The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Tutorial Floor 35 (1)

The sword fulfills its part.

The Black Sword that flew near the Demon King whispered something to the Demon King who was surprised by Ego Sword, and the Demon King was furious as soon as he heard it.

The battle that followed was one-sided.

Even if there was a difference in power, he had already defeated the Demon King on the 26th floor.

I was faster and stronger than ever.

I was able to cope with the Demon King's movements, and my attack now deals significant damage to the Demon King.

You defensively repel the Demon King's aggression, mixing shallow deterrents and dragging time.

Then the decisive moment was the use of a lightsaber to decide the battle.

I won the basic operation of swordsmanship.

I've felt it before, but this sword is stronger than myself, but effective against more enemies.

I was thankful for the knight I met on the 16th floor.



“What did you say that made the Demon King so angry? ”

The Demon King rushed as soon as he heard the sword whisper.

Thanks to this, my goal of getting the power out was easy, but it was quite difficult for me to find an enemy about the Demon King who ran without any intention to take care of himself.

[That's the thing.]


[Secret Party.]]

At that moment, I thought I wanted to hit the sword.

A little, but I was able to understand the Demon King's feelings.

[You have completed the 34th Floor of the Hell difficulty tutorial.]

[Heals all status conditions and injuries.]

[You won 6,000 points as a Clear Reward.]

[You won 6,000 points as the first clear reward.]

[There are many gods who have a positive reaction to you. You have earned 4,300 points.]

[There are many gods who have a negative reaction to you. 1,200 points will be deducted.]

[Gives additional rewards based on play history.]

[4,400 points.]

I didn't get much extra reward this time.

There are many gods who care about me, but there are fewer gods who give me power than I thought.

The god of light himself showed interest and offered me additional rewards, but he did not give me any powers.

Is it because of the constraint that each god can only give power to one challenger?

I heard that it is not an option to give power without revealing your identity like the God of Death, but it seems not an option.

With nothing more to think about, you climb up the portal on your own.

* * *

“Was it too easy? ”


“Actually, the Demon King is quite powerful. It wasn't an easy stage. ”

“I think the Demon King appeared on the 34th floor had the right difficulty. It was a solo stage, but the previous floors were too easy. ”

Kirikiri scratched his nose, I said.

It wasn't a sympathetic expression.

“On the 31st floor, I was able to collect a thousand tokens by picking out the weaker demons on the edge and defeating them. Kill the demons that are playing the Vault and you'll get tens or hundreds of them. The 32nd and 33rd floors were party plays. ”

“Hmmm... I guess so. ”

“I thought you said it was pretty hard after the 30th floor. ”

My guess is that Kirikiri has become an embarrassment.

I was so looking forward to hearing from Kirikiri after the 30th floor.

If it was a mistake, or if it was a mistake, Kirikiri will be compensated accordingly.

I'm not buying you a cake.

“Aaaah! No! You're not wrong! ”


“The premise is wrong. ”

“Tell me more. ”

Kirikiri hesitates before explaining.

“Phew... It's expensive to explain everything. ”

“It's not like we have any information that needs to be heard urgently anyway. Just tell me. ”

The information needed to attack the stage was not so urgent.

We're clearing it on a difficulty level with as little information as possible.

“I'll make this as brief as possible. First of all, demons aren't so weak. Even the demons on the edge. ”

It's weak......

“Not only their power, but their cunning and cruel nature are far more dangerous. ”

I recalled the demons I met on the outskirts of the 31st floor.

I've never been corrupted by their intelligence.

“That's because he's too strong. I can't shake my head. And some demons gave a good impression of Hou Jae Pyo and died. ”

I did.

Most of them were demons at the location of the victims.

“Victims are not good. Everything in there is evil, especially more so. It was their actions that made them realize that Hou Jae Young was an unconditional victim. And that's what they did on purpose. ”


“If he was weak, they would stab him in the back without hesitation. ”


And what I didn't care about was the distinction between me and them.

The demons may have noticed that I'm not interested in them, and may have wanted to slip away quietly without opposing them.

Then, when I asked the demons who were the victims on the 31st floor, I let them pass out one that fainted, and the other demons fainted at asking for information.

“Then demons like the Olphone, they looked even dumber than smart. ”

“No way... That too, because it's too strong. ”

“Isn't that because you're too weak? ”

Olfon and his minion demons were sure to have powerful powers.

It had a much greater amount of magical power than I did.

Neither did they, nor did I recognize it clearly.

“Most of the magical powers of Hao Jae Ae are hidden. I didn't even understand the full power of Hao Jae Ae. ”

The magical force that circulates through the body flows out of the body each time the circuit is smooth.

And the amount of horsepower that flows that way is an indicator of the nature of another person's horsepower or the amount of horsepower.

In addition, their strength.


“It's not like you're going to spill your magic like a child. ”

Kirikiri shakes his head.

“That's not as easy as it sounds. ”

It wasn't that hard.

“I misjudged the amount of magic I could not read. So I have to underestimate you. There's that much difference in magical hold, but it's hard for those demons to think there's more to it than meets the eye. ”

Is that so?

After hearing Kirikiri's explanation, it became a yes.

I didn't think the opposing Pokémon would misjudge me that much because of their stamina to reduce the waste of magical power.

Especially if it's the Demon Lord or the Orphons.

I thought about it for a moment.

First of all, this helps me a lot.

Just like Olfon and the other demons, not knowing all my forces is a great advantage in battle.

But if my enemies continue to underestimate me, I may become uncomfortable fighting whatever I want.

Should I deliberately unwitch the opponent?

Against enemies with far more magical powers than I do?

The reason for not using such a method has been simple.


Then, can we release only the power and not the magic?

If we can release the momentum without wasting power, we can solve this problem.

Hmm... I can't think of a way right away.

I have to think about this.

If possible, it would be quite helpful.

I finished my thought and looked at the Kirikiri.

Now that you've solved your curiosity, I opened the shop window to give you a cake.

“Wait a minute.”


“But I need to talk to you about something. ”

I solidified the position I was trying to buy cake from the shop window.

Kirikiri pushing the cake backwards.

I didn't have a clue what to tell you, but I felt an ominous premonition.

* * *

“Next floor? ”

“Yes, I'll explain the next floor. ”

I thought there was something systematic going on or wrong, but you were gonna tell me about the next floor.

Of course, the dangers of the next stage have not been explained by Kirikiri in detail before, but have never been more refined and explained.

Is it really that dangerous?

I can see Kirikiri's worrying face, but the corners of his chest are getting hot.

“The main theme is to stay alive for a certain amount of time on the next floor. ”

Time-limited survival.

Sounds like a stage on the 12th floor.

Are there restrictions on inventory windows and so forth like that?

“The next floor will start on the first floor. ”

Yeah? Yeah.

“First, we have to hold out for an hour on the first floor. Then two hours on the second floor, three hours on the third floor. Like this.”

“Hang in there for an hour on the floor you've already passed? ”

“Yes, from the first floor to the 34th floor. For about 24 days. ”

I thought about the information Kirikiri gave me.

It's not hard to stay up there for long.

There are people living with jerky and water on the first floor of the Hell difficulty level right now.

“All your inventory and equipment will be confiscated. ”

“What items did I carry? ”

“Likewise, confiscation. No weapons to start with, no hands to start with. ”

That's a little harsh.

Dropped him on the first floor with his bare hands?

Any challenger with a class of wizards or priests is gonna die here.

“All that growth is gone. You need to restart at level 1. ”


“Go back to your body when you first entered the tutorial. Only during the 35th floor. ”

I took a moment to review Kirikiri's words.

I feel like every word doesn't come into my head strangely.

I slowly understood her words.


“Hey! That's a little harsh! ”

“I didn't make it! ”

Kirikiri yells at me.

Dammit, I wanted to be quiet for a while, but these crazy gods did it again.

Are you crazy?

You want to roll back on your growth?

[The God of Adventure is unfair.]

It was unfair or not, I kept thinking.

You can survive on the first floor.

The theme on the first floor is a trap, and if you don't get to the front of the trap, you won't die.

The problem is that as soon as the stage begins, the dangers are approaching.

If you look at the 31st floor right now, you'll be face-to-face with two demons at the entrance.

Two demons on the first floor.

A hundred fights, and I'll tear you to shreds.

“Instead, you can grow a new one. ”


“As you go back to level 1, you can regrow from level 1. Get new skills. ”

I mean, I can do it all over again.

However, the problem is.

Time is too short.

It only took 24 days to get up from the first floor to the 34th floor.

Will we have enough growth to survive on every stage for 24 days?

I wasn't sure.

“I want to ask you one thing. ”

I was thinking hard, but Kirikiri grabbed my sleeve and said,

“This explains the stage in advance. ”

“What is it? ”

“Please. ”

As she carries out her request, she was able to predict the next words that came out of Kirikiri's mouth.

“Don't overdo it. The 35th floor focuses more on how to treat yourself than surviving your enemies. You have to remember that. ”

How to treat yourself.

To see yourself become incapacitated in one day and feel a sense of self-esteem.

“The 35th floor stage can't be just completed by force. Clear using auxiliary skills such as Speech and Hidden Speech to keep them alive, rather than attacking and fighting. ”

After all, there are not many stages that are dangerous from the time you enter the stage.

Moreover, most early enemies are passive.

Not only is it passive, but it can also make enemies favorable to me based on attitude.

Consider the 16th floor where the Doppelgänger appeared.

So if we don't rush too far, we can survive somehow.


“I don't know.”

That should be my choice.

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