The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Contest chapter (2)

“Hey……. ”

“I'm fine.”

Baldness, or People-Woong, did not listen to me and just cut it off.

It must have broken my heart.

I looked at my favorite dragon while watching the bird flying through the trees, whether it was or not.

I'm sorry to nag you because I was so happy in the clear.

I'll do it later.

By the way, how am I supposed to make that bald guy feel?

Should I make you a balm?

If you consult with a hawker, you may be able to thicken your bald hair on the spot, not as an aphrodisiac.

I just want to go up to your pouting bald head and say, "Do you want me to thicken your hair? ’I don't know if it's right.

Wouldn't you feel even more offended if you thought you were mocking yourself?

[Just make a balm and send it to Jung's side. You said you were a vigilante.]

You hear the fox's voice through the ring you left in your pocket.

I was surprised by that.

Hey, is this how you can talk comfortably?

[Of course. That's not why I asked you to take it.]

Hojae said in a grumpy voice.

How is this possible?

I was curious before I was glad that I could talk so easily and comfortably.

You can ignore all the strings built by the gods beyond a completely disconnected dimension and even communicate in real time without the right coordinates?

If you ask Hojae, he will explain, but he didn't study again before, so he was sure to listen to his nagging because there was no progress.

There was a reason I didn't want to take a headache theory class.

[Yong-yong, hold her bald again. It was fun hanging out with bald guys earlier.]

Son of a bitch.

How do you feel fun when Yong Yong gets old and slaps bald man on his back?

I felt nothing but embarrassment and remorse in that look.

[It's not funny.]

This is what Hojay said.

Even if I end up leaving the tutorial and going back to Earth later, I don't want to let this punk off the hook.

I couldn't stop it completely, but I needed at least one collar.

Now that I think about it, I understand a little bit about the gods who locked him up on the 60th floor.

[Speak very maliciously.]

I don't know if it's true.

I'm just being honest.

[See you later.]

Hojay bludgeoned, but I tried to cope.

Of course, that puny bastard won't forget this, but he will definitely want to retaliate someday, but he couldn't give in to it.

[You'll see.]

I don't hear steam coming from the 60th floor.

I was disconnected from my taunt after yelling at him.

I smiled quietly alone at a triumph.

My bald head turned to me because of the laughter.

“Oh, it's nothing. ”

“… Yes. ”

The bald man begins his way back to the sound of dead grass.

... Did she think I was teasing her about baldness again?

Oops. Hojae and Yong-yong and I, after living for so long, were not thinking of anyone else.

Be a little more attentive to others around you.

I was so sorry to the bald man.

“Ah-ha-ha, cute. ”

I was even more sorry for the clear laugh of Yong.

* * *

You look at the silent burning campfire.

This is embarrassing.

From the bald look on his face, sitting across from the campfire, he begins to even blink.

It was all because of Dragon who fell asleep in my arms.

How frustrated, the dragon who was huddled in my arms like a bean worm fell asleep silently like a lie.

While patting the back of sleeping dragons, I thought about what just happened.

The beginning of the problem was the appearance of a giant bear hiding on the slopes.

I wasn't that surprised.

I heard from Hojae that he has to go all the way to the competition and that there will be obstacles along the way.

And most of all, I was aware of that big bear that was hiding from me a long time ago.

But baldness did not.

As soon as he noticed the bear, he lowered his posture and relaxed.

It was a quick response.

I wanted to give him a high score on his response rate because the bear was a few seconds before roaring down the street.

And I was thinking that this bald guy could hunt a bear by himself.

What has become a problem here is that we overlooked 용용이.

And the Hojae's education injected into dragons.

Yong stood on his back foot and shouted loudly as soon as he saw the roaring bear.


I wanted to ask what was the measure of that cuteness, but without a chance, dragons shot out the power.

At the next moment, the power of dragons penetrated the bear tank and swept away the trees that had grown gracefully, and collided with the barrier of the mountain path behind it.

In the force of the dragon, there was no sound and there was no noise.

However, the force that collided with the barrier caused a resounding sound to resonate throughout the mountain.

How many layers of boundaries have been smashed, and the landscape in the air was distorted.

The bear died instantly, of course.

It should be clear that there were no shapes other than the hind paw that was on the ground.

Dragon began to cry in my arms because of a bear that died once.

Baldness began to be afraid of dragons, whether it was because dragons were saying that they were cute while killing bears.

While walking along the mountain trail quietly in silence, seeing the sunset, bald man advised me to camp.

And then there's the situation right now.

Sitting quietly, without saying anything, with a campfire between them.

I thought about how to reassure the bald man a bit.

First, I thought about why baldness is anxious and scary.

Baldness was probably scared because dragons said it was cute while killing Bear Tang.

Before meeting the bear, Yong-yong repeated that he was cute looking at his bald head.

I thought it was because of that.

Like blowing away the bear bear, dragons seemed to think they could attack themselves.

You seemed to know about the Hojae in the first place, so you don't seem to be this scared just because you exerted strong power.

Of course, there are some implications.

But Yong didn't actually kill the bear bear to make it cute.

Yong-yong clearly recognized the bear as the enemy, and immediately attacked.

However, the perception of the enemy of 용용이 is just a little strange.

For Yong, the enemy was only one favored person for a very long time.

It was a goal to defeat, and the battle with the enemy was like a game for dragons.

Of course, that doesn't mean you treat your enemies lightly for fun.

Hojae taught us very well what to do with his enemies.

It's too much.

He taught us how to be cruel, how to be cruel, how to be thorough, and how to fight.

용용이 actually treat Hojae during the duel.

Hojae also treats Yong like that.

Crazy bastard.

Yong did not fail to control the power while trying to make you cute like a bear bear.

If he hadn't done that, he wouldn't have even thought of bringing him out in the first place.

용용이 can completely control its own power.

I was just excited about my first encounter with someone other than Hojay.

And Hojae did not teach dragons how to deal with relatively weak enemies properly.

That was the problem.

Of course, it is not that the dragon is unable to control the force weakly.

But dragons have never experienced an enemy dying so quickly.

Enemies to dragons are always healthy no matter what attack, and they have to overcome themselves to be relaxed.

So maybe he's overpowering himself.

To a victory that is certain, even if the power felt by the bears is relatively weak.

The bear launched an attack that could never be prevented.

That's the right call.

However, I was surprised when the bear died in vain.

Like any child who cries in surprise when unexpected situations come.

After clearing my mind, I began to worry about dragons more than reassuring baldness.

I called for him in a hurry.

It was only after a long time that I could hear the answer that I had completely unlinked.


I explained to the reckless Hoyt what had just happened.

And I asked him for his opinion.

Hey, is 용용이 okay. Even if we let them in there like this.

[It's okay.]

You don't look so good.

A few people die in an accident and things get really serious.

[That's not so bad either.]

This madman's personality is really...

I didn't know the floor.

[Yong just got a little excited. And I'm not gonna use that against people. I told him to use something else if he could.]

Like what?

[I told you to use George's skills to target just him without damaging the perimeter.]

I mean, it kills.

The dragon who listened to the serpent clearly killed the opponent who made him angry without hesitation.

No, even if it wasn't a fag, Yong did not seem to be able to properly tie and forgive the opponent who provoked him.

Perhaps my job in this contest is not to make Yong angry with someone.

Damn, I can't go out there by myself.

[You brought this on yourself.]

The hawker chuckles and laughs.

* * *

Fortunately, Baldy became quite familiar with dragons.

He still seemed to be afraid of dragons, but he was getting more and more comfortable with the dragons hanging on him without even trying.

It seems to know that Yong doesn't normally use force during the 3 days of walking along the mountain path, and when he does, he is just like a cute child.

[And our Yong should be pretty. That bald man lied instead of thinking of the child he left on Earth when he saw dragons, but our dragons would be a billion times cuter. What a pretty thing to do.]

I agreed with Hojay, even though it was an eight-paid statement.

When everyone saw the image of Dragon struggling to make a flower ring with that little hand twitching on his back, it was clear that everyone would agree.

On the third day after entering the competition, I walked another half day and arrived at the basin I had been aiming for.

A number of high rises caught my eye.

It was easy to see that the buildings were the place for people to stay during the competition.

As I was walking along the mountain path, I could hardly compare to the people I had seen.

Somehow I got dizzy with that number.

There were too many people.

Unlike me, 용용이 just said elongated cute.

It seemed like he wanted to run somewhere, but Baldy was holding dragons, who secretly empowered his arms to prevent dragons from going down.

Nice decision.

If the dragon is plugged in somewhere and ran, it was hard to chase the speed of bald hair or dragons.

Fortunately, 용용이 was not thinking of coming down from the back of bald head with power, because he was distracted.

Baldy moves faster than he walks along a mountain path.

At the same time, I tried not to make the dragon on my back uncomfortable shaking.

Baldy took us somewhere like that.

Once we entered a building, we were soon able to arrive in a large room where many people were gathering to talk.

It was like a conference room.

There I could find one person I could remember.

It was Park Jung-ah.

While many people were talking, she was the only person I could remember.

Somehow I was glad.

Even after a long time in memory and until now, Park Jung-ah's appearance was exactly as I remember it.

Park Jong-a raises her hand to see if she saw our group.

I thought it was a wave of greeting, but it wasn't.

As soon as Junga raised her hands, everyone who was talking in the room shut up.

I felt overwhelmed in the quiet conference room at the last minute.

It impressed me that so many people behaved like this one organism after living for so long, in fact, just the three of them.

Park Junga motioned to come closer to us.

Then I turned around, opened the door in the corner, and went inside.

You want me to come in?

I followed her into the room.

I have something to tell you, I have something to ask you, I have something to ask you.

I went into the room and turned around, and somehow, bald hair holding dragons remained in the conference room.

When I asked what she was doing not coming, Park Jung-ah slammed the door shut.

Well, well, well.

I was embarrassed to ask Park Jung-ah about it, but she opened her mouth first.

“It's okay, I checked the sound barrier. ”


What good is it when it's soundproof?

Before expressing my embarrassment, Park Junga walked towards me.

As I felt her approach, I took a step back without knowing it.

I couldn't take more than a few steps, and Park stood against the wall next to me with one hand.

I swallowed my saliva with tension as I approached right in front of my nose and gazed at me silently.

And I opened my mouth trying to look as calm as possible.

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