The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Tutorial 17th floor (?)

Wow, me.

Isn't this really too much?

I slowly got up and looked at my legs.

He's completely out.

Drinking potions will make it difficult to move your legs immediately.

That means you have to drink elixir.

The opposing Pokémon doesn't seem to have the time.

Enemies with a mix of bows and magic are trying to keep their distance, and what I've been clinging to is a pattern of combat.

If you try to drink the elixir sooner or later, it will blow a hole in your head.

No, isn't that enough of a vent?

I see arrows embedded around me.

The arrows have escaped before.

The arrows form a crater with a radius of one meter around each other.

That doesn't make any sense.

Is that an arrow? A mortar wouldn't make a round crater on a rock like this.

Meanwhile, the arrow in the center of the crater is even more surprising.

What the hell is that thing made of?

Even the magical forces around the arrows seem to do continuous damage even after the magical effects have been impacted.

I'm sure.

One shot and you're dead.

I see a woman taking an arrow to a demonstration.

Let's buy some time.

“... That's strange. ”

The horse is half-gambled, but the opposing Pokémon reacts.

Thank you.

You look like you want to talk.

[Battle Focus]

Let's take our time and clear our minds.

“No matter how much I think about it.... ”

Kirikiri said the 17th floor would be over in no time.

Did he just say that because the 17-story stage ended in a short fight?

It's strange.

It's too difficult.

The state of the 13th floor was not this high.

How strange that Kirikiri had not given any advice even though it was a stage of this difficulty.

We need more information on this.

If this is merely a Kirikiri mistake, I will avenge it.

This time, I'm going to buy all the cakes myself!

“I don't remember. ”

She knows me.

I know for sure

I know the usage and attack patterns of my skills.

I not only know flashing, which is a power skill, but I know exactly how much strength and speed I am responding to it.

As if I knew my next judgment there too well, it's not a big deal.

This is understandable if you think you know my status or are a special enemy.

You can think of it as possible if you are quick to spot it or have fraudulent power skills such as future examples.

This is ridiculous, but how much can it make sense on Hell difficulty.

But it was hard to understand the look on my face before the battle.

I tend to read people's expressions quite well.

I trained through practice to read and cope with the faces of my enemies, and became accustomed to understanding the dissidents I encountered over and over again.

Obviously, she was happy to see me.

Or I was happy.

But immediately after that, he was embarrassed and seemed to be a little disappointed.

I was a little tired during the battle, but I've always seen that look, so I'm not bored.

After all, she can't just see my information.

I am likely to know me directly or indirectly

I can't wrap it up.

How does she know me?

Are you like a manager?

Watch the challengers like Kirikiri, and when they reach the 17th floor, they emerge as the Boss Mob.

If he's a systematic figure, it's likely that Kirikiri didn't give him any relevant information.

We need more information on this as well.

It's better to hear it from that woman... than from Kirikiri.

In fact, how she knows me is not a big deal right now.

We'll find out after the battle.

It's more important to buy time by simply saying the words that she responds to.

What should I say next?

I picked up my thoughts for a moment and decided.

“You……. ”

Increases concentration.

Let's think as much as we can before this is over.

After this, I don't think I'll have a chance to think differently without continuing to focus on the battle.

What a ridiculous enemy.

It seems to have an advantage in all abilities and information about me.

Nevertheless, I don't think I can win.

The Pokémon will never be able to defeat the Pokémon if the Pokémon only has a spam. However, it still feels like a worthy opponent.

Normal countries should be dead already even if they die.

But after a long crisis, I feel like I've been asleep for a while again.

Indeed, man must have a crisis to progress.

I haven't felt much of a crisis lately.

The crisis was not strained.

Even with the Doppelgängers on the 17th floor, I felt only at a similar level of tension as with the Kirikiri and scissor bobbing.

It means I wasn't nervous at all.

No matter how slow I am, no matter how vigilant I am, I can only be released mentally in situations like this.

But now that the crisis of death is imminent, the old senses return.

I don't want to die right now, so I desperately think and react.

Thanks to this, we were able to make more progress in less than five minutes than we had in the last few days.

I was able to use the blade more stably, and I was able to feel the core axes of the monsters summoned by the woman and destroy them.

Psychological warfare predicted a woman's next move and survived.

As well as countermeasures could be attempted.

Good, good.

Crazy thing to say, man.

Feels good.

“... Do you know me? ”

Odds are sufficient.

She's not making good use of her powers.

Given that, it's overwhelmingly strong.

Just as I sensed the crisis of death and was Awakened, her immaturity in her power is impacting her odds of winning the battle.

Just looking at the shockwave that just smashed my leg.

In the last minute, if I hadn't twisted my leg, there would have been bigger injuries.

No, if you hadn't, you'd have given me a follow-up, and the battle would have been over.

It was such a powerful shock wave.

What if she adjusted the angle of the shock wave at the exact moment?

Instead of shattering the leg bones, the leg would have been completely severed.

She's certainly powerful, but it's a shame about fine control.

Usually I tend to like someone who deals with newly acquired power in a hurry.

Some of the challengers in the tutorial find new power in an instant through their skills.

If we can hit that gap, we'll have to hit it.

And... oh dear.

We have to talk.

If we don't keep talking soon, the woman will think it's strange.

This conversation should not be interrupted at this time.

“I'm disappointed.”

Wrong word!

Incorrect word selection.

What a disappointment.

It's not connecting to the front.

When I felt the sensation of falling from the cliff because of the mistake, I noticed the look on the woman's face.

The woman was embarrassed.

Does this work?

I can't believe someone that strong is so disappointed.

Shouldn't it be more fun to snore like it's petty?

Anyway, let's push through this.

“Is that all you can do? ”

The woman's face is crumpled.

It's shaking more than I thought.

After a while, the user buys time and becomes more vigorous in addition to swinging the target.

The conversation was a success.

All right, let's see.

Three wolf monsters left to summon. But the wolf monster can't keep up with me and the girl's speed right away.

The distance from the woman is also reasonable.

His leg... hasn't healed yet.

I think I broke a mountain of bones.

You'd better think you don't have one leg.

The woman opened her mouth as if she wanted to complain about something I said.

I don't have to listen to it.

Rather, you'd better aim for this timing.

When I try to do something unrelated to combat, I try to focus on something else.

“I……. ”

I used flashes to start the woman's speech.



Through the flashing, you move forward and swing your sword, but it gets stuck in the black woman's wristband.

A fire blazes with the sound of metal striking.

Damn it.

A transparent film was formed on the front of the wristband to prevent the attack.

Tiny round shield shape with a sense of touch.

It was a surprise of contrition, but I went back to the dance because of a strange wristband.


I dug deep into the gap of the woman and took control again, using flashes right in front of me, rather than opening the distance.

Now the battle is repeated by me flashing to narrow the streets and her opening the streets again.

You don't have to fight her when you're not sure how many dodgers she has.

Use it one more time instead of saving flashes to continue attacking.

You hit the woman with the shield in your left hand.

He then turned the sword in his right hand into a short form and stabbed her in the abdomen.


I hear a lump of iron.

You didn't block magic.

Something close to the Magic Shield is blocked.

Damn, you got all kinds of skills.

The woman remained in a posture instead of falling into shock.

And then the counterattack comes right away.

You pull back the center of gravity and block the incoming kick with your right arm.

This is the only way to stop him.

I was pushed back and forth.

My right arm is out.

I just found out for sure.

She's even stronger.

The problem is:

The most serious problem in this situation is that you can't move your left leg more than your right.

When one leg is stuck in a pushed back situation, it means it cannot respond to a subsequent attack.

But the woman doesn't notice it, and instead of continuing with the attack, she takes a step back.

An evasion skill that can be lifted up and moved backwards by something transparent.

We shouldn't take up too much time.

You see the wolf monsters rushing towards your eyes.

The shield in your left hand is replaced with a sword.

[wings of talaria]

You leap forward using only the flying effects of the wings of the Tallaria and the power of your right leg.

And I used my skill again during the jump.

[Spiritual Exploitation]

You try to attract the attention of the woman using a spiritual exploit that directly affects the enemy, but a strange magical reaction develops from the woman's side and the effects of the soul exploitation disappear.

The woman saw me leaping and began to form a protective film on the front.

Seeing that you chose a protective shield instead of dodging, I think the dodge has time to wait for reuse.

But it's not a good decision.

In this case, it is better to aim for melee combat in reverse, or move your body and choose to avoid it to slow down time.

Strength and speed are even more effective as women are superior to me.

It's definitely because he's energized, or he's shaking his judgment.

You swing a blade at the fast-forming protective film.

The incomplete error blade I created has a special reaction when it hits a magically enhanced defense like a protective shield.

Explodes when it collides with someone else's magic.



Blinked upward immediately after explosion.

I'm dying, I swear.

This situation has already taken damage around the body.

Explosion in front of me.

The woman was also in the blast range, but would have been somewhat protected as long as she was standing behind the shield.

In other words, my attack was very close to a suicide attack.

As you look up through the flashing, the woman closes her eyes.

Were you unable to protect your vision from the effects of the explosion?

Unexpected explosion, delayed reaction, or both.

Either way, things are going to get easier.

I quickly cast a magic spell.

I hope it works.

Through the magic used by women and the senses sensed by the monsters' nuclei, I caught the strand, but I put it into the field without any practice.

I don't know what my chances of success are.

The moment I got close to the woman when she fell from above, she saw me.

You seem to be trying to block your arm with that wristband again, lowering your posture.

“Wind Arrow. ”

The arrow of the wind shoots with the crown, and the woman blocks it with a wristband.

However, the guard shakes while blocking it.

The sword in my left hand had a blade attached to it.

Unlike before, it was a perfectly refined error blade.

And the blade swiftly falls down, and the woman's shoulders are slit clean.

I was sure as I saw the blood gushing out of the woman's shoulders like a fountain, and the severed arm falling to the ground.

I won.

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