The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Chapters of Competition (23)

“As you said, Lee Jun-seok is a little nervous. ”

Kim Min-hyuk lowered his head and whispered.

At the words of Min-hyuk Kim, I could recall that Lee Jun-seok dealt mainly with the electric shock.

Even Lee Jun-seok was a prominent challenger on the Korean server.

He was the rookie who had been raising expectations since the beginning, and was growing as expected, or even more.

For sure, the God of Light will react every time he uses a skill.

I said yes first.

I'll talk to you after the meeting.

I turned back to the others at the meeting.

It must have taken me too long to tell you everything I know about my personality, and there was no guarantee that what I knew was right.

But I wanted to keep it to a minimum.

I chose a topic that people would be aware of.

“Let's face it, the God of Light is a god who loves explosions when bombs go off in the city, not a god who mourns people's deaths. ”

The Japanese believers looked uncomfortable.

My expression became uncomfortable.

“Just admit it. The laws and morals we know are completely unrelated to the gods. ”

Of course, the gods have no involvement in us.

There was no sign of the gods on the other side of the earth.

The exchange between God and the challenger was a gift of strength through the response of the gods through the message and the divine incantation.

“It's up to us, humans, to deal with and defend an explosion. When an accident strikes, the congregation will be shocked to hear the message that the Lord of Light is pleased, but I don't think it's enough to restrain them. ”

The bearded man protested.

“The problem is... it's not God, it's a man who wants to be touched by God. I told you before, I'm sure he'll show up. ”

“Would you care to elaborate? ”

I decided to explain it just as my beard asked.

“You can't go around looking like a god that your mindset worships, and you'll get crazy people who equate themselves with God. For example, the God of Light may like to explode, but it doesn't actually explode anywhere. I just get excited when it explodes. ”

I straightened my throat for a moment and said again.

“But God-sensitive lunatics can explode anywhere for what God likes. Furthermore, when you start to fantasize that you're God or even angry, things get worse. ”

It was even more dangerous because each one was a superhuman challenger.

If such a mad seed possesses any level of power.

And if that guy finishes the tutorial and goes outside,

There will be irreparable damage.

It was a human monarchy that I had seen many times while completing the 40th floor stage.

Described an example that I have experienced in person

A madman who judges people and slaughters them, or a madman who slaughters cattle in the name of God, saying he is a spokesman for God.

There were a lot of crazy people like this.

Although not so extreme an example, those who want to imitate a worshipping god have seen it many times.

Even if it's not a 40-story stage.

Worship the perforated god or the 26-story empire.

The God of Seedlings, the 35th floor Demon King.

A godmother who wanted to be an apostle of a devoted god and raised her family as a devoted people of the world.

“Religion is not dangerous. Given the situation in the tutorial, there is a lot of room for religion to act positively. As always, a handful of madmen are in danger. ”

The last problem is that religious and God-minded people simply can't weed it out because it's dangerous and wrong.

For them, that is faith and justice.

Due to the scattered nature of the tutorials, it is not possible to detain all believers.

“Well……. ”

I told the bearded man who was thinking deeply.

“I hope you take care of yourself. It's none of my business anymore, and I don't care. ”

The bearded man nods.

“Thanks for the advice. for your reference.”

Subsequent meetings focused on topics I was not interested in again.

I knew about it, but I did not interfere with the topics I thought they would do well on their own.

After the meeting, I was able to stay alone with Kim Min-hyuk in the meeting room. I brought up the topic I wanted to ask you about earlier.

“I remember that Lee Jun-seok was not the last person with abilities. ”

If Lee Jun-seok had received the attention and abilities of the God of Light as usual, Kim Min-hyuk would not have said anything.

“I was. But.... ”

Kim Min-hyuk's explanation was brief.

When Joon-suk was staying at a promising level, he had no worries.

It was neither hard nor challenging, so it was nothing unusual or worrisome to be obsessed with power.

However, as we moved beyond the promising level, the situation suddenly became more severe.

“Somewhat. ”

“It's virtually unparalleled except for you. ”

“What about the end brother? ”

As I recall, the top ranker on the Hard difficulty level was also a ceremony for vigilantes.

I remember Park Jong-seok was wearing him even when I met Lee Jun-seok before.

“It's been a long time since I caught up with him. I don't know, but it's gonna make a lot of difference. ”

I did.

Seeing Park Jong-seok's time on the vigilantes, I thought that growth might be behind him.

“And even if it's not God-related, it's unsettling. ”

“What do you think?”

“I have a tendency to judge the superiority of people by force, and most of all, I have seen many opinions following me in the community. ”

If Min-hyuk Kim said this, it is likely that he already had a conflict or disagreement with someone else.

Well... the solution was not difficult.

“Let me take a look at your hands before the race is over. ”

I didn't think Lee Jun-seok was a person who ate well.

But he was a friend I had talked to several times, and I had never felt anything strange.

It's just that as you grow too fast, gaps with other people increasingly occur, and as you often look down on others, it can happen naturally.

It will sink easily if you let them know that you are in a higher position or are not special.

Of course, in order to do that, I have to bend over a little bit.

“Then thank you. ”

“So, are we done here? ”

Kim Min-hyuk shook his head tremblingly.

“You'll be busy all night. We'll have a meeting with the Australians shortly after the accommodation assignment. ”

Oh, there you are.

You'd better get out when you have a meeting with the Australian side.

I think a lot of people would feel uncomfortable looking at my face.

“Yes. The friend who brought you here will take you to your lodging. He's been assigned a room. He's resting. I'll stop by again tonight. ”

You nod your head, okay?

I thought that there was one more thing I wanted to ask Min Hyuk when I was about to get up.

“Hey, but people are weird. ”

“What's underneath and endless. ”

“I'm not afraid of me. ”

Of course, people who had been around since the beginning still seemed to be scared, but relatively recently, people came to me very comfortably.

Previously, the more people who had recently come in, the more they were reluctant to hear the exaggerated story about me, and now they were against it.

“Of course. We worked hard on the imagery. ”

“Well, that's... ”

“What's up, comment pants. We give them points and we drive community commentary where we want. ”

“You guys do that, too? It's not the National Guard.”

“We're better than the National Guard. ”

Kim Min-hyuk giggled, saying that.

I looked at him and shook my head.

“Actually, your notoriety has faded over time. Because you've shown strength periodically before, yes, because the singular terror becomes dull over time. And the overall rise of the challengers is influential. Your comparative actions have stopped long ago. Most of all, Jung and other members are taking that notoriety. Comments have just made the atmosphere a little bit stronger. ”

Hearing Kim Min-hyuk's explanation, I felt it was fair.

I got up and left the meeting because I have nothing more to ask.

I saw Kim Min-hyuk pulling out a bunch of documents from my inventory greeting me and shaking his head again.

It was an unquestionable passion.

* * *

As before, the accommodation was a single bed and a single desk.

Some of the rooms were said to be larger and more luxurious, but the vigilantes were assigning the lowest class of rooms to executives for fairness.

I took what I gave because the room was good and bad and I didn't care.

Frogs were left in front of the house.

Through the window of the second-floor room, I saw a frog crouching in front of the front door of the house.


You hear the window open, and the frog turns around and makes a sound.

It was cute because it looked like a puppy.

I wish my head wasn't frog's head.

I leaned against the window frame and opened my inventory.

I took out the father and wife who were locked up in exchange for spitting out the hammer.

I calmed down the grumbling couple.

After my father and wife felt better, I told him.

“Bless my room. ”

[Why the blessing all of a sudden?]

“Check out the poison you solidified. ”

The stabilization of the poison crystals was almost complete.

I wasn't quite ready to give it to the other challengers yet, but I was able to use it myself.

Solidified poison could be used as a burial booby trap, and it was effective when thrown like a grenade.

Practiced polishing poisonous crystals to change their shape, make them smaller, etc.

When I was so dedicated to polishing, suddenly it became evening.

I solved dinner roughly with food in my inventory and focused again on poisonous crystals.

And then a few hours later, there was a knock on the door.

I was so focused that I didn't even check who was outside the room.

“Come in.”

Of course, the visitor who thought it would be Kim Min-hyuk was Park Jung-ah.

I smiled at her.

“It's been a while.”

Park Jung-ah smiled and replied.

“Min-hyuk Kim will come soon. They say I lack common sense, that I teach them things. Should I call the end of the world and have a drink with you in a while? ”

Park Junga shook her head at my words.

“He's not coming. ”


“He's not coming. I told him not to come. ”


Park Junga looked at Kim Min-hyuk and occasionally looked at the horror that people didn't notice.

And Vashsi smiled and approached me.

I knew what she had said and what she wanted in Park Jing 'ah's grip on my collar without hesitation.

Was he always like this?

Yeah, it was like this.

“Wait, wait. ”

I hurriedly leaned back before Park Junga's hands touched my body.

I told Park Jung-ah who was curious.

“We've met for a long time, but we'll talk about that later.... ”

“Why, what's wrong? ”

I needed to quickly explain the situation to Park Jung-ah who was embarrassed with her eyes wide open.

Park Jungah was expressing hurt that I was avoiding her.

It was a simple step backwards, but somehow it was accepted as something bigger to her.

The bell rang that I had to convince her of my actions as soon as possible.

Described my poisoning skills as if I was rapping with rapid fire.

He told me how dangerous my poisoning skills were and what kind of contagion they were.

“So... it's not because you... hate me? ”

Gorum, of course.

I gave him a big nod.

Park said that when I took a step back, I was worried that something I hadn't seen in a long time changed my mind.

I was also worried that I was waiting to meet only myself again because I went to Kim Min-hyuk and then went to the lodging.

I thought it might feel that way.

I haven't talked much lately, and I apologized for my negligence.

Luckily, Park Junga smiled again to see if she was relieved.

Then he suddenly ran out of the room, leaving a word to wait.

[Are you the warrior's girlfriend?]


[God, even a warrior has a girlfriend, and I don't have one. You're beginning to realize the absurdity of the world.]

“If you talk nonsense again, put it in your inventory. ”

The couple giggled rather than be silent about my threats.

[You're coming back, hero lover. Wherever he went, he must have gone to get it. You have a tough boyfriend.]

Even before I asked my father and wife what she meant, Park Jung-ah roughly opened the door of the room.

I could immediately understand what they meant.

Park Jing 'a had a large jar of glass in her hand.

Park said, placing the glass bottle on the table, making a sound.

“The elixir, excellent. Doesn't matter now, does it? ”

He said that and hurriedly said to me, Park Jung-ah came straight.

“Junga, how many elixirs are there anyway? Just wait a few days then.... ”

Before he finished speaking, Park Junga pushed me and fell on the bed.

He was a little less powerful than me, but strangely, he couldn't resist her.

He was always like this.

It was this personality.

“Now shut your mouth. Oh, you shouldn't shut up. Just keep your mouth shut. ”

[* sigh * ….]

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