The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Tutorial 60 floors (17)

[Hey, don't you want to take a shift?]

I tried talking to Hotch, but there was no answer.

I kept holding the dragon spreading its wings.

It's already been three days since Hotch and Yong came back from the race.

After Hotch returned from the race, he had more time to be alone.

I heard Park Jing 'a was doing well, but Hotch seemed to be in trouble.

It didn't make me very sad or depressed.

It just seemed a little complicated in my head.

Maybe we should just think of it as puberty.

Given Hotch's age, it's possible, and for the first time, to go out into another world and meet people.

You must have some idea.

Yong is sleeping for only three days as soon as he returns from the race.

He was so excited all the race that he hardly slept.

Yong must sleep for a certain amount of time every day, as soon as he returns home, he keeps sleeping without waking up.

Problem is.

I'm not lying in bed, I'm sleeping in my arms.

Not even human foam, but hatchling foam.

This is uncomfortable.

It was not a matter of weight, it was a difficulty to keep swirling short legs and fluttering wings well, holding them in a comfortable position.

But when I put her in my bedroom bed, I felt like I didn't want to look away from Dragon's request to sleep in my arms.

But if I'd known how many days I was going to sleep, I would've just told him to stay in bed.

Sitting in front of the desk, the dragon was lying on its knees.

I stroked dragon's head with one hand, and handed over the book with the other hand.

Well, it's not a big book.

It was just my journal.

It's been a while since I started writing this.

The first was to form a sect on the 61st floor and write a sectarian journal.

The first chapter contained only a brief description.

The name, tendency and orientation of the newly opened sect.

Means for seducing the believers.

The number of believers changed daily and their atmosphere.

It was just a journal for the purpose of recording.

I handed it over.

[41st time]

- After two trips, I was able to gather a little faith through the sect. If I had known that desert people were so closed-minded, I could have succeeded a little sooner. I didn't notice because I was friendly with outsiders.

- In fact, these people had indigenous religions. I didn't even think of it as religion. The rulers of the Conversational Mountain and the Great Snow Mountains were lifted up like gods. This is why the growth of the sect will be slow.

- You recovered your left arm with your powers. It wasn't harder than I thought.

- Across the desert, to the oasis. There was a portal in the oasis. I was able to get to the mountain through the portal.

- There were many worthy foes in the Conversation Mountain. You were not harmed by the anger family, giving you an opportunity to use your powers in a variety of ways.

- You've captured the Boss Mob. The answer is to gather the spirits to repair your left arm. It would have been hard to deal with without the Divine Power.

- The boss mob seemed to know something about the stage. I was baffled that I came alone. Maybe it's just fun to challenge yourself.

Returning to the 60th floor, the left arm disappears again.

That concluded 41 car records.

In fact, I was very upset at that time.

When I returned to the vacant 60th floor, I wondered how many times I would repeat this nonsense in the future.

After a hundred repetitions of clears and returns, I wasn't sure I could make it.

Fortunately, I was still alive.

[42nd time]

- Serenia insisted on going straight to the Great Mountains, but I decided to stay a few days on the 60th floor.

Returning to the 60th floor, the spirits gathered on the 61st floor disappeared again. However, the slightest bit of mysticism that I had before remained the same. With that power, the left arm is restored.

-Utilization of mysticism, theoretical knowledge of spells, magical knowledge of the 55th floor that the couple remembered, contract magic. In the meantime, when I had time to study later, there were a lot of homework that was postponed.

After this, he continued to talk about research and study for a long time.

The couple played a really big role.

Being an Apostle of the Perforated God, he shared the information he knew without any restrictions, and the contract with me made it easy to pass on his knowledge or know-how.

Let's read it out loud.

[44th time]

- The ruler of the Conversational Mountain remembered me.

- You called me your first challenger. It was definitely different from other stages.

- You got to know him pretty well. After you got rid of him, I went back and talked to my father and father about him for a while. I wish I could go back to Kirikiri and ask him more about this stage.

I decided to give the quest to the vigilantes later.

[48th time]

Hyeon-jin is dead.

There was only one line in the 48th car.

It was a real mess at the time.

Lee Hyung-jin died on the 17th floor.

I still don't know how Lee Hyung-jin died.

Obviously I've prepared enough power for him.

Enough to clear 17 floors.

But 15 minutes after he entered the 17th floor, a number disappeared from the Hell difficulty list.

That meant the death of Lee Hyung-jin.

I don't know if Lee Hyung-jin was careless or if my vision on the 17th floor exerted more power than I thought.

Thanks to this, Lee Yeon-hee entered the 17th floor with really overwhelming power.

However, when I heard what Lee Yeon-hee said later, if I was wrong, she would have also died on the 17th floor.

Anyway, at that time, I was halfway crazy, beating up the residential area and smashing it into pieces.

It was probably the first time he destroyed the residential area.

[49th time]

- I needed another challenger. Some of the others on the first floor are still unavailable. Even if they change, it may take a few more years for them to reach the 60th floor. I needed a replacement.

- I've succeeded in cloning the couple. The main thing was that he was an item with Ego in it. Though unstable and soon destroyed, there is a possibility.

- Time retention skills are becoming very helpful. Slowing down time has no advantages, but it allows you to maintain a high concentration during that time. As it has become difficult to focus on one thing in recent years, I have continued to maintain my time retention skills during the study.

[52nd time]

- I have my memories in a copy of my father and wife.

- I don't know how to make this human.

[56th time]

- Frogs are sick.

- According to the vigilantes, it's only a matter of life.

- I tried to get Elixir to drink it and make a stream for frogs, but the frogs' health did not improve.

[57th time]

- A replicating human has been completed. It was more of an alter ego than a clone.

- It's not complete yet. We can no longer remake our identities. Do not use it carelessly for experimentation. We have to make sure it doesn't break down somehow.

- We've got a problem, and the alter ego is reversing itself, just like the chimera we saw on the 20th floor.

[58th time]

- The God of Perforation has taken my father and my wife.

Goddamn it.

For protection? That's what I call bullshit.

There was also magic knowledge that I had not yet learned from my father and wife.

I could learn at any time, so I felt sorry for the knowledge that I had postponed later. Write it down somewhere.

- The perforated god will pay for this one day.

[60th time]

- I wondered why time didn't run out, and my time-released skills were still retained. I don't know how long it's been.

- The duration of time apnea has increased almost indefinitely. The problem was that due to the nature of the time loosening that drew attention to the extreme, it was difficult to notice the flow of time and voluntarily move away from it.


- The alter ego was complete, but it was just a creature with my memories. It was not autonomous. It looked more like a mannequin than a man. I needed training.

- If there was a couple, I would have left him with a suicide mission and targeted the other direction.

Thinking about this, I was still sorry to Hotch.

I have apologized several times already, but I will continue to apologize for what happened in the future.

[64th time]

- I ambushed one, gave sergeant to the alter ego, and let the other ambush.

With the steady strengthening of Ceresia, there's no danger of self-immolation.

- Sixty-one floors down. The alter ego failed to enter the final chamber through the portal.

64th time.

A memorable round.

The second car that swept through the residential area.

I stayed in the tent for a while because I swept it clean.

[66th time]

- He's getting weaker. The handful of power that remained with me, as Sergia said, may have been the faith I had given me.

If so, it means that your faith in yourself is failing.

As a matter of fact, I did.

[67th time]

-I insisted that the South Korean government should withdraw its measures that prohibit entry into Hell difficulty. It was seriously discussed through the vigilantes, but the opposite of Park Junga was abolished.

- You looked for a way to move the challenger to Hell difficulty. The opposite of Park Junga was disbanded.

- I had a big fight with Park Jung-ah.

- I regretted talking to Park Junga and Kim Min-hyuk about the 61st floor.

Since then, the record has been cut for a while.

At this time I didn't write anything down.

[70th time]

- I felt like I was losing my mind because I didn't say anything.

I felt more like a research machine or a rock than a person.

If Park Junga doesn't keep talking to me in a message, I'll forget I'm even a person.

- Being alive required a relationship with others as much as a heartbeat.

I'm headed to level 61. I'm going to have to stay there for a while.

- I made a contract with the dominant of the Conversational Mountain. I decided to get support from him in return for achieving my goals.

But I honestly don't know what he's capable of.

The ruler of the Conversational Mountains will not be convinced that I can achieve my goals.

We both bought a lottery ticket with a low probability.


As soon as I entered the 61st floor, I gained mystical power. A myth from the ruler of the volcano. He didn't reset, no matter how many times I returned home after finishing the raid.

- What can I do with this power?

[76th time]

- With the help of two rulers, we were able to connect the 60th and 61st floors.

Now I can be powered on the 60th floor.

[78th time]

- I don't know what else to do.

I was already close to God.

I achieved all the growth I could think of.

I have nothing more to try.

[79th time]

- Time lapse disabled.

- I've been wasting my time. Time really slowed down by one second and one second. Due to the time flowing too slowly, I doubted how many times the time lapse was applied without me knowing.

[81st time]

- New arrivals on Hell difficulty. I hope this challenger survives.

81st time.

Lee Yeon-hee was in the car once.

I was glad to hear a worthy challenger came in, but I didn't think she'd actually make it this far.

I've watched too many challengers fail before her.

I was grateful to Yeon-hee.

Every time she climbed up the floor, one by one, I got hope.

Thanks to that hope, I was able to rise again, sitting helplessly.

Every time I repeatedly tried to get out of 61 floors, I could confirm that she was coming up and immediately prepare for the next challenge.

And on the one hand,

I felt sorry for her.

[Yeon-hee Lee, 59th Floor: Uncle, I'm coming up now.]

[153 times, Day 1. 8: 20]


Lee Yeon-hee reached the 60th floor.

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