The Tutorial Is Too Hard

212. 40th floor tutorial (?)

[It looks fun.]

My father and I were watching what I was doing.

Looks like I'm having fun playing with the air.

“Why, do you want to? ”

[You know I can't. But you're doing great. Wiggle, wiggle.]

“This is also a game with other people. I didn't want to lose any of this when I was a kid. I decided to win, so I did well. ”

[Well... I've been doing that since I was a kid.]

What's with the accent?

[If you lose one game, you're a hateful kid who insists on it again, saying it's null and void. Often, they're bitter and screaming and screeching until they get what they want.]

It was a realistic description.

I could easily remember because I saw a lot of kids crying and losing to me.

But that's usually what you do when you're young.

“I didn't do it anyway. ”

[Well, when you do something for the first time, you have to learn by losing to play with someone. You're not still admitting defeat, are you?]

“No, you bastard. I've never lost to one of these. ”

It was real.

If you see someone playing around in the air, you observe the rules and ways before you ask them to teach you.

And if you think you can beat the opponent by practicing alone, then you want to play together.

I liked winning better than playing since I was a kid.

If I had just seen victory, I wouldn't have done something so stupid as to challenge someone without even knowing how.

[You, you. Of course you did.]

What should I do with that grumpy mouth?

“One day I'll just have to learn the magic of Silence. ”

[Then I'll dispel it. You can't do magic better than I can. Hoo, hoo, hoo.]

This is probably the biggest reason why this son of a bitch doesn't teach me magic.

Son of a bitch.

After talking about it a long time ago, I remembered being defeated by a fighting action game by my neighbourhood brother.

It was an unusual memory.

I put my bag next to the arcade and broke the scenario by myself, but not many people clean it up and challenge me.

I was lacking in practice, and his brother was a considerable master.

It was even weirder to win.

Two games down, and I had no more coins, and I had to come home.

When I returned to the arcade with more money, his brother had already disappeared.

Revenge at that time has not been achieved.

I never saw him again.

The memory must have also affected the profession of the professional gamer.

In a way, it was a moment that really affected my life.

You collect scattered flagstones.

It was enough to play with for about 10 minutes.

“That's enough, right? ”

[No, we should see if there are any mild symptoms of addiction. Poison can also penetrate through the skin.]

The couple were right.

At this time, it was uncomfortable that the resistance was too high.

If it had been less tolerant, it would have been an ambush or something.

After I leave the waiting room, I'll take the time to test it.

I was playing air with crystals made of poison and error.

It was Kirikiri's advice.

When she asked Kirikiri about the direction of the development of the poison, she was angry once and said she had to develop safety over the power of the poison.

You said it was only after that that that you increased your power and used it in a variety of ways.

She advised me to coat the liquefied poison.

As soon as I got back to the waiting room, I tried to make some poison blood.

But coating the poison with glass, plastic, steel and unspoiled melt was not easy.

I couldn't even contain it with magic. I had to contain poison with solidified error crystals.

The difficulty of making decisions was higher than I expected.

After a few days of effort, I was able to make decisions of the desired shape and size.

As a result, I was able to produce a few crystals with black venom in them.

It also looked like a jewel.

[Yes, it's like a jewel. A jewel from hell. Only a warrior would think of a jewel when he sees a red, black, sticky liquid on the outside like blood.]

I ignored the father and wife's estrangement.

It was just my personal touch.

You play with the crystal and make sure your hands are not poisoned.

After checking out the waiting room again, I think I can try more experiments.

As expected, Kirikiri's advice prevailed.

He also confirmed that the part where she insisted that she no longer had anything to tell him was worth pecking at.

Cake is not the only one who can get that advice.

[Min Hyuk Kim, 30th Floor: Hey, are you busy?]

After a long time, Kim Min-hyuk sent me a message.

Nowadays, Park Jong-a sends a message whenever something happens.

Since leaving the personnel management on Hell difficulty level to Lee Hyung-jin, there has been a lot less work to talk to Kim Min-hyuk.

We talk sometimes, but when there was nothing to discuss or report on the vigilantes, the natural frequency was reduced.

[Hojae Lee, 41st Floor: No.]

[Min Hyuk Kim, 30th floor: … When did you go to 41st floor again? No, it's not important. We got the info off the new arrivals in the car. The government knows the life and location of the challenger's family. The next car or the next one will be tipped off.]

It took me a long time.

When those who had graduated from the tutorial came into contact with the government, the first thing they decided to ask was to confirm the life of that family.

It seems that only a few months after graduation has taken place have they finally started working.

[Min Hyuk Kim, 30th Floor: It seems that some of the graduates complained to the government. I've heard rumors about going abroad every day, so I'm cursing. Maybe that's why he started working for Buryburia.]

I could imagine a situation that was somewhat outside the box.

You can't predict exactly, but that's where the world is going.

No matter how monstrous a world appears and becomes a wasteland, nothing will change.

[Min Hyuk Kim, 30th Floor: What, you have nothing else to say? It's too grave.]

[Hojae Lee, 41st Floor: Done. I have nothing to say.]

[Min Hyuk Kim, 30th Floor: Got it. I'll see you then.]

The message of Kim Min-hyuk, who was expecting to meet next time, ended.

I didn't realize that I had learned about my family's life.

Although South Korea has less damage, the death toll has exceeded a million units.

It was the thief who was optimistic that only my family would be left.

Of course it wasn't.

I called the couple to confirm.


[Yes, Warrior.]

“Did you have a family? ”

[What do you mean? I'm not from an orphanage.]

The couple said bluntly.

I guess I was offended when I asked.

“Then tell me about your family. ”

About your family? When I was a kid... I mean, this was a long time ago, too, since I was a sword. Let's see...]

I tried to tell my father and wife about the past.

The father and father had no secrets, and they enjoyed telling their own stories, so they began to talk without any complaints.

Generally, it was a childhood story of a couple.

Since they started practicing swords, they focused more on swords than their families, so they said.

Nevertheless, the story of the couple was deeply filled with longing for them.

I thought about it while listening to my father and wife's story.

Why I don't feel the same way about my father and wife.

Now that I can hear their news, why is it so grave?

* * *

[You have cleared the 40th Floor of the Hell difficulty tutorial.]

[Farewell, well done.]

You ascend the portal in the presence of the natural god.

You have left the temple of the God of Nature and moved to the field of Kirikiri.

Immediately after the move, the eyes of the missing gods returned.

[Many gods of the Pantheon watch over you.]

The number of eyes now began to exceed 3,000.

At the same time, I felt offended and frightened by the fact that this many eyes were always looking at me.

But I was not as uncomfortable as the one I was facing.



I saw Kirikiri leaping towards me, waving his hands high.

Her smile still gives me a slight tingling sensation.

“Heehee, you see, I came a little late this time. ”

It was no different than before.

Sunny, cute, and pure.

When I looked at Kirikiri, I felt relieved and relieved.

Obviously, even now he felt bad about her.

I was now convinced that this change in emotion was not because of my own liking, but because of her ability.

It was this Kirikiri and the man on the 60th floor who fell on the Hell difficulty level and became a leash for me who was isolated.

Without either of them, I would never have made it up to the 40th floor of this place.

I was hoping to meet her after clearing every floor because of the Kirikiri, and I could hug her and cry.

I could have tea with the cake and talk and run around like a child.

Kirikiri was to me a parent, a teacher, a friend, a sister, and a sister.

So I could not easily accept that everything that was smiling at me with such a pure face was a lie.

It was even more terrible to keep my face clear as if nothing had happened while reading my thoughts like this.

Facing the Kirikiri smiling in the bathroom, I felt a slight tingling sensation.

I wanted to insult her and be angry, but I knew I couldn't even do that.


“Yes, why? ”

You're reading my thoughts.

I wanted to make fun of you because you know what I'm going to ask you.

Please, I just wanted her to tell me the truth.

“You've explained information control in the tutorial before, right? ”

“Yes, I did. ”

“Privacy was what I told you then. If you consume points and information values and set certain information to your privacy, you will not be able to see others' privacy without paying more. So if you have information you want to hide, set it to privacy. ”

Kirikiri nods.

There is a lot of information on privacy.

Since its inception, this privacy setting has been associated with every day of dialogue held on Korean servers.

There was nothing I didn't know about privacy

I knew some of the secrets he had hidden.

It wasn't because I paid enough to see your privacy, but because it was open to challengers on Hell's difficulty.

“I heard it from the God of Nature this time. There's one more thing. One person, one way to control information about a particular person. ”

Kirikiri gives you a glaring look as if you were curious about his next words.

Now I'm starting to get scared of that sunny face.

There was no need to explain how.

Because she knows.

The story proceeded quickly.

I wanted to end this conversation as soon as possible.

“Did I ever tell the manager about the trigger?" ”

I closed my eyes.

I held his trembling hand behind my back and said the next thing.

“Kirikiri, tell me what you're not telling me. ”

The answer never came back.

When I forcibly opened my eyes, Kirikiri was still smiling at me in the bathroom.

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