resist, they will even be shot on the spot!

They do not have any psychological barriers, because the great head of state is about to come to Kiev, and these people must be mixed with conspirators!

Cyrek actually played such a role in the military parade in Kiev. There are good reasons for all the citizens to drive out!

"We will finish all the tasks and clear the city before tonight." Manstein said: "Our soldiers will guard the whole night to make sure that there is no conspiracy in the city. The parade will be successfully completed. "

Reinha characteristically nodded: "These people are the most stubborn. They must use a whip to make them fully aware of their mistakes!"

"Yes, I will definitely complete this task." Aside, Koch quickly continued.

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