The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Arena of Contest (21)

“Come on, get down. ”

“… What? ”

The man said something stupid that he still doesn't understand the situation.

I wanted to wait until I fell down on my own, but I couldn't help but notice that I couldn't understand the words.

“All of a sudden that's wh.... ”

“Get down.”

I gave up waiting and forced him to lie down.

It wasn't that hard.

You just put your magic on top of the man and press down with it.

It was quite easy and easy

Often used to conquer the feeble enemies of a single individual on the stage, it now has quite a few tricks and has little magic consumption.

The man is speechless and clinging to the ground.

Usually, you can't even moan properly by tapping like this.

Sometimes I hear something distant, but it's not something I want to make.

Before we begin the story, we decided to leave it alone for a while.

I hope this time will give you some insight.

I understand what the man was thinking.

It's not like I've never met a bluff before.

Most of all, two men and one woman.

In the tutorial, there was no way to not understand his situation that would have been confined to those who watched each time.

So I understand.

But I also understand myself being annoyed by a man's tone.

You can't be mad at me for talking like that.

And I just want to let it go as badly as I can.

“Isn't that right?"


A monster next to my muttering shouted.

What the hell is he doing?

The creature appears to be a mixture of dogs and frogs halfway.

His head was glowing like an amphibian, but his arms and legs were covered in glossy fur.

It seemed like a frightened monster that a particularly large eye was watching me with elongated movements.

“Well, there. ”


I forgot about her.

Lee looked at me with embarrassed eyes and asked.

“Well, hey, well, what's going on……. ”

It seems you don't understand the situation yet.

I think it's a puffy situation, but it's not like anyone else.

I decided to explain it from the beginning.

“As soon as that monster came out, he was aware of the situation and he was able to crawl on his own, making him feel unwittingly bad and put him down with strength. ”

I did, but it was very concise and easy to understand.

I can explain it better, but I want more than that in my vocabulary.

“Well, how? ”

In the meantime, do you want to know how?

Explained roughly how it works.

“What's going on? Impossible, isn't it, because of your personal control? ”

“Anyone can do it with magical power, because you press down on a space that doesn't have the most control. ”

I roughly surrounded the mine with strong binary.

Seeing him wield his free hand, he seemed to be interested in theoretical matters.

You don't have to touch or care about the challengers at this level.

She liked to explain, but she was also a good student.

It seems that a man who falls down like a frog has no interest in a real frog monster who falls down as well.

[That's enough fraud. Anyone can do this. Bravo, you're bluffing.]

“Shut up.”


I ignored the grumpy couple and the woman next to me and ducked.

He relaxed the power that was pressing down on the man and said.

“How are you holding up? ”

Of course, it didn't look like it was going to hold.

The man did not answer.

The answer has been reduced to enough strength to do it.

He still had a bad attitude.

He stood up and said.

“I'm so sorry to see you like this, but I'm going to teach you a lesson. If you want to live with that attitude, you have to be capable of it. If you follow the training I teach you every day, you won't even want to have power. ”

Of course, in 10 minutes you're gonna want to get rid of all that power and whatnot.

That's none of my business.

* * *

“Hey, did you or didn't you? ”


“Oh, not you. ”


“Okay, okay. Don't make any noise, it's noisy. ”


I tried to shoot the creature that was buzzing around.

I thought the situation was quite intelligent, but I was only good at handling crises.


“Yes, I knew it was an accident, so shut up now. I'm talking to him. ”


You turn your head away from the silent monster.

To a man with his head down, sweating.

My eyes were completely opened just now, but I think I've been sober for a while talking to the monster.

It had good health and resilience.

Of course, it wasn't enough to endure my training.

The man was sweating on the floor as if he had taken a bath with sweat, and he was shaking as if his legs were shaking.

After continuing the repetition for about an hour, even the body of a superhuman challenger had to look like that.

Since I gave you the same bare body exercises I used to do, you should be trembling up to now.

Letting it go like that may cause shock, so I'll make you drink a potion.

After everything, of course.

“Hey, you did it wrong, didn't you? ”

“Well, I'm sorry! ”

The man answered faintly.

After an hour of hesitation, the man was able to have the same attitude as the frog monster who was stroking me with frightened eyes at my side.

I wish I had done this earlier.

You still have a strong voice, by the way.

Less rolling.

“Then why did you do it? ”

“Th……. ”

“Still no immediate answer, right? Get down again."

The man falls to the floor of the burinake.

I repeated this several times, and it seemed like an electrolyte painting to me.

There was some dirt on that bushwork.

The sword that was silent said.

[You're going better than I thought.]

[I see.]

[Yes. I cut off everything that offended the warrior's personality. I never imagined I'd want someone like this. Just a moment ago, I thought I had him down to decapitate his head.]

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I know what you usually think of me.

[I'm sorry you can't dig it up like this. I wish you could transform into a human body.]

[Aigoo, don't say that. What, because you're lacking in aesthetics? Huh?]

... I could hardly bear the thought of something coming up.

I could not dig up this mad sword, but I could punish it.

You threw the couple into your inventory in exchange for whispering harmful noises.

About 10 minutes later, I got the man who was rolling hard back up again.

Then I asked again.

“Are you reflexive now? ”

The man panted and replied.

“Hey, you know what they say, let's just groan. Can you do that?”

“No! ”

“Then why did you do it? ”

“That……. ”

”Get down again. ”

* * *

Eventually, the man rolled, rolling, and fainted.

I forcibly woke up and rolled again, and I was upset. I decided to move on.

You spill a bottle of potions out of the man's mouth, turning his eyes upside down, and place it on the frog monster's back.

“Will you move it? ”


Yeah, I knew it.

I got a Porter who listens to me carefully.

As I walked through the forest, I continued to hear Lee explain the contest.

She explained more enthusiastically than ever.

“With Japan and Australia? ”

“Yes, because there are so many people attending, I think they've identified the areas where listings are used that way. ”

They shared living areas such as Japan and Australia, which they participated in during the second race.

I don't know about Japan, but some of the Australian challengers still have bad feelings.

We may have another problem.

The competition was based on a large number of participants, a lot of content going on, and the residential areas used as accommodations.

If you want to participate in a competition, you will form a team in your home region and apply to participate.

It is said that you will have to travel through the portal to enter the contest.

It was a hassle just hearing the description.

So I continued walking through the forest, hearing stories about the race.

You find a hidden trap or enchantment in the middle, and another frog monster appears.

Those monsters carry a stunned man and talk to the frog monster walking next to me for a moment, and then they run away.

“Do you understand what those monsters are saying? ”


He asked me.

I was comfortable asking questions because I walked with him for a few hours.

“Not entirely. They're talking out of their minds. ”


“You know I can understand them. ”

Knowledge skills before Babel are interactively compatible.

The frog monster may not fully understand what binary is saying, but he will clearly understand what I'm saying.

And that's how I guess I'll be able to understand them correctly.

I'm not sure if that's true, but I thought so.

I became convinced by explaining it to him that way.

The frog monster is flinching beside me in my explanation.

“But are you sure you don't want to participate in anything? I've heard there's prizes for every game. ”

I told him I wouldn't do it.

You can guess roughly what the prize will be from the competition.

A type of elixir that can slightly boost the stats or box of items for a useful weapon.

It was nothing for me now.

Especially if you try the type of elixir, you won't even notice what changed.

It was no different from eating vitamin seed candy, just saying it would be good for my body.

I didn't feel the need to defeat and take over others.

I don't expect to compete with other challengers.

I used to expect better, but now I'm completely discouraged.

I don't know what level the other challengers are, but I'm sure they won't reach me.

If I tried to compete with another challenger and killed him by mistake, it was a big deal.

“Too bad. We'll win prizes together. ”

Even if you compete, you will not be teaming up with bina.

If I participate, I will join Park Jong-seok's team.

Even if I'm not there, there's a better chance that team wins.

He asked if he had a feeling about me on the way, and if my name was Lee Hae-jae.

And I simply said yes.

Later, he asks if he would like to participate in the competition together.

What bothers me more is that she heard my name and was not shaken.

Rather, I was more interested, and I decided to go out and try out for a product for my team.

To be honest, it was shocking.

I didn't expect her to be so afraid or so reluctant to speak my name.

I was strangely confused.

It's because you haven't stepped forward in a while.

Maybe people have forgotten about me because I haven't been exposed for so long.

Maybe it's just because she's not an early challenger.

It's just that she might be something else.

Anyway, it was easy to talk because you weren't afraid of me.

Not only about the competition, but also about trends in the community and other challengers.

I don't have to ask Min Hyuk again.

After walking for three or four more hours, I was able to face the portal at the end of the forest path.

He looked at the portal and said,

“This portal will take you to a residential area. ”

I sent a message to Min-hyuk Kim.

Kim Min-hyuk replied that he would send someone to the portal.

I added that it's okay to come slowly, but I have nothing else to do but visit him.

The location that was moved through the portal looked like a residential area at first sight.

Along the street are some pretty cool brick buildings.

It probably has the same exterior as a 90-story residential area.

I didn't see anything unusual.



The frog monster replies in the background, "It really is."

... Why did he follow us here?

You hear an explosion from the sky, wondering if you should bring the man on your back down and send the frog monster back through the portal.

Bam, bam!

There was a colorful flame above the sky looking up in surprise.

It was fireworks.

What is this?

There's a firecracker in the arena.

I didn't think the fireworks were systematically prepared.

I saw people walking around with firecrackers and incendiary devices on top of the apartment building.

I did not know how to prepare it, but it was quite a spectacle.

Unlike the fires and flashes that occur in combat, it was nice to see the colorful flames rising in sequence.

The fireworks continued without stopping.

I was watching it for a moment, and a message appeared before my eyes.

[The God of Light is exciting!]

[The Lord of Light wishes to bless his followers.]

[Voting begins.]

[Vote 1, vote 98]

[The Lord of Light is anxious.]

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