The Third Reich

Chapter 1560: Kurchatov

"Kurchatov, you haven't left yet?" Just as he was thinking, a voice came from behind him.

Kurchatov turned his head and saw his teacher Yofe and colleague Feluroov come in.

"Teacher, haven't you left?" Kurchatov said, "hasn't the entire Academy of Sciences moved to the Ural Mountains?"

"Yes, I was going to leave, but we happened to receive an academic invitation from the United States." Jofee said, "If you are interested, how about going to the United States with Feluroov? ?"

A domestic scientific research institution in the United States invited people from the Soviet scientific community to visit the United States. At this moment, the significance is extraordinary.

The Soviet Union has no way to carry out scientific research for the time being, especially for these theoretical physicists, they have no stage at all. Now they are all idle.

At the same time, Stalin was not stupid enough to send his scientists to the battlefield. This **** war will eventually end. If the scientists are dead, then the Soviet Union will definitely not be able to withstand the huge losses.

Therefore, when the invitation came, Stalin only briefly considered it, then made a decision and handed it over to the people below, if he wanted to, he could go.

However, those who go to the United States must take care of their family members closely!

It’s useless to stay in the Soviet Union. It’s better to go to the United States, just to examine the scientific progress in the United States and come back to better serve the Soviet Union. As long as you control their family members and control the most precious things in their lives, why not? Are you afraid they won't come back? When they came back, they brought back what they got from the United States. That would be more than one bird!

To the United States? Kurchatov shook his head: "What can I do when I go to America?"

"If you don't go to the United States, there is only another option, to go to the Far East and study how to detect submarines." Fermi said.

Nuclear physics research must stop. The Soviets will not work hard in this area. Now, these scientists are idle as well. It is better to give play to their clever minds and assign them to other posts.

Of course, this is the sadness of the layman leading the insider, a person who is engaged in atomic physics, what anti-submarine should he study? What is the difference between him and a fresh graduate from university? This is simply the biggest waste.

Hearing this arrangement, Kurchatov also instinctively resisted it in his heart.

"Well, in this case, I can go to the United States to see." Kurchatov said.

From his birth to the present, he has almost always stayed in the Soviets. He has not been abroad. Now, it seems that it is a good choice to go to the West to see.

This is not to escape the war, he has other intentions.

To what extent has the nuclear physics of Americans developed? Don’t the Americans know anything about this device that can make terrible weapons?

Impossible, so many physics experts have passed from Europe, maybe the Americans have already begun to do it.

Even if you do not allow yourself to visit, just chat with those experts, you will definitely gain a lot, and it will be of great help to the Soviet nuclear physics research.

"Well, then there will be a plane tomorrow, and you can go to the United States with Feluroov." Yofe said.

After the sea channel was broken, the United States was not without other help. For example, some US long-range transport planes began to transport materials to Moscow, which was nothing but a drop in the bucket.

On the return journey, it was almost empty. With a few scientists, it was simply too easy.

"Teacher, don't you go and see it?" Kurchatov couldn't help asking. He respected his teacher very much. As the veteran of the Soviet scientific community, he was protected by an appointment in that terrible political movement. Many students like him.

"No, I'm old, it's better to stay on the Soviet land." Jofey said, "The future belongs to you young people."

Jofee’s eyesight sees farther, his students should have a lot to do in a wider field, and if possible, they can also avenge the Soviets.

As for yourself, it is better to stay here.


Moscow, suburbs, sniper school.

The school is currently undergoing renovations. The original school was in the suburbs and mainly focused on the wilderness. In the training of snipers, how to disguise themselves is also done in the wild.

And now, some new buildings, broken fortifications, and building wrecks have been added to the school. At this time, these buildings look very calm. No one knows that there will be a terrible sniper in a corner of the building.

At this moment, in the open space in front, a female instructor held a and opened her voice: "The third window on the left, the back, get out!"

Hearing what she said, a person stood up in the originally peaceful place, holding his rifle, with an awkward expression on his mouth, and approached her.

This is also a female warrior.

"Nina, I told you many times that when choosing a sniper position, you must combine various conditions, such as wind direction. Yesterday you were in that position and hid well, but today it won’t work because the wind direction has changed today. The dust behind will make you cough!"

Nina Lobokovskaya raised her head and looked at the instructor in front of her, full of respect: "Yes, instructor, I will definitely pay attention to it in the future."

The female instructor looked at Nina and nodded: "Okay, then go hide it again, don't let me find it this time!"

She was very satisfied with Nina, she was the best student under her, and at the same time, she had the strongest fighting will.

Nina Lobokovskaya, originally a very cute and quiet girl, but half a month ago, she learned that her father, the machine gunner Alexei Lobokowski, was in After tragically sacrificed in the battle in Voronezh, a city in southwestern Russia, he decided to join the army.

Since she learned to shoot in college, she was assigned to the women's sniper school here after she signed up for the army.

Here, I met the sniper instructor she admired, her most admired frontline hero.

"Comrade Lyudmila, an order of the superior." At this moment, a soldier hurried over beside her instructor.

The superior order? Instructor Lyudmila was puzzled and opened the order.

Lyudmila has received orders from Stalin. Her snipers mainly train in urban operations and contribute their strength to defend Moscow. Now, what orders will it be?

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