The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Contest chapter (12)

“We don't care about that, you son of a bitch. ”


“We have daily evidence and reconsider the situation. The wavelengths that result, the gaze around it, blah, blah. How am I supposed to beat up a bunch of guys like you with all that stuff? In this tutorial. ”

[The match begins.]

You have received a message informing you of the start of the match.

As he walks forward, Lucas shakes his hand in a bewildered tone.

“Hey, don't overreact! It's just a misunderstanding! Oh, my God... You have to at least find out something and punish me, or something! What authority do you have to do this? ”

Why seek authority here. You think I'm a cop.

You leap forward to Lucas, feeling overwhelmed.

As soon as the distance narrows, you raise your fist and stab Lucas in the face.

Surprisingly, Lucas reacted to my movements.

At that short moment, you raise your arms in a guard position, reflectively.

He was a bit of a do-gooder.

He is a challenger that should be classified as high enough at the time of the reaction.

Of course, my attacks were not prevented by the reaction of a few.

Buzzing, Lucas gets punched in the face with a loud thump.

You'll be shaking your head.

We're already at war here.

Lucas' head and back are completely bent to the side.

Your lower body won't budge, so you don't fall too close, but that's it.

He slaps his inner thigh and kicks it, rolling the floor as it is.

It's so fresh.

Lucas, lying flat on the ground, yells at me after a while.

“Ugh... Isn't this deliberate and excessive? What you're doing is punishable, you crazy bird... Aaaaah! ”

You place your foot on Lucas' ankle, which starts blaring, and press down, crushing his ankle bone with a thumping sound.

As a result, that loud mouth spits out a scream instead of spitting annoying words.

This guy's cuffs are too weak for his skills.

What is your Pain Resistance Skill Level?

“So what does it matter, you son of a bitch? When did we ask to get along or become upright children who keep the law well? Or did you ask me to become a pacifist together? We're just beating the crap out of you guys. That's what you said this morning. If you were unfair, you wouldn't have done anything bad. ”

I'm bored because the contest is so boring, but I'm raising annoying stuff.

You move the foot that you placed on Lucas's crushed ankle above your knee and give it strength again.

Once more, you hear a scream with the sound of crumbling bones.

You squat down next to Lucas, trembling and gripping his legs. You sharpen your magic at your fingertips.

And as he points his hand toward Lucas' chest, Lucas cries out in a loud voice, unable to even keep his mind up with the pain.

“Aah! Stop! Port, surrender, surrender! Surrender!”

As soon as Lucas calls for surrender in a desperate voice, a message appears before his eyes.

[You have won the third match of the 2nd Qualification.]

[Current multiplier: 3]

[Congratulations, you have passed the 2nd Qualification.]

Lucas falls to the ground screaming as he reads the victory message, disappearing from the stadium.

[Do you want to go to the audience?]

I didn't need to be in the stadium anymore, so I went to the audience.

Coming back to my seat, I saw no Park Jong-seong nearby.

I looked up and looked around, and soon I could find Park Jong-seok.

On the other side of the audience, there was a particularly crowded area.

The Australians... This is where gangsters used to gather.

Park Jong-seok was there with the vigilantes.

And a short distance from where the Australians and the vigilantes are fighting, Lucas grips the bridge and squirms.

It looks like someone from the vigilante stationed near there knew where Lucas was sitting.

Otherwise, Lucas won't be able to get in as soon as he's moved to the audience.

There's going to be some trouble, by the way.

The Australians around you are blocking the vigilantes from approaching Lucas, whether they are trying to protect their colleagues.

From afar, it seems the vigilantes are asking what qualifies them to do this.

I did not pay attention to the details of the argument.

It's obvious what will happen after a while anyway.

The vigilantes stopped them and warned people again.

It would be a warning that there will be no bloodshed if you move gently.

The warning was ignored as if it were natural.

The Australians rather pushed the vigilantes back.

As the situation continues, the vigilantes glance at each other, taking out their weapons and rushing into a surprise.

The Australians didn't think it was going to attack, so they didn't put up much of a fight and got swept away.

The bloodshed and screaming matchbooks continue for a moment, and the vigilantes stop them, removing all the walls and securing Lucas.

They cut Lucas's throat, still in agony, and retreated as if they had done everything they could.

It was the obvious process and the obvious result.

The way we treat criminals in modern societies is usually isolation and rehabilitation.

However, due to the nature of the tutorial, it was impossible to completely isolate the perpetrators, victims, and others.

Vigilantes chose to prevent recurrence in an environment where knowledge, expertise, and time were scarce to attempt resuscitation.

To prevent criminals from committing crimes again.

And in a tutorial with a waiting room to automatically heal all injuries and injuries, there was only one thing that prevented criminals from committing crimes again.

At the end of the first day of chaos, people thought the commotion that the Representative Union had created was complete.

However, the members of the representative coalition returned to the stage, alive and well, whether they had been beaten by the people.

The day of the settlement ended, and I remained silent for several times.

But over time, their surveillance began to loosen.

In the absence of information about the settlement, they thought that the day of the settlement might not reopen.

And at one point, they were angry and retaliated against the fact that the people they had suppressed and squashed were attacking themselves with their claws.

And so they began to act again.

A number of messages flew to the vigilantes after the announcement that the second interaction had begun through the manager.

They were all messages that resembled records of crimes he had experienced or witnessed.

Vigilantes were appalled by the record of crimes that were far more ridiculous than they had anticipated.

And they were angry and angry at the fact that the same thing had happened again.

They acknowledged that their defenses were down, and they said they shouldn't repeat the same mistake.

Immediately after the second day of the meeting, the vigilantes arrested the leaders of the representative coalition and other criminals and discussed how to punish them.

With the enthusiastic support of numerous victims, the way vigilantes treat criminals has come together as one.

At that time, all those who were not directly affected by the crime were also involved in the execution of criminals.

On the field where the day of the meeting was held, it was like an open execution or a witch hunt in the Middle Ages.

On the day that you and I were all in a frenzy, the problems associated with the Federation of Representatives were neatly rooted.

That's how the problem was solved.

Even though new problems arose shortly afterwards.

It's the same this time.

Problem solved while punishing Lucas, but a new problem arose.

The vibrant atmosphere of the huge stadium was frozen.

In all the commotion, people murmured and anxious.

The preliminary competition was almost over.

The atmosphere of the audience seat, which was easy to find while eating snacks with people around me, making new friends and harmonizing with each other, sank heavily.

Anxiety and fear seeped into people's faces.

It is a contest that has been going on in a noisy festival atmosphere so far, so it feels more in contrast to the previous atmosphere.

Unlike Japan and Australia, where the peaceful vigilantes were frightened by what they had done in the afternoon compared to the overwhelming attitudes they had initially seen, Koreans usually would.

They didn't look good either.

How many times have I done this before?

I felt sorry for the atmosphere that quickly flowed into the wavelength atmosphere.

It was like a festival.

However, I couldn't help but punish him again.

There was a man approaching the seat where I was sitting.

It was the bearded man on the Japanese server.

Park Junga and Kim Min-hyuk said they were busy, and Park Jong-sik was still on the other side of the audience.

Maybe I should deal with it.

“I think we need to talk. Can you describe the disturbance I just had? ”

I was also uncomfortable that I had to go out and talk, but I calmly explained why the commotion was happening a while ago.

“Is this what you were talking about? ”

The bearded man who saw me nodding my head asked again.

“Why are you being so extreme? And didn't you attack those who weren't? ”


“In other words, to protect the victims first. ”

In a foreign context, the vigilantes explain:

Strictly punish criminals for their victims.

In fact, that was the first intention of the vigilantes.

“But that's too extreme. ”

The bearded man pointed to the people who were still caught by the vigilantes while in the audience.

“You know what I'm nervous about. ”

You nod.

There were also many people who were anxious to see extreme views of vigilantes on Korean servers.

Maybe the rabid dogs' teeth are pointing at someone other than the criminal.

And threaten people with force and try to stand on it.

“You won't have to worry. Well, you're not gonna believe what I'm saying. ”

“If... if something like that happens to me, we will not stand idly by." Make sure you remember that. ”

It's a natural story.

I told him to.

The anxiety still did not go away from the face of the bearded man who was standing as if he was staring at me with his eyes tightened like a log.

“If you want a more detailed answer, you might want to talk to someone else. I'm not in charge of this. ”

“… Got it. Well, first I have to go calm people down. ”

* * *

Shortly after the commotion, the final round of the 2nd round was completed.

I had to stay in the stadium for a long time after the second round was over.

Only after the last man left the stadium and confirmed it could he leave the stadium.

The last time I checked the stadium where no one was left, I felt like a stadium manager.

I walked back to my place.

There were three accommodation buildings built around the stadium, and they decided to share them by server.

“Yawn, when is Jeongah coming? ”

I asked Kim Min-hyuk who was walking side-by-side.

Min-hyuk Kim smiled at the stadium only after everything was done.

Of course, he's busy.

“Well, he's very busy. I might be working all night today. ”

The vigilante's placement and housing arrangements, as well as their movements and status, would not be a joke.

You can't organize it on a computer, and you have to organize it on paper, one by one.

In the meantime, I understand that Park Jung-ah and Kim Min-hyuk can't easily leave because some people have to do all the work because they don't have enough manpower.

“But what's with the black belt? ”

Kim Min-hyuk looked at the sword and sword I was wearing on my waist and asked.

“Are you following the Japanese kids' trend? Does that look cool to you? ”

“It's not like that. ”

Honestly, it looked great.

“People have appeared on stage lately. When dealing with people, I think a sword in my waist would be more useful than an invisible sword in my inventory. ”

If a sword is inserted into someone's waist, his attitude towards him will naturally change.

It was a reasonable excuse.

“Oh, and look at this. ”

After saying that, I pulled the sword out of the sword.

And the sword was turned into a shield.

“Oh my, what is this? ”

The sword was also a heavenly toilet.

Whether the sword was treated as a blunt weapon, the celestial toilets could be transformed into a variety of different kinds of swords.

“Oh, this is it. The one from the puzzle box from the last game. Oh... ”

I explained the types of shapes that could change in the heavenly room, and continued to boast for a while in a proud mood.

”You got a box of riddles. Have you opened it?”

When asked, Kim Min-hyuk pulled out the window from his inventory.

“Of course I opened it. ”

The spear Kim Min-hyuk took out was just a normal spear on the outside.


“Now, if I put a little bit of magic in there, here we go. ”

When Kim Min-hyuk put his hands on the spear and put his magic into it, the spear was overlaid with the sound of a rich man.

No, that's not just magic.


Min-hyuk's spear superimposed a complete error on the window just by injecting a little magical power.

Of course, I can create errors myself, but it is a window with great value for those who do not.

The presence or absence of an error does not simply mean that the weapon's shearing power has been increased for the melee warrior.

Seeing Min-hyuk's spear and my heavenly toilet, I felt like I didn't know why.

Isn't Min-hyuk Kim's spear better than mine?

Obviously Kirikiri said the celestial toilets were a very good weapon.

That thought is coming up, but Min Hyuk Kim told me.

“Give it to me. I'll give it a shot. ”

Kim Min-hyuk closed his eyes and focused as he handed over one of the latrines in a spherical shape.

After a while, the shape of the latrine Kim Min-hyuk created was the window.

The problem is... a flame is emanating from the blade of that sword.

What's that?

“Wow, is there such a thing? What should I call this? Flame Sphere? Isn't this a total fraud? If you had a function like this, you should have told me about it. ”

No, I didn't.

Kim Min-hyuk once again changed the shape of the toilet.

Again, the shape of the toilet was a window.

But this time, the sound of grinding and grinding at the end of the window showed that the current was flowing.

Kim Min-hyuk changed the shape of the toilet again as if it was funny.

The next appeared to be... some kind of mortar cannon.

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