The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Tutorial Level 59 (2)


“Lose a little more. Why do you think this area is less resistant to burns? ”

[… This place is urgent. It's usually a hard place.]

“Not right now. ”

My father and wife groaned.

No, why are you so grumpy?

You're the one holding the monster on fire.

[I heard this monster used to be human. Well, isn't it obvious that the hard part is critical?]

“Interesting. Painful even though the vital organs are gone already. ”

[… that's why it's interesting.]

“First, we need to find out if it's sensory or psychological. ”

The couple immediately listened to me and continued to question me instead of supporting the source of the fire.

[Why do you need to know that?]

“In fact, if you feel more pain when you attack that area, you can continue to use your weakness where the critical point has already disappeared. We have to find out. Besides, if it depends on psychological factors, this monster is aware of its own body structure when it was human. Even subconsciously, we have to find out. Now, I don't know if the other monsters are like these monsters, but there's only one test subject that we've been given. ”

He kindly explained the purpose of the experiment for the couple, but he did not easily convince them.

[Soldier, please, can we stop torturing this monster with its groin?]


[Look, I feel sorry for that monster who just sounded weird earlier!]

“Okay. Just a little more. ”

[I said the same thing an hour ago.]

I was continuing my experiments with my father and father while having conversations and things.

A door opens in the concubine room and a man walks in.

“Oh, fuck. What am I looking at? ”

“Well, now you're up. ”

The man who opened the door was a warrior with muscles more than two meters tall and crooked.

It was typical of a barbarian warrior to appear in the game.

It was ten minutes ago when that man entered the spire.

One floor, one floor so slowly that I just turned off my nerves and waited, but now I'm up.

The man walked in loud and said,

It was a reasonable attitude.

“Hey, you crazy bastard, what are you going to do if you catch your breath? I've heard a lot of crazy bounty hunters in this region, but you have to be kidding me. ”

They think I'm a bounty hunter.

“Leave that monster alone and I'll spare your life. ”

The man said as if he was using a toebox.

It was interesting.

I thought it would take a long time for a man to get up to the top of the spire and be cautious.

However, it seems that it took a long time to climb the staircase of the spire, not just a personality problem.

“You're a bounty hunter, too? ”

In my question, the man nodded.

Among the many who wandered to the source, the first to emerge was a bounty hunter.

I can't believe you came to this monster faster than the Native Gods or the Native States.

As usual, they are professionals who work at the forefront of this field.

I had abilities.

I'm sure it will be done, and I know a lot of information.

[Tsk, tsk, tsk.]

* * *

“Yes, the ancient demon was known to have sealed the kingdom's ancestors, but in fact, the kingdom's ancestors built a new kingdom with the help of the devil. The royal family has kept ancient demons in the depths of the castle underground for generations. ”

“Why didn't I kill the devil before? ”

In my question, the man soon gave his opinion.

“According to rumor, it's because of the contract between the devil and the kingdom's ancestors. But I think the royal family hoped that one day we might be able to harness the power of evil again. The Kingdom has been losing wars and its influence has been greatly diminished. ”

“Maybe. ”

The man was a better storyteller than I thought.

A man on his knees, somewhere next to the creature in the experiment, is constantly talking to me about what I'm asking.

“And then?”

“The incident I mentioned earlier freed the ancient demons from the Seal, and the royal family and knights were slaughtered. He was the most famous shaman in the capital of the kingdom. Maybe that's him. ”

The shaman was a kind of wizard who accepted the divine inspiration and spread its power to the world.

It may seem similar to priests who use divine spells, but there is a strange difference.

The indigenous gods here possessed many of the qualities of the primitive religion unlike the gods they had seen on other stages.

Shamans harnessed the power of gods scattered in nature, but it was vague to think they were followers who directly embraced the gods.

Anyway, a shaman like that stopped the devil.

If he had a reputation in the capital, people would be interested in him.

“Yes, everyone in the capital only looked at him. It was then that there was a bond between people and shamans. An observer, who was looking at the capital naturally, said that everyone in the capital cheered and encouraged the shaman. And……. ”

From here on out, it's a story I know better than that man.

It must have been a wild goose chase, not being in control of people's power.

Despite the well-developed imaging media, unlike the 57th floor where things were happening on a planetary scale, it was confined to the capital city of the kingdom, but that alone was excessive.

The shaman eventually became a monster, not a hero. Late, the indigenous gods craved the power of the source of the monster and turned the surroundings into shrubs.

The monster disappeared somewhere in the chaos.

Then it must have come down to this.

The source is certainly a peculiar force.

It was the kind of power that would appear in cartoons.

Such unnatural power that might remind you of the origin origin of a famous cartoon.

Divine power is supplied through the structure of religion.

On the other hand, the origin is communicated in certain circumstances what people collect.

Rather than a divine idol, it is their representative and the power transmitted to the hero.

Finally, it is influenced by the level of civilization and history of people.

Recently, I learned a lot of information that I didn't know.

Every time I cleared a stage, there was a lot of information that the dragon gave me.

But there were still two things I wasn't sure about.

In the 40th floor, there were a lot of relatively small and weak ones that came from the main sources.

After killing such creatures, a fragment of the source stone appears.

I don't know how they were created.

I initially thought such monsters would have a parent origin, but all I encountered was those who lost their minds.

I didn't think they were going to reproduce strategically.

The second is about me.

How I'm using my power.

Of course, I had the power of the source of the penitent god, but I was not aware that I used it.

The dragon refused to answer this question.

This was something I had to ask you as soon as I met Kirikiri.

“H-can I go now? ”

“No. ”

Tears welled up in the eyes of the man.

I felt bad because he was coming to my heart because he was tall on his knees.

Why is this man so afraid of me?

I didn't even hit him.

He was just suppressing it with his magical power and telling the story.

[You're not asking because you really don't know, are you, Warrior?]

“Well, I'll do anything. Please save my life... ”

I turned my head away from the man praying in a desperate voice.

I looked into the creature that was unfolding on the table made of liver.

We also checked the condition of the muscles, the structure of the blood vessels, and the location of the internal organs.

The pattern of the strange flow of magical power.

I found that the location containing the source's power is in line with the location where I was storing it, and I checked what sequence I was circulating it in.

What do we do now?

My head doesn't spin because I've been trying to experiment for so long.

I have dissected my enemies steadily until I reached the 13th floor.

At that time, I felt skeptical and began to refrain from dissecting.

From then on, not only monsters, but communicators came out as enemies, and we knew the human structure without even having to split it.

Since then, I don't have to do well.

But I used to capture my enemies alive and do experiments whenever I needed to.

Anatomical knowledge is very helpful in combat.

Either way, you feel awkward dissecting and experimenting the enemy, even though the number of times has been greatly reduced.

I can't even imagine what to do with a spectacular experiment like this in front of me.

I needed creativity

“We need creativity. How are we supposed to study that? ”

“Yes……? ”

The man bruised himself without understanding what I said.

I promised the man I'd let him live if he had an idea I could use.

“Umm... Uh, magic? They said they had technicians who had mastered magic just for torture. That monster used to be a great shaman. Maybe he can do something about it. ”

The idea given by the man was very good.

He said in a satisfied voice.

“Very good. Great idea. Maybe we should invite a shaman. ”

“Well, how? ”

The man asks in an uneasy voice.

I wonder if they'll let you bring in a shaman.

I raised my hand to the window instead of the answer.

You see fireballs flying toward the spire through the window.

Dozens of fires crash into the Magical Wall I built and fall down.

“Magically, no. A powerful cannon. ”

You hear someone shouting outside the spire, followed by a second burst of saturation.

He looks at the cannonballs flying in the second wave.

“That unit must have a shaman in it, right? ”

[You are also very consistent.]

* * *

There was no shaman.

You captured only one of the commanders of a useless army.

“Damn, how come there aren't any shamans? ”

“Well, there's no shaman in the original unit. ”

It was never there. Eri.

I've been asking the commander for a lot of information.

The commander introduced himself as an officer of the country pursuing the source.

As soon as I heard the name of the country, I forgot.

He also said he was in command of a large force of soldiers who are still on the move here.

“What vanguard fires cannons? ”

I told you, the commander showed me his equipment.

The equipment was smaller than I thought, and it looked more like mortars than cannons.

It was quite useful to me.

But this is supposed to be military confidential, and you know it.

“The army is of some size. ”

“A little over 40,000. ”


I thought I heard you wrong.

Why did you send 40,000 people to catch a powerless monster?

It is wise to deal with monsters with a minority elite rather than send a large force, even if they have regained their power.

In front of a certain level of power, the common soldier was just a scarecrow.

“It was an inevitable mobilization because foreign soldiers were also aiming for the source. ”

“Well... yes, you said you were going to go after them in many countries. Commander, how many soldiers are running this way, together? No matter your nationality.”

“If I can't... I think I'll be 200,000. It's more than that if you think about the soldiers, the hunters, the adventurers, the mercenaries, the wanderers and the merchants. ”

Two hundred grand if you can't do it.

Based on the description of the stage, the native gods will soon begin to seek the source.

If the gods start a dispute between monsters, this area will turn into a wasteland.

Like the capital of a kingdom that is already finished.

How many of those 200,000 people can survive?

I was able to place quite a lot of bets on most of them not surviving.

What should I do?

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