The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Tutorial Level 35 (12)

“What enemy? ”


It was more absurd than angry.

Who was just acting like a middle-aged man.

I protested with my absurd feelings.

“You just said you know who I am! ”

Yeah, I did.

You're a doppelganger.

“I don't know how you knew, but you knew I was in your place. Otherwise, you would never look at me so blatantly! ”

Of course I stared blatantly.

You're a doppelganger.

“And I wasn't able to speak because I was afraid before, but isn't it too rude to look at other people's bodies with magic? ”

Of course, I looked at it with my magic.

I'm trying to see if I can find the Doppelgänger by magic.

It's getting blurry.

That doppelganger has three shapes.

A demonic doppelganger and a human old man and a young woman.

It was quite embarrassing to cast politics like this as a young woman.

The group's gaze settles into a strange state immediately.

I needed to wrap things up quickly.

But I didn't know how to organize it properly.

“If not, tell me! Why he forced people into corners and forced them to hit the barrier that shut them out! ”

The wizard cries out in a loud voice.

Yes, I have.

Forcibly pull out the Doppelgänger hiding in the Wizard's body, then kill it.

I learned all the basics of magic and magic.

I was going to find out more about the little know-how, but I didn't have to put up with this frustrating situation.

Before I set my mind and moved, there was a person who was one step ahead of me.

“Holly Strike! ”

You hurriedly slam into the paladin's shout, avoiding the impact of divine power falling from your shoulders.

And you dodged the flying paladin's battle hammer.


What's wrong with him? You're crazy.

I've decided to attack the wizard, but haven't made a move yet.

I was having some uncomfortable arguments, but I didn't think it would be this hostile.

A third party.

You set foot on the charging paladin again, knocking him down and snatching the battle hammer.

The eyes of the fallen paladin shake rapidly.

Looking at the direction of the pupil, I felt like I was looking at the wizard behind me.

I had a hunch.

One day, the paladin confessed to me that the Wizard's true nature resembles the daughter he lost in his childhood accident, so he failed to attack the Doppelgänger.

It was after I had already defeated the Doppelgänger, and above all, I didn't care much about the fact that I thought the Doppelgänger had lost the memory of the paladin.

Now it appears that the paladin's trauma and wizard appearance is one of the devices on the 16th floor.

A similar situation would have been created if I hadn't been able to draw the Doppelgänger out of the soul exploitation before.

If you are a mediocre challenger, you may be in great danger from this breakthrough.

I'll tell Lee Hyung-jin later.

I finished thinking and looked at the paladin.

The paladin, who had been taken from the battle hammer, is now rushing barefoot with his blessing on his body.

The rest of the party watches the paladin with a look on his face, "Why is he so overbearing?"

Even the Wizard was watching.

You strike the paladin's head on a tackle with a battle hammer in your hand.

The paladin lingers on the floor with the sound of thud.

I wouldn't be dead.


By the way, the hand of the battle hammer is more than I thought.

I'll buy a sledgehammer and use it later.

Like a character who likes to carry a shield and push cargo.

As I think about it, a second attacker appears.

I was an adventurer.

You kick the edge of an adventurer with a dagger.

I was a sad adventurer because I was short.

With the soldier in charge, Rich was desperately short.

The curiosity grows with the adventurer's attack.

Why is he coming at us again?

So I asked.

“What the fuck is wrong with you? ”

Instead of answering my words, the adventurer, who was holding his finger, sprayed something in my mouth in front of my face.

It was poison.

You quickly step back, covering your face with a hammer.

As soon as I stepped back, the adventurer narrowed the street with the dagger once more.

You slap the adventurer's side head with a sledgehammer.

The adventurer collapses with a partial concussion.

He's dead this time, for sure.

If you look at the amount of blood scattered around, or the bone you see at the wound and what's in it, it's clear.

Hmm... This is ruined.

I was going to suppress it, but I was a little angry at the barrel that spit poison in front of my face like HYDRA.

A nervously powerful hammer overlaps with an unfamiliar hand.

I didn't know why the adventurer suddenly attacked me.

And poison in his mouth.

Perhaps as soon as he saw the paladin fighting with me, he was poisoned and attacked.

I couldn't think of a reason why they would try to kill me like that.

Apart from the reasons it didn't occur to me, things went very badly.

The group is all baffled by this sudden event.

I wanted to keep the atmosphere as bright as possible.

As well as listening and learning from the group, I had to concentrate as much as possible before I went up to the 17th floor.

However, if this incident destroys the atmosphere, many of my plans will be compromised.

However, even if they insisted it was self-defense, the atmosphere was already ruined.

The whole group won't come to me in kindness.

Above all.

“Khan, Kanzar, Kanzar! ”

The mercenary rushes in calling out the adventurer's name.

The mercenary was said to be a close friend of the adventurer.

Perhaps the mercenary will examine the adventurer's corpse and run to me.

They will behave hostile even if they do not run.

I was thinking about the breakthrough, and the mercenary who was running stopped.

His eyes were filled with chaos.

Following his gaze, you see something crawling out of the adventurer's corpse.

Specifically, a thin tentacle protrudes from the corpse's head, and the tentacle is forcibly opening a hole in the head.

And inside, something was revealing itself gradually.


In this chaotic situation, the knight who was just watching silently opened his mouth.

“That purple tentacle belongs to the Doppelgänger! The Doppelgänger has been thrashing you and turning you upside down! ”

* * *

There were two Doppelgängers on stage on the 16th floor.

One is a wizard, and one is myself.

But this time, an adventurer was a doppelganger.

I understand that the Doppelgänger who was acting like a wizard was an adventurer.

Every time you enter, the Doppelgänger's identity changes.

Otherwise, it can be explained that it is almost similar to each stage as described in the 35-story stage, and not exactly the same.

What about the other doppelganger?

The second doppelganger hides within the challenger himself.

But on the 35th floor stage, the setting of each stage is not overwritten to the challenger.

Then can we assume that there is no second doppelganger?

Or there might be one more Doppelgänger left.

I kept thinking, but there was no answer.

After some time, I'll be going up to the 17th floor, so I just decided not to think.

I've defeated the Doppelgänger, but the atmosphere is still gloomy.

The mercenary is trapped in that corner mourning the death of his friend, the adventurer.

The paladin made sure the wizard wasn't his daughter, and was saddened by the painful memories of the old past that came back to him.

The paladin, who apologized to me and the Wizard, was stuck in a corner like a mercenary.

The vast knight, however, was depressed as he relieved the mercenaries and the paladins alternately.

What are you doing? She's...



“Why did you ask me to take you to the corner and hit the barrier? ”

I ask you quickly.

“I'm going to ask you to teach me magic. ”

My words made the wizard look like a fool.

“If that was the case, you could have just asked me to teach you. Why are you suddenly dragging people into a corner, scary? Suddenly, I'm told to block the exterior, so of course I'm wrong! ”

The attitude was still not smooth, but fortunately the misunderstanding was solved.

When you see the battle hammer slapping a giant tentacle monster, no wonder any misunderstandings are solved.

“Did you know? ”


This wizard has a habit of suddenly rushing out.

“The Doppelgänger was wearing you over. You said you knew roughly who the doppelgangers were. ”

That's probably why the Doppelgänger, who was wearing the shape of an adventurer, suddenly attacked me.

As a Doppelgänger, I am anxious to say that I know who the Doppelgänger is.

And then there was this hostile atmosphere, and the paladin attacked me, and he said, "What a chance."


My words made the wizard look ridiculous again.

“You had no idea? ”

I shook my head and replied.

“No, I thought it was you. ”


“I thought you were a doppelganger. ”


The Wizard's face has turned strange.

“W-why did you ask me to hit the barrier? ”

“I tried to learn magic in return for not telling me I was a doppelganger. ”

“To the Doppelgänger?! ”


The wizard's eyes widen.

It was worse than my eyes when I was a pervert.

“No, how……. ”

The Wizard began his sermon.

How do you expect to learn magic from a Doppelgänger? Why did you try to hide the Doppelgänger's identity? What if you mistook the Doppelgänger for a Doppelgänger?

I was very drunk.

This wizard spoke more than I thought.

I barely spoke when I was an old wizard, but how could I bear it?

It was a very natural relationship with the article that was depressed in the corner.

I silently listened to the wizard's nagging and asked her again.



“Are you going to teach me magic or not? ”

To increase the success rate of your request, you pick up the hammer that was on the ground with one hand and ask.

“Go, I'll teach you. ”

It was successful.

* * *

There wasn't much to learn from the wizard.

Knowledge she had heard from the Doppelgänger once before.

By the end of a few hours of magic lessons, the group falls asleep one by one.

The group falls asleep quickly, unable to overcome their fatigue, due to the many things that have happened.

Whether it's because you've killed a Doppelgänger you need to watch out for, you're sleeping here and there.

Except for one.

“When I heard the story of the paladin, I thought a lot. In fact, there was a lot going on in my family. Some of them were similar to what the paladin went through. The noble struggle is actually much more vulgar and filthy than the back alley fight. ”

Oh, I see.

“But I was pretty good at getting out of that pit. It was a coincidence that it became an article. Oh, did he tell you why I could be a knight? Oh, I don't think so. What a coincidence. It started with the Earl of Heblan. Have you ever been to the Grand Heir of Heblan? It's said to be a beautiful lake, but actually there are more swamps than there are lakes. That's where my brother and my friend Robben are. Oh, this guy, Robben, is a childhood mutual friend of mine who had promised me his whole life. He was a commoner, but he was really close, regardless of his identity wall. There……. ”



“Please, can't you just go to sleep? ”

I don't want to talk about you. You've even heard of it!

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