The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Tutorial 19 floors (5)

[19th, 10th, 23: 55]

“The dishes are sweet and sweet in the kitchen preparing the dinner. The doorbell's ringing, shorty. ”

The second of many advantages of being versatile.

Not only is he good at lyrics such as cooking, laundry, cleaning, but he also sings songs during these breaks. With loving rhythm.

Of course, the first advantage is that it's cute.

“You sing very well, too. ”

When he finished singing, he covered his mouth and laughed.

Oh, my God, that's cute.

It has been ten days since I entered the 19th floor and met Zhuo.

Over the past hour, I have become closer to him and learned more about him.

He likes to compliment.

I like smiling face to face and holding hands.

I like telling fairy tales, and I like eating with them.

I like to hug her more than anything.

At first, I only held her when I was walking, but I held her all day long after I realized that she liked to hold her.

You have to put it down when he prepares or does it.

“Give me something fun, too. ”

Since you sang, I want you to do something for me.

You reach your right hand forward.

[Collected Soul: 183]

After collecting the souls of the regularly raiding ghosts, I was able to gather 183 souls.

Every night, I was able to find a simple way to control it.


Magic power and will matter.

Magic and Divine Power for use of skills are borne by the God of Death. All I have to do is start it.

The willingness to implement a skill and the ability to cultivate it effectively.

I was able to get used to it quickly because it was not so different from other skills.

As I told you to appear, a little ghost appeared on the palm of my hand.

According to the description of the Soul Collection Skill, the shape and ability of the soul can change depending on the ability of the soul itself and the intimacy between me and the soul.

However, Ghosts, the masters of the soul, are not so powerful, and they have the best intimacy with me.

Thanks to this, the appearance of the ghost on the palm of the hand was a little smaller than the pinky finger, and the body was almost transparent.


The Baby Ghost Roars!

The effects were amazing!

The kitten's roar makes her smile sharply.

It was a skill that seemed really hard to use in battle, but it was a good enough skill just to give Chuckler a smile.

While summoning the baby ghost, I watched him watch it.

In fact, all I can command the ghost spirit is "appear" and "disappear."

He neither listened to nor obeyed other commands, including shouting, roaring, and moving.

Therefore, the behavior of a ghost who is twitching, groaning and jeering in front of him is autonomous.

The soul that is controlled by the effects of soul collecting has an autonomous will and judgment, and also has a personal symbol.

Ghost spirits usually liked him.

If I summoned them when I was alone, the invisible ghosts would make fun of me like that in front of him.

While watching the ghost of the child for a long time, he began to scoff at his eyes to see if he could sleep.

“Can I get you out of the tent? ”

I asked politely.

Luckily, he shakes his head.

Chipmunks don't like sleeping alone in tents.

She wants to be outside with me, even if she's a little uncomfortable.

These past few days, he sat in front of the campfire, sat on my knees, staring at me, and fell asleep.

At first, I was worried that it would be uncomfortable, but I didn't feel like it was because of the Demibeast's flexibility, and the next morning, I had nothing to do with my back.

I also liked to hold a sleeping tooth, even if I was a little uncomfortable, rather than spending free time alone at night.

I pulled out a large blanket from my inventory.

When I wrapped my body and torso around it at once with a blanket, it was quite warm in the sunny forest in the middle of the night.

Soon, he fell asleep completely.

When he decides to go to sleep, he quickly goes to sleep.

I envy myself for suffering from insomnia.

I spent some time on the back of a sleeping wreck, and something took hold of my detection skill.

It was the ghosts again.

The number of subjects is 35.

I grabbed Mofo, wrapped around her body, and stood up.

It was the first time a ghost appeared more than thirty at a time.

Up until now, however many there were, the number did not exceed ten.

Immediately, thirty-five ghosts came into view.

The numbers, as well as the appearance of ghosts, were significantly different than usual.

They were ghosts hiding a dark body, not a ghost with a faint white human figure.

Even the hand was pointed like an awl, and the mouth had big teeth like the blade of a dagger.

That looks like a physical attack to me.

In the meantime, I have been dealing with ghosts and have not felt any threat, because ghosts have never physically attacked in the first place.

The only way to attack ghosts is to surprise and frighten the target, creating a panic.

But I can spot ghosts' approaches with my detection skills in advance.

The defensive strength there is poor, so it cannot be a threat.

However, the black ghosts that appeared in front of us now clearly looked different from ordinary ghosts.

In fact, I'm not even sure if they're ghosts.

Maybe it's just some kind of ghost shaped monster.

Every time they come at me, I hear footsteps.

They can use their physical strength.

First, I took the ceiling out of my inventory and made it look like a window.

I had never seen anything like it, but it was not intimidating to me.

The problem is that I fell asleep in my arms.

It would be safer for me to hold her than to put her down.

And I don't want him to get hurt, I don't want him to wake up.

I hope you won't wake up and be afraid of those Black Ghosts while you're sleeping.

Fortunately, the Black Ghosts didn't scream loudly or anything.

The thirty-five black ghosts slowly narrow the perimeter.

I waited quietly for it and reached the window forward.

You clear through the Black Ghost Core, which has entered the attack range.

Enemies that have been pierced are scattered like dust. I guess ghosts do.

I held my sleeping cheek, so I moved as slowly and neatly as possible.

Next, I retrieved the spear and took a half-step back.

At the same time, the celestial latrine was transformed into a longsword and was extinguished by piercing the Black Ghost nucleus that leapt into the gap.

With the constraints of having to move small and the constraints of having to move slow, combat becomes quite difficult.

As I gave up speed, which was my advantage, and rather moved slowly, my predictions and attacks had to be accurate.

I turned around and swung the celestial toilet.

Two black ghosts caught on the edge of a slow-moving spear, painted with a brush.

I took a step forward in that direction.

Next stab.

You thrust the towering toilet that you recovered with a right waist dance.

You take another step forward through the scattered ghost stabbed through the core.

You turn to the side, avoiding the Black Ghost's fangs coming in from the right.

You swing your sword as you slowly rotate, cutting through the Black Ghost Core, which has just been attacked.

Fighting so slowly makes all the difference.

Even just now, it moves like a sword.

I remembered the sword I learned from the 16th floor knight.

I've never used it well just by learning, but I should take advantage of it this time.

On the 16th floor, a knight I met on the Doppelgänger stage had one characteristic lesson.

He stood on the defensive side and fought through the last critical period.

Although the knight had abandoned his defensive movements and used special skills from the meadow, his sword was essentially defensive.

The knight taught me 38 moves to become the essence of swordsmanship.

Some of the moves were to deter the opponent from pushing himself during the defensive.

Constraints to cut off the flow of attacks and create variables while shielding the enemy.

This is a sword suppression move with a focus on defense, so the attack is not threatening.

But it was very stable.

The objective of the deterrent was to drag time and stabilize the defenses, thus taking great risks to deter them.

The movement was short and concise, and after the restraint movement it always led to a move that could be avoided, defended, or prepared for the next move.

I decided to focus on the suppression moves of the knight's sword.

It was a situation in which many opponents would rush in, minimize their movements, and give them no room to be attacked.

I thought the difference between ghosts and skills was obvious, so I decided I could defeat them all with a stunt.

I took a step, then took a step back.

I stepped aside and prepared for the next move.

You take another step forward and quickly greet enemies approaching me.

You step back and defend the rear for your next enemy.

Swinging your sword around slowly, you were able to kill all thirty-five Black Ghosts.


I took a big breath and looked around.

There was never any left.

My footprints were cracked on the floor.

I think I danced at the ball.

Fairly unfamiliar trail.

My battle alliance is fairly simple.

Most of them just jump forward and engage the enemy in melee combat.

Often they take larger leaps than step-by-step movements.

It was like the first time I had ever walked around and fought like this.

[Sword Level]

In the meantime, I'm also on the next level of swordsmanship.

Is it because of a sword that has been developed without fundamentals?

It's a good result either way.

I was nervous because my skill level didn't go up at all with the level up reward.

I should practice more swordsmanship moves that I learned from the Knight.

I sat down again in front of the campfire, straightening my thoughts.

He woke up while he was taking a breath while putting the celestial toilet back into his inventory.

He doesn't open his eyes properly and mutters something.

Said to move as quietly as possible, but apparently woke him up.

“Hey, why? Did you wake up from the shaking?”

He shakes his head.

And I rubbed my face against my chest.

“My heart is pounding faster.... ”

Oh, my heart rate is going up, and I think I broke it.

“I see. Keep sleeping. ”

Luckily, he fell straight back to sleep.

* * *

Since then, black ghosts have been coming for us.

Unlike the White Ghosts, the Black Ghosts tried to attack directly, and even the Black Ghosts were afraid of them.

Every time the Black Ghosts appeared, I tried to get rid of them as quickly as I could, but as I went, the number grew and the time became longer for him to be afraid.

[19th, 14th. 16: 50]

I asked him, trembling in my arms.

“How long will it take to get from here to the forest? ”

He replied that it would take four more days with a crying voice.

I think that's all we have to do to walk slowly.

The road is completely blocked.

Black ghosts appear endlessly blocking the way.

Hundreds of visible and sensing skills.

I can't even feel how many unseen numbers are hidden in dense forests.

Of course, even if that number is thousands, I am confident to defeat all and reach my destination.

It's not the first time you've encountered a thousand units of enemy.

But I have to protect him.

With that number, it's hard to fight with your arms around you.

I should also fight violently as I bump into enemies.

However, I can't let it down for a while.

He won't be able to withstand the Black Ghost attack by himself for a while.

Oh, shit.

I was enjoying travelling with him in a happy mood every day.

Infinite disruption.

It's too much.

“Heave-ho, have you ever thought about flying like a bird? ”

He looked at me as if what was right in this situation.

Once again, he replied.

“Flying in the sky would be dangerous.... ”

“No, it's not dangerous at all. ”


I tucked the celestial toilet into my inventory and hugged it with my arms.

I'd like to explain a little more, but we need to move before the Black Ghosts get any closer.

[wings of talaria]

I spread my wings and flew up.

You climb up to the roof of the forest, avoiding the dense twigs.

Because of the trees that covered the sun, I ran out of the forest that was always dark and faced the bright blue sky.

The view is breathtaking.

Above her head lies the blue sky, and beneath her feet lies the sea of green forests beyond the horizon.

It was a really nice view.

Except for the uninvited.

Aside from the black ghosts that are starting to fly up, chasing me and Chipmunks.

I didn't know they could fly.

Let's see how many Black Ghosts there are.

I looked at the black ghosts coming up into the sky, and I could slowly feel the tiredness.

The Black Ghosts continue to rise.

Over and over again.

When the visible number of black ghosts exceeded 10,000 units, he stopped counting and asked him.

“Heave-ho, are you scared? ”

He said, trembling less.

“Oh, I'm not scared. Is this really not dangerous? ”

“It's not dangerous. Trust me."

I trusted my brother... No, I trusted my brother, and I hugged him tightly.

I hugged my neck with my arms extended.

He put his hand on the back of his head and said.

“Here we go. ”

“I believe you! ”

At the same time as his words, it triggered the flight effect of the wings of the tallaria.

Front and back, left and right, up and down.

You begin to fly at full speed, avoiding the Black Ghosts that swarm from all directions.

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