The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Arena of Contest (25)

Before going out, I checked the clothesline and sub-space bag.

I didn't miss anything.

“You're leaving?”

Park Jung-ah who was lying on the bed bit me.

Park Junga had been sick for a week and is still lying in bed.

The poison was getting longer than I thought.

It was misjudged because I had never experimented properly with anyone other than myself, and it was also because of the stress and fatigue of Park Jia who had been overwhelmed before.

“Yes. I have work to do today, so I'm going to be late. ”

I used to go out on patrol every day, but it will be later than usual today.

I changed the water towel on Park Junga's forehead into a new one.

“Can I buy you something when you get here? ”

There are many small street vendors near the house.

This was also the case in the previous competition, but this time the Japanese started a food business to the fullest extent.

As it began to hit hard, Koreans and Australians began to make and sell food.

The quality of food was increasing every day, whether there was competition among people who did some food.

The price of points that had to be paid in place of money was not too expensive, so the New Yorkers were able to buy them without too much pressure.

Park asked me to buy enough to eat whatever I want.

I left the room, leaving a note that I knew.

[Is it finally time for the big game?]

As soon as he left the room, his father and father said.

“What the hell. When have I ever been in a fight? ”

The father and father did not answer.

Strangely, silence alone made me feel bad.


As I went out to the front door, the frog welcomed me.

“Yes, good morning. ”

You walk along the main road with the frogs.

That's why I feel like walking with a big dog.

There were many people approaching frogs on the street.

On the street, not only Koreans but foreigners could see it.

Frogs have settled in this residential area shared by South Korea, Australia and Japan's servers as a kind of landmark.

It's a monster that doesn't attack people, feeds them, answers them, and makes fun of them.

People couldn't have hated it.



A girl called out to the frog from afar, and the frog made peace with a loud voice.

This frog had become quite famous.

I've become famous too.

The owner of a cute frog...

It became a completely different image than before.

As I walked along the street, I was able to reach the large square.

There were two portals in this square.

One was a portal to a residential area where players from other countries lived, and one was a portal to a competition stage.

The competition involved servers from every country on the planet.

It was also considerable because all the countries that the tutorial system recognized could summon players were involved.

Not all servers and residential areas were as peaceful as here.

Some were cruel and dangerous servers.

There were conflicts between servers within the area of residence, as well as coalitions and conflicts over the scale of the area of residence.

In some cases, relationships were uncomfortable because of past or recent international politics in reality.

Typically, that was the relationship between the Korean and North Korean servers.

Fortunately, there was no real war or war.

After all, it was an emergency with monsters appearing on Earth right now, and the players gathered here were an important force to hope for the situation.

If there is a bloodshed of conflict, there are servers who have expressed their willingness to stop it, even if there is an intervention beyond the line.

Typically, the U.S. server did.

If there were servers that wanted to mediate such disputes, there were those who had already formed military alliances with other servers to prepare for war.

If things happen to allies, it has made it difficult to wage war easily by stating that they are willing to fight to help.

South American countries, Western Asia and the Middle East.

South Korean servers are adamant that they won't do anything unless they touch them first.

I did not belong to any alliance or coalition that was in chaos.

At integrated meetings around the world, Kim Min-hyuk, who was represented by South Korea, said he only had players on the 50th floor with Hell difficulty.

That's my story.

Other servers were thankful enough to say that they would not involve Korean servers externally.

South Korean servers have since been recognized as a kind of neutral zone, and integration meetings, which have since been held every day, have been held on Korean servers.

In addition, other servers also said that the residential area where the Korean server is located is safe, and players from somewhat dangerous residential areas often came over here.

I bought food on the street or moved here because I was assigned a place to stay.

As the population grew, street markets in the area were flourishing.

Everywhere you go, it's like a mall downtown, and people are energetic.

While everyone was welcoming this atmosphere, the leaders of South Korea, Japan and Australia, who needed to maintain security, were having a busy day by day.

“Brother! Over here! ”

There was someone yelling at me in the corner of the square.

It was Lee Hyung-jin.

It was not uncomfortable to walk around with a big frog because there were so many people in the square.

I somehow managed to penetrate people and get near Lee Hyung-jin.

“Bro, let's go right in. Others said they'd wait inside. ”

As Lee Hyung-jin said, I entered the contest stage on the portal first.

[You have entered the Arena of Competition - Survival.]

Chapter of Survival.

It was the stage that most players have been challenging in recent years.

It was not a stage to survive in extreme situations, such as the 12th floor of Hell difficulty.

Ten teams entering the Survival Chapters will need to target the Instance Dungeon every hour and add the accumulated Aggregate Scores to be ranked.

This was the way the team with the lowest scores was eliminated one by one.

Only one team that survived with the highest score until the end wins the structure to claim all the rewards.

Many players preferred that it was safe compared to other stages, that they could challenge without pressure and that they could try to win with relatively weak power.

I went to the waiting room, and there were three people waiting for me.

Some faces I knew, some faces I didn't.

“Brother, it's been a long time. ”


There was Lee Jun-seok who greeted me with a clear face first.

I came here because of him and Lee Hyung-jin.

And the other one was a familiar face.

It was binary that I met as soon as I entered the competition.

“Hello again. ”

Lee greeted him brightly, saying, "Good to see you again."

I was reasonably upset.

He asked me what I had been doing for a few days, and I didn't even see him.

I answered roughly and returned to Lee Jun-seok.

“How did you two meet? ”

I wanted to ask why he was stuck here, but I turned around appropriately.

Lee Jun-seok said he met her while on patrol in the street.

When I heard the story, I could see how the picture was drawn roughly.

I was uncomfortable where Lee Jun-seok was standing.

I was vaguely standing in a position that spanned my distance.

I don't know if he knows he's holding a knife to my pendant.

Of course I don't know.

Anyway, this was the position that was interpreted from my perspective, and in an objective way, it was the position that came close to me and slipped between me and binary who was talking to me.

The meaning of the location was clear.

After a brief greeting, you turn to the last group.

A Westerner asked me to shake his hand.

“I'm John Overton. ”

The man introduced himself as from a U.S. server.

It seems like Lee Jun-seok or Lee Hyun-jin didn't know who he was.

“The South Korean vigilantes have already been cleared. I know it's rude to interrupt unannounced, but I wanted to join you onstage somehow to see your power. ”

You'll have to excuse me for wanting to see my powers more than just barging in unannounced.

Before saying anything, I thought about sending Tyler back or going this way.

I wouldn't have come here because I didn't believe I was on the 50th floor of Hell.

I have been sending messages to other server members to authenticate my floor count for a long time.

“I'm also on Hell difficulty. ”

“What floor? ”

“Sixth floor.”


Lee Hyung-seok and I looked sad side by side.

It was a hard part.

I acknowledged John Overton's joining us with an open mind.

* * *

[Round 1 begins.]

[Select the instance dungeon on the desired difficulty level.]

There was a list of dungeons above the message window.

The difficulty of the dungeon was indicated by the number of stars.

Since the exact figures were not displayed, I could not figure out the difficulty level per star.

“Up to four stars is hardness enough for rankers to pass through. ”

Lee Jun-seok had previously attacked this stage.

“Yes. I've cleared up to five and a half. ”

Seeing Joon-suk speaking proudly, I felt a sense of awe.

Above the message window was a ten-star dungeon.

That means there's only half a target rate.

I didn't like the satisfaction of the poor performance, and I didn't like the fact that I didn't intend to look beyond it.

If there is room for improvement, you should try to clear the difficulty level a little higher.

And just in time, with me and Lee Hyung-jin, we had a chance to attack this stage.

Then why are they bringing binaries?

I didn't have to evaluate binary skills.

Binary was definitely a non-sense of power.

Of course, I didn't fail to understand her intentions, but it was a pity.

I told Lee Jun-seok who had the experience to choose the right dungeon.

It was going on several times anyway, so I didn't have to challenge the highest difficulty right away.

I had to watch Joon-suk and Lee Hyung-jin fight.

Lee Jun-seok chose a dungeon with three and a half difficulties.

[Please wait for another team to complete their selection.]

The remaining 10 minutes were displayed to wait for selection.

I tend to give myself more time to choose than I thought.

We didn't have anything to do, so we had a lot to talk about.

I naturally told him about John Overton and Hell difficulty.

“Yes, luckily, there's one more on the nearest floor. There's one on the 11th floor. ”

In addition to John Overton, who is challenging on the 6th floor, there is another 11th floor challenger on the U.S. server.

“He's been blocked off pretty long on the 11th floor, too. I heard it's a stage for finding something. ”

“Oh, that stage requires breaking down the wall behind King Jesus' throne to reveal a secret space. Tell him later. ”

Lee Hyun-jin, who recently targeted the relatively 11th floor, told me.

I felt like I remembered it from hearing it.

John Overton was able to get to know him faster than I thought.

People who could empathize and share stories about Hell difficulty were extremely rare.

“When were you most embarrassed by challenging Hell difficulty? ”

John Overton asked.

“There were so many, but I was the first floor boss. ”

“Oh, right. I had heard it before, but it was really crazy. It was still less tolerant of Hell difficulty. I really wanted to open the door and go back out, but the door wouldn't open. ”

“Right. Hahahaha. I was just banging on the door, and it wouldn't budge. ”

It was a story worth empathizing with anyone who saw the lava pond on the first floor of the boss room.

In fact, standing on a stone bridge on a bubbling lava had a severity that was completely different from what I had heard through the message.

“I'm the boss room on the fourth floor. I told you to drop it on the mountain endlessly and kill the Goblin King. You have to know the way. I went down the mountain in reverse. It took me four days to find the fortress while I was wandering around the hillside and locate the Goblins' city. ”

Me and Lee Hyung-jin laughed loudly at John Overton's words and said that they could.

Every time I stayed in a confined space, I remembered the embarrassment of falling into an open mountain.

“But I liked it then. It was mentally limited. I could have avoided it myself until the third floor, but the fourth floor stage had to kill the Goblins. I was feeling better when I went out in the car and saw the moon and the sunrise. ”

“Yes, I did. ”

I nodded my head to empathize with them.

In fact, I was dedicated to beating the Goblins to death at the time, but I still remember admiring the beautiful night sky.

“Have you had any crazy experiences on the stage upstairs? ”

“A lot. Oh, and tell that friend on the 11th floor to get a bag of subspace and plenty of paper towels before he goes on the 12th floor. My inventory doesn't open there. ”


“Yes. I didn't go to all that trouble because of what my brother told me. I hated it because there were so many big bugs. ”

“I was the problem. I went barefoot without any preparation. I went to a lot of trouble to take a shit... ”

Once you start the story, all the stories you've kept quiet have blown up.

It was fun to empathize with each other like a dog, taking out every single dog element of Hell difficulty.

It was no different than talking about the hardships of the army while drinking with my friends.

Lee Jun-seok and Lee were a little separated from each other, but we were obsessed with our conversation and didn't care about them.

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