The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Arena of Competition (11)


Sometimes, when something big suddenly pops up, you can't move in time because you're in a hurry.

But on the contrary, when an accident occurs, it can sometimes be dealt with immediately, as if it had been foreseen before.

Surprisingly fast, even for yourself.

This was it.

I don't know if it's because I've always been mindful of the comfort of dragons, or because of the essence that Hogjae left in me.

I immediately opened the portal as soon as I felt the powerful power near Dragon.

Seok Hyun, who was talking for a long time, looked at me surprised, but now I didn't have time to explain the situation to him.

Suddenly, the power seemed extremely dangerous, but on the other hand, it felt familiar.

It was because it was a force generated by a technique that had often been used by former hawkers.

I knew that Hojay was a technology that was no longer used, and that it wouldn't stop at that scale if it were used now.

And there's only one person left in this tournament who can use that skill unless he is a martyr.

As a result of my natural reasoning, I could see who pulled the power out in front of Yong even before crossing the portal.

So as soon as I moved beyond the space and into the dragon's magic tent, I was able to call her name.

“Lee Yeon-hee.”


* * *

“Put that down. ”

“I don't want to.”

Lee Yeon-hee's answer made me gloom.

After just talking, it was no different than being a tree with a child playing with a parish knife.

However, if everyone knew what was in her hands, everyone would be nervous.

“You know, when I die, it explodes. If I lose control, I burst, I get upset, I lose my concentration, I burst, I burst without my magical circuitry running smoothly. ”

Goddamn it.

Why are you teaching him that?

I had no choice but to blame him.

No matter how difficult it was to get through Hell, you didn't have to teach me such dangerous skills.

That technique with the ridiculous name 'Shibam Boom’ was often used when Hojae was attacking Hell difficulty.

Skill that flowed excessively even at a stage with extreme difficulty, rather than running out of power.

When it exploded here, it was almost certain that challengers on the South Korean server would be exterminated.

There are many features of that night bang technology, but the most horrible feature was that there was nothing more the caster could do after empowering the sphere.

It just controlled the sphere to not explode and exploded whenever it wanted.

In other words, whether you stun Yeon-hee Lee, who is an anomalous caster formed on Yeon-hee's hand, or whether you kill her or disable her, that sphere will explode unconditionally.

In the naked eye, it appears to be a very small red light, and heat is almost never released out.

Based on the level of safety or miniaturization, there did not seem to be any difference between what was used and what was used in the past.

“I also added some effects to my liking. It'll be cool when it explodes.”

You crazy bitch.

Why is everything on Hell's difficulty explosive?

“If it explodes, you'll never be safe! ”

“Well, I'm confident I'll survive. ”

Lee Yeon-hee said in a cheerful voice.

Oh, fuck.

[Hey, is that true?]


Hojae confirmed Yeon-hee's words.

Somehow, his voice sounded strange.

It's like you're biting something in your mouth.

[Hey, are you eating something?]

[Yes, popcorn.]

Son of a bitch.

I can't help it.

I was going to ask for help, but I didn't think anyone who was eating popcorn in this situation would help.

Yong-yong was staring at Yeon-hee with a fat expression, and People-Woong was flinching in the air.

People Woong had a magical restraint.

The interesting thing is that Yeon-hee Lee's restraint and Dragon's restraint were hanging together.

Dragon magic is a means to protect people.

It was hard to know for sure since my level of magic was lower than dragons.

“Amazing, by the way. The atmosphere is completely different. ”

Lee Yeon-hee muttered.

“It was like a sad sandy vibe on TV, and on the 17th floor it was like a crazy dog, but now it's so mild. I can't get used to it. ”

“… I'm different from Hojay. ”

Lee Yeon-hee made a look on my face as if it meant something.

Like I really don't understand.

“Isn't that your alter ego? ”

Yeah, but it is.

Damn it.

I was offended by her unthinkable words.

While I was in a bad mood, it made me feel even worse to think that the conversation would make her pay less attention to attack Yeon-hee in her head.

It feels like a remnant of the fox left in me.

[Hey, can I stop that?]

I asked Hojae for insurance before acting.

[Of course.]

All right, let's do it.

With the situation like this, I regretted that I had met Izard a long time ago and would try to use any of my powers.

This is actually my first practice, but I don't know what to do.

I was resolute in my mind and used my power.

[Time lapse]


[Magic Squeeze]

[Sixth Seal]

[External blocking]

Just because you have more than a thousand powers doesn't mean you can handle them all.

Even the skills that I didn't even know the effects of in the first place were a minority, so I used the most familiar of them and only used them a few times during the experiment.


Unlike the soil and other powers, it is a power learned from Hojae, not from the gods of the Pantheon.

I was closer to being taught than Hojay taught me.

It is a fuzzy original technique and a fuzzy copy of other powers that is directly involved in the principle of space.

Typically, a hawk used to fold the space and jump over it.

But if I applied this to include it on the fold surface of my standing space, I could distort the distance between this tent and the outside.

I saw the unusual distortion in the space using the trenches, and I thought of the following powers in my mind:

Lee Yeon-hee's voice flowed into my head.

[You've got some nerve. Killing half a man shouldn't be a bad idea.]

Lee Yeon-hee's body began to run red everywhere.

When the hidden forces were revealed, we could see what they meant.

Lee Yeon-hee did not create just one boom.

Dozens, at least dozens of booms.

In his body, too.

I was astonished at the idea that I was thinking of making it into my body rather than hiding it perfectly at night.

The explosion of the blast and its expansion did not appear to be slow at all, despite the time ceaselessly and inevitably receding.

At the stroke of time, Yeon-hee's body disappeared without a trace, and there was only strong light and heat that seemed to have exploded.

I used my powers urgently to protect dragons from it.

The shield made by all the Gods and the light created by Lee Yeon-hee collided.

And Yong knocked on the table.

Knock, knock.

At the table, you hear a clear sound like tapping the table.

I crossed the space through the portal.

As soon as he moved into the tent, he was able to face her without being surprised because he had anticipated who had used his power in front of him.

I opened my mouth with a firm expression.

“Lee Yeon-hee.”


Lee Yeon-hee looked a little surprised and said to me.

People Woong was bound in the air, and Dragon was sitting in front of the table with a fat face.

Inside the tent there was silence.

There was no noise that could not be heard, the light that shook the world, and the heat.

Before doubting this strange phenomenon, Yeon-hee fainted unconsciously.

Like a broken doll.

* * *

I brought People-Woong back to the lodge.

I could have stayed in the tent, but I thought I'd better move to a quiet place because I saw the fortune teller sign and thought of guests who would come in.

I laid People-Woong, who was still unconscious, on the bed and pulled up a pink blanket and covered him well.

It did not lose consciousness due to the shock, but because it was put to sleep by the magic of dragons.

I just fell asleep.

Lee Yeon-hee didn't seem to be asleep.

No one sleeps on their back with their eyes wide open like that.

I've roughly shifted her body with impulse.

In the process, it didn't happen that Lee Yeon-hee woke up and tried to rebel.

As long as I've made a few taboos, I won't let that body move on my own again.

“It was self-immolation.”


dragons answered my soliloquy.

He sent himself on a suicide mission.

After that, it looks like they tried to kidnap us halfway through the process.

Well, he didn't intend to kidnap the outsiders as hostages.

You thought it couldn't be done.

People-Woong sat on the floor next to the bed.

Yong-yong sat on my knee and dug into my arms.

I held 용용이 tightly and patted his back.

Apart from abilities, Yong has never been exposed to the malice of others.

Just like me.

And in the meantime, I cursed the fox who was watching the situation.

Despite all kinds of bad talk, he was just observing us, exercising his right to silence.

You son of a bitch.

Since I was holding Yong tightly, my heart was also steady and beating fast.

I don't know who's comforting who.

After calming down to some degree, I asked my questions.

“Yong Yong, did you go back in time? ”

It's not easy to turn back time to what I know.

Of course it's a story.

But even the gods thought to be almighty could not touch time carelessly.

Like the god of slowness or the god of repentance, the gods associated with time are not regarded as special.

Sometimes he said that time is just the law of the universe, proving its existence by flow, and that the reversal of time is a grand deception, which in turn must be meaningless.

Even a favorable saying like that could not go back in time.

If I could, I wouldn't be locked up on the 60th floor.

Unfortunately, I couldn't recognize what the dragon was doing.

There was a level difference between me and 용용이.

The difference was the level of inexhaustible difference.

So I asked honestly.

“No, I just did it because it never happened. ”

“What never happened? ”

“Yeah, that didn't happen. ”

What do you mean...

Yong Yong, this grumpy uncle doesn't understand.

“If you ask the bald man, he'll tell you he's unconscious as soon as he shows up. ”

People-Woong was conscious until Lee Yeon-hee blew herself up.

I didn't care after that.

“You didn't lose consciousness after the explosion? ”

“Yes. That didn't happen. ”

“... but I remember that job? ”

“That's why she collapsed. The only thing that opened up the possibilities of a future that didn't exist was inside that tent. The woman who was watching from the outside had to confront a future memory that didn't exist, and she couldn't stand the awkwardness. ”

Yong-yong, I don't know.

I have no idea.

“Yong Yong, but I didn't collapse remembering it? ”

“He's fine. He could be in a future that's not here yet, that's not here yet. ”

“… why? ”

I didn't even understand what I had heard so far, but I asked.

용용이 When I ask what I don't know, as always, I told Jogonjo.

“He's not tied to the cause. ”

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