The Third Reich

Chapter 1540: Alcohol instead of gasoline

"Buzz, buzz." A MiG-3 engine, a puff of black smoke came out, in everyone's attention, the MiG-3 engine finally started successfully.

Test pilot Belyakov got on the plane, sat in the flight seat, and closed the cockpit cover. At this time, many people were looking at him on the runway.

The Dean of the Flight Test Institute, Gromov, has a serious expression on his face: "Although everything is okay during the interview flight on the ground, there may still be malfunctions in the air."

"However, no matter what failure we encounter, we must complete the modification." Beside him, the famous Soviet designer Mikoyan said.

According to the plan, they should all retreat to Siberia, but they did not leave. The most important thing is to implement the plan of replacing gasoline with alcohol as soon as possible.

In the current Soviets, gasoline is quite precious. Although it is given priority to the army and to the air force, it is still stretched. In contrast, alcohol is even more advantageous.

As a country in a cold region, the Soviets have never been short of alcohol, and there is no shortage of spirits. Alcohol can burn. So, is it possible to use alcohol instead of gasoline?

In the history of later generations, Germany was also plagued by fuel shortages. The method adopted by Germany is coal-to-oil. Because Germany has abundant coal resources, Germany adopted this method. Although the label is not high, it can be used. , German tanks also use gasoline engines. For this reason, coal-to-fuel can only be gasoline.

However, the Soviets do not have this technology yet. Even if the coal-to-oil technology is introduced from the United States, it will take time. Moreover, the gasoline grade after coal-to-oil is low, with only 87 fuel, which cannot be used by high-altitude fighters.

There is no shortage of alcohol in the Soviets. There are many wineries in the Soviets, and even ordinary residents can brew them at home.

What's more reliable is that their alcohol content is so high that ordinary householders can brew over 80%, while common wines, after distillation, are as high as 90% or more before dilution.

Now, the MiG-3 flying out contains undistilled vodka in its fuel tank. The alcohol content is as high as 96. When fueling, the pungent smell of alcohol makes everyone swallow continuously. Drool.

For the old Maozi, who is addicted to alcohol, he has to restrain his desires by watching what he gets in his mouth as fuel.

Now, the Soviets lack everything. After losing their Ukrainian land, the Soviets may not even have enough food. At this time, they need to tighten their belts and contribute their rations to produce alcohol.

There is no way.

In winning this war, even if the Soviets starved to death by 30 million, they would be able to recover. If they lost, there would be no Soviets.

The people present were all in the same complicated mood, and at this time, in the air, Belyakov was flying earnestly.

Substituting alcohol for gasoline would be very dangerous. Now, he has to **** the possibility of engine stall at any time.

"Climb to one kilometer, it's in good condition." He reported on the radio: "I will continue to climb."

Belyakov pushed the throttle stick to the end, decided to increase the power and continue to let the plane climb.

Two kilometers, three kilometers, as he continued to rise, he had clearly felt the engine start to tremble.

This tremor means that the engine has started to run out of cylinders, and some cylinders cannot burn.

"At a height of three thousand and one, the engine began to shake." He continued to shout in the radio. Suddenly, the engine in front of it shook sharply two or three times, and then he saw the front three-blade propeller appear.

The engine has stalled!

"At an altitude of three thousand and one hundred and five, the engine has stopped, and I will restart the engine." Belyakov said.

For any pilot, once the engine of a single-engine fighter stalls, it is quite dangerous, but now, he cannot parachute, he must restart the engine and fly the plane back. This is the mission of the test pilot.

When they heard the engine stalled, everyone became nervous, and some even picked up their telescopes to look for traces of the aircraft in the sky.

Belyakov pushed the joystick and the fighter jet began to dive.

It is quite terrible that an aircraft engine stalls in the air. If the aircraft is equipped with an electric starter, it can be re-fired in the air. If not, the restart of the aircraft engine will be full of hardships.

Of course, this is not impossible.

For example, now, as Belyakov pushes the joystick, the fighter jet begins to dive down, and with the dive, the speed becomes larger and larger, and finally, the wind blows the front propeller and turns!

The start of the engine must rely on external force. Now the external wind is used to push the propeller to rotate and drive the engine to rotate.

As the propeller rotates, the engine emits a burst of black smoke, and several familiar roars are heard. Finally, there is a regular vibration in front of it, indicating that the engine has started successfully!

"Pull up, hurry up, pull up!" At this moment, a shout came from the headset.

The height is too low.

When Belyakov dived, the height was more than 3,000 meters, which seemed not bad, but when it dived to drive the propeller to rotate, it was only a few hundred meters, and when the engine started, the black smoke blocked his vision. He did not see the ground, nor did he have time to look at the altimeter.

When the sound came from the earphones, Belyakov immediately pulled the joystick, trying to pull the plane up, and at the same time, fully open the throttle.

If the engine power is insufficient, the aircraft will stall when pulled up. The MiG-3 is notoriously difficult to operate.

When he pulled up, he could see that his height was only a few tens of meters. Just after he relaxed, there was another shaking in front of him. No, the engine stopped again!

Now, there is no chance to restart.

Belyakov firmly held the lever firmly and wanted to land in the field below. This was his last chance.

Keep the plane and let the technicians study why it stalled in the air? This kind of malfunction cannot be found on the ground, it must be brought to the sky.

Knowing that there is a risk and knowing that you will crash, you must fly boldly. This is the duty of the test pilot.

The MiG-3 was successfully levelled, the altitude was dropping rapidly, and the wilderness was right in front of us.

No, there is a ridge ahead!

He pulled up the control stick forcefully and wanted to fly again and avoid the ridge, but unfortunately it was useless. The plane that lost power was just a big brick. The main landing gear in front had already touched the ridge!

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