That's what Lee Jun-seok thought.

The person who is most embarrassed on Earth right now is not just anyone else.

Class G appeared in Pyongyang, and Lee Jun-seok stayed nearby and watched for class G movements.

There was only one person who could detect class G properly, and only one who could escape class G and quickly report the news to Seoul.

So, Joon-suk Lee wandered around Pyongyang for a few days.

I heard that Lee Ho-jae left after completing the tutorial.

Again, the tutorial was suspended because it was one of the little problems that happened when Lee Ho-jae came out.

In Lee Jun-seok's head, Lee Ho-jae was not strange no matter what happened.

I heard that Lee Ho-jae came out, but Lee Jun-seok didn't leave near the Pyongyang.

Lee Ho-jae was Lee Ho-jae, and class G was G.

Moreover, there were still quite a lot of people living near Pyongyang.

It was safe to say that most North Koreans live together, especially near the truce line.

Even if Lee Jun-seok leaves, when Class G starts South Korea, many people get swept away instantly.

I just waited for Kim Min-hyuk to send Lee Ho-jae here soon.

After hearing that Lee Ho-jae had come out, Lee Jun-seok began to seriously consider a class G attack.

How do we get rid of that thing?

He was serious when he told Kim Min-hyuk that Class G would be hard to catch even if Lee Ho-jae came out.

Of course, Lee Ho-jae thought he could kill Class G.

Maybe he could focus on killing Class G.

The problem was the damage that would occur in the process.

Given the presumed power of class G, if we work hard to catch that monster, the wavelength will reach Pyongyang, Seoul and even China.

It's class G to defeat the people of a city in the middle of the class G realm in Pyongyang, but what good is it if they all die?

So, Lee Jun-seok insisted on giving up Seoul more than anyone else.

Giving up part of Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Gangwon is out of the G-class realm.

And Class G was famous for never going outside of its territory.

But Lee Ho-jae came out.

In his character, he couldn't just skip class G in Pyongyang.

He's going to get rid of it somehow.

I had to minimize the damage during the process.

Maybe Lee Ho-jae didn't care about the damage, so Lee Jun-seok thought he should find a way.

I was flying over Pyongyang over and over again, and something flew over his back.

Lee Jun-seok was frightened and waved, but what was attached to his back did not fall.


I heard it behind my back.

Suddenly I thought I was allowed to ambush, but I was also curious about the voice behind my back.

“Yong Yong, that's not it. ”

I hear another voice.

It was a woman's voice with a deep stiffness.

As soon as Lee Jun-seok heard that voice, he could feel his body shriveling.


I heard a voice again, and something stuck behind my back fell.

And I flew past Lee Jun-seok.

Towards Pyongyang.

Lee Jun-seok was frightened and chased after them.

Soon I could find a corpse pressed against and torn apart in the Pyongyang center, a crying child beside it, and a woman comforting the child.

* * *

“Joon-suk. I thought you said I wouldn't get to Class G. ”

“Oh, you know what? Y-yes. I'm sorry! Help me! ”

Joon-suk tightly closed his eyes and replied.

Seeing that, I decided to let it go once.

Honestly, I'll save your life once.

Lee Jun-seok was greatly embarrassed to see if Kim Min-hyuk explained to him before coming in.

Or maybe it's because I've already seen too many embarrassments in Pyongyang.

Anyway, I didn't panic when Lee Jun-seok said, "What is that? I can't believe it."

It was good because it was accepting fast.


“Yes, brother. ”

I scratched my chin, looking at Lee Jun-seok who still had an anxious face.

I don't know what to tell you.

I don't know.

I decided to ask you honestly.

“Why are you so weak? ”

Immediately, I could see Joon-suk's face getting thinner.

Well, I don't know what to do.

It's true.

“What was your level again? ”


201 is high enough.

It's higher than before I was stuck on the 60th floor.

But it was too weak.

“How did you level up? ”

“Level up? How did you level up? ”

“How many levels did you have before you leveled up to level 201? ”

Lee Jun-seok rolled his eyes for a moment, then replied.

“Of course I leveled up from 200. ”

Oh, my god.

You leveled up from 200 to 201?

“What about before level 200? ”

“Well, of course it was 199. ”

I breathed heavily.

In my case, the level was stagnant at all before level 100.

But after forgetting the level and checking it sometimes, it went up by 50 levels.

Kirikiri explained that the system I had judged had crossed a certain level and was always updating the level to suit my level.

However, in the case of Lee Jun-seok, it seems that he has really moved up to level 201 one by one.

I don't know if I should call this stupid or awesome.

If you were in level 201, you wouldn't have been able to level up so badly, you had to kill 91 floors of hard difficulty and try again and again.

This is the incarnation of Nogada.

Lee Jun-seok looked at me with a look as if something was wrong.

I wish you would have asked me for advice.

He's never been useless to me before, so he's never asked me for anything else.

I felt sorry for him, considering the difficulties he went to 201 to kill himself without knowing anything.

“Joon-suk, make some time soon. ”

“Yes? Yes. I will.”

When I train this hotch later, I'll have to play along with him.

I know Lee Jun-seok is quite an improvement.

Hotch will be a good teacher while he watches and learns.

[Who trains me all they want?]

Hotch, who was lying on the couch watching a comic book, said.


I don't think we should leave him alone.

You've got to make him self-righteous in this world.

Kim Min-hyuk opened the door and called Lee Jun-seok.

I think we have something to talk about.

Once again, I turned my attention to dragons and wart keepers.

용용이 was excited and liked touching and looking at the mantis keeper.

The finisher struggles with a dying expression.

“Yong Yong Ah.”


“Since Yong-yong is going to raise it now, Yong-yong should make it for him too, right? ”

용용이 blinked at my question and nodded.

“I'll make it! ”

Yong-yong said so and jumped up to his room on the second floor of the accommodation.

I looked behind him for a moment and turned my gaze to the wart.

“Hey, come closer. ”

“Karak. Karak. ”

The wart spits out a grotesque sheep, as if he were a real wart.

“Speak Human. Rip the wings off. ”


I had a lot of questions about this guy.

First of all.

“Why did you mix human form with warts? Were you ever human?”

“No, it's not like that. I'm imitating the kind of people who live here. ”

Good answer.

It was a creepy one.

“What are those warts' forelegs and wings? ”

“This is my identity... ”

“Don't be ridiculous. Switch to human arms. I don't want to see it.”


The front legs of the wart's complete wart were replaced by human arms and hands.

It looked much better on its own.

Why do you carry a wart arm around like a normal human woman?

“Can we leave the wings alone...? ”


The wings didn't matter.

“I'm going to ask you a few questions now. A lot will change in the future depending on how sincerely you answer that question. ”

“W-would you let me live? ”

“Of course. I'll save your life. I told you I was going to be my son's pet. ”

The wart looks like the world is falling apart.

Somehow I think dragons must die if they become pets.

* * *

I grilled the wart in such a way that if I gave him useful information, he could just let it go.

Of course it was a lie.

The wart, full of desire for freedom, began to talk quite eagerly.

“So you're the one who made a scene in the United States a few years ago. ”


There were too many strange Class G appearances in the United States.

It was also said to have appeared near the metropolitan area, and there were no dead bodies or signs of monsters after the eradication.

He just announced that the United States had succeeded in their defeat.

That's why the United States actually made a deal with the monster, or secretly dropped a nuclear missile on it, and the dead Awakeners were actually killed by a nucleus, not a monster.

Otherwise, there were no Class G monsters in the first place, and a variety of conspiracy theories.

Such conspiracy theories used to be heard in the tutorial.

However, this wart made perfect sense at the time.

The wart said it first woke up on the east coast of the United States.

During a maritime battle with many fleets and Awakenings.

I remembered the creature I saw on the 80th floor.

The monster consumed the power thrown by dragons and hoches and became complete in its place.

This wart was almost full of bowls, but it seemed to have been completed during the battle by feeding on the Awakened and the American Navy.

“And then?”

“I ran away. I was just born, and I was so dizzy, something blew up. ”

It is said that the warts that live off the east coast of the United States have been mixed up among humans.

It was a rather blue life, no appendicitis.

“Have you thought about going to the other finishers? ”

“Phew. Phew. Don't say that. Would it make me more likely to get eaten? ”

He was right.

The wart is just born.

There are many who want that power.

“The gods don't come here. The Masters don't come here themselves. So I decided to try and live quietly on this planet. ”

Increasingly, if at all possible?


As a wart, Earth must have been the safest place on earth.

“But how come you don't know God and the other masters? ”

“I remember when I was a monster. ”

The wart said it has memories of a time when it was a monster without Izzie.

And the other finisher who pushed herself onto this planet.

“Just like dropping troops around in that mobile game, we're just putting fewer and fewer monsters like me into chaos. It wasn't easy to kill people on Earth until it was completed. ”

This is gonna help a lot.

If we can figure out how the finishers manage and deploy their troops, and where they are.

I up-tuned the value of the wart in my mind.

“Oh, yeah. I used to do it that way. One of those gate creation items I gave you last time. ”

The hotch who was listening next to me said,

Hotch had quite a fun raid on the 89th floor of the dungeon as a servant of the finisher.

The wart's eyes widen with Hoch's words.

“Ho, are you ready? ”

Hotch ignored the wart's words.

I had more questions than that.

“Do you have a cell phone? ”

I think I just played a mobile game.

“Of course, you can't live among humans without a cell phone. ”

“Um... give it to me. ”

The wart was reluctant to love his phone, but he made a few threats and then handed it to me.

“… lock number. ”

The wart unlocked the phone number and handed it back to me.

As soon as I got my phone, I dialed the phone book and went in.

There were many names.

[Kim Jong-dame]


[Jung-cheol Hwang]

There were many Korean names because they were located in Pyongyang.

English or Chinese names were often seen.

Among them, I found a name that caught my eye.

[Park Min]

I've seen this name before.

I'm remembering the name, and the doorbell rings in my listing with a ringing sound.

Looks like those guys who've been wandering around the house have finally rang the doorbell.

I thought they were supposed to be watching my every move.

It wasn't.

Kim Min-hyuk, who was talking with Lee Jun-seok in the kitchen, approached the phone.

I grabbed hold of the handset and talked for a while, then pressed the open button to open the door.

“Who's there?”

“Yeah. The kids from the association. I think you're here about Seoul Station. ”

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