The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Arena of Competition (17)

[Jung Park, 44th Floor: Yes. Tell him no.]

I replied and lowered the message window.

I looked at the customer who was still anxious.

I'm surprised when my eyes meet mine.

It's a reaction that I've been through many times and become accustomed to, but honestly, it hurts.

Before coming to the tutorial, I had heard that my eyes were a little fierce, but not this bad.

I don't see any rays coming out of my eyes.Why is he so surprised?

Every time you kill someone, you get a lot of slaughter?

Not long ago, I didn't care if people were afraid of me or insulted behind my back.

Rather, he liked to be helpful.

But in recent years...

It was a distraction.

Let's just focus on what's ahead.

“I'm sorry, I just need to send you a message. So, can I keep listening? ”

“Yes, yes. ”

Visitors were Korean.

He was not an ordinary Korean.

He was summoned to the arena from an Australian server.

Her name is Chung Chan. She's 29 years old.

I introduced myself as an international student.

However, when I looked into the details, I said I had obtained Australian citizenship.

It was unclear whether he was summoned to an Australian server because he was an Australian citizen or simply living in Australia.

You should check with your manager as soon as the contest is over.

And this dinner presented one interesting piece of information.

It was information about gangs occupying mainstream Australian servers.

“So... where were we...? Th……. ”

The man stammers.

“Until the opening of the last contest, I told them that the atmosphere of the Australian server was different. ”

According to this man, the australian server's wild atmosphere was formed at the time of the first race.

It wasn't long ago.

If you think so, there are many other groups besides the gangs, and even the gangs are divided into several groups, and it doesn't seem strange that there are no large factions that cover the entire server.

“The first time there was a problem, I think it was a two-day race. ”

On the second day of the first race, there was a group war.

“When things first started, it was part of the challenge on the hard difficulty level. They unilaterally attacked the challengers they encountered in the contest. collectively.”

It's possible.

The hard difficulty personnel who get together and send cars to each other downstairs are easier to group than other difficulties.

“I beat challengers during the match, either silenced them, or continued to impede their surrender. And on the second night, even after the game was over, he attacked several challengers. ”

You spread terror with power and violence and badmouth it.

And as soon as the third day came, the challengers returned to the waiting room, avoiding their vandalism.

They were the only ones left in the arena for another day.

We don't know what they've discussed.

And as it is, time passed.

A second contest was held.

People on Australia's servers were also worried that the gangs would try to take over the competition.

This contest has a longer schedule than before.

Some of the gangsters also said they left explicit implications for the community to expect a contest.

But instead of confronting and rebelling against the vigilantes at the start of the race, he chose to die.

After the story of the pulsating sermon, I returned him to him, and it became afternoon.

There are useless details in the story, and time has passed.

The details were usually descriptions of the corruption by the Australian gangsters and the victims' difficulties.

And the details of the story offended me.


It's noisy.

I've memorized the impression of all major Australian gangsters.

Above their heads, other faces overlap.

Another face overlapped over the face of the dinner after the visit a moment ago.

I pulled a spherical toilet out of my inventory with a slightly shaky hand.

When I put it on my hand and rolled it around, I felt a little comfortable.

I changed my celestial toilet into a ring.

It's not just a ring. It's a ring with an armpit in front of it.

It was a kind of weapon. It was a heavyweight toilet.

It's still a ring.

With the ring on your finger, I closed my eyes for a moment and took a breather.

“You okay?"

Next to her, Yi Jung brought me a car and asked.

“Yes, I'm fine. Thanks for the drink, sis. ”

I pretended to have a peaceful face and replied to Reason Jung.

But the reason was to hold my hand and look at me with moist eyes. As always.

I don't know how long this trauma will follow me.

A year ago, and now it's gone.

I took a cup of tea.

The ring on your finger makes the teacup tremble.

The ring is too heavy.

I put down the cup and opened the message window.

[Jung Park, 44th Floor: End of story.]

[Min Hyuk Kim, 30th Floor: Please explain briefly first.]

As Min Hyuk said, I started explaining.

I tried to avoid emotions as much as possible and make an objective statement.

I don't know if it's working.

[Min Hyuk Kim, 30th floor: I vote for what's waiting.]

[Jung Wook, 44th floor: I agree with that. But not before the race was over?]

[Min Hyuk Kim, 30th Floor: Let's go catch it.]

[Junga Park, 44th Floor: Likewise, yes. Ask the other Tributes for their feedback.]

* * *

[Competition Day 3, 11: 30]

“Huff. Huff, huff. ”

I kicked my tongue as I watched Lee Hyung-jin who was lying in the audience for a long time.

There's no mackerel. Take it.

“Are you having a hard time? ”

“Phew... Phew... No. ”

Oh, yeah.

“It's not hard, I'm dying, brother. ”

Oh, yeah.

“Can you describe your condition in a little more detail? ”

“Phew... This... I can't breathe, my eyes are swirling, I feel dizzy, and the color of the ceiling has changed. Ugh. There seems to be a mosquito hovering around the end of your nose, and you hear noises in your ears and ears. Beep, beep, speed bump, bro. I feel like I'm getting sick, but I feel like I'm pressing it. And I can't feel my fingertips. It looks cold... and... from the back of my neck... ”

As soon as Lee Hyung-jin finished a special lesson that had been held outside the stadium for only 3 hours, he completely spread out.

I was forced to fall down and move her into the stadium.

Lee Hyung-jin only regained consciousness 10 minutes after he was laid out in the stadium seat.

I need to improve my Stun Resistance skills.

“Look at the three hours of training and stretching. You don't usually train alone. ”

“Do it, do it! And you don't just call this training! ”

Lee Hyeong-jin shouted unfairly loudly, closed his eyes and breathed again.

When you're short of breath, don't talk like that all at once.

There's not enough air. My head's spinning.

“Maybe you're lacking in spirit. I only know how precious your body is. Hmm... What can I say? Oh, yeah, too weak for pain. I need to know how to handle the hard stuff. That way we can do anything. ”


”First, you need to increase your pain resistance, paralysis resistance, and stun resistance. Buy poison potions and train them regularly. Ah, let me help you until the game is over. I have a skill called Poison. If you use this, you don't need to buy poison potions for points. ”

“P-please save me. ”

“It's okay, I'm not going to die. No, long exposure to poison skills can kill me, but I can control it so I don't die. I'm a professional at this kind of thing. Trust your brother.”

A new drop of water formed on Lee Hyung-jin's face, which was covered in sweat, and flowed down.

Are you crying? Are you crying?

I can't wait to see that. I turn my head to the side.

But it won't take away any special lessons.

“Stop harassing him. I'm in so much pain. ”

I want to do it because I feel like it.

But if I think that Lee Hyung-jin will challenge me to the 17th floor someday, I want to roll a little harder.

And Lee Hyun-jin himself was quite motivated.

I have followed my training to the end with a loud voice of death, and I am focusing on my own growth, as I saw in my personal exhibition preliminaries.

I just can't keep up with my training heist yet.

However, since this is all a training to become blood and flesh, no matter how much I suffer, I have to make them cry.

I'm not some pervert who bullies and bullies people.

“But don't you work? ”

I turned the subject away from Lee Hyung-jin.

It's a question that's been popping into my head since yesterday.

Jeong doesn't even seem to be working all day, but he's sucking honey in the audience.

“I'm doing it. As a message.”



Looks like this guy's been working hard.

There is no way to confirm.

I turned my head from Min-hyuk for a moment and looked down at the stadium.

The first snowfall was when challengers on the South Korean server Hell difficulty level joined the team as a team.

Lee Hyung-jin was part of the party, but he left the party for a special lesson.

The remaining Hell difficulty challengers thought they would just give up as long as Lee Hyung-jin left, but they still participated.

I'm not doing anything right.

They're all first-floor challengers.

And only a few.

There were fewer and fewer.

The number of challengers on the South Korean server's Hell difficulty level is now only 6, including me and Lee Hyung-jin.

They have to do something about it.

Instead, Kim Min-hyuk asked them not to advise him.

You can embolden your useless courage and then challenge the trap to increase only the deaths.

It may seem irresponsible, but it's not wrong.

How do I get through the first floor?


Other prominent matches were a group of challengers on the ROK server hard difficulty level.

Hard difficulty challengers gathered together to form a party and participate in a contest group.

And all those parties are overwhelming.

There's a big difference.

Although there was a gap between Korean and foreign servers, the power of hard difficulty parties was overwhelming even within Korean servers.

It can be seen as reasonable as the difficulty level, but the difference in difficulty is too great.

Since the beginning of the tutorial, the hard difficulty seems to have had a big impact.

Most challengers on Hard difficulty have been working with training and stage attacks since the lower levels, so party combat skills are different.

She's breathing just fine.

But there is no problem in creating that atmosphere.

Looking at the groups of challengers on the hard difficulty level, there is a little bit of contempt for the challengers on the other difficulty levels.

In fact, there was once a time when there was something similar about a civil society that made me feel uncomfortable.

I was on top of them, and the person leading them would have been really big if it wasn't for Park Jong-seong.

In fact, it is ambiguous to say that strength is a tutorial world that serves as a benchmark for valuation.

In fact, challengers leading Japan or Australia's servers are all from hard difficulties.

Only South Korean servers will have a high participation rate for challengers on Easy and Normal difficulty.

Because of the vigilantes.

Regardless, the group conduction seems to be sure of winning the Korean server.

* * *

[Competition Day 3, 11: 10]

“Ah, I'm not good at this. ”

“No, you can do it. You can do it. This sister believes. ”

“I don't believe you, asshole. ”

It's true.

I don't like being in front of people like this.

I tried to resist, but all I did was laugh.

“What does Kim Kyung-jin hate? ”

She flicks her cuckoo at the group giggling again, then approaches the friend standing behind her.

“By the way, I didn't think Joon-suk would come here. What's going on?”

“I... I had a blast yesterday. For revenge? ”

“Oh, that makes sense, that makes sense. ”

The group giggles at Lee Jun-seok's answer as to what's interesting.

Crazy people. Have you been drinking?

“By the way, everyone except Joon-suk is gathered except for his immediate brother. ”

Yeah, we're all here, pretty much.

All the hard difficulty rankers were assembled except for the immediate line of the end, vigilante combat aide.

Every last one of them.

Oh, I feel terrible.

“Hey, let's go. We're going on patrol in a few minutes. ”

After a little while, the vigilantes will come to this alley for patrol.

You tell the party that they need to leave right away, avoiding the vigilante patrols.

The group laughs at you because it's fun again.

Phew, those bastards.

You lead the group down the alley.

After a short walk, I was able to reach the promised building quickly.

I knocked on the rusty tree door.

“Tell me the password. ”

What's the password?

You open the locked door forcefully and step inside.

As soon as the door opens, the dagger crashes in front of your face, but you can relax and break the wrist holding the dagger, crushing the target, and entering the building.

Inside the building is a small hall with a table.

Sitting at the table is a guy who first talks about Nakajima on a Japanese server.

I put my arms around what I didn't like, and I kept my mouth shut.

And who... is the server in Australia.

“Welcome. I would have welcomed you more vigorously if you had come in more modestly. Your name is Kim, right? Mr. Kim.”

What Mr. Kim is saying behind his back is, that Australian called me Mr. Kim.

The translation isn't perfect.

I was going to tell him to call me Kyungjin Kim, and I told him to just call me Kim.

“W-what? ”


Lee Jun-seok, who was next to me, quietly told me.

“I came without a tail, David, as promised. ”

“Yes. Thank you for keeping your promise. Let's sit here.”

Oh, I hate it.

You take a peek around the group, but everyone pushes me away as if to go sit down.

In the end, my head, my mouth are my role.

I sat down and told David.

“Let's start right away. ”

“Oh, wait. Just wait a little longer. We still have guests. ”

“There's more coming? I've never heard of it. ”

“New joining us. Recently. I'm not saying you're not alone, but make sure you're prepared. ”

David said I would wait for him.

Even the Japanese sitting on the other side of the hall were silent, and David was silent, and an uncomfortable silence continued for a while.

A few minutes later, a new person enters the building.

He was an unexpected figure.

“Chan Yong hyung? ”

The top challenger in the tutorial, known to have almost completed in sight.

Lee Chan Yong.

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