The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Tutorial Level 59 (4)

“I give my soul! ”

Yeah, I don't need it.

I almost said that out of ignorance.

No, why would I give my soul to me?

Ordinary human souls are useless in the view of collecting hundreds of millions of souls.

A toy is usually best played with.

That's it.

If you have the power to handle the soul, it is a bad fuel.

Like me, using the power of the Soul Sword and the power of the Soul Sword.

It's not very effective, it's not efficient, it's not very useful.

Among the series of souls that the Shinigami gave me, the only power to use is soul exploitation.

The rest excited me with a big name, but it was low value for me.

It was so useless compared to the powers the other gods had given me.

[The God of Death is baffled.]

[The God of Adventure is delighted.]

Just the number of souls sealed in the Soul Sword right now...

Um, hold on.

[What's the matter?]

When I stopped thinking, my father asked me.

There was one thing I missed.

In light of that, I have yet to extract souls from a living human.

[… Are you really trying to be a demon? Come on, let's make a deal, like he said.]

A contract?

That's good, too.

If the contract is established and the soul can be harvested in exchange for a price.

The Demon King, who met on the 25th and 34th floors, was summoned beyond the dimension by the Demon Humanity.

I even gained strength in return for something to the god of seeds.

If I could somehow sign a contract with a human soul like the Demon King.

This could be a new direction of development.


Of course, we don't know the most important way.

I don't know how to put my soul on the line or how to pay for it.

Let's ask Kirikiri about this part.

Is there any way I can get that kind of power?

“Ah, Evil Mass...? ”

Commander Jengent summoned me with a slightly uneasy expression.

During the conversation, I suddenly changed my mind and kept my mouth shut, so I'm embarrassed.

“Oh, right. Yeah, good deal. You're risking your life? Can you guarantee that? ”

Jengent gives you a firm look and nods.

The angles were great.

I was satisfied enough to get a smile.

If you can spare some time before the end of this stage, it wouldn't be a bad idea to try the power of the Soul Clan again with him.

[Brave... Don't be like a real demon... I'm a swordsman...]

What's with the sword?

Don't sell medicine on the subject of a sword.


“I understand you have the courage to give me your soul. Then it is time for you to hear what the price is. ”

Whatever Jengent wanted, I was able to accomplish it.

Of course, there are limitations to the stage, so I can't hear them all.

I can assure him that he will be paid.

I lowered my voice to make myself look more demonic.

You stir and press him, then slowly repeating that you let him go.

For Jengent, this pressure will feel more like supernatural mystery, fear, and Margie than just the pressure of power.

“Gengent, tell me what you want in return for your soul. ”

In my words, Jengent swallowed a gulp and said in a decisive voice.

“All I want is the gods who turned the Kingdom of Rosina upside down. I want to take revenge on the cruel gods who just pushed away the people who worshiped them and loved them like a field weed. I want the destruction of the gods! ”

What Jengent asked of me was neither wealth nor honor nor strength.

He wanted the fall of the indigenous gods of this world.

I was also eager to do it.

So I could shout with joy.

“The contract is in place. Your wish will come true! ”

* * *

The goal of the 59th floor stage was to protect the source.

From the many who seek the power of the source.

If this is all, the difficulty is too easy.

It's a stage that would appear on the ninth floor, not the 59th.

However, the stage had a difficulty that was suitable for the 59th floor.

Because of the existence of the two indigenous gods that will appear at the end.

The two indigenous gods clearly covet the power of the source.

and confronting each other.

Finally, if you get in the way of your event, wipe out anything with force.

The challenger must protect the source from the two indigenous gods.

From gods who, if necessary, can trample even their own faithful without hesitation.

In this way, I think the difficulty is too difficult.

The gods that had appeared in the tutorial stage had only been rewarded for appearing after the stage was over.

But this time, the gods are directly related to the stage and collide head-on with the challenger's goals.

People who arrive sooner than the gods.

And a few days before the gods come.

It would be the goal of this stage to find some way to stop the gods through these two.

We can offer them a way to hide from them, a way to persuade them.

After all, most of us here are members of the indigenous gods.

But I didn't try to find that way even though I thought so.

I thought this was an opportunity.

It's worth killing God for once.

[What are the opportunities?]

It's a chance.

Indigenous gods that seem to fall away compared to the gods of the vaccine, a message that suggests a collision with the gods in public.

This was definitely an opportunity.

[The message was nowhere to kill the gods, my warrior. This is really dangerous. I could die here. Really.]

I'm not gonna die.

Jengent was talking about his father and wife while he was distracted.

I didn't notice that I was overhearing most of his stories, and I seemed to be enthusiastic about them.

“That's when the gods came. We all cheered. I thought the gods were finally on their feet in the strange state of the Grand Shaman in battle with the Devil. It appeared to bless the Archmage's struggle. But two gods collided above the capital, and after that, the capital was literally wiped out. ”

Jengent continues his story.

He was said to have been in the capital city of Rosina, where it had become a ruin.

“I realized something was wrong and tried to evacuate people somehow. However, evacuating the people of the rural capital without any preparation.... I still remember vividly when I closed my eyes. People running around each other like mad cows and fireballs falling on their heads... and those who eagerly pray to the gods who are killing them... and.... ”

Jengent pauses to see if his emotions get the better of him.

The words behind it were obvious.

If God had stopped praying in the first place, he would not have fought on people's capital.

No matter how badly you prayed, the gods had nothing to do with it.

The people of the capital would continue to die, and the horror would only get worse.

It was an unfortunate accident, but it was a betrayal.

To those who believe in God, the truth is, God has no interest in you, and you cannot say that God can cut off your head at any time if you have a hard time.

It is not to say that God does not love the believers, but just wants the power of faith.

It's the loss of a great title.

“The doctrines were all lies. Everything I've learned has been filled with deception from the people of the Church. The gods did not think at all for their followers. ”

This commander, Gengentra, was originally a very loyal man.

When he was disappointed in the gods, he thought about taking revenge in anger, not just disappointment.

It's unusual.

Seeing God as the object of revenge is as reckless as swinging a sword to kill a hurricane.

In fact, he may not want to tear the gods apart.

Unless you want to rip apart your past, which you trusted them with.

“I cannot tolerate or forgive the gods. I want revenge, demon. Burn my soul. ”

Yeah, yeah.

That's what I heard.

Now that you've listened to what I have to say, it's my turn to talk.


“Yes……? ”

Jengent gave me a stupid face for asking.

He wasn't that smart.

Yeah, well, I was thinking of signing with the Devil.

“How do you intend to kill God? You weren't the only one planning on asking the Devil, were you? ”

“... under my command. ”


You're not going to order the soldiers to attack the gods, are you?

“They're all ordinary people. ”

“… 40,000. And some of them have been with me since the capital. First of all, we have a lot of packs running. ”

Sack? You're going to fire cannons at the gods this time?

“The artillery itself is pointless, but we've already done a spell on the cannons. There will be damage. Obviously.”

Jengent looks more eager than confident.

It seemed desperate, not confident that there would be damage, but that there would be.

“Can magic do harm to the gods? ”

I asked Jengent.

He replied with certainty.

It was strange.

I understand that spells in this world come from the power of the native gods, but the native gods are harmed by them?

I have something else to study later.

[What are you going to do?]

The couple asked.

Well, we can't let that fool come running to the gods.

It was pointless.

I had to curl it properly.

Like an ancient demon, as he wishes.

“You remind me of a man I met a long time ago. ”

“... Are you referring to the Builder King? ”

“Well, do you call the man who became the king where I was sealed? ”

The hunter I met on the first day told me the secret tale of the kingdom.

In fact, the kingdom was founded by the power of an ancient demon, and the kingdom has been sealing it for generations.

I don't know if it was true, but it was enough that such a theory was spinning.

Gengent is actually a fool to believe I'm an ancient demon.

“Don't you want to be like him? Don't you want to be the new king? ”

“… but I took revenge on the gods……. ”

“Oh, of course you can do that. I'll take care of revenge, so you don't have to worry. It's a story for later. ”

“Then……. ”

Not without greed in the meantime.

He was quite a colorful human being.

“I need you to do something for me. ”

“W-what's going on? ”

Jengent is nervous and asks.

He said, looking at his face stiffened like a gypsum.

“Hold the wind for me. ”

* * *

I lead Jengent back to the spire room.

The commanders were still murmuring, and the shamans were still relentless.

First, I gathered the commanders together.

“Is there still a fool left in that monster? ”

I pointed to the source hanging from the wall and asked.

There was no answer.

“I have a proposition for you. ”

A proposal reminds me of hope in the faces of fearful commanders.

Maybe he can bargain for ransom.

“Run away.”

“Help me! ”

A commander suddenly knelt down and shouted in a desperate voice.

What happened to that prince back there?

“Help me! ”

After the prince, all the other commanders knelt down and shouted to me. Help me.

It was embarrassing.

I tried to send you away, but you asked me to save you.

“No, so run like hell. ”

“No matter how far I run, I know I can't get away from the Devil. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. If not, the soldiers... ”

What are you talking about?

“Hey, I'm saving your life. Run away.”

“Please, please. That alone……. ”

[Warrior, the Devil used to tell his most hated enemies to run away. When the devil tells you to run away, he will soon follow you and kill you in the most terrible way possible, so prepare to die in horror.]

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