The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Tutorial Level 30 (1)

[24th, 29th, 3: 30]

It was hard this time, wasn't it? ”

I had no choice but to nod at Kirikiri, smiling and asking.

Hard is hard.

It was not the type of difficulty I wanted, but the difficulties on the 28th and 29th floors were definitely difficult.

Especially on the 29th floor.

Upgrading my reputation forever.

If the city's underground forces hadn't stumbled across information that would have plagued the marketplace with terror, they might have had to challenge it several times.

I was tied up on the 29th floor all the time, but I'm glad I got it done in one car.

“But what I said before, though, was the difficulty of battle. ”

“That's three……. ”

Kirikiri is excited to talk, but then he stops quickly.

Why did I want to wait for a while.

Kirikiri pondered and said,

“You know what the next floor is, don't you? ”

Of course.

30th floor.

The first residential area in the tutorial.

Unlike the stage that is repeated every time, it is not the waiting room where powerful conservation magic is being maintained.

Regardless of the time, the randomness of the number of people in the waiting room is also a place where you can relax when you want to rest, play when you want to play, and meet when you want to meet people.

It means something different to me, of course.

I'm alone anyway.

I live in a rather large waiting room.

“That's not true. ”

“It's not a what. ”

“There's no cure, no repair, no firewall. ”

“Is that a big difference? ”


I thought you were trying to play around with meaningless words, but Kirikiri's expression is serious.

“Hao Jae Ae has done most of the training in the waiting room. Of course, growing up in combat is hard, but its foundation is training in the waiting room. ”

“That's right."

Before entering the stage, if you had not been trained, focused and prepared in the waiting room, it would have been difficult to demonstrate sufficient performance and growth in the stage.

“And the waiting room is a harmless space. Nothing gets hurt, nothing gets broken. They are repaired as soon as they are injured by excessive shock or when the wall collapses. ”

You nod again.

“What a strange environment. How much the body feels about it depends on the individual, but the head is different. Most people perceive with their heads, and that perception affects the handling of the body subconsciously. ”

“For example, more than usual? ”

“Just like that. ”

It was as Kirikiri said.

Even with the training and self-harm I've spent most of my time.

Of course, I doubt it's okay to consider self-harm as part of your training... but let's say it is.

If it weren't for the waiting room, would it be so routinely self-inflicted?

No matter how much it was necessary, and how much he preferred it, he would not have done so often.

It leaves the sun on my body.

“In conclusion, take a few days off and don't run off to the 31st floor. ”


In fact, I was about to enter the 31st floor as soon as this car ended and the next car started.

You can no longer rely on improving the specs by leveling up, and you can no longer expect growth during a battle as the stage's combat difficulty drops.

All that's left is to get on stage as fast as you can and face higher difficulties.

Kirikiri advised as well.

“But the opportunity to make great progress by training alone is not often enough. ”


You think training on the 30th floor will do that for you?

Is training in a non-waiting area really that effective?

I have often been trained on stage, not in the waiting room, in situations where safety is secured and time is needed.

“Stages are different. Hao Jae Ae especially is a stage, but her condition changes when she leaves. ”

“You mean insomnia? ”

“Including that, among other things. ”

I thought about it for a moment and decided to follow Kirikiri's advice.

I listened well to what Kirikiri said, so I haven't lost much otherwise.

Sometimes, but sometimes.


“Not really.”

I said, heh, if Kirikiri felt disappointed, he turned his head away.

I smiled at him without knowing it.

You smile and get up from your seat and head for the portal.

“I just want to say one last thing, I need to rest. ”

“Okay. I'll take a good rest. ”

“Not dry. Think of it as a rehearsal, and take a mandatory break. ”

“Okay, okay. ”

After completing the answer, you climb up to the portal.

When I waved my hands, Kirikiri waved his greetings and said, "Bye."

Immediately moved from Kirikiri's field to the 30th floor.

[Welcome to your 30th floor residential area.]

With the message, I was able to see the view on the 30th floor.

A 30-story residential area that was also the background of the first contest.

It was exactly the same as what I saw at that time.

There were wooden buildings all around the square.

How many of those buildings are there?

I can see hundreds of them if I hold them less.

I am familiar with the structure of my area.

I've seen the competition, and I've read the commentary on the community.

Some are for lodging, some are for dining.

In this way, there was another use among the buildings.

There was a cafe, a bar, a playground, a gambling parlor.

It really was a town.

But it really made no difference to me from the waiting room.

It was worse.

I don't have anyone to stay with me anyway.

I sighed and took a step to find a place to stay.

I felt an empty stomach.

I have not been hungry much since I usually finish the stage and my stomach automatically dissipates when I enter the waiting room.

However, the previous floor had to stay on stage all one time and was moved to a residential area, not a waiting room, so the empty stomach is not resolving.

I need to eat something as soon as I find a place to stay.

I don't know if I have any jerky left.

* * *

[Hee... I was so scared, warrior.]

“One more Hing and I'll have you in my inventory. ”

You stopped pretending to be cute pretending to be afraid of the sword.

The sword was unfair, but it was none of my business.

[How scary it is to go into your inventory.]

I don't know what to do.

When you go to the fields of Kirikiri, it's automatically packed into your inventory.

“Is she afraid of you? ”


There was an immediate answer.

At the end of the sentence, I thought I heard a little snoring.

Obviously, it was a snort with a laugh at someone.

“Is she feeling better? You didn't look so good earlier. ”

[Yes, I'm fine. And that was okay.]

Every time there's been a recent battle, Serena gets a little weird.

Usually blunt and speechless, but really quiet after a battle.

It gets harder and sharper.

Not her tone, her will.

I can feel it in my hands, and I can feel it in my heart.

And then, as opposed to that, humanity seems to be diminishing.

Well, I seem to like the state, so it's vague to worry about it.

I entered the nearest building without having to walk for long.

The first floor of the building was lined with tables and chairs.

A place to sit and relax.

I went upstairs.

I opened the nearest visit and entered.

Small desk, beds by the window.

A small room.

It is the same structure as the room I stayed in during the race.

“What do we do now? ”

[I agree with your advice. Let's rest first.]

“Do you really need a break like that? ”

[Yes, very much.]

I asked for a detailed explanation of the sword's words.

[First of all, he's in good shape.]

“I'm fine. I lost a lot of fatigue. ”

[No, it's because the tension is holding. I don't know if I'll be completely relaxed. In fact, a person has a few days to maintain extreme tension. But the warrior never let his guard down. At least not after you got me.]

It was a reasonable thing to say.

Not like a swordsman.

I'm not completely relaxed in a perfectly safe waiting room or in a field in Kirikiri.

We need to keep our focus on the next stage.

But if you relax completely at this break,

[Next, because of the warrior's stature.]


A strange word came out.

What does relaxation have to do with it?

[To be honest, that's when the warrior's progress changed. It's not just an abscess, it's a sudden ascension.]

“That sounds like half a coin you can't even handle. ”

[Yes. That's not what I meant, but you're just as brave as I am! Ha, ha, ha, I love you, warrior.]

I love him, sir. I hope he doesn't mind.

[It seems to me that your problem is that your body is not following your skills. because as a warrior, you've continued to grow without giving your body time to adapt. And of course, during that time, the body will experience that growth, but that's a common story. As a warrior, it's also important to melt down a single growth leap and get used to it.]

It made sense again.

It was very helpful advice, except it came from the mouth of the sword.

Kirikiri and the Sword.

Both advisors I can count on are encouraging me to relax.

It would be too hard to go from here to the 31st floor.

I want to run away right now, but let's think of it as training to endure it.

Chat with Park Jung-a, Kim Min-hyuk, and read the excess community articles.

If you're bored, just meditate.

With that in mind, I decided to take a few days off.

“And teach me magic. ”

[I hate it.]

“… why? ”

I was so determined that I thought it was Ceresia, not a sword at the moment.

[My position is becoming unsettling.]

“If you don't teach me magic, my position will be very strong. You can be very firm in your inventory. ”

[Let me teach you.]

At the end of the table with the sword, we decided to take a three-day break, and a day of studying magic theory.

Then, if I was given enough rest, I decided to stay here once or twice in a row, resting for a day, magic for a day, and practice sword for a day.

Like all elementary school students on vacation, I even wrote a daily schedule.

Most of them were plans made of relaxation, walking, meditation, and talking, but I tried to stick to them as best I could.

Even on the day of practicing magic, training did not last more than three hours.

It was a rather dull day, but it certainly worked.

A week since I entered my home area.

A mutation occurred.

[Your level will be adjusted.]

[Hojae Lee (Human)]


The level of 56 jumped to 101 in a heartbeat.

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