The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Arena of Competition (14)

You put the celestial toilet into your inventory and took out the potion.

“Is it over, finally? ”

“Well, it's game time. ”

“... but before the game, it's amazing. Awesome.”


It's a natural story.

It's only natural to stay in good shape before a battle.

Of course, none of the challengers gathered here pose a threat to me, but I must be prepared to do so at least.

Mindset is important.

“By the way... Why are you so lazy around here? ”

“... You're not asking because you don't know, are you? ”

“I'm asking because I don't know. ”

“… how many people in the world want to watch a game near a man who is harming himself with an electric shock? ”

Oh, you've all moved away from me.

“In the meantime, thank this body for not running away. ”

“Yes, thank you. Is there any cider left?”

Kim Min-hyuk frowned because of the gratitude without my last name.

“Phew... How hard do you think it is for everyone around you to start moving and keep track of their seats?" ”

“Oh, really? I'll tell you what. If it was such a hassle, I could've just done it in the corner. ”

“Don't you have a choice? Well... It still helped with this. ”

“Helpful? ”

“Uh, look over there. ”

I looked at the direction Kim Min-hyuk pointed.

It was a gathering place for Australian gangs.

I looked there... and there was a reaction.

I can see some of the people I met making a big wink.

“It's been a little unsettling since lunch. Looks like you scared them off back there. Helpful. ”

“Um... I know it looks weird, but does this look that scary? ”

“Self-inflicted? ”


“... Of course you look scared. Your self-harm isn't enough to cut your wrists and make a little blood flow. When you look at it, you can imagine how much pain or shock it would be, and when you imagine it, you look... when you look satisfied with yourself, or when you think about it wisely, of course it creeps me out. ”

Is that so...

Honestly, I can't relate to how scared I look.

Is it because they entered the tutorial and were isolated and accepted self-harm as part of their work, or is it their nature?

“That's why, Yingjeong still seems to be scared of me. ”

I thought we got along pretty well.

“Hwang Jeong is a vigilante. ”

He's a vigilante.

That's a strange answer.

Since the vigilantes were founded, I haven't stepped forward.

At the second day of the Conversation, vigilantes were already able to beat up criminals.

So I didn't really stand up.

Rather, Kim Min-hyuk agreed that it would not cause anxiety for people.

Moreover, it was blocked on the sixth floor at the time, so I didn't have the time to care about anything other than the attack.

Nothing has happened to me since then.

However, I was in charge of the internal crackdown of the vigilantes.

When the vigilantes split their forces, I stepped forward and struck down the other side.

I was frightened while protesting in front of disturbing members.

Oh, and apparently one of the ways he was scaring himself was in front of him.

After all, it wasn't very nice to be afraid of the people around me.

Even more so, it was sustained over time.

“Is that what you are? ”

I spit out the question I wanted to ask from the beginning.

Kim Min-hyuk did not immediately answer.

I couldn't answer straight away.

I often thought about it.

Kim Min-hyuk is a person who is close to human relationships.

He will realize that what I want is not flattery and flattery, but a comfortable person to open up to.

I am a big help to Min Hyuk Kim and can be a big threat at the same time.

I have often wondered whether Kim Min-hyuk and I have created this relationship because of the need for Kim, rather than just being close to each other.

Of course, how many relationships are there that are not necessarily necessary?

Kim Min-hyuk was worried that I might be more skilled as a predator trainer than a brave friend.

“Son, it's been a year since we've known each other. I've watched your ride longer and closer than anyone in a year. I was surprised at first. But more than that, I got used to it. I'm used to it now."

That's not a bad answer.

“Is that so?"

“Why, are you nervous? ”

I nodded my head quietly to Kim Min-hyuk's question.

“I'm interested in growing up, but I don't care about anything else at all. ”

”You're worried about going outside, aren't you? ”

Clearly, Min Hyuk is good at looking at people's thoughts.

You nod once more.

I've recently had some time to relax.

I can afford to have little worries.

Relaxation became a gap.

I look back on my own bad side and worry about future things that have not happened.

I'm being treated like a monster in the tutorial.What about outside?

And will I ever be able to adapt and live outside?

Wouldn't it be better if we just stayed here?

Now the goal of going out and defeating monsters and saving my family and friends is fading as well.

I think it's better to just live in a tutorial for the rest of my life.

I want to fight, roll, break, be stronger and stronger for life.

It is now better to live that way, to win, to grow, to win.

In fact, it was before entering the tutorial.

That's why I had a career as a professional gamer, and when I could no longer win or grow, I abandoned my job and became obsessed.

You can live like that for the rest of your life, but there are limits to this tutorial.

The 100th floor limit.

I've been near the 20th floor for over a year.

No matter how long it takes, you'll be able to clear it in five years.

No, it doesn't take five years.

I am well aware of my growth rate.

If the stage requiring party play reappears, it won't take as long as the sixth floor is blocked.

Can we live in the tutorial area because we don't want to go outside? Alone?

That would be impossible.

I don't like being stuck.

Eventually, you get out.

I spoke slowly of my worries.

It was difficult to explain or summarize easily.

So I spoke from the beginning as I thought of each one.

Min-hyuk Kim heard my concerns and said that he had heard similar concerns from the soldier who was worried about whether he would stick a stake in the army.

I think it's a little different.

“As a child, well, not as a child. In the third grade, I read a fairy tale book about rabbits and lions. ”

“Don't you usually read fairy tales of that age? ”

“… Anyway. The story of the fairy tale book was the story of a friendly rabbit and a lion. One day they start to doubt. A rabbit thinks of itself as a trivial meal, but suspects it's a simple excuse to fit in. The lion suspects that the rabbit suppresses fear and stays by his side in order to survive, and to carry his dominance on his back. ”

Interesting story.

“So? What's the end? ”

“Rabbits get eaten by lions. ”

It was a fairy tale with a more realistic ending than I thought.

“But it is not known whether the rabbit and lion eventually thought of each other as true friends. Lions and rabbits, unlike you, don't share their concerns with each other. I remember the writer telling the reader what to think about the ending. And...”

Min-hyuk took a breath and continued talking.

“You're thinking like a lion. I don't just want to scare you, I don't want to scare you, I want to scare everyone else, and I want to see you out there again. And even if you're close, I'm afraid they'll hide their anxiety and pretend to treat you. ”

I nodded again to confirm his words.

“Honestly, I can't be sure about the people out there. I don't even know your family or friends. But I'm sure about the people inside. You'll be able to get closer to people like me, Jeong 'a and the End Brother, as well as other challengers. I don't know how long it's gonna take. ”

“Should I?”

“That's right. Once the rules in the tutorial are in place, you won't have to scare people away. And you're mistaken about one thing. We're superpeople, too. You're not the only one worried about getting kicked out over time. It's in the community all the time. I'm worried about being seen outside or dragged into the lab. Maybe that's what everyone's going through. Then the relationship between you and the other challengers won't be between lions and rabbits, it'll be between fucking strong lions and ordinary lions. ”

There is a new wall that stands between me and the people outside.

And that wall becomes a fence that ties people closer to me.

Is that what this is about?

It was not a great comfort story.

“When everyone is superhuman, they are tied to one fence, but at the same time, when discriminated against by the wall, your power will be able to provide a strong roof, not a threat to the beast. If that's what you want. ”

Min-hyuk Kim came up with an imperfect, half-assed solution, but he didn't forget what he wanted me to do later.

It also connects to the solutions that you come up with.

He's so consistent, too.

“And I... well, I have nothing but to say," Well, wait for me, too. I don't think it's just words that make sense. We'll get to know each other after a long time. ”

“Yeah, I guess so. Thank you."

* * *

[In 30 seconds, the match begins.]

I waited too long for the game to start.

The opposing Pokémon is Asian.

Seeing that he looks familiar, he is probably Japanese.

In principle, since he was a surviving challenger until the third round, he must have been quite a figure.

No more, no less, just as much as Kyungjin Kim.

Well, what do we do?

Let's not use our arms again, shall we?

No, I've done this before, so let's not use your right leg this time.

Normally, when a leg is injured, it replenishes its mobility with flashing and Tallarian wings, but it will be quite difficult if you don't even use the skills.

This pose becomes unsettling and slows down as you have to move in the center with one leg.

That's okay. Let's not use your right leg.

The penalty was set in motion and prepared for battle.

[The match begins.]


The target finally hides itself from the stadium.


[You won Wave 3.]

I was moved to the audience with nothing.

I can't help it.

Let's wait for the next match.

* * *


[You won the first 4 Waves.]

Oh my…….

I think I can go up to the semi-finals or the semi-finals for a proper match.

Min-hyuk Kim said that the relationship between me and the challengers would be lions and lions.

However, I cannot easily agree with that statement.

As Min Hyuk said, these are already superhumans.

And superhuman beings who will become stronger.

These people are really going to be lions.

I agree with that.

But I am.

When these people become lions, I don't think I will remain lions.

Could it be something like a Tyrannosaurus?

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