The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Tutorial Level 57 (5)

The incident was only completed after the parents of the fainted children came.

There were no fourteen hundred parents who were angry with me.

Instead, we looked at each other quickly.

with one side bent.

All the children who fainted were superpowers, but their parents were not.

The father of one child was a superpower, but the father of another was not a superpower.

That alone ended the dispute.

It was not a good look.

The father of the superpower pushed the father of the impotent.

Rather than seeing his boss go, he was nearing the age of Joseon.

What kind of father wants to show his stomachache to others in front of his son who is unconscious?

It was definitely not good to see.

“What's wrong with that? ”

“No, you can't. ”

Fourteen hundred bitterly replied.

It was an equitable nation. I thought it was completely divided.

“Then why do you keep watching? ”

“You never know. ”

There might be room for interference.

That was a futile answer.

Fortunately, the superpowered father never crossed the line.

As the atmosphere was about to heat up, the eleven hundred approached for a few hours, and the superpowered father chose to fold appropriately.

He was angry, shaved in front of his son, and pressed down on the son of the weak incapable.

He thinks it's a tool for childish fighting.

When the situation was over, we left the school and entered a small restaurant.

He gave us a drink and a simple meal, and four hundred said we had to wait for the next dispatch request.

The food was not very tasty.

“I took care of one thing, but don't you get paid? ”

“I do. This is a request originally made to the police, but the police are asking me to act on their behalf. Depending on the number of resolutions, we'll get paid later. ”

I had a strong feeling it wouldn't take long.

How much will it cost to fix a kid's fight?

One surprising thing was that the B rank was higher than expected.

I was really surprised.

I didn't realize it right away just because I saw 14,000 people doing it.

Even after seeing what the superpower did a moment ago.

When he saw 14,000, his thoughts were roughly like this.

Why would someone of class B be involved in something like this, when the thought of it is so provocative?

While walking down the street, there were fourteen hundred people who looked at me and murmured that they were class B.

Among their mutterings was this:

I'm sure you'll make a lot of money, Hahn.

“Why are you doing this? You could do better. ”

Purely questioned and asked.

Anyone who protects rich people can make a lot more money than they're doing right now.

There's nothing to envy in the social stature, so why do you have to do such a bad thing?

“What could be better? ”

Fourteen hundred words made me speechless.

[Don't touch this, warrior.]

The father and father said.

My father hates this.

I didn't ask any more questions.

The atmosphere became awkward after we cut each other off precisely.

Fortunately, there was a terminal ringing in 14,000 bags.

* * *

I was anxious to stop the kids from fighting at school again, but fortunately, this was the right case.

Two superpowers collided in the middle of the street.


“What's an ogre? This is a very bad situation. ”

One of the superpowers radiates fire from his hands, and the other creates an ice wall in the air.

A battle of ice and fire.

It was a classic match-up.

I wanted to see how the fight was going, but I didn't give the eleven hundred.

He rushes towards the fire-breathing power.

“Take care of one! ”

Fourteen hundred quickly rushed forward and shouted at me.

You want me to stop the Ice Man while you take out the Fire Man.

In school, it was easy to see why the careful moving angels were rushing fast.

The battle took place in the streets, and people around you were injured in the struggle between two superpowers.

The ice wall did not harm the people around it, but the flames that hit it hurt the people around it.

You can see the shopkeeper struggling to extinguish the flames that were carried to the nearby stores.

The flames of the Fire Capable are still spreading around, but the shop owner is still trying to extinguish the fire in the store building.

The first thing we need to do is stop the flaming talent, but it doesn't seem to be in the store owner's head.

Fourteen hundred struggled with the power of fire.

The Fire Capable throws a flame at the Fourteen Hundred Reflexively, but the Fourteen Hundred ignores it and sticks his fist in the Fire Capable's face.

The flammable man faints and falls back, and the flame burns out.

I had to do my job, too.

“Father, please take care of him. ”

[Yes, Warrior.]

I asked my father and wife to put the Ice Master to sleep.

The ice powers are completely intolerant to magic, and they fall asleep standing up straight, picking up and falling down.

The incident ended, but the eleven hundred did not stop, but moved to extinguish the fire on the floor and surrounding it.

“I need your help.”

[... I'm the one who's bothering you, right?]

The couple grumbled and used magic.

Water pours down over the flames in the streets.

Fourteen hundred people suddenly spilled water on the street, and they were surprised to look around.

I wonder if they're looking for a superpower who sprinkled water.

Then fourteen hundred eyes turned to me.

The eyes of those who were watching fourteen hundred were also looking at me.

I think I've seen this before.

The embarrassed fourteen hundred eyes seemed to say this.

Did you do this, too?

You quietly turn your hands behind your back and manipulate the ring.

“The transparent frog. ”


“… What nonsense……. ”

He mutters as he approaches with an absurd face.

It won't work this time.

“So is this frog saliva? ”

Fourteen hundred people look up at their hands soaked in water and ask.

There's no way this much water could be drooling.

He's got a strange idea, too.

“Our frogs also use magic. ”


The frog squeals and says no.

I was lucky that I was the only one who could understand that.

“What a great frog... No, but is that a frog? It's hairy. ”

“It's a frog. ”


* * *

I've solved five cases all day today.

Some have prevented superpowers from colliding, and some have already taken control of the incident site after it's done.

We also chased down criminals who used their superpowers.

Most of the work was done by the couple, but all the balls were taken by the frogs.

This is so unfair! I want to be treated as much as I work.]

His father shouted.

The frog lay on its belly in the living room of 1,400 houses and was massaged for 1,400.

The frog was quietly frogging whether it felt good about the massage given by the 14,000.

I was fortunate that the slightly angry frog quickly opened his mind after repeated summoning and recalling.

[What are you going to use it for when you get massaged by that big guy?]

I sort of soothed the couple with that.

I have learned a lot about the world as much as I have experienced a lot today.

Every famous celebrity starts with a little story about where the land is going to be cheap.

The competencies are usually divided into accredited and unauthorized competencies, and must be compulsory accredited starting at Class B.

To be a certified competent person under Class B, you must work in a public office or be a very special competent person.

An unauthorized competent person is no different than an unauthorized competent person.

Nevertheless, I realized that the gap between the two layers was clear.

I talked to my father and father about this.

[It's stupid. It's better to divide the hierarchy clearly. They're going to divide up the zones, they're going to let you live elsewhere, they're going to give you privileges.]

[That's discrimination.]

If the situation is as urgent as the world where father and daughter lived, it may favors the ability.

But this place was similar to Earth.

To Earth before the monsters showed up.

It was generally peaceful, and superpowers did not help much.

[That's more like it. This peace machine is full of idiots who want to show off their power. The only thing better than other people is that they're born with superpowers, and if they're not extraordinary, they're no different from ordinary people. I only have one superpower left to show you, so I want to show you more of that.]

I was sure of that.

Most of the superpowers did not, whether at a level that would be beneficial to the national defense force, or at least capable of being recruited as a Special Forces soldier.

Just come on, it's amazing, wow, it would be so convenient to use it in everyday life.

Since the two children of the school I met this morning were the most powerful people I saw today, the average of the superpowers seemed to be nothing special.

Of course, that's what my father and I saw.

[It's better to keep your ankles chained while giving them the privilege and filling them with the feeling of superiority.]

[What, like Nobles Oblige?]

Noble sacrifice, mercy, that sort of thing?

It was skeptical

I thought I could understand what the couple said about Nobles Oblige, but I did.

It seems that there are similar words in the world of couples.

[No, that will work. Instead, it's about elevating your position and forcing you to defend your face. Of course, it's the same for superpowers to act like dogs, but it's less dangerous.]

That's a new idea.

Except for one problem.

[Then what about your incompetent friends? You need to think about them.]

[What are you thinking about? Because of deprivation? How important is inferiority? Inferiority is the sense of improvement, the desire to see others better, and the desire to develop themselves. Without it, people become powerless.]

Usually, it was a metaphor for the nature of the couple.

I understood that my father and my wife were so bored even after they started with ordinary tests and died in God's eyes.

He was the one who achieved the results of his efforts.

[The problem is inferiority that can't be filled.]

A superpower can't be gained by effort.

[Oh, that's right.]

It doesn't even come down for generations.

You may be capable, but your son may be incapable, and your son may be incapable.

It's a fun world.

Talking about this with my father and my wife for a long time made me think that the situation here would someday resemble the situation on Earth.

The Awakeners who came back to Earth after completing the tutorial won't cause any problems.

I didn't think so.

I went through a process called tutorials, but it seemed more likely that I would be more corrupt than if I was born with genetics.

Awakenings didn't require much attention to become stronger, and there must be some sort of reward hearing for going through the tutorial.

[Yes, most likely.]

The couple agreed.

I decided to continue talking about it.

It didn't seem like something I could do right now, but it was not desirable to ignore it as a problem that didn't exist.

* * *

It was two weeks after the reunion of the Society of Superpowers was announced.

For nearly a full full day, I stayed at 1,400 homes and helped him with his work.

I've been through a lot and become familiar with this world.

There were 14,000 people who knew me, and likewise, there were more people who knew me.

Maybe that's why.

I had to listen to this roar around me as I walked down the street to the chairman of the meeting.

“Is that the transparent frog? ”

“That's right, that's right. The Invisible Frog.”

“Th-that doesn't make any sense. There's a frog hiding in plain sight in this crowded street. ”

“Who says frogs have wings on their backs? ”

My nickname had become an invisible frog.

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