The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Tutorial 56 floors (7)

[If something goes wrong.]

Of course, there was no guarantee that attacking monsters would cost 500, and as a result, monsters could explode and people could be swept away.

Then Clear will cross the water.

[Then we'll have to try again.]

When a situation is no longer possible, the stage will automatically fail.

You'll be transported to the waiting room, and then you can challenge the 56th floor again.

If you try again, you will not lose anything.

This stage had a lot to gain, even if it was a retry.

When I first entered the stage, I insulted the little dragon, but now I know about the faith, and I have an opportunity to deal with this power a little.

Even if I had to try again from the beginning, it wouldn't have been bad.

No, it was good.

One catch was that when I failed to complete the stage and was re-challenged, the dragon was sure to pick the stage again that I wanted.

If it was a small dragon, it was likely to send it to a completely different stage than here.

[Anyway, let's go. Wouldn't it be better to fight for the Faith with the other towers?]

[Yes… well, yes. Are you leaving right away?]

[You better be.]

[Just a moment, then. I sell drugs to people. Then I'll be deceived.]

The couple summoned some people who were distracted by the monsters shining on the wall.

You go to the other side of the wall, turn your back on the wall, and begin your speech first.

The story that began by reminiscing about what had happened over the past few days led to sects, doctrines, and the greatness of God.

Next, the couple explained the monster to the people.

How dangerous and terrible that monster is.

Everything I heard in reality was a lie, but people sometimes turned their heads and looked at the wall behind their backs, scared.

Finally, my father and I, as an apostle, heroically portrayed my willingness to defeat that monster and the battle to come.

[Faith: 393]

[Faith: 395]

[Faith: 396]

Faith was rising in real time to see how well they were selling drugs.

I told my father and wife to stop speaking in the first place.

Even before I left the tower, I was ready to throw away 500 cars of faith.

I said, the couple began to finish the speech.

Meanwhile, the frog comes to my side.

I didn't notice it when I approached it without feeling too much glamour.

I whispered in silence to the frog so that those who were distracted by the father and wife wouldn't listen.

“Frog, you'd better stay here. ”


The frog's will was firm.

I knew I couldn't break it.

If I left him there, he'd sneak up on me.

“Okay, okay. Come with me."

I felt as if the frogs wanted me to.

Going with you.

I didn't mean to deny it.

I warned you it was dangerous, but I didn't want to force myself to take the risk myself.

When I came back, I used the ring to summon it.

The couple concluded their speech.

Before I set off, I told people not to leave the tower, but to keep an eye on the wall.

Faith: 411

I can't even ask you to do this in groups.

The people trembled at the thought of not saying anything because they usually kept their mouths shut.

I think I'm almost at 10.

It was really high, considering that the faith I had raised while holding people's hands for the first day was only seven.

Of course, the situation was a situation, but I thought it would have worked, even if the couple had kept me in the room.

* * *

I felt good walking on open plains.

Of course, you can see the giant creature from afar, but you still can't see it clearly enough to offend you.

Thanks to the breeze and the sound of grass shaking around in the wind, my heart felt a little cleansed.

Somehow, it reminded me of Kirikiri's field.

When I first got there, I felt like my narrow awareness was expanding and I was immersed in the world.

I still felt similar.

I turned the grass lying gently on one side to the other.

It was definitely different from moving by hand or magic.

I was satisfied.

The limits of power that could be handled have been clear yet, but if we evolve gradually, we can certainly do more than that.


The frog continues to yell at the father, trying to put the thumb in his nostril.

The father and father flew around the frog, smiling lightly.

The frog lacks both arms and tries to shoot out its tongue to catch the father and wife, but all those attempts go back to nothing.

[Ha! It's still 500 years to catch me! You frog!]


The two childish bastards are breaking labor.

It wasn't always like this.

I guess they were stressed out because they were pretending to be strict in front of people.

As soon as I get away from the tower, they're playing with me.

* * *

You come close enough to see the creature coming alive.

Not only did I see it, but even the stench from the monster bothered the tip of my nose.

I told the frog not to come any closer, but to watch from here.

The frog doesn't insist any more, but lowers down and hides in the grass.

[Faith: 463]

Faith is rising again.

Maybe I'm starting to see myself through the walls in the tower.

Probably the same in the other towers.

Before approaching the monster, the apostles of the other tower come for you.

You said it was impossible to kill monsters and suggested a coalition to find a way to achieve 500 Faith together.

I refused.

It was an offer that didn't look like Merritt to me.

I felt like I wanted to attack people or not, and as a result, I wanted to gain the Faith, but it turned out that the other apostles were not interested in them either.

This is what Nambu did to me.

But I couldn't force others to do what I didn't do.

I turn my head back and see the apostles from afar.

Watching me from a place that doesn't shine on the wall.

Seeing that I was there without running away, it seemed like I was preparing for a play to boost my faith after my death.

[Surprisingly. I thought you might be flirting with them again. He's an apostle.]

You think I'm a running fighter when I see an apostle?

I was not my father and wife, and I brought them back.

They were very different from the apostles I had met before.

He was only an apostle by name.

There was a big difference from a formal apostle like the Spirit King, only to be named an apostle to carry out the mission as I am now.

I didn't want to get tangled up in a fight with some helpless mobs.


The closer you get to the monster, the more it stinks.

Thus, my eyes were contaminated together.

It seems that the monster's greatest danger is its disgusting appearance.

He seemed more reluctant to me that he had seen more blood and corpses than anyone else.

Like a beating heart, the seismically moving body was exposed to blood vessels, and there was something mysteriously inside it.

There were also things like sebum or pus that were clumped together, but the seepage was leaking out like it was going to explode right away.

Yellow, red blood clots spilled from the organs that were releasing waste out of the body, and there were parasites crawling out of the blood.

Parasites the size of dizzy people were scattered around and swallowing everything they could see.


I think it's best if we don't describe it anymore.

I feel uncomfortable.

So the last time I saw her, she didn't even touch me.

I understood the feeling at that time.

[What if that thing really explodes?]

[Let's run away before the jets touch our bodies.]

After making such a deal with my father and father, I approached the monster again.

As you approach, you place an error on your hand and try to form a firearm with it.

Heat was generated by the friction of the stems of the error moving at high speed.

At high temperatures, your hands seem to distort around them.

I got rid of the firearms and cast magic this time.

“Fireball. ”

It was the easiest system magic I could use.

The heat must have fallen away from what was created by the move of the error.

But there were advantages.

The biggest thing is that if you have magic, you can write those who can't learn spells and principles and use them.

The consumption is very low compared to error.

It is less affected by the user's condition or concentration.

The purpose of the pitch was to keep the fire going for a while, even after the Magical Power was put away.

[What are you doing?]

[To compare.]

Some gods use divine power in the form of magic.

To be precise, some priests followed the gods.

So did his father.

Just like magic, it will be because it is more effective and efficient.

But I couldn't use my divine power that way.

Higher methods, such as magic spells, moved around and ignited the fire, rather than so much.

So how effective can this simple application be?

I was curious about that.

Suddenly, I got close enough to the monster.

I couldn't get any closer.

I stopped there and quietly recited it.


At the same time as I said, everything around me caught fire.

I was blinded by the anger and had to look around.

As I expanded my power, the flames also expanded.

Even without directionality, the flower just spread out in a circle around me.

Higher, farther.

The pot that burned all the fields between me and the creature is now touching the creature's body.

The beast's disgusting skin burns, and something inside bursts out.

The thick liquid boils quickly and becomes dry.

If you leave it like this, the flower will affect the monster's body.

When even cooked inside the heat, most creatures end their lives as they are.

A monster sprays tentacles all over your body.

Glittering tentacles with disgusting liquids try to suppress the fire while striking their bodies.

But my horse didn't stop there.

Beyond the monster's skin, beneath the fascia, a fire blazes from the flesh, muscles, and nerve glands.

The blood boils by the flame that blooms in the blood vessels, and the visceral swells by the vaporized blood.

The fire that started in the body was something like that.

You try to expand the fire and find an organ that acts as a monster's brain.

The creature is in a state of panic and must be killed completely before it explodes in an imperfect state.

To do that, we had to burn everything in it, rather than the major organs, such as the nerves, the brain, and the heart that sustained biological activity.

I didn't know when all my sacred power would be consumed, and I didn't know if the monster would explode out of terror.

You focus on keeping the monster on fire with two restrictions.

I felt like a surgeon operating on a limited time patient with an urgent time limit.

If he's not, he's either an engineer setting off a time bomb.

I didn't know when it would explode, but it made me more nervous and my concentration became sharper.

I try to expand my power as quickly as possible without wasting my strength, but a message appears.

[Faith: 500]

[You have cleared the 56th Floor of the Hell difficulty tutorial.]

[Heals all status conditions and injuries.]

All right, we're on target.

Now we can ease the burden a little and burn the monsters.

[You will be automatically taken to the waiting room.]


* * *

You gaze at the waterfall that falls into the lake.

It was the lake where I met the dragon.


“Yeah, I'm fine. ”

I was relieved that the frog was worried about me.


There's so much I haven't done yet.

I've tried burning monsters, but I need to burn more.

Depending on the position of the body, I wanted to measure the amount of Divine Power consumed in the invasion of dominance.

I wanted to burn more than that monster.

I wanted to study it with my father and father to see if I could use it in a different direction than burning it.

I wanted to check what was the maximum level of faith I could get from one person, what was the difference between people, and what were the different conditions of variation.

All those opportunities were blown away.

The Faith reached 500, and the moment the stage was cleared, the Faith that had gathered was scattered at once.

[Don't be too upset, warrior. There are other opportunities, aren't there?]

The couple were right.

I sighed once and took a step inside the waterfall cave.

The inside of the cave looked completely different from before.

The walls were turned into smooth marble, and the floor was covered with soft carpets.

On the ceiling were spectacular lights.

There was no smell of bat dung and reptiles everywhere, and there was a faint fragrance floating around.

The damp, cool air warms me up.

You damn dragon.

You said it wasn't your house.

Look at the remodeling.

Can a dragon lie?

“Yeah, I'm really annoyed. Let's just burn this and get it over with. ”

You cast a magic spell as you regretted it.

“Fireball. ”

No, you devil!]

I heard a dragon bark somewhere, but I ignored it.

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