The Truth of Magic

Chapter 632: Mysterious influence, real heaven

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As Zhao Xu threw out his money-free spells, these "giant skeletons" who looked okay, suddenly realized that their skeletons were like plastic, and they were torn to pieces.

The original abilities possessed by barbarians, under the "violence" created by spells, instantly armed this thousand-person team into a "killer style".

The skeletons encircling and devouring the player's team like a colony of ants are like a wave of infinite series of pesticides, and in a blink of an eye there is a fragment of limbs.

These bones were accumulated for countless months before they were awakened from the ground by the Demon King's device. As a result, they still couldn't survive a round and returned to the land, waiting for the next awakening.

At this time, Zhao Xu has not thrown any "killing spells", but his "teammates" have reached a very strong state, especially the morale-invigorating spells that affect the soul are piled up, making these players also tough. Not afraid to die.

Although everyone didn't know where Zhao Xu's healing spells came from, everyone killed very vigorously.

Just when he was slashed for evasion, an overdose of "healing serious injuries" came over, and with the player's current blood volume, he could sit up on the spot in shock even in a dying illness.

That's the same for the pleasure of playing RPG online games, right?

It was only then that everyone felt that Arthur's treatment could be so timely and violent. It turned out that Mage Arthur's buff could be so large that the state of his body became densely packed.

"Go, in that direction!" Zhao Xu shouted, while continuing to throw "Dancing Light Technique" as a signal flare to guide the team forward.

Compared with fighting alone, the first problem of team command is communication. Therefore, ancient wars only performed drums of war and semaphores.

At this moment, Zhao Xu's light arrow wielded by the dance light technique was a beacon to guide everyone forward.

Suddenly, countless players below rushed towards the dark cave tunnel, and the entire team had already risen in a very excited mood because of such successive victories.

However, Zhao Xu still paid close attention to several Yanan target candidates he was optimistic about, such as the three sisters Qingli and more than a dozen people whom he had just explained the direction of the charge.

He also realized from the bottom of his heart that everyone cannot be equal in nature. As long as they have resources in their hands, they can't help but subjectively allocate.

Even between the two children of close relatives, there will be this tendency, such as Yaoer being favored.

Therefore, Zhao Xu has no less than dozens of people, and he has cast the second-ring magical "caring technique". This spell has an additional target for every 3 levels, allowing him to feel the direction of the subject without looking directly. , Distance and specific status, such as uninjured, paralyzed, coma, trance, etc.

To put it in an exaggeration, Zhao Xu is the strongest nanny at the moment. There are dozens of objects that need attention on the panel, and if something goes wrong, they can be restored to their state in time.

At this time, everyone was under his nose and could be covered by the aftermath of the spell.

If it’s more exaggerated, he can use the "Advanced Care Spell" of the fourth ring, so that even if the target is separated from him, he can directly cast the "contact spell" of the zero to the second ring, and he can cast the spell successfully on the spot. Such as healing spells.

In an instant, with a majestic shout, echoes came from the depths of the tunnel throughout the cave, and the dense footsteps were also reported.

"End defense!"

Zhao Xu, who sensed the crisis ahead, shouted immediately.

In the next second, the players who were still ready to break in were also conservative, because they saw countless ghosts and phantoms and began to emerge from the gaps in the wall.


"Lightning beam!"

"Dispel the undead!"

"Destroy evil!"

"Rival: Undead."

Seeing the scene of this life and death crisis in an instant, the players also directly took out their own housekeeping skills, and the team of players who had been monotonous and all melee output was suddenly disturbed.

"War Spell-Force Field Missile Storm!"

Zhao Xu, who was also suspended in the air, did not leave his hands. Raising his hand, the war magic of wide-area strikes was thrown out.

"Super Demon Control-the magic is extremely effective, the magic twin!" Feeling the strength of these undead incorporeal bodies, Zhao Xu slightly used a three-point force to give these undead creatures a slap.

"Boy, your enemy is me."

Suddenly, an extremely cold voice came from behind Zhao Xu, which was extremely hoarse and burned with the roar of the furnace after adding charcoal fire.

I saw more than a dozen skinny humanoid bodies suspended in the air, closely behind Zhao Xu. Their skins were withered to a thin layer of muscles, wrapped in that layer. Skeleton.

The eyes of these floating skeletons have long been corrupted and disappeared, but the hollow eye sockets are still jumping with crimson light like needles.

"Ah, it's a Lich!"

"God, there are more than ten?"

"What should I do, directly destroy the group?"

In an instant, the players below suddenly let out a cry of exclamation. The morale that had been boosted by Zhao Xu, was half cold on the spot.

It's not that the players are too embarrassed, but the prestige of the Lich, it is as prominent as a weight, weighing heavily on everyone's heart.

In Arthur’s mythology, in the legend of heroes, the lich often appears at the end as the final boss. At the same time, because they hide their vitality in the phylogeny, even if they are killed, they will automatically respawn within 1-10.

Compared to Xiaoqiang who could not die, his vitality was many times stronger.

So it is also very suitable for the positioning of the undead villain in some stories, which is convenient for extending the story.

In reality, in order to plunder the vitality of living people, there are many stories about Lich directly slaughtering villages and towns in a rage.

Even in the previous forums, there were no less than double-digit players encountering the tragic story of a lich, and the result was made into a specimen.

A spellcaster with a permanent life, no matter from which point of view, will find such opponents very troublesome.

At this time, it was not unexpected that Zhao Xu suddenly encountered more than ten Liches, or more than ten more than 11 level spellcasters, that is, at least six ring spellcasters.

In an instant, the aura of fear emanating from these more than ten lich bodies directly spread and penetrated, infecting everyone who looked at them, and felt a sense of tearing and fear from the bottom of their hearts.

"Very calm, not anxious at all."

"This is the bearing of Lord Yanan?"

"It seems to be a good communication partner, what do you think?"

Suddenly, these liches floating in the air talked to themselves intermittently, as if they had not formed a unified view of Zhao Xu.

"I think it will be easier to discuss the defeat with my men."

"That's right, why don't you just catch it first?"

"I'm a little bit impressed by this guy, as if he's been here before."

At this moment, there are a total of twelve lichs, even if one sentence is connected to a full 12 sentences, so after they got together, basically everyone put forward a different view of Zhao Xu.

Some advocate peace and some advocate combat.

But the crux of the problem is that Zhao Xu doesn't care about whose opinions are.

"Do you know the location of the Dragon Crystal vein supplied underground?" Zhao Xu asked suddenly.

It's a pity that as an undead creature, the stiff mind of the lich can make them permanently immune from the influence of psychic spells. Otherwise, Zhao Xuguang will be able to read the truth from the shallow consciousness of many liches with this sentence. .

"Oh? You still know the dragon crystal vein, which traitor told you?"

"Catch him up and tortured first."

"Yes, support."

"I want him to taste the taste of my dissociation technique"

Suddenly, after these flying witches were in an uproar, they decided to deal with Zhao Xu.

But the crux of the problem is that Zhao Xu doesn't care about the views of these undead lichs.

Compared with the player group who is already a little confused because of fear, Zhao Xu's heart is very thorough at this moment, and he knows his specific plan next.

Immediately, Zhao Xu raised the "humane paradise" in his hand and prepared to show everyone the assault routine he just described on the spot, so as to save everyone from thinking that he was blind.

Immediately, the ancient weapon "Humane Heaven" in Zhao Xu's hand, as a +1 fearless genre long sword, immediately showed its pride as a magic weapon, inspiring "dazzling magical light", which is also Zhao Xu mastering the primary biography. Possessed after ancient abilities.

"Strengthen the spell!"

This time, the enchantments he chooses are...

It's just that at the moment when Zhao Xu thought a thousand times and was about to make a decision, suddenly the tide of lich in front of him was instantly empty.

Disappeared without a trace.

They seem to have seen the most terrifying existence in the world, one by one desperately retreating behind them, regardless of whether they will hit these boulders.


"Hurry up!"

This change made Zhao Xu, who was still preparing to show everyone the skill of more than ten combos, was a little confused. The four-ring spell "enhanced weapon" that had been cast to the end was also stopped, and the ability to "delay" was even greater. It is not blessed.

How is this going?

Zhao Xu was a little dazed, unable to figure out his head.

At this time, it was not just the lich, but the ghosts and undead creatures that had originally emerged, and most of them looked like ghosts, desperately retreating towards the rear.

To appease the "humane paradise" in Zhao Xu's hands at this time, is an "artifact" that can kill ten undead creatures.

And the next moment, the unremarkable scene in Zhao Xu's hands suddenly sparked a clear and clear light, shining toward the depths of the cave.

At the same time, as if encountering the heaven, a burst of sacred poems came from a distance slowly, penetrating into the eardrums of everyone.

"Mom and Dad."

"Wife, why are you here?"



"Stupid pig, why are you?"

In an instant, all the players under Zhao Xu were caught in a sign of dementia or dullness.

They waved at the cave where smoke and white light burst out, and everyone seemed to see their closest person from inside at this moment.

Only Zhao Xu, wherever his eyes are, there is darkness and chaos.

Even for this white light, the root cause is still the superposition of void and mystery.

At this time, Zhao Xu looked at the long sword in his hand, it had become transparent throughout, as if it were crystal clear.

No one would doubt that the body of this long sword was made of "crystal", and at the same time, Zhao Xu's expression was constantly reflected on it.

However, in the next moment, Zhao Xu felt a little weird.

Because he saw himself on the crystal, he actually showed a mysterious smile.

"True gem!"

Zhao Xu, who had not yet reached the Five Rings Divine Art and was unable to perform the Five Rings True Knowledge Art, brought down one of the few "True Knowing Gems" that Yanan had in stock before coming down.

Although this kind of "jewel of true knowledge" that can see through all illusions, the entire illusion school can only be activated for half an hour a day.

But it's enough.

In an instant, Zhao Xu's eyes passed through this gem, and he saw a clearer world full of delicate details.

But the white light transmitted from the depths of the cave still remained.

Zhao Xu's strange smile on the crystal sword remained. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

Even at this time, the arc of his mouth was pulled up little by little, like a deliberate clown.

At this moment, all the players in the ground stretched out their hands, holding the void air in front, with a happy and peaceful expression.

The originally quiet air is full of eager anxiety at this moment.

"who is it?"

Zhao Xu's cold drink is cold and full of killing intent.

He even suspected the effect of the new "Devil's Device".

But he hasn't figured out why these undead creatures shrank to this when they saw his "humane paradise".

And in this critical time, what happened again directly caused the whole scene to be deduced to such a situation that he could not imagine.

As if an invisible hand stretched out in the void, pushing the development of things.

At this moment, Zhao Xu saw something that made his scalp numb more than his own strange smile. The liches who flee in fear at first came back from where they had disappeared.

They knelt on the ground, as if being dragged by an invisible sling, slowly moving towards Zhao Xu.

These liches, who can be regarded as overlords in the outside world, can influence the political turmoil of a town, but at this time they are dragged forcibly like dead dogs.

Even they have become expressionless, the bodies of undead creatures are even more stiff, rubbing on the ground abruptly, making an extremely hoarse voice.

"Surrender to my lord."

"Surrender to my lord."

These witches, along with the shadows and ghosts behind them, kept muttering to themselves, as if only in this way could they make the most sincere voice deep in their hearts.

"who are you?"

Zhao Xu said in a cold voice.

"I am you."

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