The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Tutorial 56 floors (3)

I sighed as I saw the people gathered under the tower who were sending fervent support towards me.

I put my hands up and covered my face.

I'd like to redeem it if possible.

“This damn lizard.... ”

I sighed deeply and muttered.

When I told him about my avoidance, he offered me a stage that met all of the conditions.

I feel down, but I've decided to focus again on the stage.

The only way out of here is to clear the stage, as instructed.

I looked around.

I stand on the ceiling of a tall tower, and people gather in the open field beneath it.

People looked up at me as if they were looking at fireworks and burst into cheer.

Damn it.


Those who were shouting eagerly at me decided to ignore it for a moment.

It seemed unnecessary to answer their support.

People seemed to already be impressed and delighted enough by my appearance.

Rather, I decided to check the message window.

[Stage Mission: Understanding the Seed]

Description: There are five stories of stone towers and more than 900 humans.

The above two elements should be used to open a fundamental sect and raise the faith.

The Stone Tower is situated on an open plain, making it very vulnerable to attack.

Every night, an attack by a monster continues, and more and more powerful raiders arrive as time goes on.

If you're not familiar with Faith, let's buy Faith Spears through the Shop window.

[Clear condition]

1. Opening sects

2. Earn 500 Faith

The description window was a little different than usual.

Unlike the usual set of passive backgrounds and not telling any really important stories, only important contents were written.

It felt a little different from the normal stage.

As the message suggested, I went into the shop window and looked for a window of faith.

[Faith Award]

Description: Measure and state your religious or religious beliefs about your religion.

It was a simple explanation.

Simple performance.

But the price was unimaginable.

A rough estimate shows how much money you would have left to buy a few elixir bottles.

There were also items that were more familiar around the Medal of Faith.

[Celebration of Life]

Description: Measure and mark the shopper's current HP.

[Magic notation]

Description: Measure and present the buyer's current amount of horsepower.

It was a notation with the same performance as the physical strength and magical strength in RPG games.

Of these, the HP spear is usually considered to be useless or even more dangerous if you have faith.

Critical hits during combat usually result in death or similar damage.

Every time I get a small wound, I feel relieved to see the amount of stamina that decreases. There are many challengers who throw a hook at the big one.

But the Spear was really useful.

Challengers who use a skill in the form of a skill instead of learning and using it will always consume a certain amount of magical power each time they use it.

Thanks to this, Magic Spear knows how many more skills it can use and plays a huge role in helping you distribute Magic Power.

Vigilantes may not know the Spear, but they recommend purchasing and using the Spear.

Especially for challengers who often consume their magic.

They were expensive, but worthwhile.

When I was clearing the lower floors, I thought, I wish I had these symbols.

The notations will be available upon entering the 30th floor and updating the shop window.

Because of this, it is usually purchased as soon as you go up to the 30th floor, or by buying surrogates through rankers from the vigilantes to receive gifts.

But in my case, when I knew the existence of the notation, it had already become meaningless.

I knew my body and horsepower condition without even looking at it, so I didn't have to waste points to buy it.

But every time I saw the symbols, I thought,

I wonder what would have happened if I had entered the tutorial, not once.

So if you start with awards or basic items from top challengers,

If the information about the Hell difficulty stage is already known and you have targeted it.

I thought it might be safer to target the tutorial stage.

Maybe not now.

Challenging the Hell difficulty without any information was definitely dangerous, but the reward for taking the risk has always followed.

After a moment of thought, I decided to move the topic back to the Medal of Faith.

I've been getting a lot of thoughts lately.

I often recall things that had happened more often after 3 years of relaxation or after I entered the tutorial.

Faith again checked the citation and bought it.

Immediately, I opened the Award of Faith.

[Faith: 0]

It was a false notation.

The reason their faith is labeled as 0 is probably because they did not open sects.

First of all, how do you open a sect?

[Warrior, Warrior?]

“Uh, why? ”

I stopped worrying for a moment because my father and I turned to him.

The father and wife move the handkerchief tied to their nucleus, pointing to the people under the tower.

Everyone was staring at me.

Even when I sent my support standing there without saying anything, I was embarrassed to think something was wrong when I stood there without any reaction.

When I saw him, I sighed again.

“Let's go down first. ”

We need to clear the traffic first.

* * *

Listening to people's stories, smiling, holding their hands, hugging them, I saw the sunset soon.

As soon as people saw the sunset, they panicked and entered the tower.

As the message said, the beast appears at night.

Fortunately, the tower has a narrow, long passageway that makes it easy to defend.

Above all, the only gate is large and strong, so if you block the door well, you can prevent the monster from entering.

The first floor of the tower has a shrine atmosphere.

I could see places and symbols that could be prayers and sacrifices.

People settled on the first floor. Some sat down or rested, while others began guarding the entrance.

When I asked him, he said he'd take turns guarding the door.

If you think the people guarding the door might be pushed away, others were sticking together to stop the monsters.

From what I've heard, it seems to have been blocking it well up until now.

The message, however, points out that monsters are becoming more powerful every day.

Perhaps as time goes on, it will be difficult for these people to stop the monsters.

I told everyone to go upstairs and rest or grow up.

The entrance to the first floor was delighted to be guarded by me, and people went upstairs.

There were many people who wanted to stay on the first floor and be with me, but I forced them up.

Now I wanted to clear my head by myself.

[The first floor is well-decorated. We can use this as a new chapel. Don't let the first floor come down comfortably or resting. I don't know about anything else, but we absolutely can't settle for a night here.]

“Got it.”

But I was lucky to have a couple.

I knew a lot about it because I was a former swordsman or religious.

[It's not a former job, it's an active swordsman.]

What's with the fancy handkerchief?

I asked the couple about the sect.

The biggest problem now was the opening of the sect.

How do I open a sect?]

“Er. Opening sects, endlessly. Do I have to kill a cow and a pig to make sacrifices? ”

[Well, I don't know about that. Didn't tell you how to open it?]

“Yes. I don't have to call it 'opening a sect'... ”

[Opens a new sect.]

Was it to be.

What a waste.

[Measure the target's eligibility requirements. Stage missions have met all the conditions for establishing a sect.]

[Allows you to select the religion that becomes the mainstay of your sect. In this case, it will partly accept the inclination of the main religion and will form a sub-sect of that religion.]

After reading the descriptive text, another message appeared.

It was a list of available religions, apparently a cult of the gods of the vaccine.

I asked my father and wife for advice before making a choice.

[If that's the case, it's better to choose. It might bring established doctrines of other religions, or it might be easier to expand if it already has a reputation.]

As my father and wife said, it was better to choose a religion.

Then which religion should we choose?

[I recommend the perforated god.]

“The God of Perforation? ”

[Yes. I'm not saying this because I'm a holy object of the perforated god.]

Isn't it true?

I thought as soon as I heard you, it was like that.

[It's not true!]

“Yes. Explain yourself. ”

[First of all, God of Perforation cares about vertical relationships, so you're going to be very pleased to have the opening of the lower sect. That's a big advantage.]

That's true.

Let's face it, in the case of the god of slowness, you don't care whether or not you have an inferior sect.

But you can't create an adventure god or a sub-sect of the God of Light.

[The god of adventure is disappointed.]

The god of adventure expressed disappointment, but he was originally an outsider.

Even the god of chaos, the god of death, and the god of dissemination must be excluded.

Except for gods as difficult to spread to civilians as the God of Duel.

God of hope, of course, is out.

[Moreover, the Church of Perforation is suitable for governance. Many countries on the continent, including the empire, believed in or worshipped the God of Perforation.]

Clearly, the bridge of the stage empire on the 26th floor where Serbia and her father first met was the Church of Perforation.

[I know the last doctrine of the Perforated Cult well.]

“Okay, let's do that. ”

I told my father and wife that, and chose the perforated god in the Selection Window.

[Faith Spear]

Seed Name: Unknown

Founder of the Seed: Unknown

Seed Symbol: -

Seed Propensity: -

Religious Beliefs Presence: None

Number of Followers: 890

Headquarters Location: Unknown

Faith: 3

Mainland Religion: Church of Perforation

Description: This is a newly created Jongpi.

Although the perforated cult was the mainstay, local indigenous peoples did not know anything about the perforated cult.

890 followers are forced to follow the founder of the sect to live, but they have no loyalty to the sect at all.

The believers are deeply disbelieving in the founder of a sect they don't even know the name of yet, and they are worried that he will suddenly disappear to prevent the danger of the night.

The Divine Spell cannot be used because the cult's Faith is very weak.

Because the sect has very poor finances, we cannot provide any support to the believers.

The cult's strength is so strong that the founder will be able to keep his promise to keep the congregation safe.

As soon as I opened the sect, I read the long status window.

There were still many things missing, but I liked that the details were very detailed.

Looking at the status window, I thought it would be easy to clear the stage if I filled out the gaps one by one.

First, I decided to fill out the highlighted points at the top of the status window.

It was the doctrine of the Church that could be dealt with immediately.

“Father, I think we should write down the teachings of the Perforated Cult first. ”

[Yes, can I use it on the wall there?]

“Uh. I don't think you need to do the same, so you can amend it a little bit. ”

I took a pen out of my inventory and gave it to my father and wife.

I was a couple without hands or arms, but I started writing on the inscription using magic.

The following was a symbol.

Normally, he would have used his father and wife as symbols without much concern.

It's a sword, it's colorful, it speaks, it uses magic, it exudes divine power, and it likes to get noticed.

It was literally the perfect symbol.

There were many hidden flaws, of course.

However, it is not a sword, but something shaped to designate the present couple, who are in the shape of beads tied to handkerchiefs, as symbols of the sect.

I looked at what I had and saw if there was anything appropriate.



“Yes, hello, frog. ”

Once a new recruit became a symbol of the sect, we saved one.

I don't know if frogs are good for fresh water, but let's try it.

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