The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Chapters of Competition (9)

Among the Westerners, the challenger on the 6th floor of Hell difficulty was a tall black man.

It was characterized by an arm and leg that looked slightly abnormal with a slim appearance.

The class couldn't guess, because they weren't holding out their weapons.

Compared to me reaching the 18th floor, it may not seem like the 6th floor is very high, but it is quite remarkable that he made it to the 6th floor alive.

That great black man is now staring at Park Jong-seok with blood on his eyes.

The beginning of the incident was a fight between someone other than black and Park Jong-seok, but as a result, he was laughing, causing a fever in his head.

He seems to be holding up his index finger and warning Park Jong-seok.

Of course, Park Jong-seok ignored his words.

“Hoozaya! 6th floor! He's on the sixth floor! ”

Please... stop it, Terminator...

Why are you putting my name on it?

I was standing tall, stopping to go near Park Jung-ah and Park Jong-seok.

I don't have the courage to go that way.

It's the end brother who's playing childishly, but why is humiliation my responsibility?

Turning her head to see Park Jing 'a, she doesn't seem to want to be involved there either.

“The challenger on the 6th floor of Hell! Just one!”

The voice of the black man speaking quietly (of course, tightly bite his molars) grows louder.

Not as loud as the voice of Park Jong-seong's ceremony resounding throughout the square... ….

I tried to intervene if things calmed down a bit, but I think things will get bigger rather than calm down.

I have to endure the embarrassment and intervene.

Before there's a bigger embarrassment.

“That way... I'll clean it up. Let Kim Min-hyuk know about the situation and take care of the head office. ”

I don't think I need to go all the way to Park Jung-ah.

I'm gonna go clean it up and get it over with.

“Yes, I will. And say something to Cho Jong-sik Park... ”

I don't know what to say.

I'll let you know that I'm not going anywhere to nag.

I took such a firm mind and approached Park Jong-seok.

The closer you get, the more visible you will become.

First of all, there was a complete divide between the Westerners.

People who look like gangsters and people who don't.

And the faces of those who did not look strange.

The second thing I confirmed was that the situation was a little different from what I expected.

I thought the battle aid on Park Jong-seok and the Hard difficulty were fighting the Westerners.

In the meantime, I was curious because I saw Park fighting while having a childish argument.

However, as you get closer, the fighters on the hard difficulty level, including Park Jong-seok, are unilaterally pressing down on the opponent.

It seems that they are not just arguing without thinking.

It doesn't look like there was any actual battle or force struggle.

Both power differences are of magnitude.

Park Jong-seok's fighters are practically the same as the rest of the team on hard difficulty.

In the case of hard difficulty, surviving is enough to be classified as a fighter, with the exception of the minority on the first or second floors.

The group is surrounding the Westerners with a combination of three to ten people.

After that, the other combat crews on the difficulty level are holding out.

Above all, they all thought there would be a battle and came here.

Moreover, the group of Westerners was not united.

The situation seems to be disadvantageous to them right now, so most people are distant from the group and watching.

Even the people in the group have different faces.

When the battle takes place, there are few people who can stand a chance.

Given the situation, Park Jong-seok seems to have chosen to roar around them instead of persuading them with words.

Those who look like wallpapers are occupying the mainstream, so it might actually work.

In the midst of all that brawling, it seems that the bald white man who looks like the representative has begun to talk about the challengers on his server as if he would teach them their power.

Park Jong-seok received it with a petty attitude.

I understood the situation.

But do we have to make fun of him like that?


“Ouch! Here comes our fox! Yes, Hojay. What floor are you on... Gack. ”

He shrugged me and stabbed me in the side of the Park Jong-seong ceremony with his elbow, beginning to chatter with his deaf voice.

“Dude, come on. What are you embarrassing me for? I don't think he's one of them, but he's a gangster. ”

I quietly said to Park Jong-seok, who covered my side.

Then, Park Jong-seok turned back as he was with his arms on my shoulders.

“Bro, have you delivered everything? ”

“Of course.”

Park Jong-seok frowned and explained quietly whether his flank hurt or not.

“I explained everything and got an answer that I knew. He threatened to take what he didn't want, even with his weapon. ”

The blackmail must have been real again.

“Then I did everything I had to do. Why are you arguing so childishly? ”

“I think we should kill Gigi for them. ”


I was silent for a moment because of the expression that the childish quarrel was necessary.

Park Jong-seok is an honest person.

Instead of thinking about it first and then saying something rational about it later, he should just apologize.

“Explain yourself. ”

Their nationality is Australia.

Park Jong-seok explained how he felt about the Australian delegation.

“From what I can see, they're just a bunch of local pussies. It's just that you scare people around you with a little more power than everyone else, and you're flattered by their actions and their reactions. Being locked up in a place where there's no law or police, you could have done something nasty. ”

I agree with that opinion.

“When we're dealing with them, we need to kill them hard. We need to get them as far down as we can. That way other people start looking at them like they're nothing, and then they start thinking about fighting back. ”

You're really dealing with a local punk....

My head feels itchy.

They have real power.

There's no shortage of power to be called a superhuman.

But it didn't bring up any counterintuitive methodology to the words of Park Jong-seong.

Park Jong-seok then said that the Australians behind him had brightened their expressions and quietly accused them.

He said he would put more effort on it.

“My kids had fun, too. ”

I understood the idea of Park Jong-seok.

It was also reassuring that it was not the wrong way.


“Then why are you putting me in this position? It's embarrassing.”

I stared at Park Jong-seok, who said he was sorry while giggling, and turned back.

The bald men and other gangsters who were clearly speaking as representatives were tightly pressed down.

Somehow I feel better about it.

If this is the case, I don't want to continue nagging later.

I feel more anxious now that things are quiet than when I was raising my voice excitedly with Park Jong-seong earlier.

Among them, there was the only one who was staring at us, burning hostility.

He was a black challenger on the 6th floor of Hell difficulty.

His snoring looks like an active volcano just before the explosion.

By the looks of it, this guy is our biggest victim.

I decided to say hello with a little apology and greetings for the challenger on Hell difficulty.

“Hell difficulty level 6? You……. ”

It reminded me that the word Nega is pronounced the same as nigga.

It doesn't matter. It's a translation.

… or not?

The black face is crumpled up surprisingly.

Why do I look so much angrier than before?

Oh, I see.

I've been thinking about it, and "you" isn't translated.

“Die, motherfucker! ”

A black man charged at me spitting out Korean translated profanity.

Significant translation level

I grabbed a flying fist with my face and smashed it in the side while breaking it behind my back.

The black man quacks! He makes a sound and is silent at once.

You release the wrist you were holding, and the black man falls to the ground convulsing.

Oh, man.

I've been practicing my blade for a while now, so I stabbed it with reflexive punches.

I stabbed him right in the side... Oh, he must have burst his insides.

“Are you okay?"

It didn't look good.

“Dude, give him some potions later. I made a mistake. Give me some potions. ”

He turned his eyes away from Park Jong-seok nodding.

“Your name?”

“… David. ”

The bald man who introduced himself as David seemed quite anxious.

It seems that the black person who believed was quite shocked by the punch.

“Did you hear that all crimes are banned for six days during the course of the Contest? Precautions during the game. ”

“I heard.”

Why is this guy so short?

I was just answering quietly, but not strangely.

“Then confirm it again. We will not commit any crimes in the future, and we will actively cooperate in arresting and punishing criminals. ”

Unlike the bearded man I had just met, they seemed to be leading the charge rather than stopping crime.

This should be enough.

Bald... David glances at the person next to him before answering.

Even though I was a man, I was impressed with my curly hair coming down my shoulders.

The curly hair nods slightly, and David says he knew.

Oh, shit.

And in the meantime, you seem to have a different leader.

I remembered the hot curly hair.

* * *

All tutorial challengers from Korea, Japan and Australia are gathered in the square.

Park rounds them up to announce that all criminal activity is prohibited for the next 6 days, and explains precautions during free time, during games, and in the audience.

I was chatting with Min-hyuk Kim next to the platform where Jung-ah was standing.

“Japan is right next door, but what does Australia have to do with anything? ”

Of course I don't know.

Instead of thinking deeply about Kim Min-hyuk's question, I took out a candy bar from my inventory and asked.

“Weren't you supposed to eat jerky for snacks? I thought all I had in my mouth was jerky and water. ”

“When did you say that? I'm eating a lot these days. Oh, and I'm not eating this candy because I want to. ”


“You said it looked like the manager was using magic on me. That's it.”

“Is there any magic you want to eat? ”

“There is.”

At that time, someone muttered profanity on the side of the square.

“Shit. Bullshit... ”

Sometimes there are guys like that.

Pin points have been used to silence the user with a Intimidation skill.

Park Jung-ah's response to the speech and guidance was clearly divided according to his nationality.

The people on the Korean server are like that.

Seeing that the vigilantes come and go like this, it's not a day or two.

They were mixed up with foreigners, and there were some people who were surprised.

The Japanese server people generally had two reactions.

There were naive people who relieved that they were blessed with a speech asking for cooperation to prevent crime and create a healthy competitive atmosphere, unlike the atmosphere in the vicious plaza.

There were people who were even more anxious to see the vigilantes.

The most problematic response was coming from Australia.

Overall, Australia's servers seemed to have a strong right of speech for small-minded people.

That's why the protesters were constantly returning to the speech, and I had to continue to use my Intimidation skills.

Either way, there doesn't seem to be a single force controlling the entire server like us.

The Japanese side seems to divide the whole group into party sizes.

Although the bearded man appears to have a motive, he elects representatives from the party or group rather than representing the entire server, and they and the bearded man are having a conversation.

I don't think they've ever had a day of conversation.

We'll figure it out later.

There were a few large groups in Australia.

The problem is that the groups that seem to be mainstream are doing badly.

The group of bald and black heads you saw earlier looks the largest.

It was not the highest number, but it was the highest level.

“Hey, speaking of Japanese kids, why are you wearing so many Japanese? Isn't that hard for beginners to handle? ”


It's terribly difficult.

When I picked up my weapon, I grabbed the sword once and pulled it out of the selection.

And I found a soldier who looked a little more manageable.

Even the Japanese were carrying a considerable length.

That's not something for a novice to just pick up and swing.

Suppose that the person who just entered the Hard difficulty level is holding one of those Japanese.

There will be twice as many chances of mortality as usual.

“Then why so many? ”

“I don't think they chose that Japanese-style weapon. Some of you might, but most of you bought them separately for fashion. When the battle begins, we might put in the Japanese and pull out the actual weapons we use. ”

“Fashion? Well, I don't think so. That's a lot of points for a proper weapon. ”

“Look at me. Everyone in Japan isn't in their inventory, they're wearing them on their waist. That might be the trend. ”

After spending time chatting, Park Jung-ah's speech was ending.

“… you must not voluntarily judge the limits of the rules. Again, all criminal activity is prohibited for six days during the competition. If you just stick to these rules, you won't have any problems. ”

It's just a rule we don't seem to be able to keep.

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