The Third Reich

Chapter 1567: Successful containment

The war of a great power begins with the first attack on the opponent's industrial base. Only by destroying the opponent's industrial capacity can there be hope of victory.

The U.S. has a very strong industrial foundation. The Pheasant 56 opposed the war with the United States at the beginning because the U.S. industrial capability was too strong, and it was not comparable to the island nations. The island nation destroyed a Pacific fleet of the United States. One more will be built next year. On the contrary, if the island navy is destroyed in a naval battle, the island navy will be ruined.

The island country does not have the strength to compete with the United States, and the island people never thought about reaching the United States. As long as the United States does not intervene in the affairs of the island country, the island country can safely expand its territory in Southeast Asia.

But not in Germany.

For Germany, if the United States is not defeated, the war will never end. The United States is the last base of the remnant forces and must be defeated to the United States!

Washington, White House.

It was dark long ago, and no one could turn around. The person who worked until the latest went home at 8 o'clock. However, after returning home, he was called back again.

When Marshall walked in for the last time, he didn't know what happened, but everyone was sullen, and looked like someone's father died.

"The German war on our homeland has officially begun." Roosevelt said: "Just half an hour ago, our Newport News shipyard was bombed by the Germans and suffered heavy losses, even under construction. One of the aircraft carriers was also destroyed."

When he heard this, Marshallton was taken aback, and his intuitive reaction was, how is this possible?

"The Germans used bombers?" Marshall asked, "Don't we have an aviation base near there? Although most of the recruits are rookies, the Germans come from a long distance and the number will definitely not be large!"

"Not a bomber." The Secretary of the Navy Ernst said, "The Germans used their missiles."

"Can the German missile fly so far?" Now, it was Marshall's turn to question.

Ernst had heard too much about this question just now. In fact, when he heard the news, he also had the same question, but it was all confirmed in the end.

"Yes. The Germans have developed a powerful space system. Their missiles can already cross the Atlantic Ocean." Ernst said: "From then on, we will always face German missile attacks."

The Americans have never paid much attention to missiles. For them, this is a thing of no use. Historically, the Americans did not have any technical reserves during World War II. American rocket technology was completely since the end of World War II. Later, I brought the German team over.

The U.S. brought Braun and others to the United States, while the Soviets brought back the technical data into the Soviet Union. The technology of the United States and the Soviet Union almost all started with the German V-2 missiles. Braun It is the father of American rockets.

Even when it came to the Apollo moon landing, Braun was at the helm.

Now, the United States does not have any technical reserves. The American rocket expert, Robert Goddard, was an American professor, engineer, inventor, and inventor of liquid rockets. He launched the world's first liquid rocket on March 16, 1926!

If the United States could pay attention to it, there would have been mature rockets. Unfortunately, everyone laughed at him, thinking that he was a clown. As a result, Cyric got it to Germany.

From a confrontational perspective, if the United States has the same technology, it will shoot against the Germans and hit the Germans with missiles. But now, the Americans don't have it!

"From the point of view of counterattack, we can use our B-29 bombers to start from the air base in Greenland and bomb to Berlin, the capital of Germany, and then return home. However, the strong air defense capabilities of the Germans will give us The bomber forces of China brought terrible casualties."

At the beginning, when the Pacific War broke out, the B-29 had not yet been developed, so the U.S. Navy had to use its own aircraft carrier to carry the B-25 to complete the first attack on the island country. If there was a B-29 at that time , It’s definitely easier, just taking off from Nanjing is enough.

Now that the B-29 has entered service, it is just summer, the base in Greenland can be used, and bombing the German capital is not difficult.

However, Roosevelt shook his head: "No."

That will make the situation worse.

The Germans are attacking their own shipyards, and they have not attacked their own capital. If they ran to fight back now and hit the German capital, not to mention the loss, this would definitely anger the Germans, the German missiles, It will fly towards its own capital. At that time, even the White House will not be able to stay. You will need to hide in the basement all day.

This is not good.

Now, Roosevelt’s concerns are not unreasonable, and at the same time, it is also sad. The United States has to think about it!

"Bombing their missile launch site Roosevelt said: "Find their missile launch site and dispatch our bomber, no matter how much it costs, we must blow it up! "

Wars between major powers must be tactical. At present, the German attacks are aimed at weakening the war potential of the United States and paralyzing American industry. At the same time, the US counterattack is to prevent the Germans from launching missiles.

It is not yet possible to expand. The United States needs to accumulate strength. The longer it takes, the better the recovery of the United States. At the same time, the Germans will not expand the scale of the war before the end of the Soviet-German War. It can only be regarded as a harassment.

Finding the enemy’s missile launch position cannot be done immediately. After all, when the opponent’s missile is found, it is already time to fall down. From where to fly over, the efforts of intelligence personnel are needed. .

"Now, our industries on the east coast are at risk of being hit." Roosevelt said: "I personally suggest that we should move to the west coast, especially the shipbuilding industry. It is more appropriate to focus on the west coast."

If you can't afford it, you can only hide. Under the current circumstances, the east coast is not safe. Fortunately, the United States faces the sea. Since the east coast is in danger, it is better to use the west coast.

However, this will greatly reduce the value of American industrial output in a short period of time, especially the shipbuilding industry. If the shipbuilding industry on the East Coast is abandoned, then the United States' ongoing large-scale shipbuilding plan will be greatly affected.

This was also a helpless choice. The German missile attack successfully contained the US shipbuilding plan, which made people feel like eating shit.

"Mr. President, there is good news from the Soviet Union." At this moment, suddenly, the Secretary of State rushed over: "The Soviets successfully developed a bomb that can destroy the entire city like the Germans."

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