The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Arena of Competition (8)


Everything's fine.

A person from another dimension who has never seen or heard of me can live as soon as I see you.

I was embarrassed.

There's no way I could have done something to hold a grudge against him.

Oh, you must think I'm a fox.

It made sense.

Even if you're someone who doesn't have an ointment, it's enough to hold a grudge against someone with three names.

It was obvious.

His toughness is known to other dimensions.

That's why he's so angry.

[Don't think about it. Think about what you're going to do.]

Hojay spoke to me.

Think about what you're gonna do?

How are we gonna deal with that?

The user worries about itself and opens its mouth to the opponent who is still breathing heavily.

“I never thought I'd meet that famous power fraud. ”

Yes, sir?

What trickster?

[You know, you used to steal powers because you lied about being an apostle to the gods.]

Oh, that's happened before.

I fled to the 61st floor before the 61st floor was still the domain of Hojay.

It was the first time I was exposed to the eyes of the gods.

Naturally, the attention of the gods was poured out.

with recommendations and suggestions.

It was a time when I had a lot of worries about myself, and some suggestions were very tempting.

Seeing some suggestions, there was a competition among the gods that I didn't know about.

The gods who made such suggestions to come under each other ended up using their powers as bait.

At that point, I woke up.

I thought it might be something if I took this wrong and followed everyone.

So I just accepted it and made up my mind to go back to the 60th floor.

I didn't notice my thoughts at all.

Beyond luring power, the gods have begun to advance power.

As some gods gave me such power, all the other gods who were competing in the tender gave me the same power.

I returned to the 60th floor, appreciated by those powers.

[It was dog.]

Hojay mutters.

In fact, it was Hojae who saw the power, not me.

I've never used them much, and most of all, I'm not interested.

I participated in the research because of the hawker's rice, but that was it.

“Stealing all that power... ”

The opposing Pokémon continues to speak.

Nobody steals.

I only got what I was given.

“Did you know that there are only two opportunities for a god to give power to a challenger? Even then, the only chance we have is to offer an apostle. ”

Of course I knew.

The fox you live with is a real expert on you.

“You have no idea how many people have not been given power over you! ”

The opposing Pokémon suddenly shouts.

[Maybe he doesn't have the power either. Hey, ask him. So do you have the power?]

Hojay encouraged me.

First, I decided to say as I was encouraged.

“Do you have the power? ”

I asked the opposing Pokémon.

The opposing Pokémon is unable to respond directly.

From that look, I could find the answer.

“Oh, so you don't have the power either. Is that why you're mad, because you don't have powers? Did you feel that was my fault? You didn't think it was because of your inadequate ability? ”

I've never been in combat since I was born, but Hojay taught me something like that.

When you meet an enemy, you tell them to scratch if they get a chance to plant it.

And I didn't know anything else, but I was confident this would work.

“Even if I took away the powers, I didn't touch the power I received with the Apostle's offer. Have you ever received an Apostle's offer? ”

[Ey, no way.]

Hojae put in the Chuimbird.

“Right? The power you feel makes you look more than 50 floors above Hell, and you haven't been offered an Apostle yet? Oh, my God, no way. No way. Apostle offers are on the sixth floor, too, right? There's no way you haven't gotten that. ”

“... Shut up. ”

“Huh? What? ”

“Shut up!"

The opposing Pokémon yells again.

“Huh? I can't hear you. I can't hear the steam without power. ”

[Duel will begin in 30 seconds.]

The user pushes the target for a long time, and a message appears.

Shit, you got about 300 seconds.

“I'll kill you... ”

As soon as the fever hits, the target mutters indistinctly.

Phew. Crazy bastard.

[Hey, what should I do?]

I spoke to Hojay again.

[What should I do? Kill him.]

A simple answer came back.

Is that what this is about?

[I heard Earth challengers just came up here to kill us. If you leave him alone, he'll come at you, too. Just kill him. Tidy up.]

No... That's not the problem.

Talking to the fox, I heard a paper tear in the air, and the dragon's head popped out.


“Yong Yong!”

Our pretty 용용이.

There are several layers of seals here, and they're all torn through.

“Need some help?”

“No, it's okay. ”

I think I sensed my danger and broke through the veil.

The Word of the Heart was very grateful, but I did not intend to ask Dragon Dragon to fight for me.

“Huh, Hatchling. What are you going to do with summoning a young Hatchling who hasn't lived a hundred years? You can't even wield that much power. You don't even deserve the power. ”

“용용이 tidak Young! ”

Yong tried to appeal to his maturity by shouting out loud, but it didn't really work.

“Yong Yong, go back and stay with People-Woong. ”

He stroked Yong's head and said.

Yong-yong asked with an anxious look on her face.

“What about Uncle?”

“I'll be right there. ”

Yong-yong thought for a moment and hid his appearance in the air.

Thank goodness.

[Thank God for that. It was also good to let 용용이 experience the practice.]

[I hate it.]

Of course, I know that there is not much objection to the act of dragons fighting, and will also kill someone.

But I hated it.

[So what, are you gonna take care of that?]

Hojay bites.

[No, that's a bit…….]

[Why? Your abilities are enough. You can defeat them even if you don't kill them.]


It was hard to explain, but I didn't want to deal with him.

Hojae sighed and said.

[Yeah, well, no matter how small the dog barks, who's going to take it seriously? Avoid them or run away.You can win and conquer them, but you won't have to fight the son of a bitch for nothing.]

Hojae said.

Yeah, that's exactly how I feel right now.

[But you can't always avoid a battle like this. Someday you'll have to fight, too. If I can't help you then, you may regret not experiencing battle in advance.]

I thought so, too.

You might regret it someday.

[Okay. Well, I need to show you my power one way or another. That way you won't get too many of those flies.]

Hojae said.

At the same time, a message appeared.

[Duel will begin in 10 seconds.]

The space in front of me started to distort even before the message appeared and less than 10 seconds later.

A dark darkness flows from the cracks of the room and soon fills the gap between me and the opposing team.

[I'll kill you this time.]

* * *


Seeing the darkness coming out, I thought about where it all started.

When I was offered by the gods to test that power, when I was told to contact a challenger on the 57th floor, when I first received an invitation message from the tutorial,

I slowly turned back the clock and looked back up the river of memory.

It was also the day that everything began.

When the parasitic monster from the source made our family host.

From that day on, I began to live only with the idea of killing every source that existed in the world.

I was too late, but I grew up in Mado and began to subdue the source one by one.

Suddenly, my reputation spread across the continent and became a hero.

Nevertheless, there were a myriad of sources remaining on the continent, and it was only a matter of dealing with them all.

Then came the tutorial.

The people who were invited came back together with great strength.

They begin to eliminate the source.

I was happy, but I felt deprived.

That was my job.

It was my duty, my role.

Those who plowed the fields and fed the cows weren't the place to be.

While thinking about it, I was also invited to the tutorial.

Finally, the gods recognized me.

I entered Hell difficulty, of course.

No matter how difficult the difficulty was, I had no difficulties.

With basic magic, you were able to clear most stages.

Of course, difficulties have increased rapidly, but there are still no stages to test my limits.

Almost to the 60th floor.

I heard urgency.

Before I entered the tutorial, I and I were not so different now.

The only thing that was meaningful to me was my ability to achieve great growth here.

But no god has given me power.

I complained.

I can't recognize my abilities because I'm a god.

I've also made up my mind.

For some reason, I may not always receive power.

Then the dragon offered me a meeting after clearing 56 floors.

If the gods don't care, why don't you work for the vaccine?

I gladly accepted that authority could be rewarded for my work accomplishments.

Depending on the mission they gave me, I contacted other dimensional female challengers on the 57th floor and made a connection with some challengers who were in similar positions to me.

When you came here, you were tasked with meeting that evil power fraud and testing his power on the duel stage.

After this mission, I came here without a word to tell you that I will give you the type of power I want.

I was myself.

The duel opponents encountered before meeting the trickster are all rubbish.

Before entering the tutorial, they were underprivileged mercenaries.

I was disappointed.

When I faced the fraudster, I had to be disappointed again.

He was the same.

No, it was more than that.

Even with such enormous power, I couldn't handle it, so I just let it go.

I really did nothing.

I was angry that a thousand units of power had flowed into that incompetent person.

So I was glad when I got the message that the duel was about to start.

And the Darkness came.

The darkness that hid the trickster from my sight was so ominous.

It was dangerous.

The overwhelming desire disappeared in an instant, and my mind was filled with only the thought of giving up now.

But I couldn't.

I could not run away, nor could I turn my eyes away from it.

The hand that came out of the darkness was clearly pointing at me.

That alone made me unable to escape it.

I felt despair beyond fear.

In the meantime, what did I see and what did I run for?

I knew nothing from the beginning.

A dark hand was filled with colorful bracelets.

I could be sure as I watched the bracelets vanish into dust one by one.

This is the end of me.

The Darkness has decreed.

[Die, Wizard.]

* * *

[Lee Yeon-hee]


I grabbed the railing of the audience seat and lowered my waist to set up what was inside.

I was surrounded by people who were throwing up like me or collapsed unconscious at all.

Most of them were challengers of some level or higher.

The challengers below were unable to even sense what had just happened.

No, I'm the only one in this stadium who knows exactly what's going on right now.

Most eyes will only see the person's body disappearing after just two words from the darkness.

The problem was that way.

It's not that hard to kill a man with one word.

You could burn it, freeze it, stab it, or tap it to kill it.

But I couldn't just kill him.

It was not surprising to convert four into a life.

It was the ability of the gods to heal, resurrect, resurrect, and so on.

However, it was an ability I had never thought about, or ever imagined, to buy life and force it to transform temporarily.

If it weren't for the wizard behind the death sentence, and the finger pointing directly at Izard,

That power could be poured out on everyone in this stadium.

I wonder if I could have survived that power.

It was negative

“Are you still sure? ”

Suddenly, the hand holding the handset was awakened with sweat.

I was uncomfortable holding the terminal.

There were no answers in the handset.

“Answer me, are you still so sure? ”

I smashed the terminal with nothing to say and threw it on the ground.

The despair I had imagined in my head was finally manifested in front of my eyes.

The power of the man who was locked up in the unknown was even worse.

I stepped out of the stadium in a dark mood.

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