The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Tutorial Level 18 (2)

The night before, I used Tallarian wings' ability to fly across the sky to check the island.

One very unfortunate fact came to light.

The island is quite large.

It is about the size of a day's walk from the west end to the east end.

And there are people all over that area.

At night, even at dawn, people did not sleep.

People were freaked out like crazy.

Like you're really crazy.

[18th, Day 2. 7: 30]

Day 2 after entering stage on the 18th floor.

As soon as morning came, I sat on the roof and began to observe the streets.

It was not so different from yesterday.

People have been chattering and playing since morning.

I was strangely irritated by the appearance of people dancing with bright smiles like children.

Simply put, it looks like a really good cross-section of the festival.

But there is a strange feeling of camouflage in their appearance.

Too fairytale

Am I overreacting?

Or is there a problem with his personality?

The question made me more anxious that I couldn't answer it myself.

A middle-aged man of many people on the street stood out.

It was not a target.

He wasn't special.

He was just a fat guy.

The reason I opened my eyes... was that I couldn't dance properly.

The ugly man was dancing more passionately than anyone else, because he was sure to be physically fit.

And people applauded him and danced beside him.

That's a nice picture.

No one on the street saw a dark expression of anxiety, restlessness, embarrassment, irritation, etc.

It's amazing.

I've been sitting on this roof all day since yesterday, watching people.

But none of the people I saw on my street in one day were unhappy.

They were all passionate, passionate, and good.

It's really amazing.

They all looked like they were born to laugh happily.

In the crowded streets, there were many people who were pushed down by the crowds.

When someone fell, the people around them laughed and lifted him up, comforting him.

Then the people who fell were moved by the favors of the people and thanked them.

People were also greatly pleased with it, and they confessed their joyful feelings honestly.

That's how I got closer.

People became friends and moved somewhere and danced.

It's a really, really nice view.

It makes me question whether I have become a personality bombshell just because I feel disgusted by such sights.

But I can say for sure.

The island is unrealistically peaceful.

Everyone was innocent and honest.

But the world, and humans can't do that.

Something's not right.

That's how I started seeing people on the rooftop.

The empathy of others that I could not empathize with seemed to reaffirm the wall between them and me.

I felt uneasy.

[18th, Day 2. 11: 50]

While chewing jerky for lunch, I realized one important fact.

I thought this Grand Paramal Festival was kind of like a dance festival or a parade.

Everybody on the street with me.

But when I used my magic to look inside the building through the window, I realized it was a misunderstanding.

People were playing in the streets and in the buildings.

Not only should you sit on the roof and observe the streets, but you should observe the people in the building as well.

The fact alone has greatly increased the difficulty of the mission of finding a target.

I thought about what to do, and I had to come up with a little compromise.

One day you sit on the rooftop and watch the street, and the next day you enter any building.

The next day, observe the distance.

This was decided to be repeated.

Search the building, even streets, and odd buildings.

I don't know if it's efficient, but I don't think it's a good idea.

* * *

[18th, Day 2. 6: 05]

It was evening.

I was going to take out the jerky again, but then I headed to the cafe I found during the day.

If you sit on the terrace on the second floor of the cafe, you'll be able to observe the street and have a simple meal.

You can also check out the people in the cafe.

Fortunately, as soon as I entered the cafe, the waiter took me to the upstairs terrace without saying anything.

There were a lot of people in the cafe.

I could see not only the people dancing on the street, but also the people sitting down chatting with people and enjoying the festival.

I sat on the guided upstairs terrace and checked the menu.

First, I ordered a picture of bread drawn in the first chapter.

There were no beverages on the menu.

The waiter disappeared with the menu board without a word about the beverage.

I don't mind if you take the water out of your inventory.

While waiting for bread, I looked inside the café first.

There was no target in the cafe.

Looking down the street over the terrace, the waiter soon brought bread.

It wasn't the guy who was waitressing, it was the girl.

The waiter brought a glass of water with bread.

I said I never ordered beverages, but the waiter said it was unconditional.

I looked around and found that all the other tables had the same beverage glasses.

The waitress asked me if I'd seen anything suspicious.

“You've just arrived on the island today? ”

Why would he think that?

I told the waiter I arrived on the island yesterday.

“Oh, so you're an outsider. You don't even know anything about this island's festival. Come find out a little more about Aoeo Island. ”

It's like preaching to a less prepared guest.

My curiosity did not resolve.

“How did you know I was an outsider? ”

The waiter covered his mouth with his hands and laughed.

I was annoyed by the laughter without notifying her immediately, but the waiter's expression did not hurt me.

“Try this drink. You'll see. ”

In her face, she said that, she saw strange pride and excitement.

Is he proud of this drink?

“What the hell is this drink? ”

“Paramal, the name of this drink is Paramal. A beverage to pray for world peace. ”

The waiter finally left the table.

The name of the festival on the island is the Grand Parable.

This means that this drink is at the heart of the festival.

I used to think it was a festival intended for dancing and sex and craziness.

It seemed to be an event to promote this drink, a local specialty.

I ate some of the bread served first.

It was delicious.

This bread tastes like kidney.

Next is drink.

Blue fluorescent drink.

When I made the shadow with my hands, I could see that the beverage was illuminating weakly.

You need to seriously consider whether or not you should drink this.

I'm not just curious if the fluorescent beverage that glows is harmless to the human body.

A common touch of glamour among the people of Aoeo Island.

And this peculiar beverage that they all enjoy.

There is enough room for doubt.

Personally, I think this beverage is some kind of drug.

I've never heard of drugs that can make people happy, but I think drugs that make people passionate and cheerful can have a similar effect.

Or something magical.

Here's the problem.

Should I try this beverage myself to address my question?

I'm confident about the poison.

You have Poison Resistance skills.

There is also resistance to magic.

I don't think it's enough, but a small amount won't be a big problem.

I thought so, and drank the drink with my tongue.


It was sweet.

It looks like melted ice cream water.

I drank a sip.

It wasn't poison.

There were no adverse events in the body even after tasting.

It was just that I felt a little better strangely.

It didn't do anything but feel a little better, so let's wait a little longer.

That day, I drank three sips of Paramal.

* * *

[18th, 4th, 9: 00]

I went to the cafe on time for the opening.

Cafe terraces are better than rooftops for street views.

“Welcome, Ho. Bread again today?”

It was the scent of a female waiter I met on the second day.

‘Hwang’ is her name.

Surprisingly, the names of the islanders were all outsiders.

An outsider also introduced himself as an outsider on the island.

Is it an alias for the masquerade ball?

It was interesting.

I introduced myself as Ho.

When I heard the name Hora, I laughed that it was unusual.

I said the name fragrance is much more unusual.

The name Hora is a rare but good name.

Is that so?

He also said something similar to his name was interesting.

I asked him what was funny, and he said it sounded like a family name.

I sat in the cafe all day and watched the streets, but I didn't find any targets.

I wasted time observing nothing, but was not bored or bored.

It was quite pleasant to observe people and see how they enjoyed the festival.

Smells like the second day. Whenever I have time, I talk to him.

That day, I almost drank a cup of Paramal.

* * *

[18th, 5th, 3: 40]

By the fifth day, the frenzied dance son-in-law in the streets had gradually diminished.

Since the festival has been going on for so long, is he physically exhausted?

People now hung out with their friends rather than dancing all day on the streets.

And I became close to others. And I got along, and I got to know other people.

Fewer people danced on the streets, but it was still unrealistic.

Today is an odd day to search the building.

I checked the buildings that I had not entered on the third day.

None of the buildings were blocked from entry.

Even the natives of the island let me in just by ringing the doorbell.

In fact, it was a mistake to visit Mr Gong's house.

His house looked more like a workshop than a home.

It was a sudden visit due to a misunderstanding, but the ball who heard the doorbell and opened the door welcomed me.

It's like an old friend visiting his house in 10 years.

I couldn't say I didn't know I was home in front of him and rang the doorbell.

In front of the door, I talked to Gong for a long time.

I didn't know I was such a good person.

The ball invited me into the house and continued chatting in the living room.

I was about to leave and search the other buildings, but the ball wanted to eat with me.

I eventually failed to decline the meal invitation, wasting more time than I thought.

But the dining room was pleasant.

The ball's family were all friendly.

The food was also delicious.

Even though I haven't had any appetite lately and I've been working on it with only jerky or simple bread.

After dinner, Gong's daughter ‘Kang’ asked me to go play with her.

Unfortunately, I had to decline.

I found casinos and bars.

At night, both odd and even days decided to search these places.

The bar mixes spirits in the parade to make cocktails.

This day, I drank three glasses of Paramal.

* * *

[18th, 8th, 11: 20]

I arrived a little late in the cafe to say good morning to my close friends.

As soon as I walked in the cafe door, I could hear morning greetings.

I greeted one of them, one of them.

Everyone knew him, everyone was good, everyone was close.

“Ho, don't you want to go out again today? I'm going to the outdoor pool by the lion fountain today. ”

Fabric and his brother, who were having breakfast in the corner of the cafe, told me.

Their siblings went out to the streets every morning to take care of the morning in cafes.

I said I was sorry and passed them by.

I turned back and waved my hands as I played a prank in the background.

“Come with me at the end of the festival! ”

I sat down by returning the answer that I knew those who urged me to the end.

It is now the seat of my designated terrace window.

“Ho! Don't sit there by yourself. Come and join us. I'll buy it this morning. ”

The person sitting on the couch recommended it to me.

His name was an outsider who came from outside Aoeo Island.

I was fixing breakfast in this cafe every day.

“Sorry, Nam. I like this window seat. ”

No one moved to the window seat.

He knows I have work to do sitting alone. No, I felt it.

I felt thankful for his consideration.

So I said thank you to him.

His name was moved by my gratitude, rubbed his nose and confessed frankly that he was moved by my gratitude.

I was surprised by his pure confession, and I felt better again.

The people rejoiced once again because I felt better.

It was a kind of spiritual connection.

As I sat by the window, I felt a warm satisfaction.

It was not a satisfaction of the stomach.

This was the satisfaction of filling the void deep in your heart.

It was a feeling because there was a miracle called Paramal.

Over the past few days, I have tried to find out how this beverage works while sipping a little Paramalade.

First of all, Paramour is not an addictive drug.

Paramour was not a psychotropic drug after all.

I can't confirm if it's a magical potion.

I could not identify the exact entity, but I was confused as to what benefits Paramal had.

This beverage connected people.

It allowed me to share people's feelings and feelings.

Feeling the feelings of others is more like a disaster than a blessing.

It is strange and unpleasant to see the human face of the mask.

Usually it's not clean inside.

But on this island, it's different.

The people of Aoeo Island were kind, pure and honest.

And enthusiastic.

When you are surrounded by such people and share their feelings, they become overwhelmed.

If you drink paramals and dance in the streets of thousands and hundreds of people, it will happen naturally.

All my life I've been curious about other people's insides, and I've learned some manners.

There is a thin wall between friends, between parents and their children.

People feel overwhelmed by the good people who break through such walls completely and face them.

and assimilated.

This feeling... The pleasure was enormous.

I feel the good feelings that others hold for me, and I am moved by others who are genuinely moved by my good feelings.

How hard it is to get one true friend you can trust in life.

And how much joy we get when we get those friends, and when we get together.

On the island of Aoeo, everyone he met was a friend and family who could let him out.

You don't have to doubt and be anxious, draw lines and be polite.

You don't have to be bad.

It doesn't need to be read.

You can enjoy the festival by folding up all your troubles while enjoying happiness.

This was the only tourist commodity on the continent, or perhaps the only thing in the world that only Ao Island had.

Paramour was a drink that could make me an angel among the angels.

In other words, it was the drink that sent me to heaven.

“Hello, Ho. ”

I saw a fragrance that greeted me with a greeting and feeling of anticipation.

Today, I had something to ask you about fragrance.

“Looks like you still have questions today, Ho. ”

“Yes. Do you have a minute? ”

Of course there is.

Of course there's no denying it.

“Of course.”

She smiled and answered and sat across from me.

“I want to ask you about Paramals. ”

“Umm... Don't you know anything about Paramal now? ”

“Yes, but I want to know more. ”

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