The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Tutorial Level 59 (7)

I was distracted.

The atmosphere that was heated by the thunderclap was cooled down.

Continuous climate change caused a gust of wind.

[Warrior! I have to go now...]

“Shut up! No! ”

He shouted to his father and wife that he would be more empowered.

The father and wife themselves told me how difficult the situation is.

[I'm gonna die!]

I ignored my father and wife.

Obviously, the situation was not good.

It was a battle between me and the indigenous gods that had been gods for hundreds and thousands of years.

Of course it was disadvantageous.

I cut the veil from the air by hand and continued forward.

I had to get closer to the gods.

We have to make a mess of the fight somehow.

A long distance battle of miraculous signs did not lead to victory.

And as soon as these native bastards realized I was a threat, they held hands and joined forces.

The two of them were barely breathing because of the violent struggle they just had.

At that moment, both voids distorted, and something grabbed me and bound me.

I try to pull it off, but the bound arms don't budge.

In the case of the left arm that had been cut off, it was the sense that the dead part was stuck.

I couldn't see what was tied to my body, nor could I perceive.

You risk the ripping of your arms and attempt to fly with the wings of the Tallaria, but the restraints remain untied.

It's not physics, it's some kind of setback.

[That's right! It's final!]

Definitely not something I can touch.

I always wanted to learn, but I just had to hear the answer that it would always be inadequate.

But because of that exploration attitude, we know a few things about consequences.

It is a unidirectional or very simple law that determines the power of the outcome.

Consequences that work in different directions or different laws are merely overlaid with multiple layers of consequences.

And there was only one thing that tied me up.

We're just filming.

This had to be delayed before the boundaries overlapped.

The notion of a sequel is probably to constrain my movement with a medium.

As soon as I finished thinking, I gathered my strength.

You hold a red sphere in your right hand.

And to hell with it.

Damn, I've never used this technique on my shoulder before.

In this case, I haven't even practiced.

“Bam, bam! ”

Explosion has erupted from both sides.

Normally, there would have to be a lot of noise, light and heat to cover the whole area, but the surroundings seemed to be imprisoned in some space.

Of course, my right hand and left shoulder burst open.

If I could do a little bit of damage, even if I smashed my fingertips with a bang and then exploded, I could have minimized or not taken at all.

However, I held it in my hand, and in the case of my left arm, I formed a bang at night in my body.

I couldn't be harmless.

[Time lapse]

As the barrier collapses and you finally want to get out of the way, a new challenge arises.

A strange fluctuation in the confined space created a powerful force.

I don't even know what that is.

I didn't even dare to look into the space with my own eyes, and when I saw it, there was just a little hole in the air that sucked everything out.

What is that?

I felt like my body was torn apart by the pulling force on both sides.

I don't know how many seconds we can hold out.

No, not in seconds.

At that time, I felt a layer of strength overlapping my body.

It wasn't his wife.

It was a force directly used by the perforated god.

Thanks to this, I was able to relax in a situation where I felt like I was about to be torn to death right away.

[Contractor, you need to get out of that thing quickly.]

[Twist space!]

[Impossible, such an intervention…….]

[No, not that one, the space on my side. Don't twist both sides, just one! Turn both spaces in reverse!]

I wasn't sure.

We don't even know what's going on.

I was just chatting for a moment, but the perforated god understood what I wanted too.

The next moment, my body was shot forward.

Even I was unrecognizable.

Even though I was using the time lapse, I felt like I was about to burst through the atmosphere and fly into space.

Fortunately, the speed at which I was flying decreased dramatically.

Without any impact, my body was completely still as if I had originally been rich in air.

It was the power of the perforated god.

I couldn't help but say thank you this time.

[No need! But I'll say hello!]

What are you talking about?

[Soldier, that's what I did...]

I heard the couple's voice from a distance.

[But it's my power!]

I also heard the voice of the perforated god.

It was a god more audacious than I thought.

It was the word of the perforated god.

[Slowly come down. The distorted space was sealed. But it's going to take some time to completely disappear. Until then, it's best not to come down here.]

I decided to take a breather, following the divine advice of the perforated god.

That was really dangerous.

I feel like I've met my great-grandfather, not the Great Grandfather who died beyond the Three Thousands, and I've come back to shake his hand.

[Bravo, if I go a little bit more aggressively, the odds will be a little higher.]

No, that's...

I sacrificed one arm for this opportunity.

I had to learn more and go through more

That's when the two indigenous gods began to rise up toward where I am.

Looks like they're planning on finishing me off for good.


I needed more time.

I was adapting quickly.

Once you get used to it, if you find out a little more....

* * *


The sky was on fire.

A gathering hail pours out, and it melts in the air.

The water turned back into a blade.

The battle between the gods and the ancient demons was astonishing.

Looking at it, I was wondering if what I was looking at was really right.

The original plan to fire cannons at the gods seemed ridiculous.

The only reason the Devil listened to my plan and made that stupid look on his face was because he already knew.

Out of the battle with the imminent gods, soldiers are useless.

I felt self-conscious.


When the capital collapsed, I was stationed in a nearby area.

When I first received a distress call in the capital, I was worried about assassins or assassins.

Recently, there has been a trend of more and more people using explosives to hit cities and palaces, and I naturally anticipated that.

Especially since the radio went down so quickly.

It looks like the enemy occupied the communications tower first.

I'm glad I got the radio before that.

Thinking about it, I led a thousand cavalry to the capital.

When I arrived in the capital, the first thing I saw was a sky covered in black smoke.

The capital was constantly vomiting black smoke like a chimney, and the sky above it was covered with black smoke so that it could not find its original color.

People were pouring out through the gate.

It was not uncomfortable to see tens of thousands of people running around each other.

Every time ten people escape the gates, a hundred people are crushed to death.

I didn't even think to let the troops through that gate.

I was just trying to calm them down somehow and reduce their lives.

But soon I was able to understand people.

Why they're so terrified, why they're completely out of their minds.

Everything was falling over their heads.

Fire and ice cubes are premeditators, monsters you've never seen in your life, liquids that melt your flesh and shards of sharp metal you just touch.

Everyone was running forward to not die.

Then I realized that it wasn't just screaming that came out of people's mouths.

It was a plea.

They prayed to God as they were dying.

Mercy and forgiveness.

There were parents who gave up their escape and prayed for their lost children's safety in the chaos.

There was a shaman crying out, "What is their sin?"

A boulder falls over their heads.

All of this was because people were unfaithful, and because they were virtuous, there were fanatics calling it the scourge of the gods.

The boulder drops evenly over his head.

There were all sorts of monarchs.

The gods were fair to all.

Fairly indifferent

It was easy to see that the gods weren't punishing people.

They were arguing.

It was a body I couldn't even see with my own eyes, but I could feel it.

The power they wielded was directed at each other, floating in the sky.

It was the only remnant that fell over the capital.

That's how people died.

I couldn't reach the contentious gods above the center of the capital.

We can't even get inside the gate right now.

In that situation, I had to do my best to save people.

Saved people in a frenzy.

Running around, screaming at soldiers, raising people, cleaning up the rubble on the walls.

Maybe it was too chaotic, but the memories after that were mixed up.

When I came to my senses, I was in a city more than a day away from the capital.

With fewer than 2,000 survivors and more than half killed.

Too many people have died.

There were no survivors left in the capital.

The royals and nobles who were close to the center could not escape.

The capital that was the beginning of the kingdom was destroyed.

The kingdom fell like that.

The territories of the border crossed over to another country.

It was clear that the territories that did not, would soon be scattered.

I, who was the General Commander of the Capital Guard, became a concern.

People who were vague about transferring to a foreign country gathered to me.

All the royal forces were assembled except for the troops stationed at the border.

The royal families outside the capital became more accelerated by supporting me.

The Neutral Zones have come under one roof.

I was busy every day.

Sadness and longing gradually faded.

Instead, my anger grew.

I wonder how many days have passed since I used evil every day to look at the documents and the faces of people, and strange intelligence came in.

The battle between the Grand Shaman and the Devil before the capital crisis.

The Grand Shaman, the winner of the battle, was seen as a monster.

The Advisor said the reason the gods made the capital a wasteland was to take over the shaman who became a monster.

That night, I led an entire army straight to where the monster had been spotted.

All available troops and cannons.

People stopped me, saying I was no help in the search and capture of monsters, but I needed cannons.

I thought the gods might be after the beast.

As we led the troops into the field, we sent a large force from another country.

Competition intensified, but I thought it was not a bad thing.

The more troops gathered, the better.

I don't know if I can be with them.

And I met an ancient demon.

I recognized it at a glance.

That's the ancient demon I've been hearing stories about.

The Devil abducted only the top commanders and shamans from every country protected by 200,000 soldiers.

No trouble at all.

I looked at him and thought, "Wouldn't it help the battle with the gods?"

If I could get the Devil's help, I could give my soul away.

It was like that.

But the gods came, and I changed my mind again.

The power of the gods that faced us directly in front of us was something that man could not face.

No matter how powerful the cannon was, no matter how many soldiers were helpless before the power of God.

Of course I did.

I led soldiers here with no reason but my delusion to their death.

I didn't think about Chus, but I just thought I wanted to kill myself.

At that moment, an unknown force covered my head.

All kinds of disasters that fell from heaven were blocked by the tabernacle.

There is a massive explosion on the side of the tower.

The explosion didn't hurt us much either because of the veil.

After rubbing my eyes a few times because of the overly bright light, I could see that a person was flying from the sky.

It was the Devil.

It was an ancient demon.

The Devil was protecting people and fighting with the gods.

It was so obvious.

It was too sacred to call him the Devil, spreading his radiant wings and defying the gods.

It looked like a lifelong hero.

Long ago, when the flood engulfed the continent, the great monster that caused the flood wiped out and built the kingdom.

Just like the emperor who believed that his mythical achievements had led him to believe that he was not a human being and that he had been assisted by a demon sealed in the basement of the palace.

[If you don't need a soul, what do you want from me?]

I asked the devil that said I didn't need my soul in the spire.

The Devil's answer was unexpected.

[Catch the wind.]

The wind?

[Er, people cheer for me.]


To cheer on the devil?

I couldn't understand.

[It's always better to be supported by people. Right?]

That's all the devil said.

If the author really is a demon... I wonder if he can do that.

Protecting people, rushing towards those gods for him.

And all he wanted was people's support.

It was noisy around me.

Survivors scream at the sky.

Some of the soldiers are on their knees praying.

I was feverish as I grabbed the soldier by the collar without even knowing it.

“Would you like to pray to God on this verdict? You're such an idiot! ”

The soldier shouted at me with bloodshot eyes.

“I'm praying for that hero! ”

For who?

“All I can do is pray for him! ”

I placed the soldier's collar in disarray.

The soldier immediately kneels back down, closes his eyes and starts praying.

I picked up the radio with a trembling hand.

I've sent word to all the commanders.

Cheer and pray for that hero.


“He is the ancestor of our kingdom, the Builder King! The Builder King has returned to stop the deities from attacking Humankind in madness! ”

As the soldier said, all I could do, and all we could do, was support that demon.

* * *


I had no choice but to mutter as I saw the gods approaching me.

The nucleus of a shaman's source, contained within the stomach.

And the source of the nucleus, given to me by the penitent god who was sleeping in the circuit.

A massive force flows through the two nuclei.

“So this is the power of the source. ”

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