The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Tutorial 49th Floor (1)

[Are you going to challenge me to the next stage?]

The couple asked.

Now the couple understood a lot about the tutorial system.

Stages, as well as the effects and roles of the waiting room.

The system's constraints may not speak, but it will recognize more than what is being expressed externally.

“I will.”

I was just about to clear the 48th floor, so I had a choice to take a break in the waiting room and leave, but I wanted to leave immediately.

I wanted to finish this boring 40-story a little faster and move on to the 50th floor.

Every stage in the 40th floor had a theme associated with some cult and congregation.

The challenger had to inspire faith in people, being forced to play an apostle of God or something like that.

It was really uncomfortable because of my personality.

There were times when I was offended beyond discomfort.

It was quite frequent.

However, after the 49th floor, Kirikiri heard that this kind of stage does not appear.

I got up from my seat after checking my outfit and luggage.

The portal takes you to the next stage.

[You are on stage on the 49th floor.]

The place that was moved in a swarm of bright light was the roof of a tall building.

When summoned from such an open and high position, I usually had to quickly look around and deal with the situation.

I hurriedly looked around.

It was an unusual terrain.

The place was surrounded by barren cliffs.

It was like an island.

However, it was different because it was isolated in the middle of a cliff, not a river or sea.

There was one giant bridge that connects this strange terrain to the land beyond the cliff.

It was a bridge that looked quite large from the roof of a tall building.

And beyond that bridge, there are monsters gathering in black.

I saw people underneath the building.

I gathered furniture such as desks and chairs, blocked my legs, and each of them held a terrible weapon.

Even though I have some work to do, I don't think I can stop those swarming monsters beyond the bridge.

The situation was easy to understand.

Protect the Humans from the monsters that cross the bridge.

You spread the wings of the Tallaria and descend towards the bridge.

Monsters will be slaughtered as soon as they reach the barricade.

You stop the monsters in the middle of the bridge, keeping them away from the humans.

A message appeared as he flew towards the bridge.

On this stage, too, if you look at the message and move, it will be a little late.

[The 49th floor stage begins.]

Description: Thirteen years ago, this planet, commonly called Caiaphas, was faced with an unknown threat.

After decades of struggling to secure the surrounding area, the source monster has finally fully secured his realm.

Once the realm was secured, the source monster immediately vomited the infectious bodies.

The infectious organisms started attacking all the creatures around them, and soon they became part of themselves.

The infectious organisms quickly conquered the continent.

The continent's intelligent bodies completely abandoned their resistance to the infectious bodies at a strong and rapid rate of growth.

They decided to abandon their cities and fortresses and flee.

The last remaining intellectuals have been evading and escaping infectious bodies over the last few years.

That number has gone down from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands, back to hundreds.

When the final, complete apocalypse was imminent, they stumbled upon a hope in an ancient book that they stumbled upon.

The tip of the Ava continent, which was the largest continent on the planet, remained a place of hope that had not been known to anyone for hundreds or thousands of years.

In the collapse of all the churches on the continent, the intelligent ones who found the only clue to the remaining shrines were headed for the shrine with their last hope.

Over the years, there were only about forty intelligent people who were able to outrun the infectious bodies and reach the Holy Land of Hope.

A few months after the intelligent bodies had hidden in the sanctuary, infectious bodies that had been tracking their tracks had chased them all the way to Gekko Sanctuary.

Fortunately, the Holy Land of Hope was preserving considerable divinity, and for a short time, intelligent people were able to use the power of the Holy Land to stop infectious bodies.

But now even the sanctuary's defenses are running out of power.

In front of the despair of death and the despair of the end, the intelligent people begged God for a new hope.

In the earnest prayer offered by the forty saints who were more faithful than anyone else, the God of Hope decided to send an apostle to save them.

The god of hope summoned an apostle just before the sanctuary's protection disappeared completely.

Yes, that apostle is you.

As an apostle to the god of hope, be the hope of the survivors.

Protect them, defeat their despair.

[Clear Objective]

- Protect forty believers.

- Maintain a reliability of forty followers at all times.

- Defeat the monster from the source that controls the planet.


The long and long message didn't need to be read carefully.

As the stage of similar content had been repeated recently, I had a rough guess.

He steps down the middle of the bridge.

You check the congregation and monsters on both sides of the bridge once, and open up the trust window.

[Reliability: 41]

Naturally, the reliability of the starting point was over 20.

It wasn't that high.

Kirikiri expressed her credibility of 40 and how she felt about the restaurant lady she had never seen before.

It means very little.

When I saw the faint wings of the tallaria on my back, and it appeared as if they were falling from the sky, the reliability showed that the congregation was in very bad condition.

Whatever comes, it means you can't get out of despair.

It looked like I needed to fight in a fancy way.

At that moment, you hear the sound of glass breaking in the air.

Whether that was the sound of the sanctuary's defenses collapsing, monsters gathered across the bridge begin to rush in.

You draw your sword instead of your usual soul sword.

[Hoo, hoo, hoo, the time has come for this body to act again.]

I had a bad voice, but I was silent and didn't blame him for his role on this stage.

Instead of wielding your sword, you raise it high into the sky.

“Get to work, father. ”

[Working. You're too blurry.]

Instead of grumbling, the couple did what they had to do.

The effects of the sacred spells brought down a white light from the sky to hide the sword and me.

The feeling of divinity fills my surroundings.

It looks like divine magic that gives the caster great power, but it actually has no effect.

The use of this sacred spell was to appear sacred to those around you.

The sword was now shining beyond its subtle light, and even I, who was holding it, was emitting such a powerful light that I could hardly open my eyes.

Please, I just want you to do it right.

No one welcomes such excessive light except the God of Light.

I wanted to reduce the brightness, but I knew the couple wouldn't listen.

You rush toward the monsters with a sword that shines brighter than anything else in the world, just hoping to get it over with.

* * *

[Reliability: 83]

My credibility has improved a lot.

It was natural for me to overwhelmingly wipe out the monsters while appearing like an apostle of God.

Through the stages of the 40th floor, this credibility has rotted my head.

No matter how courageous I say, I take care of it, dress it up, and feed it, this credibility rarely increases.

There were times when it was doubtful to do well.

Even people have different standards, some have risen, others have fallen apart and the overall trust itself has not changed.

In my experience, there was only one thing that increased my credibility with a hundred percent chance.

Overwhelming power.

People were frightened when I showed them the intermediate power.

No matter how hard you try to protect yourself, you can't help but wonder when that power will be directed at you.

However, if the force that you don't even think to face protects you, people call it a miracle.

I don't think about what that power is, what its purpose is, but I just see it worshipping and idolizing it.

Even if its power is pushed towards you.

“Here, you take care of the rest. ”

I threw the sword in my hand into the air and said,

Instead of dropping on the floor, the couple flies around using Fly magic and asks me.

Me? Even for me, it's not hard to deal with all those monsters.]

The father and wife said that they were sorry.

It was hard to deal with the monsters who might have gone over hundreds or tens of millions of units by themselves.

“Just block the bridge. You can do that. ”

No matter how many monsters there were, they had to cross a narrow bridge.

With the bridge guarded, there seems to be no way for monsters to enter the sanctuary.

The father and father replied that they knew.

I wanted to leave the subsequent battle to my father and wife.

I was a little annoyed, to be honest.

No matter how bizarre the sword may be, the father and wife's abilities were amazing.

By my standards, so did I.

I can't tell if this is what I'm fighting for or if you're fighting for.

Strengthens your body with the power given to you by your father and sweeps away your enemies with the power of vomiting.

All I had to do was move my arms and legs in time.

Then the battle was boring, and I had no choice but to be annoyed.

Without me, I quickly flew through the air, watching the couple slaughter monsters and turning away for a moment.

Towards the first summoned building, and towards the people below.

* * *

As expected, people cried out for an elongated miracle and worshiped toward the couple who appeared behind me.

There was so much emotion on their teary faces.

There was relief and joy, and there was still remaining anxiety and terror.

All that was directed at me.

At first, it was a very ugly and uncomfortable sight, but I keep seeing this, and it just gets dumber.

When I looked closely, I saw that people's skeletons and skin were different.

It looks like the other factions are mixed.

There was a reason that the message said it was an intelligent person, not a human being.

In this case, even though the word "human" could not be understood, the word "human" could be used against them.

I mistakenly used the word "human" on the 44th or 45th floors, and then I was floored by discriminators.

I ended up failing to clear the stage and had to do it all over again.

For saying the wrong thing.

It was a really staged separation.

As I approached, those who had been elongated began to stop and look at me.

At first, I thought I should give a speech like this.

Well, what about God, what about justice.

But in the end, I could see that everything was lost around me.

So I decided to just say what I wanted to say.

Only the monsters that come from behind wander around.

Forty survivors stare at me, speechless.

There were some people standing around, but some still looked up at me with their heads down.

At times like this, it's convenient for someone to step up and play the bishop.

This stage doesn't look like anyone else.

I opened my mouth to break the silence.

“Here we go, people. ”

He faced forty desperate eyes and said.

“Let's go inside. It's cold, too. What nonsense is this out there? Go inside.”

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