The Third Reich

Chapter 1574: Fly to Munich

It is already located in the Arctic Circle. In this summer, the night time is very short. Most of the time, the sky is bright.

While the submarine was sending fuel supplies, from the direction of the inland river, a high-speed speedboat also brought some bombs.

"Hang up these bombs on the plane." Vassilzjege said.

Although there was no data on American bombers at the time of manufacture, this bomb was just right to fit in the bomb bay of the Figure-4 bomber. Each bomb weighed about eight tons. It happened to be within the mounting capacity of the Tu-4 bomber.

Wearing a fur coat, you can still feel the cold wind blowing on your face. For the entire 890 bomber regiment, only Vaseltjege knew what the bomb was.

This is of course also for confidentiality, so that this bombing can proceed smoothly.

"Leader, Moscow's order has come down, and Operation Hellfire has begun." At this moment, a telegraph soldier took a telegram and said to Wasltjege.

The fire of hell, the fire of revenge, let this terrible flame burn on the land of Germany!

"Okay, let's start the meal now, and take off for the mission in an hour!" Wassilzje Ge looked at the 24-hour watch on his arm and said.

This will be a long voyage. It will take more than 20 hours to go back and forth. They need to have a good meal before leaving.

At the same time, for some people, this will be their last meal.

The German night fighter is very powerful.

"Great, I can finally teach the Germans." After learning the news of the order, the other people did not have this sadness. For them, this was a good opportunity to beat the Germans!

In war, where are the undead.

The food for the pilots was the best, and the meals before departure were quite rich. Each pilot had his belly bulged and then boarded the plane in turn.

"Ready to take off." Wastelzjege’s plane was ranked first. He sat next to his seat and watched the pilot Lieber start the engines one by one. When all four engines sent out normal After the roar, he breathed a sigh of relief.

This American aircraft has not solved the problem of engine overheating. At the same time, there has been no start-up test in severe cold areas. Thanks to the Soviet Union's rich ground handling experience, this aircraft is well maintained.

Slowly pushing the throttles of the four engines to maximum, Lieberg released the brakes.

At this time, it was in the state of maximum fuel capacity. With the addition of bombs, the take-off weight of the entire aircraft reached a terrible figure of 60 tons, which made its takeoff even slower.

The four engines were launched, and each of them burst out with a maximum power of 1,600 kilowatts. Even so, the aircraft could only be pulled up slowly when it taxied forward to the end of the runway.

It's flying!

Lieber carefully operated the plane and slowly climbed up. At this time, the plane had left the land. The blue sea was first, and it quickly turned into a white ice block, and it had reached the North Pole!

The weather conditions here are quite bad, even when climbing to an altitude of more than 10,000 meters, there will still be bad weather conditions, and there may even be sudden downdrafts.

Even so, it could not stop the brave Soviet bombers.

Behind them, planes of Tu-4 bombers took off. The fighter planes built with the most advanced technology from the United States were very reliable, and none of them were lost.

Twenty Tu-4s, even if they can't completely destroy Munich, will bring heavy casualties, too big for the Germans to bear!

When the formation entered the cruising state, the most nervous thing was that the navigator went to Lieutenant Garnay. This route was their first flight. He had to take the entire formation to the right place!

One of the biggest problems is navigation. In this era, magnetic compasses are still the most common way of navigation. The Soviets simply did not have the time and energy to develop advanced radio navigation, and radio navigation is straight-line navigation, which goes around the North Pole. Even the Germans can’t help it.

Near the north pole, the magnetic compass is quite unstable.

Upper Garnay is constantly calculating, marking and drawing lines on the aeronautical chart, he must not make a mistake!

In the vast North Pole, there are no landmarks to use. Therefore, his first navigation point will directly cross thousands of kilometers, and the first route confirmation can be carried out in Finland.

Before that, he was the most nervous.

Flying high in the sky is boring, especially for people like gunners, and now they can almost sleep.

Sure enough, capitalist things are good. When you climb to the rest area in the middle, the side walls are covered with leather, which is as soft as a woman's skin, and sleeping is very comfortable.

Time passed by little by little. After Lieutenant Upper Garnay made two pilot turns, finally, the white North Pole disappeared and the blue sea disappeared. At the same time, the day was receding and slowly entered the night.

Finland, a horrendous country that has had a border war with the Soviets for several years, is now sending troops to attack the northwestern part of the Soviets. It is simply horrible.

Fortunately, this time our goal is not you, otherwise, we must turn the capital of Finland into a sea of ​​flames!

"The front is Muonio. The route is basically correct. Continue to fly south. We will fly over the Baltic Sea and pass over Poland. We are still an hour and a half away from the target. Please pay attention. You may encounter German fighter jets. Intercept." Lieber shouted.

After a long flight, overcoming the shortcomings of the magnetic compass, he successfully took his formation over Finland and found the first navigation point. It was not easy.

At this time, his heart is proud.

With the continuous defeat of the Soviets, Finland has long been no longer threatened, so Finland has not implemented night martial law ~ ~ The famous ski city can be seen clearly from the sky, and it must not be wrong.

"Attention, you have entered Finnish airspace, and be more vigilant." Vassilzjege shouted over the radio.

As he shouted, the resting gunners and others in each bomber finally ended their comfortable sleep and embarked on their jobs, and the battle was about to begin.

Now, it's all dark below. At an altitude of 10,000 meters, 20 B-29 bombers, driven by the Arctic airflow, are heading southwest at an economic speed of 400 kilometers per hour.

Wassertzerge would never know that his call on the radio ended up exposing him.

During the entire voyage, it is best to keep the radio silent, because Germany's electronic technology is very advanced.

Helsinki, the capital of Finland, in the German embassy here, the monitor of an electronic monitoring station frowned.

"If you receive a suspicious signal, report it to your superiors immediately." The monitor shouted: "Please decipher it as soon as possible."

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